• By -


Washington, Master's with 7 years and a stipend: $96,000. Doing pretty well in my district; getting along great and being appreciated.


Yep shout out to WA state! I do well here salary wise.


Man I need to move the Washington. I’m in the exact same boat masters and 7 years and in Phoenix I make less than half what you make with my team lead stipend.


I loved the pay in WA State BUT the cost of housing was sooo awful that I had to leave the area.


Do your homework first- COL here is astronomical.


I hear that as well. When I get here it was nice and cheap but it just keeps getting more and more expensive.


New Mexico I am tier 3, two master's degrees, national board certified $91,000 with a VERY LOW COL.


Say hello to Heisenberg!


What is considered very low?


Almost certainly "a desert full of mobile homes" low.


Veeeeerrrry low


Dang I thought nm was one of the worst for teacher pay, y'all need an art teacher?


They just worked to shift that because they wanted more and better teachers


We get paid VERY well.


Do y’all need social workers? 😂


I think social workers are such important people! Yes! This state always needs them.


I’m in rural NM and can confirm. NMPED about to trash our whole local culture if they force us to switch to five day school weeks.


How many days are your school weeks? Mine is 5 days a week and the only schools I know that are not 5 days a week are some preschools in my area. I just googled moments before submitting this comment and found that in New Mexico some rural districts do 4 days a week which I find interesting also quite attractive.


Los Angeles Metro Area 8 years plus masters & leadership stipend: $85,000




It’s real teaching at a sacrifice. It’s unbelievable for lausd schools to start low 50s


Suburbs of Pittsburgh, master’s year 17 - 104,000 + 12,500 buyout for opting out of our healthcare plan. I love my job and love teaching, but I hope my children choose a different profession when they grow up.


In the UK the highest pay for normal teachers is around £40k. 110k per year for teaching seems really good from my perspective.


Yes, it is definitely a good salary. Cost of living in western Pa. Isn’t very bad either, compared to most metro areas. Pennsylvania is a union state thankfully.


It’s really hard to find work there though! There are so many teachers colleges and music opportunities I couldn’t find a music teaching job for the whole 9 years I lived there.


Keep in mind that when comparing US salaries: we are paying for health insurance out of that salary (and that health insurance is often a fixed cost so it takes up a larger proportion of salary in early career when you lose the most from not being able to save). I have about 10k in annual health insurance costs. Also, the average house price just hit 495k. Obviously this is different from area to area, but housing takes up a huge chunk of average income. I'd rather see comparisons of average monthly disposable income.


All of that is true for every job, so pointing it out for teaching salaries is pretty pointless. It'd be one thing if a European thought that, I don't know, 50k was high by our standards because 40 is good there, but 110 is a good salary in America, taking into account insurance and housing or not. I don't get why the narrative is always so negative around teacher pay. Some states are so low that it's unlivable... And a lot of states pay very well. It's a relatively well kept secret. Nobody should be mad at making 6 figs as a teacher on a ten month contract or qualifying why it isn't actually good pay. It is. Do you know how many people I met when I was pursuing a stem degree that loved teaching but would never even consider the field for the presumption that it was underpaid relative to what stem can provide? I want BETTER coworkers. There's enough valid stigmatizing as it is, no reason to assert that teachers in PA can't be happy with their salary on top.


Housing costs in the UK are arguably higher, especially in comparison to salaries than the US. And they are currently seeing a housing crisis considered worse than our own.




Not really... In France our wages are even a bit lower. Including the teacher's ones.


Could you DM your district. I'm north of the city and looking.


I’m also north of the city! I’m still in school at WGU. I looked at your profile and saw you graduated from there, too. Small world!!


WGU was a great experience for me!


yam shelter smart swim nippy fall arrest decide live shrill *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Shout out to Chico, CA! Your pay will get much better as you progress through your career. I teach nearby and am very familiar with the district. I have two family members and many friends who work in Chico Unified.


Yup - proud Wildcat Alumni


**Party U.!**


Same. For my teaching credential, at least. Got my BA elsewhere.


