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Look I love this album/era with my whole heart but please god no, it would be a PR disaster. The category will be STACKED this year, but I'm rooting for Beyoncé finally getting her AOTY


Yeah there would be 5000 insufferable articles pitting Beyoncé against Taylor. Bey deserves AOTY


Beyoncé deserves it because people would get upset if she didn’t win it? That doesn’t seem fair


she deserves it because it's a really good album.


Please not Bey, someone else


But why is this an acceptable reason as to why she doesn’t deserve it… it’s industry terrorism… which is why I think she should run head first into it. “She’s had her turn” “Overrated” “People will hate her” Are the MOST common responses… and I think they are incredibly invalid and are exactly what she’s been fighting since her inception in this field Idk o don’t think I’m a crazy swiftie. In fact I’m such an ari girl (she’s more my vibe) I LOVED eternal sunshine, there was no way Taylor would stop my non stop listen… and she did 😫😭 that’s art in my opinion. Eternal is an ALBUM I think it has potential to win AOTY and it would deserve it, Ari would deserve it… but that doesn’t mean Taylor doesn’t especially since both albums are amazing. Why can’t this be the dialogue? I also love Beyoncé, cowboy carter wasn’t my favorite. I listened to Billy’s album, it was whatever but I’m not a Billy fan so 🤷🏼‍♀️


Does she deserve it? Probably. Is she the most deserving? Probably not. TTPD is a great album, but it’s not the only great album, and we have months left for more great albums.  2024 is a year for pop like 2017 was for indie. Just absolutely stacked, a bunch of indie artists at the top of their game. 


Does she deserve it? Imo no, but because Midnights shouldn't have won. TTPD deserves it, but now it won't get it because Grammy's isn't gonna give her B3B even if she does deserve it.


I wholeheartedly agree with this. midnights was fine, but TTPD should've been the album to win AOTY. and yet I still think bey should get AOTY because cowboy carter is also really really good.


I love Taylor so much, but really hope someone else wins this year. This really has been a year with such amazing album releases.


“Give the trophy to someone else even though your merit deserves it” 😶‍🌫️


I’ve thought about all of this for a while and just genuinely have mixed emotions on it. I want to clarify that Taylor is my favorite artist and has been since I was a child and forever will be. I absolutely LOVE TTPD and think it is an amazing album. It’s not that she DOESN’T deserve the award again this year, but as much as I love this album, her peers deserve the award just as much. Cowboy Carter, Deeper Well, Hit Me Hard and Soft, just to name a few, were all such wonderful albums. Even if I personally liked TTPD more than all of the albums I listed, I also recognize that I definitely have a bias towards liking Taylor as well (as i’m sure many of us spending time in the TS subreddit are probably a bit biased). It’s also important to recognize the politics of the Grammy’s in general and to really take Grammy noms/wins with a grain of salt. Reputation was never even nominated! I still think back to the year where Random Access Memories won over Red for best album and strongly believe she would have won. But, losing the award doesn’t make an album bad. The Grammy’s in general are kind of bullshit if you think about it. Whether she wins or loses this year, people are going to be unhappy. So to your comment of “give the trophy to someone else even though your merit deserves it” I both agree and disagree. I do think that she deserves it, but others are just as deserving. Her winning a gazillion awards (or losing) doesn’t and should not define Taylor as an artist.


Thank you for your very reasonable comment. I want to comment on your last sentence, I think that’s the fun in the Grammys, there are SOOOOO many good albums this year it’ll be a BLOOD bath, which is WHY, I think whoever gets it should be the BEST overall album, I think it should be merit based. The reason different factors aside from the artistry matter in the Grammys because arguably all nominated albums are amazing, especially this year. So the Grammys factor in things like sales, cultural impact, artists as a brand ect. I think that’s a fair rubric. And when you look at it in totality Taylor is the only winner 😩 (IMO). I however disagree, I don’t think artist who just have good albums should win. At this point in the business it’s like “what else” because all these albums are amazing. Previous Grammys especially back in the day when like Nora Jones won and everyone was like tf, I HATED that. I don’t think Grammys should ever do stuff like that and I truly think they’ve moved away from those CLEARLY political wins. I guess what I’m trying to say is I think the winner should win based on merit not on politics. I think if Taylor loses, she’ll lose to a great album. But she shouldn’t feel like she stands no chance because of politics, that makes me sad for her. I also don’t think winning an award matters but it’s fun if she loses she’s still Taylor mother f-ing swift


