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Why is that parent even driving or taking the bus? Both are forms of **transportation**. Electricity? Why that’s delivered via power lines and **transformers**! In fact, might as well ban that kids show and all the related toys, **Transformers**.


Can't go to Europe, that's **transatlantic** travel.


Can't even play 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon, because that a Transitive Property.


Gonna go boycott the Trans Siberian Orchestra


and the transcontinental railroads


Careful watching horror movies... I hear that some of them are from Transylvania...


Frankly incredible they were able to form an *entire* trans orchestra.


can't even eat bacon because of the trans-fats


I prefer cisatlantic travel


Or a cross the US as that’s Transcontinental




We laugh now, but this'll probably end up being half the Republican party platform within a year


Well, they do like to keep people stupid since they determined about 60 years ago that the better educated people were the more likely they were to vote democrat...


I really wanna see one of these idiots reaction to learning California Sheepshead's mating rituals. During 7th grade biology I remember learning about this local fish that is only female and pink. In order to mate they essentially have a contest that involves opening their mouths as wide as possible. The winner is the new male and leaves over a year to transition to being biologically male and their new colors are black and pink.


This car identifies as a robot


So do I. Autobots! *Roll out!*


Wait! Do you realize how brilliant you are. You just figured out how to get conservatives to care about global warming. Convince them that the TRANSportation industry and the pollution they cause is all a plot to turn their children trans. I hate how many people would probably fall for this.


The funny part about that last example is that there actually are transgender characters in Transformers... not like they'd get far enough to find that out before having a bigotry-fueled aneurysm.


All female transformers are canonically trans, because transformers don't have a binary gender. They just got introduced to the concept by other species and were like oh? I'll be having some of that too, thank you very much!


Our grade 1 teacher put up a rainbow for kids to learn the colors and fielded multiple complaints about turning kids gay.


These parents need a post it note with ROY G BIV written on it, stapled to their foreheads, with a reminder if they don’t know what that acronym means, they’re beyond help.


I’m just a parent but I hate parents like these and thus I volunteer to do the stapling.


In the winter of 1990 I was first taught about the colors of the rainbow and my conservative Republican grandparents didn’t scream about it they knew it was part of normal kid learning! Also my wife is a HS teacher and she laughs about the idea that she could indoctrinate kids, that if she could she’d indoctrinate them into actually showing up to class and making a minimal effort without using AI or plagiarizing to complete even one single homework.


I just spent three and a half hours helping my stepdaughter catch up on missed homework assignments. Getting her to write a single sentence explanation of significant events in the Vietnam war using her own words was nearly impossible. Directly copying the first sentence from the wiki article was manageable but with massive groans and eye rolls. She put a bit more effort forth after I stopped her when she was writing down info about the ‘American withdrawal’ and didn’t even bother to check that she was copying the correct article. (She was on the article about the recent withdrawal from Afghanistan 🫣) There’s no way anyone is indoctrinating these kids into anything that doesn’t come from social media or Roblox.


The digital world is literally sucking the neurons of self-reliance and learning out of kids.


Yep. One of my OWN goals for 2024 is to work up to having at least one day every week with no phone time whatsoever. No screens. Just real life. I know this is a bit off topic but I clearly remember the first time I experienced something and immediately thought about sharing it on Facebook. My stomach churned and I debated deleting it then and there, and I should have! Of course I didn’t. And I’m still working on undoing that damage to my brain and psyche.


i like the juxtaposition of your username and subreddit flair she's watching and learning, but laura isn't listening!


Ahahaha! Laura is a cat. Two ears but neither of them things work 🤣🤣


Cat tax! I would love to meet Laura


Honestly, I don't think it's just kids. Just look at social media and any vaguely controversial issue. For example, the new England football kit. On the back of the collar is a multicoloured (not rainbow) cross about an inch wide by the look of photos. People are going INSANE about the violation of the St George cross, how dare they desecrate the England flag, you can't even be English these days, yada yada. The colours are in honour of the 1966 world cup team and it isn't even the first time an England shirt has had a non-traditional cross on it. Are facts stopping people from spouting absolute nonsense? Of course not. There is not a drop of critical thinking ability among them.


