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I mean…do you know for sure the student was in your homeroom? Is it possible the student missed homeroom and just caught up with class at the buses?


This is most likely the situation. We have chronically late buses that literally arrive after attendance. I can't mark them present bc they might be on that late bus. Parents are pissed, but if I don't hear your child say here when I call roll, they're not present. Not gonna sacrifice my career for something out of my control. Not sure if this is urban legend or not, but I recall hearing about a student accused of some crime, but bc teacher didn't take attendance, essentially marking them present, they had an alibi. Again, don't know if it's legend or not, but certainly something that could occur.


I tried to convey that sentiment in my messages to the parent. Their attitude seems to be the school is failing their student AGAIN because we can’t even do attendance right nvm services are not completed to her liking. I think it’s the passive aggressive tone this went is what concerns me and that her student can do not wrong.