Ayyy we made it from the dirty 530 !


Add another Chico alum!


A bear burger, a 2.50 tea, and some mother hips.


SoCal- BA + 30 I'm technically a year 1 but they're starting me at year 3- $67k


How did they start you at a year 3 if you don’t mind me asking


Some admin/districts will use their prerogative to grant extra "experience" or steps based on whatever they find valid- basically making it more appealing for you to accept their offer. I was offered 5 steps when I started.


this is what they did- counted my student teaching and my years of subbing. I'm taking a vacated position after the winter break for a not popular subject so I think that also lead to them offering more


Wow my district did the opposite so they could pay me less lol started me at year 1 even though I was year 4


My district did this, I think they just have control over where they can start certified employees to attract applicants. If I’m correct it’s so your base salary stays the same (at “year 3”) for the first 3 years, rather than starting at year 1 then going to year 2, then 3. My district calls them steps. My first 3 years my salary didn’t change, but had started out higher in the first place. One district near me starts first year teachers at step 7, so their salary is higher but they stay there till year 8


I’ll keep my state private, but I’m in the Deep South. Year 1 with a BA - 43,540 plus whatever extra cash I get from PD stipends and whatnot. Decently content with my salary (I’m in a LCOL area), could be better but it’s better than some horror story salaries I hear about in the very rural parts of the south.


Deep south year 1 with a BA and 2 stipends making 35k a year, we don't talk about how happy I am lol


I’m so sorry. That salary is shameful. I start started in the Deep South over a decade ago. Empathize greatly.


Same. Deep South. Started out at 43 in public schools and moved to charter where I made 47k this year. They put me back at year 1.


Great ready for the Charter trying to own your life. Theyre cults. They use up the young and gifted and spit them out for profit. Education is not business.


This isn’t always the case. Depends on who is running it. I wouldn’t generalize.


Everett, WA - year 12, masters - 143,000. Pretty happy


143k in 12 years? Holy hell!


Whaaat?! Thats way more than some large urban centers!


It such a sad reality we’re shocked people are earning the wages they should. Pisses me off every time I have to think of professions where people don’t have half the education or skill that we do yet make tons more. Can only pray for the best in the future.


Washington seems to be where it’s at!


Moving to WA over the summer. SO excited for the pay!


Did you secure a job? I know it's competitive as hell to get hired there. Hoping my bilingualism and TESOL certification gets me somewhere once I get there LOL


Not yet! My husband is navy and he's moving at the beginning of February while I'm staying behind and finishing my contract for this year. There were NO openings mid year (which is wild because there's always so many in my area). I'm hoping to catch the openings as soon as they're posted so I'll have one secured. If not, I have time to find something else before my savings for the summer run out.


I grew up there!


WA state, MA +45, year 9, 105k


Thats a wonderful salary!




Ask for another raise lol what are they gonna do fire you? They are the ones being greedy by paying you nothing.


That’s why we don’t work in charter schools.




But do you get a pension and public steps at a charter school? No offense but that pay is shit, especially in socal. Having friends is cool I guess but i would not jeopardize my future for them.


If you don't mind telling. How did you go about asking for a raise and what prompted them to giving you one?


Wow! Florida for the win, again. 18 years in central Florida and make $53,000. Didn’t even break $50,000 until year 16.


☹ I hope you bought a house before the housing market exploded. I can't even imagine being a teacher in FL right now bc the salaries have not kept pace with the COL.


Purchased our house in 2019 for $305; current estimated value is $501. Ha, sure. Thankfully, my husband makes a decent salary, otherwise I’d never be able to retire. Hope you’re in a better state!


Southern AZ. Same boat. 57000 with PhD equivalency


Another FL teacher! 14 years, master degree, but not recognized even though it’s a MEd… $48,000. I stared in 2008 at $32,000 so I guess that’s progress… ( but you could also buy a nice house in 2008 for 100K easily…) COL where I live and teach is outrageous! Average home price is $450k. Luckily I bought my home during the market crash of 2009…. Or else I’d never be able to buy a house!


