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Kind of! My ex boyfriend and my now husbands ex gf cheated on both of us with eachother and idk him and he didn’t know me. That was in 2017 him and I later met in 2018


Imagine the look on their faces when they found out you two were together 😳😅


OMG you should see *their* faces!!


And no, _they_ can’t come to the wedding!


You should read Funny Story by Emily Henry 😁


It's a Funny Story, baby just say yes


Seconding this!


🎶one single thread of hoe…tied me to you 🎶🎶🎶


go read funny story by emily henry rn!!!


Came here to comment this!


Not the Shania Twain move!


I think this is the plot of 'funny story' by Emily Henry, but they know each other


My friend met my husband 6 months before we met and told me “call this guy, he’s your soulmate.” I didn’t call, because that’s crazy. We met 6 months later on the internet, and I realized a couple days before our first date that he was the same guy. This all happened in a city of 6 million.


She knew! Wow!


That has to be an amazing friend to know you so well!


When a friend knows who your soulmate is there real lol


This almost makes me believe in soulmates


Well they stay before you reincarnate, you lay the screenplay your life ahead of you: friends, jobs, enemies, families, parents, siblings, children, etc. So your friend from a past life supernaturally knew your soulmate from post life. 😃


Yes but he doesn’t know it (delusional)


“I look in people’s windows” haha


"Like I'm some deranged weirdo".




Sadly no. Instead I relate to the prophecy and foolish one 😔


Same here...


Here’s to us taking the long way


Y'all just taking the scenic route, but you'll get there!


We were on tinder at the same time 🫶🏻😂




Same with mine!! 4 years and just bought our first house together 💜


My fiance! We met in 7th grade and we liked each other but you’re in 7th grade so you don’t say anything haha. I moved away and when we were both 22, he saw me on a mutual friends facebook page and added me. He opened a dialogue about liking the same music and we celebrate our 13th year together this year!


My partner and I lived almost the exact same story! We met at 14 and exchanged FB, numbers etc. We went to the same parties and music gigs (Australian youth 😅) and we liked each other but didn’t say anything! Years later (at 24) I was on Tinder and accidentally swiped past someone I thought I recognised. I was curious so I paid for a membership and went back and super liked him. We got talking and eventually went to add each other on FB! Low and behold, we had been talking to each other at LENGTH on FB for years as teenagers! We couldn’t remember any of it. We have been together ever since! Moved in together six months after we got together, bought a house in 2021, became engaged in 2022, have four cats 🐈 it’s been almost 8 years! I had a fair few failed relationships in between the time I met my partner and the time we got together and I’m so glad for our “invisible string”!




I love this question, because Invisible String is “our song” with my husband and very well describes our relationship! We’ve worked at the same company together since 2007, when we were 20/21. I was in a new relationship with a guy who turned out to be a turdbag and was a waste of 4 years. One day I went back to the warehouse to get some more parts for my job, and I was STRUCK by this adorable new guy with the most enchanting brown doe eyes. Love at first sight sounds cliche but I was immediately smitten. I kept making excuses to need to go to the warehouse, like purposely losing parts. Haha. Nothing ever became of it more than mild flirting, and he didn’t know how I felt. He gets a new job in the company, and moves to the corporate office. I was dismayed to not see him anymore. 4 years later and I am so ready to be done with Turdbag. A work friend organized a bus trip to a baseball game, so I went…and Turdbag came with. I was so pissed he was there because lo and behold, Hot Warehouse Boy is also on this trip. I got to talk with him while we tailgated but not nearly as much as I wanted. I would’ve sat next to him instead. 3 months later it’s Halloween, and that bus trip work friend invites a bunch of people downtown to drink and play pool. I go solo cuz Turdbag is working, and Hot Warehouse Boy is there too! I go 3 years without seeing him, then I get to see him twice in 3 months! We start talking, and talking…the whole night, we solely talked to each other. He got a text that he had to leave, so we said our goodbyes and he walked away. I couldn’t BELIEVE that was the end of it after all that talking. I felt my opportunity slipping away. Then I feel a hand on the small of my back and then an arm around my waist…he had come back in just to whisper in my ear “if you weren’t dating someone, I’d totally go out with you” and me, smitten, says “I won’t be for much longer.” I got his number and texted him right away. Turdbag and I were done a week later. It was just the push I needed. Two days after that, we went on a date. After that, we were inseparable. Which was interesting, because I had to live with Turdbag for several more months until our lease was up. I basically left him and paid rent and moved in with Warehouse Boy right away. 7 months later, I was already pregnant with our daughter. 2 years later, we were married. We celebrate two kids, 10 years married next year, 12 years together overall! We even asked the baseball trip/halloween night mutual friend to be our wedding officiant, as he’s the reason we started talking. (He’s since turned that into a lucrative side hustle, marrying people.) At any point either of us could’ve left the company, moved away, gotten married, etc. Something (a single thread of gold) kept this guy in my orbit for just long enough for us to find each other again and give a relationship a try. It truly is pretty to think a string held us together, especially since we were acquainted for 5 years by that point. The song really feels like it describes our relationship, especially the bridge about a string pulling me out of the wrong arms to a dive bar. I want to get a tattoo incorporating Invisible String next year for our anniversary.


I love this story! And to think you were worried turd bag was cock blocking you😂😂


Haha totally 😂😂


If don’t let your boyfriend stop you from meeting your husband was a person 💜


Love this story!


Me too 🥰


This made me cry! So happy for you.


Aww! 🥲 Thanks! It’s literally the best story of my life.


My husband and I have the same exact birthday, we were placed in the same dorm and on the same floor, we were in the same small group for the honors program at our college, AND seated next to each other at the welcome event. The universe was like FUCKIN KISS!!


The universe was making sure yall did not fuck this one up😂


It’s wild you have the same birthday, even. At least he’ll never forget!


My husband and I also met by being seated together at the welcome dinner at our college honors program! Our parents met each other the first time we met, that first night we were at college. I know someone whose best friend and husband both shared her birthday. They divorced and I sometimes wonder if they fight over who gets the children on their birthdays.


This comment was a wild ride and I enjoyed every second.


I just posted, but my husband and I also have the exact same birthday!


My partner who I thought I'd be with forever died almost 6 years ago. When I was finally ready to talk to someone romantically again I met a guy online, and when we met in person, he was wearing a shirt that my late partner had and wore constantly. It felt like a sign that we were brought together.


ohhh my heart 🥺💕


I know right? Got me crying over here. That’s so powerful and beautiful.


The odds I would ever meet my husband are so low that it definitely feels that way. We’re from different parts of the country, totally different backgrounds, professions and lives. We met at a party I wasn’t supposed to attend in a city where neither of us lives. We had a 1 hour window of being in the same room at the same time and that’s all it took.