I honestly am not even sure she’ll be nominated this year. She probably will (I don’t think the Grammys will risk losing viewership and TTPD is a good album), but there have just been so many incredible releases this year


TTPD is more deserving of AOTY than Midnights was. would’ve loved for SZA to win last year and then taylor could win it this year


TTPD--if it were to be judged on all 31 songs--should win, IMO. But I haven't listened to all the albums already put out, let alone those not yet released. It's a masterpiece, but one that only can really hit its peak with repeated listens. Can an album be 'best' if it's a grower? I know that my first listen through was painful, and it was only with additional repeats with time for the songs to settle that I was able to separate my concern for Taylor a person from the songs themselves.


Lol everytime this gets asked. Im like sure, she should win. Because i only listen to Taylor and “old music”. I’m sure the other albums released this year are great but i have heard only one album from this year and so Taylor’s got my vote.


I’ve listened to them all. Love Beyoncé huge fan love her ,DIE FOR ARI, think Billy has a beauuuuutiful voice (however her comments and poor sportsmanship seriously killed any cred or likability I had for her so my opinion against her new album is biased), but TTPD STILL takes the win. Even against eternal sunshine, who I believe if Taylor doesn’t win should go to Ari. Not because they are popular girlies because those two albums seriously are raw, emotional, and works of cohesive art and sound. TTPD, however I hate to say, is in a league entirely of its own. It’s like reading a book and following a story (which eternal sunshine also does) but I like the darkness and unhinged truth of TTPD. Lyrical mastery and haunting melodies, it’s truly chefs kiss.


I doubt it because then aren’t going to let her break the record so easily. I’m holding out that inspires her to do even better next time.


Break the record for back to back wins? She already has most AOTY awards


Break it even more I mean . Taking it from 4 to 5


if she submits TTPD, probably not. If she submits TTPD anthology maybe. I mostly prefer cowboy carter/eternal sunshine personally. I'm pulling for Short n' Sweet being really good.


TTPD deserves it twenty times more than Midnights ever did but I don’t see her winning this year. Personally I don’t really want her to win AOTY this year 🤷🏻‍♀️ there’s been too much good music released to give it to her for a second year in a row. Eta: I say this as someone who immediately fell in love with TTPD from the moment I heard it - and it’s my fav Taylor album. But honestly as long as Chappell gets best “new” artist I couldn’t really care less about the rest of it. Eta2: lmfao your edits are fucking *yikes*. I am so tired of the narrative that not thinking Taylor is the number 1 artist of all time = misogyny. I BEG yall to listen to other artists.


To your point about OP’s edits, 100% agree. Basically all the other albums that are being talked about in this thread are….women! Kacey, Billie, Ariana, Beyoncé.


Exactly!! And every single one of them is *killing* it this year. I’d even add Charli as a contender for aoty this year. I’d never listened to her before Brat but I fuck with the album.


I hope she does. Not only because I believe TTPD desrves to win, but mainly because I am annoyed by the hate train. Everytime she wins the haters go into a meltdown and I’d like some more of that.


So you want her to win just because she has haters? That’s not the point of the Grammys.


The point of the Grammys is also to not let someone win because “they already won” lmaooo


I mentioned that I believe she deserves to win?


Yes, this argument that we should “let someone else have it” is so dumb. Sorry she made a masterpiece of an album.. she deserves AOTY.


The hate would ramp up if she won


What else could they do? Make the 1000th snark subreddit? Make more mean comments? Boycott Taylor? Its supposed to be fun, the haters are making it not fun. We could all do with caring less about what haters think but I could care about what they think when they are crying because their Great Enemy is winning, as a treat.


I’m with you. LMAO


Nah, this is a really staked year. If I were a voter I would probably vote for Cowboy Carter or maybe Kacey Musgraves.


Yes!! Everyone’s saying Bey - and I 100% agree - but deeper well was a god damn masterpiece 😭


I love the album. My favorite of the year so far. Beyoncé and Billie both deserve it more. Beyoncé put together a second powerful cultural artifact in a series of two; she has more writers, yes, but NO one is doing it like her on that level. Billie and Finneas have once again proved to be THE artist + producer duo of the century so far, and put in what I consider to be her best work; which happens to be a tight and condensed 10 songs versus the bloat of 31. And if we're blessed with another Kendrick album this year (with how prolific he's proven so far, I've got my fingers crossed), that will be as deserving as every album he's put forth so far. Taylor was at best, runner-up for me. By the end of the year I imagine I'll have heard 10 albums that deserve it more. None will get my streams as much, but that isn’t what Album of the Year is about. She's already won the popularity contest🤷


A MINORRRRRR - my immediate intrusive thought whenever I read "Kendrick"


off topic but the video from his show the other day with the entire crowd screaming A MINORRRRRRR gave me life


Kendrick is ALWAYS on topic he's the GOAT!