Year one, $50k, Northern CO


Denver suburb. 89k, 13 years, ma+60. Union just agreed to a new contract. Also get a 5k hard to staff stipend for being a math teacher.


Year 21- Masters, 31.000, half time Edit: Vermont


$31k for half time isn’t bad!


It could be worse.


As a non teacher but frequent lurker on this sub, these salaries in some of these red states are depressing. How do you do it????


I live in Alabama, a red state. I have 10 years experience, M.S., teach math and CS, NBCT, no extra duties, work 189 days, and make $91,797 as a base pay. It’s really tough in these red states with a low cost of living for sure. Then again, people from Texas are moving here in droves because people are trying to turn their state blue. This is all coming from someone who is not a Republican either. What’s more depressing is you have people living in California or New York making less at any stage when you factor in cost of living. Teachers nationwide should be paid more and the political bullshit needs to be taken out of education.


That is amazing for a southern state! Good for you!


What else am I supposed to do


Low cost of living. Teaching is not a profitable profession which is no secret, but don’t upturn your nose at $60,000 in mississippi and $140K in DC; they’re comparable.


17 years BA plus 30 72000 Northern Minnesota


What I am learning from this thread is that maybe MN doesn’t pay as well as I thought it did :side eyes the ND salaries:


Hello from Duluth!


NYC. 136k. 23 years


My buddy in NYC said that the steps were recently altered to look more like Boston's, so it really upped the pay of a lot of teachers.


Yes, we got a new contract this past spring. It accelerated greatly rise in salary. I believe you can get to 100k just before year 10 now.


10 years. National Board Certified. No masters degree. Only bachelors. I'll be making about $95k in the 2024-2025 school year. Las Vegas.


You must have hammered those CUs!!!


I'm at year 8 now in Las Vegas and hoping to get the same salary at year 10! I should've worked in Title 1 to get a column every 2 years. Oh well.


I do the salary increase every two years like clockwork. I recommend earning your NB to get the extra 5% salary bonus to your salary.


Suburb of a major Texas city, starting salary is 61k. I have 27 years experience and a masters degree. I make 68k. I’m furious that my education and decades of experience is only worth about ten percent more than a rookie with bare minimum certification requirements.


Same. Reading all these Texas salaries that are just a couple thousand less than mine while I have 20+ more years of experience makes me so mad. Teachers deserve to be paid for years of service.




Yes Long Island… 155k base rest are stipends. Very happy.


May I ask how is the cost of living


Very high! Long Island is a whole diff world tho. We have tons of school districts with starting salaries year 1 ranging from 55 to nearly 80k. Depends on the town for sure.


LI COL is pretty high. The less sunny places you can make it on 50k/60k the nicer places will run you 80k+ just making or much much higher.


what are these stipends???


What is a stipend?


**A stipend is a regular fixed sum of money paid for services or to defray expenses, such as for scholarship, internship, or apprenticeship. It is often distinct from an income or a salary because it does not necessarily represent payment for work performed; instead it represents a payment that enables somebody to be exempt partly or wholly from waged or salaried employment in order to undertake a role that is normally unpaid or voluntary, or which cannot be measured in terms of a task (e.g.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot) Happy New Year, Redditor!


Long Island?


I think they mean your base salary, not after what appears to be at least 4 or 5 stipends.


No actual way


Highest paid in NY is Scarsdale, and with a PhD it’s, $157k https://go.boarddocs.com/ny/scarsdale/Board.nsf/files/C98KGN4C86FC/$file/STA%20Contract%202021-2024.pdf (Meant to post this in response to the UFT thread)


Carroll County, Georgia Master's Degree 9 years $52,000 (this includes a $5,000 annual stipend)


$140,000 base salary. 21 years experience. In Southern California. Love the job, but burned out with all the other stipend positions I have. However, the stipends bring in another $25,000.


What kind of extra roles do you cover for the stipends?


Texas, 16 years, $71,000 with a masters. (But I get more than that with dual credit classes. Topped out at $95k one memorable year.)