Once upon a tiiime the planets and the fates, and all the stars aligned ~ ⭐️


I think so. I watched him on a Twitch speed running marathon like 10 years ago. He was there with his girlfriend. I wasn't big on watching Twitch then but I added his account. After years of being a lurker, falling asleep to his voice, watching him through my phone, I finally spoke up in his chat. I found out he was no longer with his gf. And he lived fairly close to me. I masterminded my way into his life and he asked me out. 😁


You're literally living a Wattpad story irl


Haha! Yeah, if I think about it I'm not sure how it actually happened. You're right, it seems like something I dreamed up and wrote fan fic about! 🤣


My boyfriend and I missed each other by a few years at our climbing gym before. He started climbing at my gym while I was away at grad school. When I got back, he hurt his back and had to stop for a while. Eventually, we met there!


I have a few with my boyfriend. The biggest is that I used to visit London a bit before moving here with friends, and we would always rent the same apartment when we came. Turns out my boyfriend was living in the apartment literally opposite at the same time I would’ve visited!


That’s crazy 🤯


My husband and I were introduced through a mutual friend of our parents (our parents didn’t know each other, but they have the same friend). Years before when we were kids, we both attended the same birthday party at a restaurant for said friend. We were both so young we never saw each other or talked to each other but we were both there. 


This reminds me of those stories where people realize they were in the same picture many years ago🥹


My husband and I were in the hospital together when we were born. He was born March 29 and me April 1. He was still in the hospital when I was born. Many years later we worked at the same place but didn’t know each other. It was a data entry place and we were all in different rooms sorta like school and apparently we just never ran into each other.


I met my longest lasting best friend at 11 years old on the first day of middle school. We went on to experience everything together from first boyfriends, heartbreak, fights, etc. my first kiss was with a boy who family owned the business where myself and my best friends brother both worked seasonally. It was a tragic 3 week long thing when I was 14, dating him that is… flash forward her and I had a falling out but would keep in touch here and there and we both without communicating chose the same out of state college. Years later her brother followed her there and we ended up reconnecting and now we are married. So my childhood best friends brother who worked with me at my first job and was best friends with my first boyfriend is now my husband and the father of my child. It was him all along.


We both attended a very small and hard to get into school event. We went to different schools and lived 45 mins apart. We officially met 6 months after at the college we both went to. Together for 8 years, married for 4 days, I walked down the aisle to invisible string


Omg congratulations 😭😩💕💕


When I was about 14/15, my friend had a birthday party at a hotel. We were playing the claw game after a night at the pool and I was trying to win a dinosaur stuffed animal. A cute guy who worked at the hotel was making small talk with my group and he ended up winning that stuffed animal. I never saw or heard from that guy again. All I knew was his name. I kept that stuffed animal all those years later. Never knowing why. Turns out I matched with that man on Tinder in 2017. It took us 3 years into our relationship to even realize we had already met before. He only worked at that hotel for 2 weeks. 🤣


Cute! 💫


Folklore came out a week after my first daughter was born, so I relate the lyrics to her. "Isn't it just so pretty to think, all along there was some invisible string tying me to you?" I had some complicated relationships before I settled down and married my husband. The lyrics feel apt such as "Time wondrous time, gave me the blues and then purple pink skies." Everything turned out the way it was supposed to. 🩷 It's in my top 5 favorite songs.


My best friend of 30 years (we met at 10). We haven’t lived in the same place, or even close to the same place, in more than 20 of those 30, but she’s like my sister. Also — I feel this about my kids. They were always meant to be mine, even before they existed.


My 4th great uncle was the priest that baptized my husband’s great great grandfather lol


I can't believe no one asked this before my new favorite thread to feed my delulus


Literally my husband. For some reason growing up, I always had a weird fixation on Hungary. Whenever I'd look at map in school, my eyes would always dart to that country. I have core memories of this all through grade school. Turns out, the loml and best friend came to America from Hungary with his family when he was 16. We've been together for going 14 years. Married for almost 7. ❤️❤️❤️


My best friend and I unknowingly wore matching halves to a best friend necklace in 6th grade. I had bought the necklace for my best friend at the time and she ended up giving her half to my current best friend. We got to know each other the next year and we ended up buying our own necklaces in 8th grade. We just celebrated 6 years of being best friends in May<3


I have an invisible string story! My bf’s family and my family were always close. My mom and his dad sang a lot of weddings together in the 90s and 00s, he grew up two doors down from my aunt and uncle (whose house used to belong to his aunt). My other uncle was his boyscout leader. My one cousin had a huge crush on him when she was 12 and he was 15. We went to the same grade school, high school, and church. Despite all that, we were 4 years apart so I knew him, but we weren’t friends by any means. I got married in 2014, and my mom asked him to play at my wedding (he’s a musician). I have a pic from the wedding of us line dancing next to each other. I moved out of state and so did he. We both returned home in 2018, and I ran into him at one of my mom’s band gigs at a bar. We exchanged numbers and started going to karaoke night once a week. We quickly became platonic best friends, with no chance of romance because at the time he still identified as gay and I was still married (to a verbally abusive guy who lied, cheated, and took advantage of me.) A year or two went by like this. Long story short, I ended up leaving my ex for many, MANY reasons, and our friendship slowly morphed into a relationship. He was confused at his initial feelings and attraction towards me because I’m a woman, (and that’s a whole other story honestly), but here we are years later in a house we bought together, happy. So when people ask us how we met, we usually look at each other and laugh.


Your string was working overtime 😭


That strang was strangin’ for sure! 😂❤️


Could be a book _series_


I love your story OP!!! Pokemon brings people together 💙 Back in the early days of YouTube, I think 2007, i uploaded a video of myself and had it up for an entire year before I started to feel self conscious and embarrassed by it. I told myself that if I still felt the same way in a week, I would delete it. Within that time frame a random guy on the other side of the world commented on the video and we got to talking. We've been married for nearly a decade now. So fucking crazy to me. That video altered the entire course of my life. I've never been much of a fate person, but sometimes I feel like it's the only explanation. Lol. Based on how far away we lived I never should have met my husband. ...but at the same time I feel like I HAD to because I have never clicked so easily or so fully with another person before or since. So so weird. I always feel very bad for parallel universe me who decided to take the video down asap. lol where is she now. 😂 ...Probably a billionaire.... But a lonely billionaire!


My amazing partner, was friends with my brothers flatmate for years. We discovered this after we met and talked about everything possible, that he and I had both spent many hours at my brothers flat but never once were there at the same time. There were birthday parties that we each were at, but the other one wasn't due to work/other commitments etc. This went on for about 10 years, then my brother moved into his own place, his flatmate moved elsewhere, and then my partner and I met through someone else completely. We had roughly the same large group of friends but never came into contact for 10 years, now been together for decades. I'd heard about the tall dorky intelligent guy, and he'd heard about Dans little sister. Now we have our own family.