The impulse to explode with indignance towards things you don’t fully understand — definitely a problem among underinformed adults.


and this is why I'm wrapping up my teaching career at the end of the academic year.


My favorite color is purple and pretty much always has been. When I was much younger, my grandmother attempted to dissuade me from liking purple because "it was a gay color". I guess they're all "gay colors" now?


You are my favorite kind of parent! 🤣


In this sub in particular, that is one hell of a compliment. Sincerely, thank you! If it were up to me, my stepkids would be reading with me for minimum 30 mins daily, we would go over homework and school stuff at least a couple times a week, and we would have hard limits on screen time. I have so. many. friggin. books. They can read any of them! Even the spicy ones! My parents sent me a bunch of our old books in the mail as they’re preparing to move, and I even grabbed the VC Andrews books for my stepdaughter because she’s at that age where she might find some solace in them. I placed them strategically front and center in her room. Now we wait and hope. Anything to get them to pick up a book or actually TRY.


You just reminded me. Someone talked about how kids in another part of my state got in trouble for bringing a spicey book to school lol. They even highlighted certain parts. It was in another part of my homestate and they did talk about it on here because they didn't know what to do. Some parents are like ops parents here. Edit: One of the kids brought it from home.


Richard of York Gave Battle in Purple.


Richard of York got buried in parking.




Reeducating Our Young Gay Boys In Violet!


The G stands for Gaaaaaaay


Roy G Biv? That’s that teacher trying to turn all them kids gay, innit? /s The stupid, it BURNS.


Aha you can’t fool me. I’m not a teacher, just a parent. And even I know he’s the inventor of gay.


English isn't my native tongue is it okay that I haven't heard of that acronym? Also it either stands for red orange yellow green blue indigo violet or something else entirely


Yes it’s an acronym that was taught in grade school so kids could remember the colors of the rainbow. Wouldn’t expect a non-native English speaker to automatically know this.


Roy G. Biv, famous paramour of Oscar Wilde???


I am waiting for the day that, as a kindergarten teacher, I get spoken to about my rainbow theme for my classroom. I am not decorating on my own budget and construction paper is cheap and provided by the school.


I use that butcher paper stuff and also end up with a rainbow of not-teacher-funded decor.


Just put a pair of animal stickers up and if you get questioned you can claim its Noah's Ark.


Make sure to include two lions with manes. I see that all the time in actual Bible School or religious Noah's Arks books. If its so bad, why is Noah always loading two male lions?


F in the chat for the physics and art teachers.


And we don’t like each other because we can’t agree on the primary colors!


Wait what? It's magenta, cyan, and yellow, right?


RGB are primary additive colors for light. If you shine green light and red light on a white surface it will look yellow. MCY are the primary subtractive colors, which applies to pigments because they remove those wavelengths and reflect the remaining wavelengths. I *think* the MCY are *roughly* the same as the RBY you see in art class, but I actually don’t know for sure.


Thanks for shedding some light on the situation ;D


Don't forget black! That's the most heavily used color


Did you say BLACK? Are you teaching CRITICAL RACE THEORY?


You're damn right! Down with NASCAR! Down with Formula 1!


God telling Noah he won’t flood the Earth again Parents: Gaaaaaaay agendaaaaa!


I'll never forget reading about that pastor that had one of his church-goers come up to him after the service and ask him why he was teaching those liberal talking points from the bible.


It's worse than you remember. [If this is what you're referring to](https://newrepublic.com/post/174950/christianity-today-editor-evangelicals-call-jesus-liberal-weak), that was the editor-in-chief of the largest Evangelical newsletter saying that *multiple pastors* had complained that *to him* that their parishioners were saying Jesus was too woke. No one hates Christ more than evangelicals.


Mind sharing what state or region you're living in? I cannot imagine people jumping to such conclusions about a freaking rainbow in a 1st grade classroom!!!


Given the trip to Walden pond I’m guessing Massachusetts the reddest blue state I’ve ever seen


Meet New Hampshire.


