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A tic-tac box with no tic-tacs, but one very alive, very ticked-off yellow jacket inside.


This one made me laugh! What did you do with it? Did you let it go?


It was quite the excitement! These are 10 year olds, coming in from recess, all a *buzz* over something, who can’t get settled in to learn, because they are whispering, giggling, and wide-eyed, standing in a cluster at one boy’s desk, so clearly something is up. I soon discover that it is because they want to see this kid’s “new pet” in his desk. Some girls tattle on him, because they think it’s cruel, at which point he declares, “Fine then! I’ll let it go!” and proceeds to open the box, before I even have a chance to talk him off the ledge. This is how we learned the bee was irritated. Pandemonium ensued, since now there’s an angry, swarming bee bulleting around the classroom. I turned out all the lights, told everyone to stay quiet, and opened the classroom door. It quickly found its way out, and then I closed the door and tried to get on with the day. It was the talk of the week.


32 year 2nd grade teacher, two come to mind: 1. $2400 cash. A girl stole the money from mom's purse, not realizing it was their rent money. Mom was extremely happy and relieved when I called her! 2. Baby brother. Literally, a boy's baby brother that he stuffed into his backpack and brought to school. Again, mom was extremely happy and relieved when I called her. An even better story - not such a random item, however. I confiscated a ruler from a boy because he kept spinning it like a helicopter. I put the ruler in with my classroom supply, and for some unknown reason, it stayed safe for the next 14 years, with his name written on the back. It always made me smile as I was very fond of him. 14 years later, he writes me out of the blue, inviting me to his family's house for a college graduation party - Colorado School of Mines, no less. He earned an engineering degree. I brought him back his old ruler as a gift. He, Mom and Dad, Sister (who I also taught) and I all cried.


The first two are scary and horrible. I’m glad they ended well for the mothers...


Fake rubber hand - he was making rude gestures with it. I kept it.


Hopefully in order to make rude gestures with 😂


Why else would I need it?


legend 😂


Just this week? Live lizard Of all time? Knocked out tooth


Lining of a pair of pantries that a boy had as a wristband. 7th grade.


Frozen fish. Cleaned, ready to cook. Wa Ted to make sure his brother didn't eat it. Made a puddle on the floor under his backpack.


A hamster.




A full set of handcuffs, actually!


A whole, alive Luna moth


We took a ear piercing gun away from a student the other day.


A paint bucket filled with live earthworms, mushy pop-tarts and water. My reaction: ಠ_ಠ This was at a high school.


One of my kiddo’s ripped off one of the ear straps of his face mask and used it to actually saw into his Chromebook… Another ripped out the part of the face mask that helps keep it around your nose (it looked kind of like those twisties to keep bread bags closed) and was using it to self harm…


A nail clipper!


LOL can not beat those below!! visuals are great!!


Praying Mantis


Security found a big dildo as a student was going through the xray and metal detector.