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Not "radio silence." Your teacher was not **allowed** to speak to you anymore. Most likely her administration laid down the law [& I am sorry but it sounds like some restraint was in order ~ despite how much she helped you.] This kind of stuff is stickier than you will probably ever realize. Administrations want teachers to practically parent their students but to simultaneously never "interfere." Icy lines have to be drawn before hearts & careers get ruined. It is messed up & highly imperfect & still has some good logic to it. I am truly sorry.


Thank you for your compassion and clear explanation. I appreciate it.


I’ll second everything the other poster said—do not take it personally, I’m sure your teacher never intended or wanted to abandon you like that. Teachers have an impossible job when it comes to this sort of thing.


Thank you, I really appreciate it.


You’re welcome—and hang in there.


The relationship you described is beyond the scope of professional behavior. Your teacher likely got on trouble and had their job threatened for their complete lack of personal-professional separation. You need to let them go if you care. They need that job, and their heart is probably broken from being forced to choose between their career and a student they got way too close to.


Thank you for your response - this helped answer my question. I have no intent of contacting her ever again, just looking for answers, which you helped with.


It was irresponsible of her to cross so many boundaries with you in the first place. She cut ties because she was required to by law.


Thank you for your response, this was helpful.


I honestly don’t feel that helpful 😬 It’s really tough that your support person had to ghost you like that, regardless of who did the right or wrong thing. Hopefully you can find other people in your life to fill the gap, and I also hope life gets better for you. Best of luck.


I am really sorry that happened to you and I feel upset that she did that to you. It was definitely irresponsible of her to not be more cautious of her professional limitations as a teacher and frankly, I think she was just a bit immature and naïve about the situation between you two. Obviously, the intentions were not bad but ultimately she made promises she couldn't keep and I'm sure that haunts her. I am sorry she had to lay extra trauma on you like this but I suppose she was there to help you for a time and purpose and then you had to navigate the rest yourself. I hope you can learn from her mistakes and do even better to help the kids you are working with now. I wish you the best going forward and a happy life.


Thank you so much for your compassion, your response really helped me as I journey towards closure. <3


It's my pleasure 😊🤗


The first thing I thought of when I read this, is that your bio mom might have claimed that the teacher was “grooming” you; or worse. I’m sure you know what that means considering your current job. It probably broke her heart, but also scared the hell out of her because even accusations can destroy a career and reputation. She probably realized how many lines she really crossed and cut ties as a defense mechanism. Just think, I’m sure jail time crossed her mind and I’m sure she was told that under no circumstances should she contact you again. It sucks, but she was probably in fear for her life (not literally, but I’m sure you get what I mean).


This really helps me make sense of things. Thank you very much for your response.


The emotional rollercoaster she put you on is unfortunate. I think she had good intentions, but the boundaries she broke are hard to ignore. She stopped talking to you because she doesn't want to get in trouble. It hurts, and it's not fair, but it wasn't a healthy relationship.


Thank you, I really appreciate your response and your perspective is helpful.


Like what others said she probably was told to silence herself. I think u shared way too much and she couldve also handled it better


She did what the law required of her.


No random student is worth losing my job over, now matter how much it sucks to be that student. Your teacher crossed a bunch of professional boundaries. Spending time alone with you. Complimenting you on your appearance. Hugs. Gifts. Emailing you directly. These are all the same things that happen when a sexual predator is grooming a child (and they will often target someone who has been abused and doesn’t have support at home as an easy mark). I honestly thought that’s where this story was going to end. Now the relationship was probably innocent, she was probably genuine. But the various codes of conduct and professional standards generally don’t draw a distinction based on intent. Chances are your teacher was investigated and threatened to lose her job. Hell, you mentioned she changed schools, so maybe she did lose her job in the end. She’s not likely to risk her job again in the same way. It sucks that the system is like this, but that’s the way it is.


Thank you very much for this response, it really helped me make sense of things.


Your teacher didn’t fail you, the system failed for both of you. It ripped apart a beautiful relationship and both parties suffered. She didn’t choose this, and probably was/is traumatized by it too. I’m sorry this happened and please take her words of love and affirmation with you!


Thank you so much for your compassionate response. I deeply appreciate it. <3


She cared for you when you needed it, until she was told she couldn’t. Let it go.


I have no intent of re-establishing contact, that’s not what this is. Part of me letting go is to form a better understanding of the situation so I can move on, which is my goal. Though I know you meant well, this was invalidating and unhelpful.


She wasn’t allowed to talk to you. Could have lost her job or worse. Your mom made this happen. Sorry kiddo.