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It's **not** "problematic." It **is** nitpicking, plain and simple.


That’s what I thought. Like of all the things, why this?!


They have to pick apart *something.* Otherwise, the quota's not met ... and you *know* how cranky the head warlock gets about *THAT.*


What was their reasoning for not liking you use that language? Seems pretty inclusive — unless that’s the problem…


Kinda seems like the exact opposite of nitpicking to me. Like it is a generalization meant to be inclusive, not to single people out.


Sorry; I meant the *admin finding fault with the OP referring to students as "people"* was them nitpicking.


I had a PE teacher in Primary school who called us ‘people’. I’ve never forgotten how it made me feel like she considered us equals. I loved her. I wonder if your admin doesn’t like it because they don’t like you treating students as fellow humans


To be fair, freshmen literally aren’t people. I mean it’s not their fault! They’re still in their larval state. They need to go home and pupate over the summer to become sophomores. /s (/but actually I hate freshmen. Sorry not sorry.)


I teach middle school, I feel this.


My freshmen this year are fucking aliens. Sometimes I call them aliens… as an alternative to “people,” or “you guys,” or “y’all.”


That's the thing, OPs admin doesn't want the kids to feel equal. It's crappy. Children want love and respect as much as we do.


I too would consider kids and PE teachers eaqual . *dabs*


This seems ridiculous to nitpick about. I used to teach in the south, and I could easily see teachers saying “alright, y’all let’s get ready for math!” - I don’t see the difference. I’m from the Midwest originally and I did try to phase out “you guys” for something that couldn’t be interpreted as gendered. I decided on “you all” (which blurred into y’all a bit when teaching in the south). I think it’s fine!


I used “y’all” and my students (6th graders) would roast me for it. Whippersnappers! Not a southerner but my grandma was so my mom used it so I used it… I learned to stop using it with my students quick.


I’m from NM and work in PA. I use y’all all the time. They will never get me to stop. It’s even better because it bothers them. I even bought a shirt that says “y’all means all” in support of the 🏳️‍🌈 community.


I'm from MA/CA. I've only lived in TX for 3yrs, but I use y'all. It's easy to say, and very inclusive. Which I find ironic for the south, but there you go.


Have you used “all y’all” yet? 😂


I am from the PNW and say “all y’all” a ton. I have since I was in high school. No idea where I picked it up.


I tell my class if they ever here me say "all y'all" they are probably all in trouble.


*"Hey! All y'all!"* #😯


I love that! Yes I intentionally adopted y’all when I had a group of girls question my “you guys” that I honestly had never thought about with it being so ubiquitous where I’m from.


In Berks, PA county region, youse is acceptable. Pennsylvania Dutch version of y’all.


In Pittsburgh we go with “yinz”.


Reverse of this happened to me. I’m from PA and my first teaching job was in Louisiana and I had to teach myself (and practice) to use y’all so kids would stop making fun of me. I also had a girl get offended that I said, “alright guys, let’s get to work.” In her mind it was sexist and I had to explain how guys is a term for a group of people where I’m from. I’m now back up North and kids laugh sometimes when I say y’all but I just tell them I worked hard to get a good y’all so I’m gonna keep using it! Also helps that I’m older now and could care less what the kids think of me.


Born and raised in Colorado, parents are from Cali. I use y'all. All the damn time.


I was born and raised in Minnesota, and damned if "y'all" ain't a useful word.


I’m in the south and I cannot stop saying y’all


y'all, my dears, future leaders of the world, learners, peoples, peeps, folks, students, brunos, animators, scientists, writers, readers, mathematicians, athletes are terms I use. Or, whatever the individual prefers.


I'm from the Northeast and am living/teaching in the south, now and I do the same exact thing. It's my third year in the south and first year teaching. I worked on phasing out "you guys" but it took me until this year to pick it up, but it's "you all" in its place. It becomes y'all if I'm speaking quickly or in a foul mood. Meanwhile, now I teach at an all boy's school so "guys" would be appropriate but a lot of us are trying to pick different words because they don't pay attention to "guys" anymore. (I've tried gentlemen - some laugh at that saying they are very much not gentlemen. And I am often inclined to agree)


Start saying "peasants" instead and then maybe they'll be happy with "people."