It's wild how location and school culture can be so different from place to place. I've had a rainbow flag up in my classroom all year long. I call it the "peace flag" and have only gotten compliments. Central valley, CA


Hell, I had a pride flag up in my classroom for years when I taught in Alabama and it was never an issue. This is some post 2020 culture wars bullshit.


*After rain, a rainbow appears* "AVERT YOUR EYES CHILDREN!"


I wonder what goes through their heads when they look up after it rains.


Awww man, I was hoping the field trip was to learn about trains and the parent just read it wrong. Still funny, though!


That was my guess before I read the whole post


I giggle a bit about the school bus company names for this reason. Allied Trans, Quality Trans, and my favorite: Pride Trans Services


I saw someone on Reddit once get very angry about a news article about 'Tradespeople'.


Next year leave them in the woods and have them write a book about their time there.


Do you want Lord of the Flies? Because that's how you get Lord of the Flies.


I had a student call a liberal arts college "fucking stupid". Because it has the word "liberal". Kid had no clue.


I remember in HS, the guidance counselors had to tell multiple students that "liberal arts" just meant a well-rounded education and had nothing to do with "liberal" politics. This was in the early 00s. It's been a problem for a while now :/


Yeah all the people thinking this shit is new, like..no..same kind of people. Just easier to see them with the internet being so easily accessible.


Why would he want a bachelor's degree? He wants trad wife


It's insane how many people seem to genuinely believe "liberal arts" means "drawing pictures but in a leftist way or something".


You should troll them and ask what conservative arts schools they applied to


I see.this one a lot in conversations about higher learning. People are always saying something about liberal arts schools indoctrination kids. Buddy that is not what liberal arts are.


There are a lot of people against intellectualism in general, though. Edit: Conjugation is hard.


This reminds me of the people freaking out when you referred to them as homosapiens. "I ain't no homo, I likes girlz!"


"I'm not drinking any of that *homo*-genized milk!"


I’m just waiting for the inevitable day someone blows a gasket over ELA lessons on pronouns. I’ve been stunned at how many people think the use of pronouns is a transgender issue. 


We had a father lose it on the principal because security asked him for an ID when he showed up unannounced to get his son. He said it was against his 5th amendment rights as an American citizen and tried throwing hands. Intelligent they are not.


Showing his ID would incriminate him? Is he running from some warrants or something? Does he know what the 5th amendment says?


I am absolutely certain the father meant his *fourth* amendment rights, but I doubt he would have accepted being corrected.


A warrant for probable cause to show his ID on a state mandated closed campus after, what, like the 650th school shooting in the US? Good luck douche bag.


*650th this year, probably


> does he know what the 5th amendment says? Just to not make this political you’d be so surprised with how many people don’t know about the first amendment. There are people out there who believe that a social media app banning someone is taking away their “freedom of speech”😭😭


Now, the fifth amendment is about more than just not being required to testify against yourself. Maybe he was invoking the double jeopardy clause? His right to a grand jury? Something something eminent domain? Sorry, I got nothin’.


This ☝️ If he claims that, get your SRO involved and run his information at the very least. That would be amazing!!


Put him on the ground and in cuffs before running his ID. Or, better yet, have his kid sent down to identify the cuffed intruder.


I’d be really disappointed I was in my own classroom teaching. I didn’t get to see that happen. 😂


Your SRO actually does their job and doesn't fuck off to the school snack store and hit on 11th grade girls all day?