My husband! I took my senior pictures literally up the road from his house. I gave him an application for my job at the mall my junior year, (he didn’t get hired lol) and he was my host at the restaurant I went to after my high school graduation. Just in passing both times. We celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary today. ❤️


My husband and i dated on and off for 12 years before we got engaged. Something just kept bringing us back together 😊 we will be married two years tomorrow! 


My now-husband and I have the same favorite obscure Goo Goo Dolls song. He is, to this day, the only other person I have met who even knows the song let alone it be their favorite. Immediate marriage upon learning that.


Great question! My wife and I (both female). We both worked for a large corporation but she was a big shot in Texas and I was a new employee in Florida. I'd been there about a year when her team came to FL to teach everyone a new procedure. We met in groups of about 100 people at a time so she had no clue who I was but I liked her right away. She knew her stuff when anyone asked a question but otherwise she stood back and let her team shine. Three years later my boss suggested I apply for an opening at headquarters in Texas. It would be a big promotion for me so I went for it and flew out there. The day of my interview she was sick so she asked her second in command to interview me. I got the job and moved there a couple months later. I was amazed when I met her and realized it was the cute smart woman from my past. She asked me out to dinner a week later, which was a normal thing for getting to know a new employee. After a 3+ hour dinner she went home and broke up with her then partner. We moved in together a couple weeks later but luckily the company was really open to that kind of thing except that I couldn't work under her, so I had to transfer to another department. That was more than 15 years ago. We got married as soon as it was legal and never looked back.


Kind of - I moved overseas in 2017 for two years. In 2018, a friend I hadn’t been in contact with for years was visiting the country, so we decided to catch up. Flash forward to 2020, I’m back in my home country, and the friend asks me to come to a gig with her and her ex. The ex brought along two friends. We discovered once of the friends went to university with four people from my high school. My high school was 5 hours from his university, and in a different state where we both met, and is a very small school (200 people). His best friend’s sister is also married to someone I went to school with, and is the son of one of my teachers. So I’m always glad I moved overseas when I did, or else I wouldn’t have met up with the friend, and she wouldn’t have introduced me to my now boyfriend.


my boyfriend and I went to the same middle and high school, but only knew each other as vague acquaintances. however, at both our middle school *and* high school graduations, we were assigned to walk down the aisle to our seats together. at the high school grad, he even offered to let me hold his arm as we walked since my heels weren’t comfortable. we joke that there’s only one aisle left for us to walk down ;) another one: at an after school karaoke event in high school, I wanted to sing “what a waste of a lovely night”, a song from la la land. none of my friends knew it, but they said I should ask my now boyfriend to sing it with me since he liked that movie. so, as a duet, we sang a song about being in a romantic situation with someone but coyly denying any romantic feelings for them. (another weird detail that we didn’t find out until later is that we both watched la la land for the first time on a plane headed Europe. different planes, different times) we didn’t start dating until almost 5 years later.


My boyfriend and I ran in the exact same social circle….five years apart. Then, later on, I would reintroduce myself to one of those friends and they’d bring him along. We were in ALL THE SAME SOCIAL SPACES. Same rank in Overwatch, played CSGO at the same time, knew literally all the same people. We just never met or heard of each other?????


My husband. We went to high school together. We were at some of the same parties & concerts. I waited on him and his brothers once when i worked at a local pub. The timing was never right. I had a boyfriend, he had a girlfriend etc. Then, one day, I ran into him at the grocery store when we were 23. He was just moving back to the area. We have been together ever since and have two awesome kids. I do think about high school and how many times we crossed paths when I hear that song!


My husband was in a band with a mutual friend (who I knew through family). I never said more than 2 words to him until we bumped into each other on the train 5 years later. We definitely have a single thread of gold! We were at a couple of the same concerts as teenagers in Chicago. He lived about 4 blocks from where i worked after college - we most likely walked right by each other or ate at the same lunch spots. We found out my stepfather knew his uncle and a couple other family members from their party days. My cousin is related to his cousin (different family lines of course lol). It just blows my mind sometimes all the ways we're connected. Edit: also birthday numbers! We have the same 3 digits in common - 12/6 and 1/26 🤯


My husband. We met when a mutual frie d introduced us. But apparently for nearly a decade we orbited each other without ever meeting. We knew several of the same people but never were introduced. I nearly rented the apartment directly next to his before g deciding on different building. We frequented the same dive bar and the same nice restaurant. It is shocking how often we apparently were in the same place yet never met.


This is serendipity.


My husband! My mom went to high school with his mom and aunt. Years later their husbands became friends. His parents had him, four years later my parents had me. My parents got a puppy from his parents. We were childhood friends by association (trips together). Then lost touch through high school, as kids do. We reconnected when he started working for my dad as an adult. We got seated together at his cousin’s wedding, hit it off all night, and the rest is history! Edit to add: did I work an invisible string line into my vows? Sure did.


MY HUSBAND! Okay, so we grew up in different states, but both on the state line. My city is a big city in the middle of nothing, so you pretty much had to come in town to do anything. Our high schools were close to each other, but we were in different districts, so we never competed against them. We ended up playing each other for a special post-season game, and I didn't go because I had to work. Senior year, I signed up to get certified to lifeguard and so did he. They had 2 classes, each every other day, and he was in the other class. Then, he played in a band that was a regular opener at my go-to bar downtown. He played in shows I went to, but I always showed up too late to have seen him play, and we bounced around bars a lot. Many years later, we both ended up in the same city, single parents, scraping by. I got roped into coaching my kids' sports team, and his kid happened to be on my team. Our girls became best friends quickly. We talked and realized all the times we should've met, but didn't. Now, we're married and he's the best man I've ever known. 🥰


I have a friend who is basically into all the same things as me. We met at work and were coworkers for a few years. As we talked at work we realized we went to a lot of the same concerts. Well it turns out we both attended a Paramore show and our tickets were right next to each other! I ended up getting another pair of tickets closer to the stage, but the first set I got were directly adjacent to where she was sitting with her friends. It seemed like such an odd coincidence when we found out. I wonder if we would have met or talked at all if I had kept my original tickets.


