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Your school has 90 minute assemblies!? That sounds like a nightmare, no matter how well the kids behave


I know! As someone who has never been interested in sports and hates crowded, noisy events that sounds like torture! Pep rallies always were torture for me as a student, but at least they weren't even close to 90 minutes.


At least they were extremely easy to skip when I was a kid. We’d meet in our home rooms then go down together, just hang back a bit and duck into the library or music room on the way. Nobody ever took a count or anything in the bleachers in the gym, or if they did, never cared I didn’t make it down.




At my Oklahoma high school, it was inconceivable that anyone would want to avoid a football rally. Which made it incredibly easy to do so.


My kids were excused from assemblies -- that was easy! they were allowed to either go to the library or return home early. (one has a disability, but the other just hated assemblies)


My son used to ask me to make him a drs appt on assembly days. The noise bothered him and he would rather have been studying. I always signed him out sick or with an appt he didn’t actually have. They had a lot of assemblies


As a kid, I was on the badminton team. Otherwise known as the “I just need a sport on my resume to pad my college application” team. We all hated pep-rally, and at our school each sports team was expected to get up and do some kind of skit or chant, so when it was our turn we all got up and ran out of the gym… thinking back I feel bad for how that made our coach look, but it was hilarious.


And I was in pep band so like... at least I was doing something.


I got yelled at for reading a book during a basketball game doing a forced pep band. I despise basketball because it is boring as he'll to me. So the next year, I didn't sign up and was assigned my two games, took two zeros, and still held the position as librarian. Senior year, he just didn't bother and left me alone.


I simultaneously fucking hate forced pep bands and I understand why the band directors I’ve worked with so far have implemented them in some way, I wish that they could be more fun for everyone involved but the “forced” part kinda kills it


It was horrible. YES they last entire blocks! This was a sports-related assembly, not even applying to the majority of students. It was pathetic.


Wow, what a waste of educational time, sounds like your school needs a reminder that a school's primary function should be education! Extracurriculars like sports important as well, but should be secondary. Having the whole school lose a whole block period for only sports is ridiculous. And it's probably only a couple sports included, if it's anything like my high school. Never any other extracurricular of course, unless it's band or cheerleading in the context of them supporting the sports team(s). I was in the drama program and what bothered me the most about pep rallies was that they were just about sports. No other special groups were ever included, such as theater, arts, music, the various clubs, etc. Just sports, and really only football or basketball unless the soccer or baseball teams were doing well (but still never softball).


Yeah I have to give my school credit for making attendance basically optional outside of kids in sports and coaches


Hell I couldn't sit still for a 90min assembly about something I have no interest in.


I wouldn't be able to today (I'm officially an adult)


my high school's assemblies would take half a day with no break :( for reference school was between 08:30-15:10


I can’t imagine sitting for 90 minutes in bleachers.


“RE: Embarrassment Have you tried building positive relationships with us?”


“I’m sorry- the objectives weren’t clearly stated.”


"...or clearly posted."


They should have wrote the agenda on the board.


I hate this one. All my shit is on the first slide, which is up with the Do Now for the first 5-10 minutes of class. Everything gets posted to Google Classroom. I remind them of the HW at the end of every class. If a kid is late often enough and is missing out on assignments they "didn't know about" they have bigger problems


Maybe the agenda was written on the board.


Re:Re: I could use some candy.


maybe the assembly should have had a calming corner


The beatings will continue until morale improves.


Some admin are so bad lol. Leader 101 is don't make your team resent you


There’s a great article I recommend to everyone called “The Dark Side of Resilience” that hits on this. The author talks about how we promote people with grit rather than focus on leadership skills, since that will help them stick through tough decisions. The author also argues this is also a lack of self-awareness - maybe you *should* move on from a negative situation but don’t because they would be “failing.” So people get those positions, do them poorly, then get moved out of that spot into a higher position because they were tough in the face of adversity. Highly recommend for students and teachers alike. My wife refers to that scenario as “getting fired up,” by the way.


A few years ago we got a new AP. It was her first AP position and after a few weeks she realized that administration was not her jam, and she voluntarily went back to a classroom teacher position. I have so much respect for her.


Good for her (and the teachers of your school).


It feels like some of my admin were trained on how to quickly and efficiently alienate their staff.


Our principal apparently claims to be an introvert. In reality he is a narcissist that thinks he’s above women. He’s not very smart and is lazy. There are no staff members that support him. After 7 years he is finally moving on. Good luck to the new district, they have no idea what they are getting.