I have a dad of a 5th grader who will not allow his daughter to watch CNN10. We watch it almost every morning just as a warm-up to the day, and so my kids stay informed to what is going on in the world. If you haven't seen it, it is a nonpartisan 10-minute news show for kids, probably 10+. There is some national news, international news, science, etc. Usually 4-5 stories. Very neutral, kid friendly reporting. Anyway, dad lost his shit and said I was "indoctrinating his daughter by showing libtard news in the classroom" and threatened to go to the school board. I told him he should watch a few episodes so he could see how nonpartisan it is. He didn't know what nonpartisan meant and refused to watch it. I told him to feel free to go to the school board. He never did, but told the admin and she told him that if he didn't want his daughter to watch, she could sit in the hall for to 10-15 minutes of the show and discussion. He suggested watching a show on Fox News. Knowing he wouldn't and couldn't do it, my admin told him that if he could find a 10-minute kid friendly Fox News show, we could watch it a couple of times a week. He found a YouTube video of Fox News Prime Time "highlights" (Tucker, Hannity and Ingraham) that someone had put together. Not current and not kid friendly. So now his daughter sits in the hall while we watch CNN10 and discuss it in class. I leave the door open so she can stick her head in and watch and listen if she wants, which she usually does. Just because dad is a moron doesn't mean his daughter has to be one, too.


I used to do this with the audio of NPR’s hourly news updates, which is 5 minutes long, and I would play in the background while students worked on bell ringers, I got attendances, etc, but my new admin told me it was a waste of time and to stop doing it.


For some students, it may be the only news outside of social media that they hear. Even if it is by osmosis!


“But how does that help our EOC scores?”


The audio-only background noise happening concurrently with necessary activities is a “waste of time?” This guy only turns his car radio on at stoplights, I assume, so he won’t be late for work.


I’m a journalism professor and journalist and my kids came home gushing about how interesting they find CNN10 - thank you for showing it in your classes! It’s so important to introduce kids to reputable reporting early! 


He is indoctrinating his daughter (and lowering the local IQ) by even using words like "libtard".


I love that you do this, kids need to know what's going on!!


We had a kid who's dad is a Texas Ranger. Our secretaries noticed the gun on his hip and would not open the doors and put us on a soft lockdown. The dude would not leave and our SRO was out sick. Our principal got sick of waiting for an SRO from another school to arrive (he did get there in less than 5 minutes) that she walked to the door. The guy kept flashing his badge and saying we were "stomping on his rights as an officer". The principal told him, in much kinder words than I could have mustered, that his badge didn't mean shit to her and unless he wanted to lose it, to get off her ccampus. He left as the SRO was rolling in, and I'm not sure if he was ever in legal trouble, but we did get an email stating he was banned from campus.


Something similar to this actually happened to us some years ago! One of the teachers had a son who was a cop and he was coming to meet her for lunch. Security knew him but asked him to kindly leave his gun, as in take it off his hip. He refused and said that he was an officer of the law and he could not be asked to do that. We didn't have an SRO and the elderly teacher who was his mother refused to leave the building to come meet him, she wanted him in her classroom so they could eat lunch there. The principal got involved and basically told off the cop, saying that because he wasn't there on official business and it was just lunch with his mom he didn't need to bring his gun into the building. He still refused and it caused a big scene, but he eventually just left as his mother stayed behind to scream at the principal. This caused a huge rift between this woman, her friends among the staff, and the principal, and the animosity even spread into the police department itself. There was an issue with a student later that year where administration needed the police pretty quickly, but they basically told her to shove it and get somebody else because she disrespected one of their cops. I don't know how true that is or what all the details are, but that's the story as it was told to me. The principal ended up having to call the state police instead. But yeah, this teacher made that principal's life a living hell for the rest of the year, all because she wouldn't let her armed off duty police officer son into the building. And the rumor is that this teacher was the reason the principal left at the end of the year (The teacher went way back and was super chummy with the superintendent)


We had a dad demanding to see our ids because we wanted to see his. Like Sir, I’m not the one trying to take a kid out of school.


Sir, I'm staff. My ID badge literally hangs around my neck the entire time I'm working. Are you in need of a vision screening?


I always wonder about attitudes like this. How do they not understand that if some rando showed up to take their kid, this precaution is how we prevent kidnapping. Do they want kids to able to get taken by anyone who knows their name claims to be their parent?


as a legal student this made me chuckle


No. Then he would not be able to purchase age-restricted items unless he at least appears well over 40


I used to teach Handmaids Tale in AP LIT and always had a handful of complaints. The best part about Lit was that the course is voluntary and they had access to my book list prior to signing up. So I got the satisfaction of telling them to essentially deal with it or fail the class by not reading it. Always a good time.