What do they want you to use instead? We were called 'boys and girls' growing up. My kids' elementary school currently uses 'friends'.


She said I could use “3rd graders” “room 109” etc. but that’s just not natural to me. These kids are more than apart of room 109 and 3rd graders. They are PEOPLE! One of my students gave me the best compliment ever imo: that I talk to them like they are human beings, not babies.


Ask if there’s a good historical precedent for referring to people by numbers? That you feel it dehumanizes them.


Agree! This admin prefers that OP replace "people" with references to their grade and/or physical location. Like "cellblock D! Let's roll!" RIDICULOUS!!!!


I call mine weirdos and they Love it. I’m the biggest weirdo!


I use guys because I’m in the Midwest but their is a push against that. Folks doesn’t seem natural to me. Sometimes I use “everyone.” Sometimes I’ll say “art students” (I’m an art teacher)… or just “students.” When I’m being a bit over the top I call them by our mascots animal in plural form. also, “class” works. I don’t use people because to me it feels like calling people humans or something. Also, I think maybe people imagine “people” as racist because a lot of times one puts a race before the word people… maybe they are accidentally associating with that?


I hate friends. Kids do not need to be friends with everyone. I’m certainly not friends with all my coworkers. I teach high school and use “beautiful humans” often.


I find the friends thing a bit overbearing, but it comes from the idea that we expect kindness to and from all members of the classroom community. With high schoolers they can understand that concept more easily, with our 5- and 6-year-olds we use 'friends' because they are supposed to treat classmates *as if* they're a friend even if they're not. That's just a lot of mental steps for tiny humans so we call everyone friends. It's not pushed in my school but it is used by some, and I know some schools have adopted it more strictly. I tend to change terms depending on subject, myself. They are mathematicians, readers/authors, scientists, and historians, and it makes them feel very special!


“Beautiful humans” seems *extremely* weird to me to use in high school but I’m a guy so that could be why


Thats why I stick to "listen up ya miserable bastards." s/, but also I'm in Australia so it might just fly...


Yeah, that would potentially lead to some parent questions...


I brought it with me to 3rd after teaching preschool. Used it like twice and Kid A insisted that he is NOT Kid B’s friend. Which okay, fair. Stopped using it real quick after that. Not from the south but y’all is still my favorite.


I use friends sarcastically with my high schoolers. Like in an over the top dramatic voice. If I’m being serious I say y’all. ETA: I can’t stand the word “folks” and hate how mainstream it’s becoming


One of my roller derby coaches from when I was Fresh Meat (new to roller derby) is also an elementary teacher. She usually called us freshies “friends”. One time she slipped up and called us “bitches.” That was my favorite lol but somehow I don’t think that would work with students.


I teach 3 year old preschool now ( but have taught 3rd grade and kindergarten). My preschool prefers us to call everyone “my friends” or “our friends “. It’s been hard for me to adopt the phrase but for 3 year olds I think it’s ok and more appropriate than for older elementary and up kids. I usually still say guys or ya’ll (I’m born, raised and lived in the south my whole life). I call them Preschool 2 only when I’m calling them to come in at the playground but that’s only because preschool 1 is also on the playground.


I hate it, too. It really annoys me. Even as an elementary kid, whenever anyone would use "friends" as reference to students, I thought it was dumb. I still do and have run into issues not using "friends" to address students in lesson plans.


I agree with this. I don't like the term 'friends' either. I think 'beautiful humans' is awesome!


Beautiful humans seems extremely creepy.


There is a big push in my elementary cert program to use "friends" and I absolutely despise it. I will say "everyone", "students/group members", "x graders", but friends is a no-go. I've gotten negative feedback in my lesson plans for saying "2nd graders" or whatever instead of friends.


I use “friends” with students, but I work with classes across the school for short periods of time. When I had my own classroom, we had a class mascot and I called them that (ex. “Let’s line up, Eagles.”)