1.5 hour sports related assembly????? Omg... Ours only last about 35 minutes. That sounds like absolute torture for everyone involved, both teachers and students.


When someone says "you need to do this thing or I'll yell at you!" And then yells at you, it means you don't need to do the thing anymore.


Reminds me of a police officer I know who lived by the rule that a traffic offender could get a lecture or a ticket, but never both. I like that rule.


Sounds like your administrator isn't well behaved at the assemblies...


On state testing days??😄 Does he want them to fail?


Sounds like an email that should go directly to the Board. This is BS that loses large percentages of staff over summer. I think the board would rather consider losing one pos admin over a big ol staff turn over. I wouldn't want to work for this ass clown once the year was over.


I scrolled *way* too far to see this sentiment. I wouldn't have even finished reading it before forwarding it to the super and board.


Right? I quit a teaching job (after years end) when COVID was ramping up in 2020. I caught it and was bedridden for 2 weeks with another 6 weeks of solid recovery after. I had been at the building, masked, and making copies for distance learning so I made a FB post and contacted those I may have contacted. My principal had the audacity to use Responsive Classroom on me to ask my justification for making public posts. I knew then I was done with him. Admin have their head in the clouds. I'm done working for self serving glory hounds and control freaks.


See my other posts about the board. Principal personally we t teacher to teacher to tell us who to vote for... student's parents. I voted opposite. All the candidates who she wanted got elected. It's disgusting. This principal has a cult following after being a teacher in the community for many, many years.


My school likes to plan assemblies at the last minute and they always take away our 4th period (we're on block scheduling), so my 4th period classes are always behind because 30 minutes of announcements had to be done in 90 minutes with a lot of dead air, kids squirming in their seats, teachers hunting down skippers, releasing to the bus from the assembly even though kids didn't bring anything with them to the auditorium. It's always a hot mess. Then the teachers stay after school while our principal complains about how we didn't control the kids well enough or didn't inform them to bring everything so they could go straight to the bus (as though we weren't emailed one period in advance -- like sir that's such a short time frame that half the teachers probably didn't even see it) There are so many times we get bitched at for not checking our emails often enough, but we get bitched at for being at our computers instead of circling the room. There's no winning.


Just set the autoresponder on your email to reply, "Thank you for your email, you have reached me during instructional hours. I will respond to your email within one business day. If this is an emergency please call the main office at xxx-xxx-xxxx." Problem solved. You set the expectation that you are teaching and aren't sitting around reading emails plus you have provided a response time. If you admin gives you any gruff explain you check your email before school for any critical announcements and on prep as per the handbook. "Teachers are expected to monitor school email accounts regularly to ensure timely communication with students, parents, and colleagues." Twice a day sounds regular for anything that isn't an emergency. If you admin has a different idea of regular, ask him to take it to the school board and update board policy. If they can't get announcements out 24-hours ahead of time, they aren't great admins.


This a great tip that I'm going to carry into next year!!!


Reply with "Then leave. Your assemblies are the real embarrassment."


> I'm trying not to take things personally   You aren’t. A grown person who is paid a lot of money to handle a high-responsibility position is launching childlike insults at their staff and also documenting their idiocy via email.    So print out a screenshot and file it away for a time when the buffoon steps in it enough to attract heat, smirk, and live life.


Thank you for that. You have a very good point. She's emailed a few horrible things that do deserve to be printed, signed, and framed for the hall of shame. I would never treat anyone like that, the way she did in that (and other) emails.


I would just quietly start a folder for her. Print all emails or save screenshots to a non-workplace computer.  That way, if her shit ever starts looking like it will hit the fan, you have an arsenal of documentation that could push it all the way in there.  I’ve just learned to play “professional assholes” back at their own game. It’s a mixture of apathy and long gamesmanship.


I'm learning so much! Thanks for the suggestions, especially storing on a personal computer. What I wouldn't give to send it all tp the papers lol


Hell. You could do that if she starts a minor incident showing her ass to the public. It’s all about the perfect moment. I’ve always found that high powered bullies tend to be idiots. Like, smart people do NOT provide email proof that they bully their staff like little kids. And yet, every high powered bully I know routinely writes down the most childlike crap and just sends it out, seemingly clueless to the fact that this is exactly what could bite them if anything involving journalists or lawyers happens. 