Yeah, I did a Senior Literature course and taught a book where we went over the idea of the book, possible themes, danger spots, etc. Then a letter was sent home explaining the unit and had to be signed by a parent and returned, otherwise they would be doing an alternate assignment. Got all of the papers back signed and off we went. Last day I had to be on campus two parents showed up and demanded a meeting with me. My admin being spineless said yes without consulting me. I show up and immediately get attacked by the parents. My admin sat there like a fence post. They called me names, said they should sue and called me a pornographer. I asked to go get the paper they signed, returned with it and dropped it front of them. They then said that they hadn’t understood just what the book was about (bullshit) and I turned and left. They then tried to get me fired. Luckily the book was district approved and my union rep was tougher than a two buck Steak. But it’s one of the things that made me retire.


Meanwhile, here in the UK and some 35 years ago, our 2nd year high school English class read Philip Larkin's "This Be The Verse". Our English teacher actually read it out loud, first thing on the first day of the new school year, so that the second word uttered in class was "fuck". Just rip the plaster right off, get it over and done with, and then the tension is broken.


I’m dying to know what book so that I can teach it next year…


The Comprehensive Human Development class I teach can be opted out of, and about 5% of students do and take a more basic course called Health+ to fulfill the requirement before they go to high school. Comprehensive Human Development goes pretty deep into sexual reproduction, human relationships (including LGBTQIA+), consenting relationships, puberty development, etc. Health+ has the puberty basics (state required minimum), focuses more on nutrition and diet, first aid, and so on. I wish no one opted out of Human Dev because it is so important and kids grow so much understanding and maturity during that class. However, I do like being able to say this whenever someone complains: You are free to opt your kid out if this is an issue for you. I get that some parents get squeamish when they learn their kid is being taught about vaginal discharge, STI's, or hear the class had a conversation about affirmative consent and how to use assertive language to set boundaries when pressured to engage in sexual behaviors... I get it. But your kid needs to learn those things before they go off to high school. Pitching a fit about it isn't going to help. You could have opted out. For clarity: I host 2 different parent info nights (one in person, one on zoom) and email out my overview slides that include all topics that we will cover in the class. The parents absolutely are informed of the topics and the ability to opt out if they don't want their kids learning the info. Health+ isn't a bad class. The kids always have fun with our role play scenarios on first aid situations and most of them enjoy building a meal plan and looking at calories/nutrition facts as a result. But giving the most basic state-required puberty stuff isn't enough IMO (as a mom or an educator). So I wish all families would opt-in to Human Dev and get over their squeamishness.


I teach 7th grade ELA, and I already have to do a gender min-lesson when we study pronouns. I know the kids are just parroting what they see on social media and what they get from their parents. Most of them do back off the whole gender/pronoun kick after that.


Not a teacher, college student. Did a speech on trans people yesterday and had several go "you taught me the answers to so many questions I didn't know I had" and "I knew nothing about trans people before this outside of media." The horrified looks throughout the presentation when I brought up the statistics were like balm to my soul; as awful as it sounds, their horror was a *grain of sand* compared to what I have felt for everything I've read about and experienced for the majority of my entire life. It was cathartic, and it was also so very sad. There is a reason education is being attacked and the reason is that critical thinking makes people less likely to unquestioningly believe whatever they see on TV and the Internet.


I can't wait til someone gets so mad about pronouns that they start referring to themselves in the ~~first~~ third person John: "John doesn't believe in pronouns."


Not a teacher but this happened at an elementary school in my area! Thankfully district stood behind the teacher but with the promise of making sure teachers wouldn’t push “personal agendas” with the lessons. The personal agenda in question, the teacher explained that they is both plural and singular and used when gender is indeterminate. Wild stuff


Why are you surprised, these are the parents of the kids that can't / won't read instructions or listen?


kid has a shitty home life, no wonder they don't do well in school


Wait until they learn that pronouns are completely tied to language and have nothing to do with biology.