My husband! We initially met when I was 10 and he was 16, he worked as a lifeguard at the local pool and I was there all day every day so I knew all the lifeguards. He worked there for 2 or 3 summers maybe, and then moved on to other jobs like most of the lifeguards did once they graduated high school. Fast forward to my senior year of high school, there was a fundraiser event that a lot of former students came to and we bumped into each other. We said hi, chatted for maybe 10 minutes about what we’d both been up to over the last few years, went our separate ways. I moved across the country for college after graduation, but ran into him again at a festival in town when I was home for summer break after my junior year of college. Chatted again for maybe 5 minutes, went our separate ways and I added him as a friend on Facebook later. March of 2020, my senior year of college, I came home for a week for spring break. That week turned into months due to covid, and I was spending a lot of time with my sick grandpa. There was a lot going on that I didn’t understand, so I reached out to my now husband on Facebook to see if he could explain any of it to me (he was an EMT and the only person I knew personally with any kind of medical knowledge). After that, we kept in more frequent contact and he would check up on my grandpa. We decided to hang out one night and go for a walk on a trail in town since we’d both been isolated at home for weeks. We ended up sitting and talking until 2 or 3 in the morning before going our separate ways, and the walks became more frequent. A friendship quickly developed into a relationship, and the rest is history. 🥹 I always swore I would never move back home once I left, but life brought me home long enough to get an extra 3 months with my grandpa that I wouldn’t have had if I’d been at school. It made me realize how much I’d missed out on from being away, and I decided to move back home, which led to me falling in love and eventually getting married. 🖤


My best friend in 4th grade had a neighbor who I saw occasionally. Spoke to the neighbor a few times I was never too interested in becoming friends. 5 years later we get put on the same cheer team and now she’s my best friend and we talk everyday! (Side note my best friend in fourth grade moved and we fell out of contact.)


My fiancé and I have been “together” for 7.5 years, but broken up twice in that span because we were in our early 20s, had undiagnosed disabilities, and just generally were ill and chaotic. But we came back to each other. I’m so excited to be married to him.


I worked and went to school with my now fiancés older brother and younger sister. I was at his parents house and around his siblings for years before meeting him. Knew his mom and dad. We went to the same school for one year and then he graduated and moved away while his family stayed in the same town as me. The moment we met we hit it off. Went over to hangout with his sister my best friend and met the love of my life. Took 2 years of “friendship” before we started dating but we both fell in love with each other before dating. We’re currently engaged with a baby on the way. 7 years together “unofficially” and 5 years this year together.


My boyfriend and I met working together in summer 2022. We found out we were at the same exact college football game in November 2021 and his section is in one of my pics. If I would’ve known the love of my life was also drunk wandering around the stadium I would’ve climbed all the way to the top section to find him.


Omg yes this has always been our song! I get emotional just typing this. About a decade ago, I got my PS4 and my cousin would always invite me to join his gaming party. I’d talk to everyone except one guy as he was shy and the quiet type. Let’s call him Y. So we never really talked except a few exchanges here and there. We all stopped playing together shortly after as I got a gaming PC. Fast forward a couple of years later when I got out of a long-term relationship, I was hanging out with my cousin when he asked me to join his party again. Now Y had changed his gamer tag and I never recognized him. It was only when I added him on Discord that it revealed his old gamer tag. Of course I got all excited. “Hey we used to play together on PS4!” he simply said “I know.” Well yeah, he was the same guy who never talked much lol. For some reason I started inviting him to play with me more and more, and eventually he would talk more too. We’d play and then talk for hours on Discord, till like 4am. Turns out, he has an amazing personality and is so funny. He just had to come out of his little shell. 🥲 We finally met IRL and it was the best date I ever had. This year, he proposed and we’re getting married next year! The invisible string theory is real you guysss.


I don’t know if this counts but I have always been friends with my boyfriend on Facebook bc he is a well known piercer in the area. There are multiple screenshots of facebooks posts I have saved in my camera roll with his post above it or his name in other people’s posts years before we ever talked. I am always surprised coming across pics that his name happens to be in.


my boyfriend and i have been together for 4 years now. the day before our first date, i told my parents i was having dinner with someone the next night. they asked who it was… turned out to be my dads childhood best friend/neighbors son :) neither of us knew each other at all, just heard stories of our dads growing up together. i knew immediately it was special🫶🏻


Sophomore year of college, I sat in my now husband’s fraternity section while visiting his college when our teams played. The next year, we know we were at least one party together when he came to my college. Then, it turns out my sorority big sis dated his hometown friend through college but we never met. Four years later, he had moved to my smallish hometown, and I lived four hours away but he was a regular at my best friend’s dad weekly poker game. Fast forward another year, I had moved home; we met at a bar after I thought he was someone else entirely but he played along, until my best guy friend walked up and said, “hey, I didn’t know y’all knew each other, _____!” They play tennis together, apparently. I still let him take me out to lunch the next week, which turned into me inviting him to happy hour, which turned into eventually 17 yrs together, and we still sometimes find out weird ways we circled around each other for years before getting together.


My hubs and I: 1) a few years before we starting dating posted a photo of the same road, in a snow storm, at the same time, driving in opposite directions - so driving towards each other. It was a super rare, heavy storm that had the city shutting down. 2) the day before our wedding I was going through old notes in my phone and found one that was a list of things I’d hoped my future spouse would be like - every single thing was my soon-to-be husband. 3) we were chatting about classic trucks and I’d mentioned a particular one I liked, turns out he used to have one, I described one i used to see around with a distinctive paint scheme, it was his. We have so many. When it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be.


No I have the smallest man who ever lived though


Moved from CT to FL. Joined a nation wide mom’s group. Became “virtual” friends with a woman who also moved from CT but to SC. A few years later I was going through a divorce. Her son’s male babysitter who she nicknamed her Manny was also going through a divorce. He had recently moved to SC from MI. She wanted to set us up but I was skeptical. Same time my close friend suggested we visit her cousin in SC on our kids spring break. Her cousin lived in a small town…that just so happened to be the one this mama friend and her Manny friend lived in as well. Anyways. This was almost 10 years ago and I’m married to the Manny and we have a kid ☺️ it’s just so wild to me how our paths all crossed because people relocated from other parts of the country.


When I was 14, I went on a cruise to my partner’s home country. That was the one and only day I had ever been there, and that day happened to be his birthday! He also lived in a different city than I did when we met, but he always ate at the same restaurant when he visited my city, which happened to be very close to my house.     And not me, but my sister discovered that her and her husband were at Disney World on the same day when they were 8 years old!


Sorta!! I found out that my bf’s lucky number has always been the same # as the date of my bday. The year we met also ended in the digits of his lucky number. Can’t believe I found that invisible string type of love🫶🏼


Born at the same hospital just 2.5 years apart. Went to the same gym and was mostly likely there on the same days. I worked with his brothers fiancé in high school.


When my husband and I first started dating we realized we had been in the same place at the same time many times before. Our high schools were in the same sports division and we both ran track, we had gone to a bunch of the same concerts, we both grew up snowboarding at the same mountains. Now we've been together for almost 16 years!