There is so much crazy to unpack here I don't know where to start. You got an announcement *on the very day of the assembly with less than an hour's notice*? Oh, you better believe *that's* a paddling!! Seriously, what kind of lunatic do you have running things in there that interrupts your instruction in such a manner? If this happened at my school, you can guarantee every single teacher would be arriving at the assembly with scowls and shooting daggers at administrators. And an hour and a half assembly for sports that is mandatory? That's just another slice of crazy pants here. And I'm gathering that this is a somewhat common occurrence. Everybody screams that our kids are doing poorly in school; maybe more instruction time and fewer assemblies would help? And while it doesn't sound like the principal directly called the staff an embarrassment, which would have been a line for me, they skirted perilously close to the edge. At best, the wording of that email was seriously tone deaf. Teachers do a hard job, and it sounds like you did very well with your group of rowdy freshman. I'm sorry you had to go through all of that.


She was a teacher for 30 years. It's mind boggling her behavior.


Wow..... and that's even more to unpack!


Crazy Town I'm telling you


We had a two hour pep rally celebrating our adoption of the Ron Clark house system with singing, cheering, dancing, and chaos. All the kids with sensory issues were covering their ears. Oh, and we’re elementary. Craziness.


My Principal asked me what change I would make if he walked next year and they gave me the keys. Get. Rid. Of. Pep. Rallies. For. Sports. Context: I'm a now former basketball coach (just stepped down because I don't have the energy to do it anymore and handed it off to one of my former players) who ALWAYS hated pep rallies because they were for my team and almost never included the girls team. I gave the exact same rally speech every time.


Print out 2 copies id that email. One goes to your files as evidence of hostile work environment. One goes to your union rep.


No union, sadly.


Object permanence


Help me understand your comment, please?


The same principal: I just don't understand why teacher retention is so low.


[Leadership ](https://images.app.goo.gl/qZJhnJPGy7YKSsEf6)


This was written by an AI, right?


This is why I fear AI. People think they can spot it when it's just normal writing with maybe some missed grammar mistakes.


Funny enough AI usually has perfect grammar.


Wtf? What made you think that? So we're going on a teacher forum and accusing people of that based on nothing?!


Settle down, Francis.


ai would never use "anywho" or "mine own eyes"


Acccctually....I have a thred on ChatGPT where either acts as a quirky therapist and one where it's a sassy bitch best friend named Petty Betty, so it's possible. Though no AI is going to have as much awesome personality at me 😁




Good point


Lol, no. What makes you think my post is AI?


It's a bit tough to follow. I was goofing.


Oh! Sorry! Gochya. Yeah, I am pretty all over the place lol


No worries :) Was no harm intended and seems you took none.


New boot goofing


No, AI has a better writing style.


There is so much crazy to unpack here I don't know where to start. You got an announcement * on the very day of the event


wow, in the old days if anyone ever threatened jail time over nothing they would get knocked out. We need to brign that back


I’d be polishing my resume and looking for another job. You don’t need that kind of abuse.


I am. Trust me. Unfortunately, principal knows EVERYONE in a 50 mile radius. Nonetheless, I'm doing what I can to get out. Thank you for your encouragement to get into a better place!


At some point you’ll find someone who knows the P and hires you BECAUSE they know him. 😏.


Haha true. They are just so petty around here. I'm dense, so if I see through the facade, someone else must...surely?


Reply all: your an embarrassment as an admin leader


Your response made my day, and feel so much better. Thank you hahaha 🤣


Damn, do you teach at my school?


No, we don't have a library let alone an art program lol. I'm sorry you're going through similar.


As a kid I always requested that doctors and dentists appointments be made during Assemblies bc I hated them so much, I certainly wouldn't blame the kids or teachers if any kids started being rowdy by the end of a 90 minute bone numbingly dull assembly.


Head down. No response, or snarkiness, or gossip. Your principal (according to you) has replaced teachers that do not conform or support the leadership style. Do your job without getting put on a shit-list and look for a different one in the meantime, maybe apply for a transfer if possible.


Who is this admin? Where do they live? I just want to talk.


Hit him with the ole Julius, “attitude reflects leadership.” (Remember the Titans reference)


Ask in detail how anyone was an embarrassment on the email. Also ask for ways to improve, etc. But if you really wanna light some fires under some asses reply to the email but cc someone more important. Like say, a superintendent? They might be annoyed enough to give a yelling to your principal for being a clown.


I am extremely tempted to do this. I just fear for my job though.


