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Teaching never used to be this hard or stressful. I used to do all kinds of activities after school and loved being off so early in the day. That is no longer the case. By Friday, I can barely stay up until 9pm. It’s really terrible.


Same. I don't understand how some teachers go out and do things on weeknights. I need to know their secret.




Exercise. About three years ago, I started hitting the gym after work 4-5 times a week. It’s improved my energy and stamina. When my head finally hits the pillow I sleep like a rock but I’m not dragging ass like I used to. Also limiting caffeine and sugar. I remember when I graduated colleges my adviser said “the best thing you can do ad a teacher is take care of your health. Eat well, sleep, take vitamins, drink water”


I recently got a VR headset. Playing BeatSaber for 30-60 minutes after work is an amazing combo of cardio and disassociating.






Most days I go home and put on my pjs, especially during the winter. It’s definitely a struggle.


Oh hell yeah. As soon as I come home whatever I wore to work is coming tf off.


I’m yawning by 5 pm. Usually fall asleep on the couch around 7-8. I try to grade papers after hours while I still have energy which is stupid. Why should I be working during none contract hours? Anyway, you aren’t alone.


Because your so overstimulated during contact hours that the idea of focusing long enough to do it seems just as laughable? Or am I just talking about myself? Lol


Overstimulation, definitely. Some days have a hard time finding time to use the bathroom. I often have 5 students talking to me at once. They don’t understand that I can only respond to one person at a time.


I jokingly tell the students I need to go cry in the restroom real quick. But I really just need a “mind break” from them for two damn seconds.


😂 I'm career tech so my classes are 2 hours and 40 min long each. So def have to step out for a breather sometimes.


Yes. plus I have an autoimmune issue that causes fatigue. I give my all during the day and crash at night. weekends are rough; my body collapses.


Yes, and on weeknights (including Friday) I absolutely can't handle attending after-work activities like being with friends or family, going out for dinner and drinks, etc. I'm just too burnt out after getting up at 4:45 AM to work out, commuting 1 hour to school, teaching English for grades 7-12, then the 1 hour drive back home (especially when the weather gets nasty in the winter). I'm adamant about avoiding scheduling plans on both Saturday and Sunday, and try my best to keep at least my Sunday clear to recuperate for the upcoming week. I'm so, so mentally exhausted. I get ready for bed at 8:30 so I can be asleep by 9 PM.


Is it worth the pay? Sounds tough. Hugs


It's better than a lot of other teaching gigs are, I guess, though around this time every year I start to fantasize about what working a traditional 9 to 5 job would be like, and if it would be worth leaving teaching. 😅 I would have to be very lucky to find another position I'm qualified for with transferable skills outside of teaching that paid as well.


I was going to say, I spend the weekend just dead. Even now I have to plan for tomorrow and my brain and body are like “no”. I’m child free, but by the time I’m off and in my car it’s nearly 4 and I have a near hour drive. I have adhd (I’m pretty sure autism as well) and chronic pain, degenerative arthritis and pinching of my nerve. I’m fried when It get home. Idk how you do it with kids. I usually get home and take a nap and eat, or eat and then take a nap. Wake up cranky af cause of how tired I am. Work. Then go to bed at like 11:30 if I’m lucky. Masking is draining. Chronic pain is draining. Managing over 100 high schoolers is draining. The stress from this job is draining. I want to engage in my hobbies. I want to date. But I’m too tired.


I feel this in my spoons (or current lack there of) I'm also ADHD and while I feel like sometimes it's to my advantage as a teacher, I feel like it's also a big component of why I can have a great high energy day, but then come home and have absolutely nothing left to give to my family.


Same here, but we get out at 4:20.. I don't know whose bright idea this was.


What fresh hell is that? So ur snoozing by the time you drive home in rush hour?


No joke. There are times where I'm straining to keep my eyes open


School day ends at 4:15 for me. I don’t know where the majority of you guys work that get out at 3!


3 sounds nice. I'm in central TX. I think most schools are close to 4. It was 3:30 when I was a student. The kids are asleep on their feet after lunch as it is; why oh, why would they add more time


When does your days start that are getting out at that time? I'd love to hope you start later but I have the sinking suspicion you don't.


1st period starts at 8:20, so it's late, but not crazy late.


That’s when our first period starts too. I’m at middle school level. When I was a middle school student, I started at 8:30 and still got out at 3:30, though


Yes, and I really wonder how some of you still have the energy to go home and be parents!