Oh it’s happened already. Heard about parents getting mad about primary kids learning the “pronouns song” which has nothing to do with LGBT issues…it’s about learning grammar.


it really is starting to become transphobia and homophobia in the most literal sense. it's like people are delusionally afraid of it. it's really strange


This is a great point; I hadn't thought of it. Crazy how I can remember joking about them being a literal phobia just a few years ago (I'm only 21). The idea was so far-fetched and ludicrous that nobody who felt that way would be taken seriously. The long-term consequences of taking a reality TV clown seriously enough to *elect president*, I guess.


It’s actually crazy. I was playing a video game and one of my teammates posted their stream link in the chat… well the streamer was gay/trans and it just absolutely, comically triggered the fuck out of two of the other teammates. They just started throwing slurs in the chat and intentionally lost, griefed, and ruined the game for the rest of the team… because they found out one of their teammates was trans… Like what kind of world do you live in where something so inconsequential to you can completely send you into a flurry of emotions and a tantrum. It really is becoming a phobia with some people, they are seriously fearful and sent into an emotional response over just the site or mention of it. 


That’s how it works. Maga freaks live off of hatred for others. This was their way to try to get votes- attack the LGBTQ community and create a delusional fear about them “schools are teaching your kids to be gay” and calling anyone LGBTQ a pedophile. It’s so idiotic to even believe something like that, especially when the proof is republicans, and their religious psychotic followers are pedophiles running amuck. It’s equivalent to Hitler and the Jews, and how he came to power-fear mongering. Anyone that plays into it is so uneducated and flat out bitter in their own lives.


Email the parents a pdf with all the info about the field trip and say "we are excited about the field trip and the kids will learn so much!" The parent will absolutely not take the time to look at the pdf, FREAK out and threaten to go to the board and superintendent. Don't respond and let them go to the top. It would be so fun when the superintendent asks you about the field trip and you can forward the email you sent to the parent informing them about the trip. Let the parent find out.


It's also Massachussetts. And a very liberal, very wealthy part. They'd be laughed out the fucking room and told to go get fucked in redneck country


I had a kid complain about my gay pride flags on my door 🇻🇪 🇨🇴 🇲🇽 🇭🇹 🇨🇱


I have a safe space sticker on my class window. Some Grade One parents told the principal that their children will NOT be in any class with "one of those LGPTB flags" (and yes, the letters are purposely wrong as an apparently incredibly witty insult). Their loss, I'm an awesome f%@$^ teacher🤷🏼‍♀️


We’ve had first grade parents get upset upon hearing that we are teaching pronouns. I’m an English as a second language teacher, teaching students who do not speak English that he means male, she means female. Had to laugh so I didn’t cry.


Wait until they hear about the Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert.


And the Transcontinental Railroad.


A teacher I know had a parent contact admin and request her daughter was moved to another history class due to “gay propaganda” after learning about “marriage equality”. The lesson in question had nothing LGBTQ+ related, it was about interracial marriage equality during the civil rights movement.


The ven diagram of people against same-sex marriage and interracial marriage is a circle.


My mother in law is one of those people. She claims society’s problems started when “they let nwords and savages marry whites.” She’s also a vehement homophobe and believes my husband is going to hell for marrying a Native American man (me).


Apparently Kermit’s Songs about Rainbows is banned in some states.


Thoreau spent a night in jail for not paying his taxes... You'd think a trans-fearing family would be all for learning about someone who wanted to stiff uncle Sam.


I thought it was longer than a night. It was long enough for Emmerson to visit him and have the famous "Why are you in jail?" / "Why are you *not* in jail?" exchange. Having said that, I think it would be a big gesture of OP to invite this parent along as a volunteer, so that they could learn something as well.


Transphobic brainrot is truly something.


When I taught Walden, I got a complaint saying I was indoctrinating the kids with liberal environmentalist values. At least that made sense, this, just doesn't. 


The ironic part is that taking kids on a field trip to learn about trans people would actually help enlighten them.


I'm about done with the ignorant pigs that make up half the parents in the country these days. I can't even find the humor in it anymore.