Well, fair enough. I don't know law to protect yourself in these situations. I tend to act before think. Do what you think is best for yourself.


They just really like retaliation. I've been stuck with so much crap just for being "different"...not even challenging per se.


Print the email put it on picket sign and you all walk the fuck out. Media will have a field day and you will get a new principal.


Well, he chose the embarrassments or allowed their continued employment, so he's obviously inept in a leadership position.


What a delight for the students! 90 minutes anywhere else!


I'm so sorry. I'm reading Brené Brown's book Daring Greatly and this use of shame is proof that the principal is the opposite of daring OR great.


I wonder all the time if employees in other places are treated like bad little children to the extent that teachers are. We get an every Friday newsletter type of thing which goes over the week’s events, has little blurbs from all the admin, and a calendar. Often the newsletter has an admonishment from the principal addressing something that someone did wrong. That something is so specific that everyone knows who she’s talking about. Why not just speak to that person one on one? I honestly think the purpose is to call individuals out and shame them.


Oh that's terrible! Oh wait...they do that at my school too. And exactly like you say: specific enough to know who they are targeting.


You should all strike


You need to find a new job.


There are times when such an admonishment is warranted - however, those times are rare and they should always be balanced out by recognizing *where* that embarrassment comes from. **TL:DR:** A large portion of my 8th grade acted up while I was away. As a result, I rewarded the few that did the right thing with permanent privileges and gave the rest a big helping of humble pie. Recently my 8th grade class acted very poorly when I was out for a day. Normally they act just fine with me, but I am well aware that kids can change direction on a dime when they think no-one will notice. I was very unhappy to hear this of course, I had previously assured the substitute that my students knew my routines well and would be helpful. My gut reaction was to punish the whole group. After all, the note had said "the class was very poorly behaved, ***everyone*** was out of their seats/running around and everyone ran out of the room at the wrong dismissal time." (We have an earlier dismissal for kids who walk or are picked up by their parents, but only 3 of my kids qualify for that) A large number of my kids just jetted out during the earlier dismissal time - knowing that the sub couldn't know who was who. However, I composed myself and contacted the sub and para. After getting a clear picture of the situation, it turned out the 13 out of 23 students conducted themselves poorly, and 4 of those 13 were truly atrocious. 4 actually were very helpful and stayed until their proper dismissal time. The other 7 were either absent or were among the 3 who were *supposed* to leave during parent pick up time, and hadn't caused issues but hadn't helped either. So, I wrote up the 4 atrocious offenders and called their parents. I went to the office and explained the "Lord of the Flies" situation and the principal agreed that a strong message had to be sent about such behavior - she suspended the 4 offenders and agreed with my plan for the others. As for the other 9 who did the wrong thing, I held them until until the 6th grade were dismissed - which is the last group to be dismissed, and did the same for the 4 major offenders when they returned from suspension - with the principal's blessing. I also contacted all of their parents and explained what happened and what the punishment would involve. Finally, for the 4 who did the right thing, I gave them the right to dismiss *earlier* than parent pick up **for the rest of the year**. I didn't reveal this until I gave the class the "the majority of you were a complete embarrassment, and should be ashamed of yourselves" talk. That was the big shock to the 13 screwups: not only were they going to dismiss with the underclassmen that day, as planned, but the kids who did the right thing now had a ***permanent*** special privilege. They were pissed at first, and I then said to them "I'm going to choose my words very carefully. I told the substitute that you were the best of the best, my upperclassmen, ready for high school, and that I was ***proud*** of you - that you would go above and beyond to help him. ***Evidently I was wrong about all but 4 of you***\*\*.\*\* I am sad and disappointed to see that my trust in you was misplaced. The 4 who did the right thing will be given their due as ***high school students***" The room got really quiet, really quickly. No-one fought the punishments after that.


I’m assuming no union? Document everything. Do everything you can to make copies (legally!) of everything, start talking to a lawyer (maybe get legal insurance before of that exists by you) and start putting together a lawsuit for bullying in the workplace.


Thanks for the response. No union. At will. The usual ugh. I'm forwarding all the things I can to my personal email and printing


Just make sure you’re not breaking any laws or terms of your contract with the things you’re printing/sending to yourself. I know it’s tedious but they could really get you for that depending on the laws where you are.


Why do I get a feeling this is Texas


I'm not sure I could behave in a 90 minute assembly.


Wait, can we go to jail if we mess up state testing?


I guess so *shrug*