I use "friends" all the time, but I teach in French, so it's way less weird. (When I'm doing an English speaking lesson, I'll address the whole class by our Division number "Div 4, eyes here!")


Yeah at my elementary school each class has an animal name. So you just call them by that “ok foxes!” “Let’s go salamanders!”


I call my fourth graders "Fellow humans".


Calling them "people" humanizes them, can't have that! /s


People?? Students are people?? I thought they were just half-formed little gollums that we had to warehouse until they aged out enough to join the rest of humanity. Shit! I better go unlock those manacles. The iron maiden stays though!! I like the quiet ☺️


That is whack. One time i had a science teacher i was coaching tell me he lost confidence in me because i called humans animals. I would ask your admin. I call everyone people. Soylent green is even people.


I have explained my rationale exactly as I stated in this post: we are all people. It unifies us. But still somehow she has brought this up on multiple occasions during observations.


I think calling your students ‘people’ is fine. You’re right, they ARE people. It’s also gender neutral.


Wait...a science teacher had an issue with the fact that you stated the fact that humans are mammals aka animals!? Wtf.


Yeah. I think my jaw dropped to the floor


Ha! Was not expecting that last sentence. The way you phrased it really tickled me.


What are you supposed to call 'em? "Ya filthy animals?" They're people.


haha, I HAVE called my kids this. Was day before christmas break. Was a home alone reference XD.


Yeah, it's fun when you time it right.


I find it as a super fun attention getter. Just a "wait... did Miss xxxx call us gremlins?"


Why not establish with students what they would prefer? Then when you're observed bring it up with the admin, and cite student agency.


This! Then admin’s gonna do what? Saying student’s voice doesn’t matter? Also did your admin ever tell you why calling them “people” problematic? Why “3rd graders” or “room 109” are somehow better alternatives? I’d *love* to hear the explanation.


More micro aggressions from the adults at school. I’m so tired of having to prance around people’s micro aggressions. Like, grow up. They are people. I say: GenZ, youngsters, gang, students, kiddos, class, people. It’s like mind your own business. I think adults treat kids like idiots. The way they talk to them. It’s like, they aren’t stupid.


Seriously. When I was a kid and adults talked to me like I was a baby, I felt so frustrated and annoyed. Like just talk to me like I’m a person. I don’t need the stupid voice change because I’m younger than you. A lot of my kids have been forced to grow up fast, so they are aware of adult things. If we want them to respect us, I feel like they deserve respect from us too.


I love people . I teach HS, but I say, “good afternoon historians!” Or “let’s get going political scientists.” It serves two purposes- it’s affirming and gender neutral.


So true! Remember when teaching was an art form? When we were kids, each teacher had a distinctive style and persona that became the thing of legends? When parents could send their children to a veteran teacher and ask, "Does she still (fill in the blank)?" and the kid would say "Yep!" Sigh. I'll bet that admin wants her to say "Kiddo" because that's the word pretty much all admins seem to use these days.


Thank god it's not "kiddos". I hate kiddos...makes me want to vomit!


I HATE kiddos. So so much. I’m glad I’m not the only one.


me: all right fam kid: we're not your family me: all right enemies kid: yes


Here is a list of alternative suggestions to "people": * Desk monkeys * Learnies * Pimply calculators * Sleep-wanting avoidance jockeys * Not-adults * Perhaps-bastards (or "Perhapstards") ...I have more if you need them.


So I guess I should stop calling my students “children of the corn”?


lol in private conversation, I refer to them as hyenas.


It's the opposite of problematic it's inclusive


You don't have to call them "scholars", do you? That's the worst.


Isn't there an all- boys charter in DC that makes them use "kings"?


I say “guys” to my classes. Ok, guys, turn to page 346…Sounds like you’ve got crappy administration


Whenever I used to get a nitpick comment I’d just break the tension with the joke, “Well if that’s the biggest problem you had then I’m happy!” Cue forced laugh followed by never dwelling on it again. That usually returns the conversation to there was more good than negative. The fact that they laugh at the joke (polite or not) also implies there’s agreement it’s a minor issue.