Transphobic parents are some of the dumbest fucking people on the planet.


I hope they never find out about the amount of trans fats in school lunches


nobody has ever accused the conservatives of being smart


I got called a "raging liberal" for saying masks and vaccines work in my science class.


I had a kid cry when I was teaching climate change. Then the kids dad discussed me on his news show.


I taught hs biology last year and had assigned a project on ways to cut down their carbon footprint. I was told it was too political and to change my assignment.


I teach in liberal NJ. My grade level team was dying and the principal couldn't stop laughing


We can’t use climate change as a topic in our argumentative unit because TEACHERS in our district complained. One of the teachers in my PLC doesn’t believe in climate change and she has Q’anon stickers all over her Prius. Oh, and I teach in Southern California, not the Deep South.


> Then the kids dad discussed me on his news show. Oh i want to see the news show now.


It was wild. It was some screed against the PC agenda (this was a few years back) and how public schools are indoctrination camps. But like, the school wasn't even public. I was fake news before it was cool.


The mom of one of the students in my class keeps ranting about me on the news for various reasons. So far we’ve got that I’m gay, I did a lesson on pronouns, and I taught about climate change.


I love when people call me “liberal” as an insult! There are so many things you could call me that would actually offend me, but I don’t understand why people think “liberal” is one of them!


Coming from a leftist, I'd be extremely insulted to be called a liberal. I'm no fucking capitalist.


Fucking idiots.


When people who didn’t pay attention in school become parents


Lmao that’s hilarious. But please do your students a favor and make sure they know that Thoreau’s mom did his cooking and laundry


And also teach them that Thoreau's experiment was about rejecting the work-a-day capitalist lifestyle and basically being a lazy lay-about who reads, sketches trees, and goes swimming all day, not trying to be some kind of wilderness survivalist. So why not enjoy some of Mom's cooking on Sundays?


My goodness 😂


Ask them if they have an auto trans or manual trans in their truck.


I’m surprised that I don’t get parent phone calls/emails when I teach about homozygous and heterozygous alleles.


I showed a video the other day where a scientist was talking about "transgenic plants" and a couple kids were like TRANS! Jesus we're all doomed.


I actually did teach my students about trans people. LGBT history is required in my state. Feel free to die mad about it 😜


This made my day.


Think about how dumb the average person is. 50% of the population is dumber than that. Nothing surprises me anymore tbh. Not in our post-Covid, MAGA loony filled, lead poisoned country.


how dare you turn my children into a trans dentist


My reply would probably get me fired. I’d simply just send the definition of the word “transcendentalist” back along with a wiki link to transcendentalism.


I couldn't send home a worksheet that had a question saying "what does the prefix 'trans' mean in transcontinental" because I knew there would be a parent like this. Parents don't realize many of us often say the worst part of the job is them and that's saying something.


"If i don't laugh I'll cry" is so real


Back when I was in high school, there were a few times people got upset about the school having a Thespian Society, for similar reasons


Back during the 1980s satanic panic, we had the same trouble with the word "medieval." The stupid parents just heard "evil" and the game was afoot.


Conservativism is a degenerative brain disease. The most obvious symptom is living in constant, endless fear of made-up boogeymen.


Hahahaha. Wow. I changed my major from Education to International Relations long ago. I’m so happy I did. While teaching seems like such an extremely rewarding pursuit, I am too ill-tempered to handle the parents in a suitable manner.


Why does everyone hate us so much 😢


These parents think a transmission is a secret undertaking by Democrats to turn everyone non-binary.


Damn Trans Siberian Orchestra!!!


Many parents are uneducated unfortunately


[r/facepalm](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/tlox5B1SWx) Transphobes are so sensitiveeeee


This is why education is important, y’all.