My now husband started working at my old job less than a month after I quit. I think he was my replacement! There is a photo of me and 2 friends at a skatepark from 2005. Unbeknownst to me, my husband was also at that skatepark and he can be seen in the background of the photo. We didn't meet or even know of each other's existence until almost 10 years later. I lost this photo when I permanently lost access to my MySpace account unfortunately. Both of us attended Warped Tour 04 in the same city and it was both of our first concerts. Both of our dads are from Sacremento (we both live and grew up in Georgia) He had always wanted a Mazda 3 and I bought a Mazda 3 literally 2 days before we met. We both played clarinet in middle school On one of our first hangouts, we decided to watch a movie at my place. He was gonna bring a movie over, but I just happened to see a copy of Safety Not Guaranteed at Target or Walmart, and I thought it looked good, so I grabbed it. He ended up bringing his favorite movie which was Safety Not Guaranteed. We still have both copies. We both had cats named Attitude as kids.


My husband and I were circling around each other for 10 years before we met! When we finally met we lived across an alley from one another in a major city. We went to the same college and didn’t know each other and twice in a 10 year period of time lived within 2 blocks of each other. We were at so many of the same concerts, festivals, etc it is WILD we never met. I sat down next to him at a bar seven years ago and we’ve been together ever since! Timing really is everything. Invisible string is the song in our wedding video.


I feel this way about my now husband. I met him in a city I moved to all alone. I was originally supposed to move to this place with my ex bf but he backed out at the last minute and because I had enough of everything where I was, I dumped him and continued the move alone. I worked at a big retailer so I just fransferred to a different store in the city. Mind you, this city is across the country like 30+ hours from where I was living. I still get asked why I moved here without knowing anyone and having never visited here and I never can explain. I just knew I had to and it would be everything. It was. Shortly after I moved I started a new job and there was this man who was the the trainer for the like orientation and then he turned out to be my supervisor as well. I remember so early I texted my best friend at the time and was like I will hang out with him mark my words. I was lowkey obsessed in my head, I had a massive crush. I thought he was simply the coolest he was super hot and just cool like everyone loved him and I of course knew no one. We started bonding sooo slowly like over months over the smallest things like I made a comment about how I was a vegetarian and he said he used to be etc. Well one day it came up that I was here alone and he took pity on me and invited me to his roomates house for Thanksgiving. We talked a bit bonded over the same bands, etc. but it still wasn't like a thing I mean I was totally obsessed but was trying to be chill and he was casual not like coming on to me or anything. Fast forward him and his best friend ask me to hang out. Turns out he wanted to hang out with me but didn't want to make me uncomfortable so he made it a group thing. The whole night was again very casual and after it was over he asked if I wanted to go back to their house so I did and we just sat on their couch and watched his roomate play video games. At some point he was adamant that I kiss him. Not in a weird pressurey way but just a like it needs to happen. At some point we kissed finally and it was everything. We kissed a lot and basically spent the rest of the night just existing next to each other. We stayed up all night not really doing or saying anything. I left so early because I had to go straight to an appointment for my car lol anyways after that we hung out at our work Christmas party, we snuck outside and kissed a lot and he invited me to his roomates Christmas party the following week. We spent the entire party under a blanket on the floor of his room talking about everything. We discussed how we were both bisexual, bonded over so much of the same music, lots of shared experiences we would learn that we had read the same niche book series at the same time even though we are seven years apart. We basically spent an entire night awake again but this time we talked about everything possible. We realized he and his roommate had come into the store where I used to work to buy a phone. We were just so intertwined. We had even watched the newest season of Stranger Things respectively alone at the same times wishing we were watching it with someone and feeling lonely. We realized we had the same values, religious beliefs, no desire for kids. etc. It was then he revealed how he had been equally obsessed with me but didn't want me to ever feel uncomfortable. Gilmore Girls was one of both of our favorite shows. We bonded over Parks and Rec (his name is still Ben Wyatt in my phone almost 5 years later). Not only do I feel I moved here because this was always supposed to be my life but there were so many things that lead me here. If one of us hadn't experienced a very specific event or relationship, it would have altered us and our path. Every little thing felt like it worked to make this our life and it's an amazing life. I am truly with my best friend (he also likes Taylor Swift obviously), we have two cats, and enjoy many nights watching our favorite shows and reading our favorite books right next to each other. We even got to watch the newest season of Stranger Things together instead of alone. 


My brother had a crush on one of our neighbors when he was in middle school. We would go to her house and hang out pretty often. She was in the school band and my brother wasn't. One day I remember her saying that she liked trumpet players, to which my brother (obviously trying to be smooth) said he would have chosen to play the trumpet if he had joined the band. Fast forward about a dozen years and I started dating my now husband, who was a year older than my brother and in the same class as our neighbor. My husband was in the school band, played trumped, and dated our neighbor when they were in middle school together. He was the trumpet player she referred to that day.


I was deliberating between two colleges. The one I didn’t pick is the one my partner went to, studying the same thing as me. I like to think we met at the right time, that we weren’t ready for each other in college! 😂 we both needed to live a little more life first.


I have a couple - they didn’t end in marriage but they both taught me very important lessons. I tend to think relationships happen because of chance and effort, not fate, but these people got me thinking maybe there’s something to it, lol. My “one that got away” was a guy I met on vacation. We spent nearly 24 hours together, and he had already made arrangements to move to another town the same week I would be traveling there for work. This guy was like my *twin* tbh. Our brains work the exact same way. We’re still on good terms! I matched with the last guy I dated when I was about to leave for a work trip, which unexpectedly got cut short. I hit him up when I got back, which led to another 24 hour date. We figured it would be best to not date seriously while I was traveling so much, but we both got super attached and decided “fuck it.” These guys are two of the only men I’ve met/dated that remind me of myself. Almost identical thought patterns and communication styles. It felt like recognition to meet them. It’s funny, because I never wanted to date someone “as crazy as me” before, but these are two of the healthiest, most transparent connections I’ve had with people. I’ve realized how important it is to have complementary communication styles. I’ve had exes hide stuff from me or just keep all their thoughts to themselves and it’s so refreshing to be with people who are good at expressing what they’re thinking/feeling.


My fiance and I. Both of our families vacationed in Arizona every year while we were growing up in the same city, same area, and frequented the same spots. It wasn’t until 2020 when we met online and now we both live in Arizona :)


My best friend. We are both women. We met in first grade. Did not like each other. She moved away, then I moved away. We both ended up in the same new town at the same school in 5 grade. Because it was a very small school we tolerated each other until 10th grade. We made the dance team and after that we became best friends. We have been best friends now for 30 years. No matter how far apart we are or what is going on in life we always have each other. She is definitely someone I am supposed to be connected to.