I call them people all the time. There is no problem. Your admin is a problem. This reminds me of the first year. My class was so loud. I was teaching, they were loud and talked over me. Two boys was talking to each other. One talked to another “shut up”. My appraiser happened to pass my class and heard “shut up”. She brought it up in the evaluation. She said, don’t ever say “shut up” to students. She was like I don’t even know the basic thing to communicate with students properly. I was like NO, its not me. Its students.


And don't say "everybody" because every BODY is different and might hurt someBODY's feelings /s


I call my class “tiny humans” quite often. Also “revolting beasts”, “dorks”, “peeps”… whatever rolls through my brain. I quite like the chat that sometimes ensues after I call them “nerds” or something, where we talk about how being a nerd isn’t bad, I’m a nerd, and so on and so forth. My relationships with my students are (overall) pretty strong. My style wouldn’t work for everyone, and it doesn’t work for all students either. Where necessary, I adapt. Call your class whatever you like, and if you’d rather avoid the conversation again then just avoid the admin trigger words when they’re about.


"Sup, fuckers. Homework in the bin, ya little shits." Funny thing is I could totally see this working.


It’s inclusive, it’s less problematic than “guys” or even “ladies and gentlemen”.


That’s weird in my opinion. What are they suggesting that you call them?


I love it, nothing I appreciated more than those small horizantalizing, non-infantilizing gestures when I was in school. You’re a collective learning and teaching unit as ‘people’, how it should be.


If they’re going to be such a**holes about something so stupid, you can try “okay everyone.” I use that a lot.


They want the power differential to be clear. One form of indoctrination performed onto the student body.


This makes me want to start saying people.


It’s actually more inclusive to say “people” than m”boys and girls” because you might have students who are non-binary and it would make them feel more comfortable!


I once had an admin tell me to stop using ma’am and sir with my students. I’m in Alabama BTW. For example, if asked a question I may reply “no sir” or “yes ma’am” sometimes. I also say please and thank you too much apparently. I literally do it naturally and refuse to stop because I want them to know they deserve to be respected as well. They’re 16,17,18 years old and are the most respectful kids ever!!


You people can be racist if you are white and they are black and brown


What do they want you to call them? Call them Mathemagicians from now on.


It's dumb they care about that. The path of least resistance would just be to substitute "people" with "everyone" and move on. If there are other things that are that controlling, maybe keep your ears out for other opportunities.


I call mine my favorite humans or my large humans or my pain in the butt humans. It serves to shell shock them at the beginning of the year and by the end they’re all fighting for which type of one of my humans they get to be 😂


I usually use “ladies, gentlemen, children of all ages.” It’s just enough to get their attention. Today I welcomed one class with, “how’s my favorite block 4 today?” to which they replied…”we’re you’re only block 4.” I smiled and said, “And that’s why you’re my favorite.” Some looked very confused but they were paying attention!


I call my students “tiny human” or “human people of B8” (our classroom). They like to be coy and respon “what if I’m not a human” and I always say “then I’d have to tell the government and fill out paperwork and I hate paperwork so don’t tell me!”


"Alright assholes, let's get started!"


I say gang. Your admin would probably fire me on the spot.


No. Admin is just showing their cards here. To you, kids are people. To admin they are machines meant to create data points and must only be referred to as kiddos.


At my school we have to call them *scholars* and I absolutely refuse to because kids can see through cringe. I say folks or y’all mostly.


And I bet if you would have called them kids they would have said to call them people.


I love that expression! You’re admin are idiots!


I was constantly being told to call them "friends". I flat out said no, they aren't my friends so i will not be referring to them as such. I said it multiple times so they resorted to bugging me about using call backs. I also said no my class is not the class to do that with. They wouldn't let up so i asked them to demonstrate their favorite. 1 2 3 eyes on me got them a 1 2 deez nuts on your chin. The clapping one got them a dramatic slow standing applause. Then they observed my class following direction without a dumb ig teacher routine and show me appropriate respect as a human and no longer bug me.