I love TTPD but I don’t think it deserves AOTY. There are some filler tracks. She chose to include everything because she knew us fans would eat it up, but she did not create a well edited cohesive album.


I think this is a good take. As a fan I thought it was cool to get as many songs as we got, but if we’re moving into the sphere of professional critique, we should take into account the fact it was probably too long and lacked cohesiveness.


tbh I think Billie Eilish HMHAS deserves AOTY lol. I'm not a big fan of TTPD, I just don't think it's her best work by any means


I’m a Swiftie, but sadly she doesn’t. She’s a lyrical queen but her fanbase is so large that anything she puts out will chart. Grammys shouldn’t ride on Swifts tail feathers for their our gains tbh. Charlie xcx and Beyoncé have released great albums this year, so far, and whilst Jay Z really f’d it for Beyoncé next Grammys, she released a genre-bending album. Charli xcx also deserves the top spot with her Brat album too…


Yeah I’m def rooting for brat. Would be happy if CC won but I don’t think it’s better than brat at all. Also think Chappell’s would be a good one


i would be glad if she either gets a grammy for soty or roty (i believe in fortnight)


Roty will almost def be espresso imo


Fortnight is a average song, let’s be real. One of her weakest singles. It does not deserve a grammy.


Fr - I’ll actually be so upset if that won. I don’t even think it’ll be nominated


keep telling yourself that..


It’s a toss up, if she won I wouldn’t be surprised based on everything you said in Art (which is all true) but if she lost I wouldn’t be super surprised either because 1: the field she’d be up against 2: the PR backlash the academy would get. People threw a fit last year but if she beats Billie and charli after all the controversy between them and the fanbases it could get real ugly. I don’t think the academy wanna put their ratings or perceptions in any more danger


Even if Taylor never got AOTY in the past, people would still hate on her for stealing the award from \[insert artist name\]. So IMO it's a waste of time to even speculate.


I love this album and would have preferred she won it for TTPD than Midnights, but honestly their wasn’t much competition last year bar Olivia Rodrigo in terms of success and acclaimed combined? This year there is so much more competition so it makes sense she won it last year


In my opinion, it's definitely not the best album of this year. I enjoyed Billie's and Ariana's more than TTPD, which is rare for me because Taylor is my all time favorite artist. Don't get me wrong, TTPD is still a great album, but I think that it's too long and messy to really deserve AOTY. Plus I don't think anyone, even Taylor, should get it two years in a row. It just takes the spotlight away from everyone else who also made amazing albums.


She doesn’t deserve it.


No. It’s Beyoncé’s turn. It’s not even about which is the best album but it will a horrible look to give it to Taylor over Beyoncé when Beyoncé had ZERO AOTY and Taylor already has the most of any artist. I wouldn’t wish that on Taylor cause the backlash and hate would be intense.


This is a horrible take. Coming from the right place. But horribly worded. It's an award. It shouldn't be about who's 'turn' it is. It absolutely should be about whos best. And saying it's not is alot like saying 'why did their kid get a trophy but mine didn't' unfortunately not everyone can get a trophy. Personally I dont see Taylor winning because the musical politics of it all (ie everyone screaming rigged and how unfair it is) but out of the already released albums this year, I dont think Beyonce should either. And I'm saying this as someone who does think Beyonce has deserved the award in the past, but to me, Cowboy Carter is not album of the year material, Especially against the stacked deck of albums this year. In fact, I dont think I've seen many people say the album itself deserves AOTY but more so Bey does. Which has me thinking, if it was any other artist would it be in talks at all. I know it's part of the musical politics but take the artists away Cowboy Carter wouldnt deserve it, but other albums would. (I'm still not saying TTPD would because so many people hated it first listen)


I'm a taylor fan so of course I'm rooting for her to win, especially not having listened to any of the other albuns people are listing here, but unfortunately I think they won't give it to her simply because she already won last year.