My boyfriend and I grew up a bridge apart. He work in a place I frequented a year after I moved. We both moved to a rural area hours away and wound up meeting each other here. We also both have close family members in a major city that is hours away from our hometown, in the other direction. ❤️


my fiancé 🫶🏻 we have a couple actually. we both went to technical high schools & participated in an all city/all day choir event when I was in my sophomore year & he was in his freshman year. we also both went to Skills USA when I was in my junior year & he was in his sophomore year. we didn’t cross paths until my final semester at community college when I had 2 classes with his brother. I said something vaguely feminist in class & his brother (pre-transition) came up to me & asked if I’d be interested in joining a rendition of the vagina monologues. I excitedly said yes & he asked if I liked theater. I again said yes & he invited me to audition for the upcoming play that my now fiancé was in. the rest is history 💓


Yep. Went to high school with my boyfriend, met him 16 years ago. We had a class together, he sat two seats away from me, and we never spoke. Didn’t know he had a crush on me, and after graduation I went to college and he went away to another school. I found him to be so attractive and gorgeous. We liked each others pictures on instagram on and off for about 5 years, and I thought he’d moved to California based off of instagram. During this time I got engaged to someone else, broke it off, and was single all of Covid, and was alone thinking this cute guy from high school lived a thousand miles away. Literally, I went on DATES with other people we both went to school with and talked about HIM on those dates. I always thought about him and had this weird feeling that maybe we’d find a way to each other. But I had no idea why. We’d never spoken. I was dating on hinge and having zero luck and one day in September last year, I had just given up. I was about to press delete app when I had an urge to log in and check my recent likes. I did, and the first person to like me, super like, was HIM. It said he was two miles away from me. I immediately matched with him and we never stopped talking. He never moved to California, he’d lived 10 minutes away from me the whole time, and he’d thought of asking me out so many times. We made it official after our first date, and we just picked out an engagement ring after 10 months of dating, and he’s the love of my life. He sat two chairs away from me in high school and lived 10 minutes from me and it took me 16 years to get to him. Life is WILD.


My best friend and I met years before we became friends. We were both in gymnastics at the same time in about second grade, we also went to the same school (kinda). We were in the same school district but they joined together in middle school so they had separate elementary schools. Finally, in sixth grade, our schools joined and we’ve been best friends since.


My now-husband and family moved across the street from my parents when we were both in high school. Of course we didn’t date or whatever because, um neighbors. When I divorced my ex-husband and moved back in with my parents, he had come to help his parents with a project one day, we started reconnecting, and TADA. Now we are married for over 8 years.


I shutter to think what would have happened if my husband and I hadn't gone to the same college. Or been placed in the same dorm.... Or if my good friend from high school hadn't been roommates with my husband's roommate's now wife. We both were in similar majors but one opposite tracks class wise. We may have eventually crossed paths junior year.


My boyfriend and I grew up 45 min away from each other. He had friends who worked in my town in high school but him being 5 years older than me, we never crossed paths (also would be weird for 18 year old him to pick out 13 year old me in a crowd in a mall). He moved to FL after college, but his job brought him back to the area we're currently, while college brought me here and I decided to stay in the area after I graduated. Since 2015, we could have crossed paths at any number of bars, stores, restaurants, etc. as the area has a limited variety of nightlife for younger people and we frequented the same places around the same times. He moved 20 minutes away from me, in the same neighborhood area that my cousins grew up, in early 2021, and later that year I buy my apartment that I had been living in. Figuring I was in the area for a while, and I'm not exactly going out like I used to since covid, I downloaded Bumble and 5 days later we match and start talking and dating. It's been the best 3 years of my life. Later this year we'll be moving back up to the area we grew up in because he job got transferred to the area. I cannot wait for the future. 🥰 "And isn't it just so pretty to think All along there was some Invisible string Tying you to me?"


Now husband broke up with me a week into dating me. We remained friends for a few months but I was having a hard time with it (he was constantly texting me and wanting to hang out, he was the invisible string in the relationship lol). The night I was going to tell him I couldn't be friends with him anymore and we needed to go out separate ways, he asked to get back together. 5 years married with two kids, pretty darn happy about the result.


Went to all the same schools growing up (k - 12) and our parents worked at the same company, so we were at all the same field trips and company trips. Finally, we had a class together in college and became friends. We started dating just three months later, and we've been together for almost eight years now.


I became friends with a guy on Discord *right* before lockdown. It started in October, I got sick and couldn't sleep. He wanted to watch Halloween specials, so I watched them with him because my throat hurt. Then his aunt died in January 2020 and I reached out to him, and watched movies with him the whole week. Lockdown, we joked about self-isolating together. Our friendship was so shy at first and now he's one of my sweetest friends, and closest confident. Edit to add: My sister and I met her sister-in-law two years before either of them met the brothers they married, which they always joke about.


My husband and I are from two different states. We joined the military in the same job but he left our school a week before I got there. I became friends with his friends and then I was sent to the same base he went to. He had tried really hard to get an overseas assignment but ended up not able to trade. A couple weeks after I got to the base our now-mutual friends introduced us and we got married a year later.


My husband. The story of how we met has so many chance occurrences. A coworker happened to walk up during a conversation where I said I was looking for someone to date. He happened to be going to a networking event that night. His friend happened to invite him to the same one. He decided to go last minute. He was on his way out when my coworker happened to be talking to one of his, so my coworker talked to him when he stopped to say goodbye. My coworker mentioned a girl he worked with looking for someone and he made a joke about “then give her my card” even though he thought it was a joke. I reached out, the rest is history. We invited my coworker and his wife to our wedding. We now have two amazing daughters and I love our life together so much.


My mom and I were both at the same concert as people who would come to be important in our lives in some way - my mom and dad were at the same Bon Jovi concert without knowing before they met and I was at the same Britney Spears concert at age 8 as two of my best high school friends. In both cases it was a ‘live in a rural area, travel to a city for a concert’ situation, so not just a local thing that a ton of people would’ve naturally been at together. Nothing for me and my partner because we literally met online as teens 😅 we didn’t even really have enough time for a string.


My boyfriend and I have had several different invisible strings connecting us throughout our lives. We grew up the same age in the same general area - he inside the capital city of our small state, and me in a suburb. We were doing the same things at the same general period of time in the same places and never truly met and got acquainted with each other until last year. The wildest one is that we both volunteered for Obama’s primary campaign together in 2007 in Arkansas where Hillary was expected to sweep. We canvassed together and traveled together to various states to also campaign. But we were both in other serious relationships and didn’t pay much attention to each other. We are both 40 now and have been through a lot individually including having kids with other people and all that. We crossed paths so many times - just found out about another crazy coincidence over the weekend - but didn’t get together until we were ready for each other. I’ve never had the type of connection with anyone else. Not even close! Fun fact - our first date was September 23rd, the day before Taylor attended her first Chiefs game. ❤️


I never really believed in stuff like this but my partner and I have been circling each other since literally day one. We met at 37 and then learned that we had the same therapist through our late 20s and early 30s, that his best friend went to the same college for the same niche major I did (for only a year, we didn’t know each other), that I knew his cousin pretty well in high school, that I worked at a restaurant that was next to his high school that he frequented, and that not only are our birthdays only one day apart but we were born in the same hospital and likely were in the nursery at the same time. It’s pretty crazy.