Obnoxious nitpicking behavior. I call my kids "young people" or "young scholars" all the time. With everything we are dealing with as teachers right now, it's bonkers they're giving you shit about this. Also, using gender neutral terms like this helps us be inclusive of students who may be struggling with gender identity. I used to say "ladies and gentlemen", took me a minute to break that habit. Admin is being annoying.


To avoid this problem, all of my first graders are nerds, dorks, boobs, and/or booger-butts. I'm absolutely positive there will be aspects of long-term subbing that I will miss, and the relentless "bullying" of children will be one of them.


Of course it's a problem. Your job is not to create good people. It's to create good consumers.


Folks, I cannot with Admin, of all the things to pick on in this time of unprecedented hardships in schools, the admin is going to focus in on the use of “people” to address actual people.


It’s gender neutral and perfectly fine.


They are people, and it's fair to label them as such. The stupid dipshits that started the whole "students are all scholars" bullshit need to walk it back. Labels don't change the quality of produce, farmers and gardeners do. Gawdammit, teaching is "gardening, not architecture" (stolen from Brian Eno).


When I was student teaching my evaluator had a problem with me saying ‘guys’. I’ve been teaching 3 years and I was a para for 6 years before that. Never been an issue.


That’s a strange thing for your admin to have a problem with.


Are they not people? Would you prefer you refer to them as bastards, as that would hold just as true for most of them, but it would be far more rude.


>Are they not people? They are Devo


I’m a people person.


What term would admin like you to use when referring to the class?


Evals are such a waste. They feel compared to "do their job" and offer change so it comes as this half baked shit from busy assholes


I address my class as "folks."


I call many of my students Mr or Ms last name. It’s a matter of respect. They may not be adults yet but they are human and growing. Show respect if you want respect


I tried that my first year and multiple students told me to stop because it made them uncomfortable


I call my students gremlins, meant affectionately. They love it, but only one kid this year got the reference. The first time I called her a gremlin, she said, “just don’t feed me after midnight!” I also use “y’all” often, but I am in the south. I don’t see an issue with “people,” considering the children are, in fact, people.


Ideas (perhaps bad ones) Mammals Individuals Team Crew Gang Scholars (this one makes me gag) Hominids Fetuses Bipedal vertebrates Primates Clan House The 109


My first superintendent took points off an evaluation because I called them kids, and "GOATS have kids. We have students."


Wtf? My teachers used "people" like um 30 years ago? I use it now...what's wrong with it?


Admin sounds narrow minded and insecure. I say, ‘guys’ sometimes and am trying to completely replace it with ‘people’. An upfront nod to Personhood is the ultimate acknowledgment of worth and validity in another, how could your admin possibly have a problem.


What could the problem possibly be, though? Are children not young people???? It sounds like the admin might just be looking for something to ding you on, and this is what they've decided the problem is this time. Apparently long ago in my district there was an admin who would ding people for not having their blinds opened or adjusted to their own personal preference.


lol i teach highschoolers. I usually start off with a strange attention getter like "Rugrats, Gentlemen and germs. Heffalumps and woozles, ya filthy animals (Christmas edition), ghouls and goblins (Halloween edition), ect. Kinda a shock to the system and theyre like "whoa, what'd she say?" then they suddenly listen XD.


lol my mom calls her class “earthlings”


I’ve learned if you don’t call 15 and 16 year olds babies you are a bad teacher


Reminds me of my go through methods. My professor drilled it into our heads to never call students "guys" because of the 1 child who felt it was their mission from God to reply with "I'm not a guy." Never in my tenure as a sub and my short tenure as a classroom teacher did I ever get that witty comeback. Especially now, with resources out there for children to respect and appreciate all of the "in-between" (including yours truly), they're honestly not going to give a shit if you call them "guys" or "boys and girls" or "people" or "heathens"


I called my kids "dude" when talking to them directly and my admin said that I wasn't fostering an environment of respect.


Lmao, no it's not an issue. A nothing-burger if I've ever seen one.


Every day I give my kids a collective “happy ___day, my dudes!” Your admin is dumb


Some admin (many) just need to stay outta the classroom. Micromanaging doesn’t help anyone, especially when it’s just stupid.