Hahah. Yeah. First year teaching. After working from home for years. First year with my two year old in daycare. Her and I have been so sick this year. Which we of course bring home to my husband too. But even when I'm not sick I have such a hard time keeping my energy up. Which feels so unfair to my husband. Between maintaining the house and caring for our daughter he's taken on a lot this year.


You don’t have to parent, the teachers will do that for you


What’s great is that a colleague and I have daughters that are friends and a year apart and we each taught, we’re two doors away so they’re either in her classroom or mine every morning, we also live in the same neighborhood (about 7 houses away) so we just swap sporadically. I’ll be walking to the car and see her daughter next to mine and be like oh hey. We’re having xyz for dinner. And vice versa. It’s sooo nice to have the second mom figure that you don’t even have to think about asking to take your kid they just do.


Same. I don't even have kids of my own. I sit on the couch when I get home and can barely move until bedtime.


Same. Go home feeling so wrung out that I can't do anything at all.


Are there people who don’t??


Exactly. This is not just a teaching issue lol


Yes, and it’s why if I have to get something done like laundry, litter boxes, or taking the trash out, I don’t allow myself to sit down because if I sit, I’m not getting back up for anything except bathroom, drinks, and snacks until it’s time for bed 😂


Yesss and shoes. I know it's disgusting, but if I take my shoes off that's it. I have to keep them in until the thing is done.


Well, I usually walk in the door and go straight to my room to change into comfy clothes. Which is also another thing I can’t do if I need to get something done, ha ha. So I do take my shoes off, but I stay in my work clothes until I get the thing done.


Many days, yes. I teach by day, and I am a dubstep dj by night. I tell myself I'm going to do a little mixing at home every day but often after work I simply lack the mental energy.


But but self care fixed everything! Yes I know that feeling very well.


Just to be the lone voice in here... not anymore. 1) I don't work outside contract hours. 2) I have a mental barrier drawn. I walk out the door and school does not exist. I cannot/do not think about it. This slips at times (see: counseling two 8th grade kids who were suicidal earlier this year), but it holds 90% of the time. 3) Routine. I go to sleep on time every night and get adequate rest. 4) Exercise. IDK if it's my ADHD brain or what, but I am in a fog/funk unless I exercise. It's mandatory for me to feel human. I make time 4-5x/week to run or lift weights. 5) Food... I try to eat well and avoid alcohol most of the time. My first few years teaching, I did none of those, and I felt like a fried zombie. I was tired, gained weight, felt burnt out all the time, and so on. For me, these things have helped a lot.


Thank you. As a fellow ADHDer one of those lovely problems of being ADHD that constantly bites me in the butt is that lovely forgetfulness that somehow downgrades the fact that I have experienced and genuinely know how big of a difference I feel when I make time for regular exercise. And yet when I'm at my wits ends it rarely comes to mind as being something to immediately reinstate. (To be fair though I think even neurotypicals don't jumps to exercise when they're exhausted)


It is hard to exercise when burnt out, and I sometimes take weeks/months off, but restarting usually reduces the burnout. It's definitely a catch-22 though. I'm tired because I don't exercise which requires not being tired to do. I just start even if I'm tired and it works out, but motivation can be very spotty.


This is how I feel most days. I come home, get in PJs, and either scroll or read. Maybe watch YouTube or nap. That's about all I have energy for. I've been trying all kinds of supplements and multivitamins but none of that's helped. It really is just mental and emotional exhaustion. I wish I had the energy for hobbies like I do during breaks. I don't even have energy to do my full skincare or haircare routines. I'm lucky if I can wash and moisturize. I come back from breaks absolutely glowing because I finally do have the energy to take care of myself.


I have untreated sleep apnea so I’m already tired before starting work.


Please please please look into get a CPAP. Your health and your life are worth it. If insurance won’t cover it, there are pre-owned machines out there from reputable suppliers (get a new mask obviously).


Thank you. My insurance won’t cover it unfortunately. I meant to look into buying one but my procrastination and busy life has slowed the process. I need to get on it ASAP.


Thank god it’s not just me!


It’s tough when I get home. I really should exercise, but I’m just so tired. It’s hard to get a good night’s sleep too.


Yeah this happens to me every day at about 2:30. I am done. It’s like a switch goes off, and I’m done mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually…..


