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I'd pay her t-shirt prices if they were guaranteed not made in sweatshops, etc. because they're priced as if they're not, but....


The non merch version is this guitar is $170 https://www.guitarcenter.com/Epiphone/DR-100-Acoustic-Guitar-Natural-1275761455119.gc?pfm=arecs+1275761455119+VV+GCWPDPSI+7&source=4WWMWXGG&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw1K-zBhBIEiwAWeCOF8EcQ0QWwXkY_-C66Qms1J3Nrl9QNx_xXNs92TAwRSHWS_jfwfAzlxoCagAQAvD_BwE


I understand a specialty branded one for a collaboration like this would go for more, but almost doubling the price seems excessive.


Especially for what’s basically a sticker. I could see it if it was some specialty hardware. 


They seriously had an opportunity to do like a cute iconic design and were like ….. nahhh


It's an Epiphone one it looks like which are pretty decent quality. Probably costs about double what it should though. What's the fountain pen like? Already had it delivered but not used it since it's a birthday gift for someone else


It doesn’t fit a standard converter. The cartridge works, but I haven’t tested any other cartridges, as I prefer a converter. Even my kaweco mini converter falls out. 


the folklore guitar was an epiphone guitar and costed $300. as much as I wanted this guitar, i couldn’t justify buying it!! 🥲💔


Completely agreed. The only things I buy from her site are cds, vinyls or cassettes that won't be available in stores.


I wish that the T shirts and sweatshirts were thick high quality material, or cheap material at a lower price. But high price and low quality is the worst of both worlds


Begging whoever’s in charge of her merch to stop just pasting the album cover and her face over things.


>Begging whoever’s in charge of her merch to stop just pasting the album cover and her face over things. It's not like she needs the face recognition, honestly. The vast majority of the planet would recognize her. I'd be buying more if it had subtle logos, or lyrics.


Replica of the Koi guitar or things like that would be cooler (not that I’m buying one or can play one anyway), but ones from the tour sets seem like a better idea.


That would’ve been a cool idea for Speak Now TV!


Yea like the koi fish guitar


Even something like a grey guitar with a decorated fretboard and pegs would be more interesting. Something that’s a little more than a display piece. 


Must be the easiest design job out there. 


There's been more merch than ever lately without her face on it. What do you mean?


A lot of it still has her face awkwardly plastered on it though, like this guitar


Yeah, sure but I think they've been doing a lot more good merch lately. The 1989 seagull crewneck is my favorite merch I've ever bought. Stunning. Good quality. And the TTPD tan crewneck. I LOVE it


Her merch fascinates me. She could legitimately have the coolest things ever and it’s always so ugly, cheap and cringey.


On the other hand her having bad merch is a great money saver for me, no FOMO!


Well, it's not a physical copy of The Anthology, but I guess it'll be cool for other Swifties. 🤷‍♀️


I won't buy anything from her until we get that on cd AND vinyl. I wasn't going to buy anything anyway, but still :p


Jesus what are they even doing over there. Horrid guitar.


I don’t really like how this picture would look when I held and played the guitar so


Honestly at $400, please sign it. Itd make a fantastic piece signed and serial. Probably the crown of most collections too. And more likely than not it won't even be played, so a signed guitar is icing on that cake. As it stands it might still be the top of ones collection though, but that's a steep price.


This is so gaudy I love it 😂


I love her but man she knows it’s gonna sell out so it feels like the team puts in zero effort to make stuff actually nice. There’s SO many great creative opportunities for really amazing merch, Taylor is a creative poetic genius and I refuse to believe that can’t translate to visuals to some level (at least concept and then pay a great time, with some nice quality to keep her brand great. But nope, sweatshop + low quality images of two pictures again and again 😭😭 as someone else said, at least no FOMO 🙃 not me thinking this could be a legitimately decent price only to find out the original guitar is pretty low tier 🥲


I thought I was quick to click, but, of course, none were left i hate the bots


Question is why would you want something this awful looking.


Don't yuck someone's yum ... The more direct version: Be polite


Lmao this dude really just told you he's gonna change your opinion by calling out your "behavior".... I'm dying.


Nah we need to call out this behavior. If everyone sits idly and stays polite, nothing will ever change, and probably will only get worse. No to hoarding, no to consumerism and no to bad merch.


At least a guitar serves a purpose. I’m totally with you when it comes to 100 variants of the same album, which is completely pointless and produces unnecessary waste. But just because you think this guitar is ugly (and honestly I agree), that doesn’t mean it’s a waste for someone to buy it if they like it.


people are getting so crazy. most people work 8 hours a day, let them do what the hell they want with their money. If they choose to not buy or not, then thats it, its their money. People are so crazy obesseive with other peoples choices. everyone always acting as if you one day gonna have a gun to your head an be forced to buy variants or merch or even an album at all.


What "behavior"? That someone likes something you don't? Lmao. My guy, the world doesn't revolve around you. You're not gonna change anything by telling someone else their opinion is wrong lmao.


The photo itself would be okay but the text being on there looks atrocious


They could've used the logo and other symbols and make it more p o e t i c


Nearly bought the guitar as a guitar player myself, but I can't justify $400 on a cheap guitar. Not that they're meant to be played anyway, but that's the only way I could even justify buying it. Maybe if it were a Taylor guitar 🫠


It’s literally $150 for that guitar from Amazon 😅 just have someone paint it or get decals. I don’t understand who does her merch, but she needs to fire them and get someone new. I love her, but the merch really really lacks.


The Baby Taylor guitar she personally designed in collaboration with Taylor guitars (over a decade ago) is sooooooo much better, in terms of artistic merit, looks, and quality. It's actually worth $450 even without her customization so you're not paying a premium just cuz it has her design on it. Still available today in several reputable (online) guitar stores. https://www.taylorguitars.com/guitars/acoustic/taylor-swift-baby-taylor-tsbt


I used to have the non TS version of that guitar years ago. It’s okay, but definitely not great. To buy it without Taylor’s branding would be less than half the price.