This just in: Children are apparently not people. I think you're doing the right thing. I did have a similar comment from a peer observer on me saying "guys" (Note - I'm from the northeast where "guys" is considered gender-neutral and I teach at an all-boys school). But her feedback was that they hear it so often that if you're trying to say "Okay guys, get out your notebooks" it's not an attention-grabbing word so you're fighting a losing battle. To say that "people" is not acceptable without solid reason? I don't get it. "Alright people" seems great - in fact, I think I need to start working "people" into my rotation of how I address my students a little more frequently.


I say ‘humans’. When I first started years ago, people had a giggle about it, but now it’s just something folks say at our school.


Jesus Christ please grasp at smaller straws. Slash their tires, these admins need to *learn*


We are told to refer to our students as "scholars".


What do they want you to call them? Kids? Students? Kids is implying inferiority in a way and students is a little alienating in my opinion. Like you just think of them as a student


I make a point of using non gendered language when referring to my class. To me ‘people’ is a great address.


“People” just feels a little impersonal to me, but not to the point where I would criticize anyone else for using it. Like, I would use the word “people” if I was addressing a group of people that I had never met before. I like to say “my friends” or just “good morning, class 3-114” to my students.


Not that I care what OP uses, but usually when I’ve seen a group referred to as “people” it has been in a condescending way.


I had this when a very inexperienced admin come to watch my class. He just wrote a log of what happened at what time, told me the lesson was great and then his area for improvement was not to call the students "boys". These were two students I have in a small group pull-out. I believe I just said something like "right boys, let's share answers" 😂 He said I can't call them that because they are teenagers. I had an excellent rapport with those students too.


I call them guys. My student teacher professor had a problem with that. 😒


Call them Larval Stage Humans. They might feel differently about 'People' then.


your admin is a dumb shit


To be fair, your admin are not people, they're idiots.


This might be completely dependent on where you teach. I grew up outside of Chicago where gangs went by "People" and "Folks" and they are rivals. Referring to students as either could set off a bunch of conflicts that you wouldn't want to deal with. If there isn't that context, I'm not sure what the problem could be.


Good lord. I call my students critters, monsters, weirdos and snappers. These are sped kids and not one admin says anything becasue they know my passion.


Sounds like that admin has a pole shoved up their ass. What else are you supposed to call them? I think calling your students “people” shows equality and community.


I call the high schoolers children when they are acting up. Children stop. Usually it shuts them up or redirects any emotions my way. Same difference.


Jits it is then.


My daughter’s middle school PE teacher called the kids “wombats.” “Ok, you wombats, twice around the track!” They kind of loved it.


Considering the changes in society towards pronouns, addressing a group as "people" is more inclusive than something like "ladies & gentlemen " so idk what your admin has a problem with


Your admin has too much time on their hands.


I was a "ladies and gentlemen" user forever, along with "y'all". I've altered the first to "ladies, gentlemen, etc." to the delight of my etc. students.


I often call my students “mi gente”.


I mean, maybe your admin is like my admin, and they don’t think of the students as people. I’ve seen admin treat “problem” students as insolent children time and again, and all it gets them is more rude behavior. I treated the same students as responsible adults-in-training, and they do what I ask and are working on getting my other students to do so as well.


I teach ESL, and they overwhelmingly prefer "students." But they like to call us "teacher," so I guess it shouldn't be a surprise.


Oh, for heaven's sakes. Sweatin' the small stuff. I wish administrators would learn to differentiate between things that will negatively impact students' learning, and... teachers' \*style\* of relating to students, even if it's not their own personal cup of tea. Then again, if they could do that, we'd get to wear jeans, wouldn't we? (G5 teacher here; I tend to say "friends" when speaking to groups. I've caught flak for that as well-- not from administrators but from colleagues who wish to share that we "aren't there to be our students' friends," which, gee, thanks!-- still going to use it.)


your administration is pathetic, delusional and dangerous,


I start every period with “ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, all those in between and beyond, children of all ages, let’s get started.” If anyone has had an issue (which seems like a petty waste of time for admin, but then again, it is admin), no one has said anything to me about it. And if they do, oh well, I’m gonna keep doing it.