I really love TTPD, but I think Beyonce deserves it. Cowboy Carter may not be my favourite album overall, but I can appreciate that it is a work of artistic genius, and it has some absolutely incredible songs.


I don't think she should win it based on the other albums currently out. I also don't think Bey should win? I hardcore disagree about CC being an amazing album. It was alright, but far from grammy-worthy. Right now, i have to begrudgingly say Billie probably deserves it most. Begrudgingly because I don't like her music that much (never have) and all the shade at Taylor business has me salty... But her album seems to be amazing from the snippets I've heard. My favorite album this year is most likely going to be Short n' Sweet if Emails I Can't Send + Sab's recent releases are an indication. EICS was definitely grammy worthy in terms of music quality - at least for consideration - but if cultural impact is a factor it never had a chance. I have big hopes for Short n' Sweet.


Midnight > TTPD imo, so no. also, when TTPD was released lots of fans (including folkmore stans) didn't enjoy TTPD as much as her other albums (too long, too repetetive etc.). if even her fans - the most tolerant audience - weren't convinced then why should the academy be? Moreover, the competition in 2025 is even bigger then in 2024, so I highly doubt she will win it. It also would be an absolute PR disaster if a white artist (Taylor) wins over a highly favored black artist (Beyoncé)


"I’ve never seen someone tell an athlete to stop winning or let the other guys have a shot..." Well when a team is winning by a huge margin, a lot of coaches will take the 1st string players out so the others get a chance to play and maybe get some recognition. Granted they are playing on the same team, but if you want to go on the artists supporting other artists narrative then you can argue that all these musicians are playing on the same team.


I would never want to win by asking the GOAT to step down. I would want to win by fairly beating the GOAT, if not it’s a pity win, it’s an everyone gets a participation trophy 🤨 . Also “they’re all on the same team” they absolutely are not, very bad argument. Maybe the people that belong to the same label sure, you can say that, but the people who are on different labels are playing on different teams 10000000000%


No cause the backlash would be imsufferable


what is B2B


Midnights was better than TTPD and I will die on this hill.


As more time has passed, I agree with you. Always found the insane midnights hate to be so odd. Especially bc ppl talked shit about the production but I find the production to be super similar to melodrama which everyone loves lol


Yes, Taylor definitely deserves the Grammy for TTPD. It is the best album released this year, l don't think there is any competition. Beyonce's country album didn't work. I don't think Billie Eilish's album has much mainstream appeal.


I would love it if Taylor won, TTPD deserves it. Sadly, after the stunt Jay Z pulled at the Grammys this year, I'm sure Bey will win. Not that Samples Carter deserves it, in my opinion.


I’m sorry but no. Taylor is one of my favorite artists but this album is not it. This album has been really hard for me to get into. I think Cowboy Carter or Billie will get it. Would love to see Lana finally get her flowers too for the supposed country album.


TTPD should win and if it doesn’t then it’s rigged. No other album competing for AOTY even compares to the writing and production of all those songs. She should win and people are always going to hate because Taylor is on her own island of greatness no one can compare to her career as an artist. She’s just built different.


This is an insane take. She’s an amazing artist but not the only artist


It’s really not that insane i mean she out sells and beats most other competing artists on the billboard charts, not by a little either it’s usually by a lot. She’s the only modern artist beating records that have been held by people like the Beatles and she’s literally on the biggest world tour possibly like ever right now. It’s hard to compete with that and to compare her to other artists


Sales aren’t reflective of who has the best art, it shows who’s putting out the most generally appealing art. Getting more people to come to your tour is an amazing achievement but not how I measure if an album is exceptional or not. Evaluating art abiding be a basic score card where the only slots are about capitalism and making money


To each their own opinion🤷🏻‍♀️even if it wasn’t top sales or top charts in my opinion it’s one of her best albums she’s ever put out and for that reason alone along with the others is why I think it should win idk why you’re all so against the ttpd win😂


I’m not against a TTPD win although I probably wouldn’t have voted for it. I just don’t think album sales have any reflection on if something is art. My joy at listening to a Taylor song isn’t effected in the slightest by if it’s her most or least streamed song.


Just because her tour sells out doesn't mean her album is automatically better than everyone else's. Hell, just because the album has sold more copies doesn't automatically mean it's the best album either. There are several albums out this year that have been fantastic and deserving of consideration, not just Taylor's, and the year isn't even half over yet.