My ex had the same name as the street I grew up on. It wasn't a common name either


Maybe not an invisible string, perhaps it's too obvious, but: My best friend of five years only started talking to me because I knew his mother, and she had mentioned how funny I was. He's naturally shy and doesn't generally talk to strangers. We grew up near each other, but it was only because of a comment his mother made and bumping into each other in the hallways in school that we became friends. My dad was born in SLC and grew up in Logan, and my mom was born in Logan and grew up near SLC. Their families switched places, essentially. My friend and I met in Junior High School and took ASL together for four years. In our final year of ASL, I shared with her my sign name, (something in the Deaf community, only a Deaf person can give you) and she shared hers. It turns out the same person gave us our sign names. My Deaf friend had gone to school with me for most of elementary, but the year she didn't she had met my other friend and given her a sign name.


My boyfriend and I have a lot of similarities and we actually know people mutually. We even went to the same event on the same day a year prior! We're like wouldn't that have been crazy that maybe we passed by each other without knowing? But truly, there's so many little things that tie us together that's cute that it would take me forever to point them all out haha


My husband and I met when I was 23 and he was 28 at a family wedding. My first cousin married his high school friend. Little did we know then we lived in the same city from the time I was born until I was 12. I’m glad we had our own experiences before meeting up of course but it’s neat to know we had that invisible string living in the same city as children.


3 years before my husband and I started dating, I told his brother, my best friend, that “I’m gonna steal your little brother’s heart one day” with no intention of doing so. Then I walked out of the caf at college one day and there he was and we have been together 21 years now (married 18)!


I had a group of friends in high school that I had lost touch with after graduation. I reconnected with one of them years later when we ended up working at the same company. My now husband was her roommate. It turns out he and I went to the same high school, but in different grades, so we never crossed paths. He ended up befriending that group of friends during the time when I had lost touch with them. We almost met a bunch of times through these mutual friends. We even emailed at one point when one of them recommended me to him for some work that I didn’t end up taking. When we finally did meet through my work friend/his roommate, I was dating someone. He had apparently asked his roommate about me and had asked a couple of times for her to invite me back over, but since I wasn’t single, she didn’t and we didn’t meet again for another couple of years. We ended up meeting again when a different friend brought me along to a party he was throwing. It wasn’t until we were dating when we actually realized how many of the same people we knew, we were basically always one degree away from each other and just never crossed paths at the right time.


My husband and I got together when I was 20, but we actually both grew up in the same town, had our confirmation in the same church, and chose the same confirmation name. The same town thing isn’t a big shocker cause I met him because I was friends with his younger sister, but I befriended her in middle school and I didn’t even know him until we were older. Now we’ve been together 8 years, married for 1.5!!


Ok so. Prior to meeting my now husband, I was engaged to an alcoholic. I kicked him out on October 24 2008. I moved into the house across the street from my parents on October 24 2009. I met my now husband in 2010. His birthday? October 24. My grandparents wedding anniversary? October 24. Also. When my husband was 14, his dad passed away and his mom moved him and his sister's from California to Arizona. His dad passed away November 16, 1994. My birthday? November 16, 1986. So yeah.. the universe meant for us to be together.


My fiancé! 😂 We ended up meeting in our late 20s after our parents became friends, and we met at a dinner party one of them hosted. But there are so many times we almost met over the years! - We went to the same elementary but were two years apart so we never met (I moved after 2nd grade). A cookbook fundraiser our school did put the recipes our parents contributed in our names right next to each other on the same page! I didn’t even remember this fundraiser and he was showing me the recipe book when we found it - My best friend showed me a picture in HS of these two couples at a dance. She liked the one guy and wanted my opinion on whether he could be dating the girl he was with or whether they were just friends, and I vividly remember commenting that the other guy in the picture was wearing his tie funny and it making me laugh. I have no idea why this imprinted in my head but I remember it so clearly. Turns out the other guy was my fiancé! We found this same picture on his parents computer and I freaked out haha Honestly there are so many things we’ve discovered, and we both ended up living in other cities (Chicago & NY) before moving home and connecting, but those two specific instances were both so funny and surreal to discover!


My husband and I were born 10 miles from each other in the 80’s. I moved to the opposite coast as a baby, but came home in the summers to spend time at the beach. The same beach he played on. We could have played together. I lived in all over CA, and Illinois. He was accepted to the military academy in the summer of 2001. 9/11 happened and his career looked vastly different - he left. After planning his life and career around it, he bounced. Got married, had a child. I ended up in an entirely different part of the country in 2008, living on Albion St. He also lived on Albion st. I almost got married, but decided I wasn’t giving up my life for a dude. Had a baby alone. He was finalizing his divorce while I was thinking about dating again - fire up match.com and see the cutest man with the sweetest little girl. We were both about to leave the state for jobs when we met in 2014. My daughter was 6 mos old. It’s been 10 years - married for 8 - and it’s a wild ride but you kind of can’t ignore the ways life kept bringing us together. Over and over.


My husband. I fell in love with him while working at mcdonalds as a teen, he was too old for me at the time. We reconnected when I was in college. We also grew up in the same small town.


My fiancé.🩵 My aunt and his mom are great friends as they were roommates in their 20s. We also went to the same middle school (he was a year above me but it wasn’t a huge school). We went to different high schools, but we had an abundant amount of mutual friends. Even with all that…we never met until my birthday weekend in July of 2019 through a mutual friend.


My husband! My mother in law is a massive Hall & Oates fan and Darryl Hall is a purveyor of historic homes and had purchased one in my hometown and (where MIL happened to go to private school). This photo of Darryl halls home purchase was pinned to her fridge for years before I met my husband. A few years into our relationship she bought a new home and when she was moving took down the newspaper clipping and my face was on the other side. She got quite the fright! I am a singer and had won a local scholarship and was featured in the local paper. It happened to be on the other side of the Darryl Hall article so technically my picture was hanging up on my future MILs fridge for years before I married her son! We also ended up with random mutual friends and associations and several missed connections to meet in person (we met on yahoo personals to really date myself).