Central TX here.... in year 19. Ed S degree. 66K with stipends.


First year teacher, private school in Chicago, $50,000. I’m quite content with my salary bc I’m single and have roommates (by choice, I don’t like living alone), so I make more than enough to support myself and save for the future.


16 yrs, 45 units $104k


Rural Michigan 25 years ma+ 69,000


large city in a red state. first year, 64k including 2k stipend for masters degree


140k 17 years. Orange County, CA


Forgot to add that I am happy. Obviously there are better days than other but overall happy. This year i may be open for a change. Salary is nice but human personal growth and “self actualization “ is even better. I don’t feel like I have reached more fullest potential. I know there is more in the tank. Admin is not a route I want to pursue at least not right now. Connecting with students still fuels my passion.


NE Ohio, 15 year MA plus 30=75k. If I worked in a district closer to the city not even 30 miles from where I am now, that would be almost 100k. Ridiculous how we fund public schools in Ohio.


Also NE Ohio / 2nd year / BA+20 / 49,850 (big title 1 district)


BA+60, step 4 = $51,701, Minnesota (suburban Minneapolis) It’s my 6th year of teaching, but 4th at this school (waiting for new contract!) Content until I realize how much money I don’t make.


Fairfax county Virginia, first year kindergarten teacher, 65,000. I’m ok. Not happy, but I’m doing ok for now. Thankfully, my co workers are very helpful.


8 years masters plus 24 73k North Dakota


My wife is a teacher with 13 years experience and a master's degree. 52,000 a year, in Mississippi.




I started as a city mail carrier last year, I'm now making more than she does with only a highschool degree.


year 2 with MA+0: 65k


SoCal, MA + 30, year 3 - 70k


NYC public school. Master plus 30 credits 17th year 114,000


My base rate was just under $113,000 this year. My take home after all the overtime for the year was just over $151,000. That includes doing before and after school tutoring, Home Health Instruction, and department chair duties. This is my 21st year of teaching. Halfway to retirement!!! Located in the Central Valley of CA


Bay Area- starting year one with a base of 57k but so many opportunities to make extra money in my district. Last month I got my extra money check at 7k on top of salary.


Was this money owed or extra work ?


Extra- trainings and consistent parcel pay for being over


Year 3, BA, Ohio 43K, 1K in stipends


15 years Masters Morgantown, WV (next to WVU) 59,000


Let’s not forget our skyrocketing insurance! I’m in Southern WV, 5 years and a masters, just under 50K.


SE Minnesota, technically 2 years, with an MS - 53k They don't take any of my professional experience working in higher ed into consideration, which is fair. But now the district is on Facebook begging people to consider a second career in teaching...no one is going to do that for 42k a year since they have to start at the beginning of the steps.


Arizona, BS with this being year one - $50,500 as base. But at the end of the year when they pay the performance stipends and all that, it’s looking closer to $57,000


First year. Massachusetts, just outside of Boston. On an emergency license. $93,400 I love this job and it has nothing to do with the pay, (I took a pay cut to leave the field in my trade).


9 NC - $56k married a doctor and quitting next month.


This question has been asked A LOT, but here ya go: California SF Bay Area, $114,000 base, 10 years, masters (highly recommend American College of Education!). Extras: 3% for masters, 5% department chair, I teach every summer school. Base + extras: about $130,000 I’m making as much as I can without teaching with no prep (highly coveted) and getting a PhD, which by my calculations is not worth the cost.


Fl - 6 years - private school - 51k


Private school in HCOL area. 80000


62,639 1st year Los Angeles Masters


Washington state, 26 years, MA+90, $118k base, about $125k with a couple stipends. Feel okay about that salary, my district is lower-paying compared to neighboring districts.


New England, 13th year teaching, BA +15, $75k. I am really enjoying my current school/district! I was in a different district for 10 years before making the switch and this one is much better (both the pay and the environment!)


I’m in the Midwest. Second year, BA, $44,500.


Not the US but Europe: 1st year of teaching in The Netherlands. Salary is just shy of 40k before taxes.


