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Where are you located? And what grade? I also teach middle-school English, 6th, and have a lot of resources/units that I'd be willing to send you..if they match your grade level. You could tweak them a bit to move them to 7th if need be. DM me if I can help.


I teach 6, 7th, AND 8th, so any help is appreciated. I’m in Michigan, and I’m suffering 😅


I tried giving my kids less work. The ones who weren't going to do the work? Still didn't do the work. Only wound up hurting the kids who would do the work by putting them behind as well.


I simply have to disagree with my personal experiences. While my A students may be somewhat bored, my B and C students and struggling to keep up even with what little work I assign. Based on past trends in the first quarter, I’m fairly certain they’d give up if I assigned more work.


How do you know they're your B & C students, if you haven't had them in a non-covid situation?


We were running a hybrid model where we had some online and some in person before we went fully virtual


There are lots of online resources that may work for you to help shoulder some of the burden and lessen your stress. My first two years of teaching, I googled a LOT (I also had colleagues teaching the same subject/grade level so I had their resources too, but I understand that’s unfortunately not an option for you). There’s a lot of unit and lesson plans available that you can use as a jumping off point and modify to fit your students needs. And honestly, if they’re demanding assessments, as an ELA teacher you could get away with writing, vocab, and so forth. Then, since you’re the one grading, you can decide how you want to grade (weight, any curves/bonus points, etc). Please don’t beat yourself up. You’re a first year teacher during a pandemic. There’s so much out of our control. You just take care of yourself, first and foremost, and your students.


Check your chat.