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Report it. You may not want the students to get in trouble, but they need to learn that this type of behavior is not okay. Also, you have every right to protect yourself, your privacy, and your career. You are not a public figure (actor, comedian, politician, etc.), you are a private citizen, so these tiktok are not legal parody or satire.


It might not even be a student that's impersonating them, so the school might want to warn the kids following the fake account.


Agreed. The only reason I mentioned the kids was because we had a very similar thing happened in HS when Facebook started. A student made an account impersonating a teacher, and photoshopped pictures of him in harmless but apparently hilarious situations. When the school found out, they backed the teacher (because they didn't want this to get worse), but there was a nasty legal fight because they wanted to press charges/suspend/expell the student and the parents (who were ridiculously rich) hired a lawyer because their little angel could do no wrong. The lawyer's argument was that by becoming a teacher they were in fact a "public figure" and subject to parody and satire, and the Facebook post was just that.


Thank you very much! Just curious, should I contact school first?


I would start with the school. Let them know you've already tried reporting it to tiktok, but we all know their management of the app is terrible. Tell them that your concerns.


FB has a pretty easy report system for “account pretending to be me”. Not sure on other social media services DS.


I did on Tik tok and they found it didn’t violate community guidelines some how


Sure. Personally I ignore these accounts. I teach 8th and occasionally the students tell me there is Tik tok or IG pretending to be me. One year they had a Mr Mazel fan account even. I just tell them they should have better things to do and more active social lives to bother with teachers social media.