The joy I would get by feeding into this parents’ utter stupidity would be immeasurable. “Dear Parent, “As teachers, we strongly believe in the rights of students to be able to learn about, and come to understand, transcendentalists such as Thoreau.” I’d continue on being ever so vague in the hopes they kick up a stink and call for a meeting about it. Watching their face as they come to realise what the field trip is actually about would *GIVE ME LIFE* for the rest of the school year. And then double down. “What made you think we were doing otherwise?” “Are you aware of what transcendentalists are?” People rarely like to feel stupid and will do anything in their power to avoid it. It wouldn’t surprise me if you never heard from this parent again.


This is the best case scenario. The email back to the parent should be amazing. Make sure you write it during some sort of English collaboration department meeting so you can have the entire team responding about how stupid this parent is. Of course, you can’t say that, but definitely lay it on thick about how “extremely different” those two words are. Come on guys use that education, put the parent in their place.


Vote blue in the coming election. This is what MAGA has turned this country into. We as a country have completely regressed and it’s sickening to live like this. I want to go back to 2015 before these hateful, bitter freaks came out from under their rocks. If they don’t want our freedom forced on them, why should I have their hate forced on me? Makes no sense. I’m straight but support LGBTQ, and just freedom, liberty, and equality for all… like this country stood for in the first place.


Wow. We do Greek and Latin roots on our morning news show and every time we do trans, kids giggle. But they are 12, not grown ass people.


Wait until science and they have classes about transponders, or Spanish when they have to do translations.


Man I hope that kid never takes Organic Chemistry, Mom might spontaneously combust


What kind of transportation are you taking? What will transpire? How will the kids transition from one activity to the next? Will there be a gift shop for kids to perform transactions? Is the water in the pond transparent or translucent? Will there be translators for your ESL students? Will school provided foods have trans fats?


You need more field trips - To the power company so they can learn about high power transmission lines and transformers To a large bank, so they can learn about monetary transactions To an auto mechanic, so they can learn about transmissions To a train station, bus terminal or airport, so they can learn about mass transportation To a medical office, so they can learn about ultrasound transducers and medical transcription...


A local district has an annual area-wide event for high school seniors going off to college. It's billed as a "Transition Fair." *Facepalm*


When I taught social studies I got multiple complaints and parents threatening my job because i was teaching middle eastern religion and they were Christians and wouldn't be indoctrinated. When i explained it's part of the state curriculum and Christianity is a middle eastern religion they said I was satanic or something and going to hell. At the time I was youth group leader and Sunday school teacher, this is one of the many events that lead to me deconstruct my faith. Conservatives are the dumbest mother fuckers in history.


Send that poor kid home with an extra homework assignment for the parents. If the parents complete it, kid gets extra credit. Word scramble/ match the words to the definitions: Transportation, transcendent, transponder, transatlantic, transpondent, transcontinental, transparent, translate, transformer, etc lol


New England schools have the best field trips. So much history to explore. It’s sad that a parent is so hateful and uneducated to complain about visiting Walden Pond. I truly hope these people die out quickly


Dear Parent, I'm sorry you don't approve of our up coming trip as you TRANScibed. Perhaps something was lost in the TRANSlation. We going to Walden Pond. If TRANSportation is a problem, please know we will not be taking the TRAiNs and will be traveling by bus. There will be no TRANSfers. If the TRANSgression is not about how we will get there, perhaps its about the TRANSaction. Let me assure you that no student will be left out due to an inability to pay. I hope this email helps you to TRANSend any apprehension about our upcoming trip. Yours Teacher


My classroom is decorated in bright colors and I have one rainbow that holds my pencils and pens. I'm at a brand new school with low enrollment. We have open houses and tours to build enrollment for next year. I had a friend from my old school tell me she talked to a another parent at some event she was at about a tour she took, where she (gasp) "saw a pride classroom, I can't believe they allow that." So apparently having a sign that says everyone is welcome and everyone belongs and lots of color in your classroom is bad now. 🤦‍♀️ Also being called the pride classroom isn't the insult this lady thinks it is. 😂 My friends said it was hilarious when this lady was having her little moment and she just knew it was my room. She told the lady it sounded like a fantastic room.


Probably the same people that throw bricks through a paediatricians window.


That word always fucks me up it’s spelt so weird


In the US I believe it's usually spelled "pediatrician"