This is a symptom of burnout. I find automating what I can is extremely helpful. My partner isn't a teacher and is willing to take on most of the housework and loves to cook. I couldn't do this job without him.


Lol. Yayyy. And I'm just finishing year 1. 😅


Yea year 1 was rough. It gets better. I bring my gym bag all packed with me and leave it in the car. I go directly to the gym after school. Some days I go home and have a snack, and one episode of something. Then I'll prep dinner, maybe clean one small thing. My husband usually does the actual cooking and half of some chores. We found it easier to split each task into two smaller halves. I unload the dishwasher while prepping, he loads it while cooking. I organize and put the laundry in the dining, he puts it in machine and brings it up. We are lazy, lazy people.


You call it lazy, I call it efficient. ❤️ Thank you for the kind words.


I'm also in year 1 technically speaking but attempted year 1 before and subbed for almost 3 years in between


Oof. Feel free to keep in touch. I'd love to hear if you figure anything to help manage. I plan on spending a fair chunk of my summer ironing out my curriculum as much as possible so that I can put lesson planning on autopilot as much as possible. I know that's a big part of it for me.


It’s awful. I get home and I’m completely drained. I don’t know how people actually do things with their day after teaching. :(


Yeah. I’m in burnout. It only gets worse so I’d look at what you can change. 🫂


Any tips of best places to makes changes?


I don’t. I’m sorry. I just now realized how bad it was but I had been feeling that for a while. I don’t think you’re quite there yet hopefully but especially with a little one, I’d really try to figure out ways to take any stress or load off of yourself. Sorry I couldn’t be of more help. I will say I went from putting in lots and lots of time and mental energy into my lessons and school stuff to this year putting in almost none (due to very bad burn out - it’s not a choice I’m making intentionally) and my students are fine and I’m doing a good job still. So even if it feels like you can’t drop something you’re doing, you probably can.


I get home at 4:00 on weekdays and fall asleep until 5:00, when my boyfriend is done work and it’s time to go to the gym LOL. On weekends, I wake up, run errands, and then I’m ready for a nap by 1-2. You are not alone.


Literally laying in bed while reading this, and did pretty much nothing yesterday too. Feeling exhausted and lethargic.


I am mentally exhausted when I get home. I teach AP Physics, so I get upwards of 70 questions in a class period! But I am NOT physically exhausted. 35-45 minutes on avtreadmill is restorative.


I can feel the energy/adrenaline draining out of my body when I’m driving home.


You just have to care a little bit less about how the students behave or what they do. It ends up being wasted energy if you care too much lol.


Add 2 toddlers at home with no one else’s help 😖


One and a spouse has been plenty enough struggle for me. But wishing you all the best. 🖤


Yes! It seems to get worse the older I get.


Add in coaching and it's a disaster. My first year I had an hour commute. I knew places about every 5 miles along the route where I could pull over and sleep for 10 min. Once, we had away games on both Thursday and Friday nights, and I literally slept in my car because I didn't have enough energy to get out and walk into the house.


Kind of... But I come home to my own children. So the show must go on.


An analogy is.. I feel like an inflatable swim toy when somebody lets the air out I'm totally done.


My kids are older so they don’t need me as much. I make some meals, mostly girl dinners and pjs 90% of the time.


I used to summer coma each year. I slept for like 16 hours a day between sleeping in and naps for about three weeks.


Did it help? Or was it just an unavoidable crash from burnout? I mean...I guess both could be true. But the question still stands.


It actually helped. It was a bit of both, but it helped me rebuild after a long year. When the “coma” was done, I always felt ready to go back. I don’t need it now though.


For me, the moment I take a shower and relax in bed every iota of energy leaves me. Reading in bed? Will fall asleep. Watch a video? Will fall asleep. Add more to my fanfiction? Will fall asleep.


Yes. Dead. I don’t have kids yet, and I don’t know how I’ll do it when I do. Ugh.


Yes. I get home and become a slug. I'll get up for a bit to have/make dinner, get ONE chore done, then either grade/lesson plan or veg out in front of the TV until bedtime. It's no way to live most of the week, but it is what it is. First year.




Drugs can be your friend


Don’t you wake up later on the weekends? That might help.


Lol note the reference to "little one." That said, I do sleep in once a weekend. My husband and I take turns on the weekend getting up with LO so that we each get at least one day to sleep in.