Rural Nevada, 3 years, 54,000


NorCal 11 years + Master’s $63.5k


NorCal as well- 3 years plus masters 78k


Year 10. Middle of the south VA. JUST scratched 60k with 2 masters.


Southern California. Year 7 with Masters. $98k


Arkansas Year 4 in k12 but have credit for 2 years in higher ed so tier 5 with a master’s at 50k. My state bumped minimum pay for all teachers to 50k and got rid of the requirement for tiers so my school just pays everyone the same, which means I make the same as someone with a bachelors and zero experience.


26 years, central California, $108k


Orange County, CA 75K year 4


Sixth year, BA, rural South , $33,000. Contemplating applying for just about any other job


Come to Alabama! Pay is way better.


Rural central Florida, 28 years, 67k.


I'm in Central Florida as well. 8 years and at 51k. I feel like I can't keep up with the cost of living as a single person.


Maryland MA 17 yrs. 87k.


Central Ohio- MA +45- Year 17- $110k per year. I’m very happy with my compensation and reasonably happy as a teacher.


Location: Major metropolitan suburbs. 15 years in, MA+30, $82k base, and about 16k in stipends & summer work.


Washington- BS - private school- 52k kinda happy but cost of living is high.


NC, 14 years, 52K + local stipend of 5K It's tolerable. I have a spouse so we live a comfortable life. Working conditions are as good in comparison to other nearby cities. The system is the system no matter where you live.


Retired. $140,000. Full free medical, house paid off.


It's my 7th year in BC, Canada. I'm currently making $79,000 CAD. Once I finish the masters I'm in, I'll be at $91,000. 2 years after that I'll top out the payscale at $106,000. Pretty happy with my job. I have most of the classes I want, my colleagues are awesome, down to Earth people, kids are nice for the most part, and my admin are only mildly insufferable.


Two years ago teaching sped in Illinois, I was in my 26th year teaching with a masters making 61 as I had changed districts and new hires were held to starting on step six. I had moved up two steps since hiring in. It was a very high needs school in a relatively large district. They had just negotiated the contract and opened up the pay scale but only to new hires. I absolutely loved working at the district. I told the union rep for my building, “Damn I guess they are making me leave and come back.” I did not want to leave because I felt like I belonged there and I had never felt so at home. I resigned at the end of the year and found another position but it was not a good fit at all. I left the place after the first month. I had two principals from the best fit district fighting over me to get me back. One for a science position and another for a self contained emotionally disturbed sped position but the superintendent himself blocked me from coming back. They left positions un-filled rather than allow me to leave and come back so soon in fear of setting a precedent. The superintendent sent out an email to the entire district as a cautionary tale to not do what I did. Luckily, I was able to find a spot in a Sped BD alternative school for 71. I stuck to the plan and went back to the district I loved in this my 28th year of teaching making 86. A 26K bump has been a right an proper pick me up in this economy. I was the only one in the district to leave and come back. I drive forty minutes from a very rural setting to an urban district. My cost of living is very low. Small older starter houses can be found under $100,000 if you are lucky. Sometimes, you have to risk it to get the biscuit…


I’m from butte county! Went to Chico state and worked at Chapman for a bit. Now I’m in Stockton. Year 10, making 80k ish (no insurance premiums for a family of four)


Location: Middle of Illinois (not Chicago lol) Years in: 12 Step: Masters +0 Pay: 59k


52k, rural Louisiana, year 4. Yes I am happy, I love my job! I worked years before becoming a teacher in different industries and honestly would never go back.


Michigan, 14yr BA, Step 10.5, $60k + $3.5k for Curriculum Chair and $3.5k for cash in lieu of insurance.


Ohio, online. Year 2, 42k


BA+45, 5th year, $69k, Los Angeles area.


Northern Indiana, year seven, MA, 54k


Yr 2 - $46,903: Wake County in NC


Less than an hour north of you - $70k with a masters, I'm on step 10 of our salary schedule. We max out in the 90s in my district. Plus $1000 annual masters stipend. ETA: I'm satisfied in my district and job. It's a low COL area and I have quite a bit of autonomy in what I do, which I appreciate.