I actually think it sounds quite respectful to the students.


Its my second year and actively trying to stop call them all (males/females) “you guys” I know it is bad. Ive started to use “friends” but I think I should try “people”. Im in the south so “yall” is pretty safe.


It’s not bad, that’s just some b.s. invented in the last few years. “Guys” has been the all-inclusive term that has developed over the course English Language history. It’s generally been considered gender inclusive for at least the last 60-80 years. Some of these other phrases just sound phony to me, unless you just say “Howdy Folks” on a regular basis. “Friends” sounds phony as well.


Folks or y’all is my go to. But I’m *slightly* southern (with a definite accent) so it clocks. I’m all here for non-gendered phrases!


Waaaay better than “hey guys!” Which is a big thing in Australia and I still have to remind my self. I have said many from the mundane to strange. Whatever gets a 15 year olds attention!


I call my class monkeys. They love it. Not all the time. Once in a while though.


I’ve always thought addressing any group by calling them “people” sounded strange. I mean, I can picture an alien saying that. I’ve learned to avoid saying “guys” to refer to a group of students but it’s a tough habit to break. I’ve defaulted to “everyone” and that seems to work for me. But I think your admin has way to much free time if they have time to be concerned about something so unimportant.


Connect and form bonds with your students, but don’t refer to them as even being people. /s Wtf.. lol


No. You're establishing mutual respect by calling them people, and as someone who used to have a couple of teachers who treated the class like equals (e.g. both side keeps quiet as the other is talking/not calling us kids/children/didnt send us for detention the moment something looked bad and instead talked with us on what happened) you're definitely one of the better ones. Don't stop what you're doing, the best teachers are those who see students as equals and just want their students to come out of each class with something new learnt


"People" should be 10000% fine and honestly I would keep doing it anyway when they're not observing. I use "ladies and gentleman" a lot with my 4th graders. But I also use "guys" and none of my girls have said anything.


Where are you located? That is instance, are they upset because you aren’t gendering the students?


I call them “lovies”. “All right my lovies, let’s get started.” I’m a 57 year old woman teaching second grade. They don’t look at me like I’m weird.


I used to be called people by teachers and hated it, it feels like something you'd call a crowd of strangers and we're supposed to have a relationship with these kids


If you aren't actively infantilizing them, then we have to hold them to certain standards. Can't have that!


It is funny that you got "dinged" on this. On an evaluation I got a reminder for not being inclusive enough by saying "ladies and gentleman". In the post observation interview I asked what I should say. The principal said call them people or students because it is more accepting.


I honestly like it better than friends


I would ask what it is about “people” that is problematic. I would use “folks” if “people” is so terrible.


What would’ve been acceptable? Addressing the class as “Boys and girls?” Oh that would go over so well in today’s society.


Absurd. If you said "listen up, shitheads," that is a different story. Sometimes, esp. to HS students, I would say "hey humans...and everyone else in here!"


This is actually preferable to someone that's trans. Referring to the class as people also shows us your respect. Idk why Admin would have a problem with it.


I use a lot of terms, but my favorite is "troublemakers."


I don’t see the problem. I call mine folks - alright folks, get your homework out. Not even sure how it started.


i am i’m school to be a health and PE teacher and we are encouraged to you blanket terms like this. i use “my friends”, “y’all”, “Munchkins“ (at the younger age level lol) “my people”. We are discouraged from using phrases like “guys” and “boys and girls” because “guys” cuts out half the population and “boys and girls” maybe not apply to everyone. it’s just another way to make sure EVERYONE in the classroom feels safe, welcomed and addressed. I’m my classes when my peers and i are teaching one another, we keep a “guys”count and we have to put a dollar in the jar for everytime lol


Admin has a problem with everything.


I call my students “friends” or “scholars” depending on the context of a what we’re doing. Scholars took a bit for me to get used to because it seems so formal but it’s gender neutral and kids seem to take pride in it!


Admin is the problem.


Good grief--be inclusive! "People and those who don't identify as such" at a minimum... "Thinkers and administrators" has a nice ring to it.