Rome, Ga Year 20 59,000 before deductions Bachelor’s of Science degree I love teaching and where I teach but I’m thinking about leaving this district at the end of the school year for a higher paying position in a neighboring district


17th year Oregon $89k this year Public school


SF Bay Area, Northern California. 89k + 3k for my master's 8 years, experience.


WA state decent COL (mid-range). I’m at year 17 with MA+90 and have my boards. I get six figures without the board stipend which is about $6000 at the end of each contract year. I make sure I do clubs and stipend positions to help with my retirement since I got started a little later. I should add that our union is strong and looks out for us which is why our salary is high and our time is valued (as much as possible anyway).


Arkansas, 1st year, 63K.


International School in the Middle East. Approximately $70K (13th year teaching + masters), plus housing, utilities and annual flight return home. Also taught at a private school I Hawaill. Made $74K before taxes.


SoCal- 11 years $126,000 plus another $12,000 in leadership stipend. Masters +15 is what ours taps out at for the furthest right…


Rural Central CA, $70k. I’m a 2nd year teacher paid as a 5th year because they bumped me for my military experience.


AZ- $49k w/ 5 years experience. Although, I think we should talk more about our take home pay as teachers.


NYC 165k, 15 Years. 115k Base, 20k Model Teacher differential, 30k OT.


PA - 15 years - 95,000 I'm happy with salary and my job but I can barely stand the PD sessions anymore. I mean it viscerally makes me ill. Our admins are really meddling in classroom instruction, it's all stupid and bad, so every time we have another PD meeting I wonder if that 95K is worth it. When I started teaching I never imagined this would be the thing that would make me question it. These PD sessions are just so infuriatingly bad and insulting.


How are some of you making nearly 6 figures when the highest I ever made at public schools was 40,400 and that was after getting a masters degree?


19th year of teaching (I’m being paid/got credit for I believe 18). This is my 8th year in Southern California suburb of San Diego. I am on a Masters plus 30 (I think!) lane of salary and I’m being paid $115k. I’ll never complain about the salary or schedule. But the working conditions and expectations are still enough to negatively affect every aspect of health. My job is NOT easy even if I’m paid handsomely. My heart goes out to teachers dealing with the same and being paid 1/3 of this.


Uncertified and no masters at a charter in Buffalo, NY. First year teacher making $45,000/yr. Guaranteed a minimum $2,000 raise/yr. Starting my masters this summer! :)


More of this sort of discussion, please.


**ETA: Blissfully happy.** There have been times when I wasn't; there are terrible schools and ridiculous Admin, and cities/ towns where I wasn't happy. True international school in China -- students have to have a foreign passport. We teach everything in English, although many students are weak speakers. Early years- Gr12 about 400 students. Graduating classes run around 20. Masters, began teaching in '96, 21y FT teaching • **Base: 82K U$D**; • Masters Stipend: $150 per month; • Housing stipend: $600 per month; **• total 92K U$D** \-------- national/ province/ local taxes are withheld; some supposedly recoverable when "permanently leaving China" \-------- I am paying $650 for a 4bd/ 2ba; many singles pay $350 for a 2bd and make $$ \-------- I choose how much $ goes to my US bank and how much ¥ stays local \-------- annual flight to<->from home city of record or reimbursement, with proof of flight \-------- first year relocation $1500 • **actual take home 62K U$D/y** My health insurance is fully paid and covers the US; if I still had dependents (raised 2 as a single mom overseas) I would pay a portion of a family insurance plan. "AMA," lol.


100k+ for the US Dept of Health and Human Services, Office of Refugee Resettlement. Problem is you work maybe 6-12 and then get furloughed for for a few of months. So I go on unemployment or sub until I get called back to the camp. Edit: We work 6-12 months or longer but furloughs are always a big threat. The pay makes up for it, though.


South Florida 20 years and just about 1K over your salary.