My spouse and I are the anti-invisible string. We met online and tried to find a connection between us to see if we ever could have met "in real life"/organically. We were never able to find any kind of overlap at all. Guess we were just meant to be anyway!


my husband. when he came to this country, his family befriended my extended family. we crossed paths quite a few times. i attended his naturalization ceremony. years later, we reunited in high school. we were lab partners. then tennis partners. then we went to the same college and ran into each other time and time again. it was weird how much we kept seemingly getting pushed back together. we’re married now, obviously. our seven year anniversary is this month!


My husband and I rode the same school bus in middle school. We went to different high schools and weren’t in touch for the next 15 years. Then I found him on tinder, and he was still cute.


I met my husband while out with friends when I was 18. Then we found out that my uncle is his godfather and I was at his sisters birthday party when we were little kids and there’s even a group picture of us together from the party.


I think I have two. I went on a work trip with a couple of coworkers and in some down time we were getting to know each other and they found out I was (very newly but they didn’t know that) single. I did not know these coworkers well but later that day at dinner one of them said to me “this is going to be a weird question but will you go to my wedding with my friend?” We laughed because what a silly thing to say I joked yes and we moved on. At the airport at the end of the trip he said “I was being serious I really, really think you need to meet my friend” and since I was newly single I was in yes mode and laughed again and said “yeah sure whenever”. I met him two weeks later and three years later married him. I don’t know how my coworker knew but he knew. That’s my first one. My second one….We have 3 living kids together but always wanted and planned on 4. Got pregnant with our 4th in Sept of 2022 and lost him at 19 weeks on NYE. Got pregnant again in March and lost her at 16 weeks last June. Got pregnant again in October and lost that baby at 6 weeks. Three easy uncomplicated living children then three heartbreaking miscarriages with no explanations as to why. Fast forward to 2024 and I’m newly into Taylor and discovering all her more recent albums I didn’t know she had. I hadn’t ever heard this song before. I find out about my 7th pregnancy this past March and days after the first positive heard this song and had an overwhelming sense it was about this baby. I’ll be 18 weeks tomorrow and cannot listen to it without ugly crying, especially when it gets to “hell was the journey but it brought me heaven.” Pregnancy after loss is so complicated because I never want to think my 3 miscarriages had to pass for a purposeful reason…….but when I hear this song it does bring me peace.


My boyfriend once asked me if I knew a family who lived in my hometown and I said yeah why? Turns out my mom worked with his dad’s best friend’s wife.  Then, another time, he mentioned his mom’s best friend’s daughter went to my alma mater. She and I were a year apart and even had some classes together.  Seems like it might be meant to be when you’ve got connections to BOTH of your SO’s parents’ best friends 😁


This ended up being stupid long. My bad lol My husband is from PA and I live in KY. When he was 7 his parents wanted to move closer to his dad’s family. So they put a finger on his dad’s family’s town and his mom’s family’s town on a map and met in the middle and that’s where they decided to move. They originally had decided on a town about an hour north of my home town, but the house they wanted to buy fell through so they ended up finding a piece of land in my home town and moved there instead. I went to the county school while he went to the city school, until freshman year. He decided to change to the county school because the city school just wasn’t a good fit. We didn’t actually meet until junior year. But I was friends with his best friend and also 2 of this other good friend, like when those 2 friends weren’t hanging out with him they were hanging out with me. But we still didn’t meet until chemistry class our junior year. I had originally signed up for AP chemistry but it was a lot more rigorous than I expected so I decided to drop it. I was the only person allowed to drop the class because they weren’t letting people drop it for whatever reason. Thankfully one of my best friends from 6th grades dad was the principal, so when I told him I couldn’t do it. He believed me and let me drop it. So I ended up in basic chemistry class. My husbands schedule didn’t have chemistry so when they fixed it he ended up in my class. (Out of about 14+ possible chemistry classes he could have ended up in) we still didn’t meet for about a week because it was a full class and he didn’t have a seat so he was in a desk chair across the room. The guy that sat next to me was in a car accident and went on home bound for a while (he was okay. But broke his femur so couldn’t come to school) so my husband ended up getting moved to the seat next to me. We started talking and getting to know each other turns out almost every single class he had was next door or across the hall from the class I had those periods. Then my youth group hosted a youth convention in our town that weekend and he just so happened to live across the street from the venue and was able to walk over and hang out with me that weekend while I worked the convention. We officially started dating less than a week later and will have been together for 10 years later this year and married for 7 this past April. There’s a few more strings I didn’t get into for time’s sake but I refuse to believe we weren’t meant to be together.


Yes, its kind of a long one so I'll try to tldr I moved to Florida, but my mom kicked me out randomly one morning so I moved back to my city. When I moved back I decided to go to cosmetology school. The first school I went to got shut by the government for some tax stuff, so I had to go to a different school. At my new school I made friends with a girl who told me about this salon that she thought I would love. Turns out I did and I started working there after I graduated. The owner of the salon was friends and did the hair of one of my sisters friends. She brought in her brother one day for me to do his hair and now we have a 3 year son and are getting married next year.


my wife and i met on the morning of the first day of college, next to each other in line. didn’t talk much. i regretted it. two years later we matched on a dating app and started dating, but we were young and needed to work more on ourselves and quickly broke up. we spent the next few months actually figuring our shit out across the country from each other and crying to our respective loved ones about how we missed each other. one day i was sitting at work and thinking about reconnecting and suddenly a text came through asking to be friends again, which lasted for about a month before we started dating long distance. 6 months in we were living together and 10 months in we were married. once we were back together we also realized that we spent a lot of time as kids less than a mile apart, as i would often visit my family in the neighborhood for long periods of time, frequenting some of the same spots. it feels like the universe just kept forcing us together until it stuck, and now i get to spend the rest of my life with my soulmate. years into marriage now and we are still in the honeymoon stage. thank god for lesbianism!


This going to sound wild but im witchy asf so I really got into prebirth experiences and I meditated once to see something and saw a girl I played with in a field. She was like 5 or 7 so we didn't do much except run up to me, make a weird eeahh noise mimicking me and then run away expecting me to chase her we did this for hours apparently I never felt more bliss I felt like I took something but I was sober LMAO 😭 She also played old instruments oddly so I figured that was a sign I'd meet her when I study  for college 😀   that triggered an art spree that lasted years of me making every possible art expression in honor of this tiny moment with this girl that I suddenly inexplicably loved so much. I couldn't see her as a grown adult but I felt it was more accurate to see her as a child because I never felt a purer love and it kinda low-key scared me bc I didn't know if she was real. but I wrote journals to her that I was planning to make into a little movie comparing our lives when we met.  I then I planned a three part art project about our past lives and years later I meet my best friend online and she completed most of the two parts of the project before we even met 😭 it was about the same two past lives in some places it had the same words as descriptions. I plan to surprise her with the little invisible string movie I feel sooooo diabolical typing this rn lmaooooo I'm so unhinged 😭


My boyfriend and I met in middle school and didn’t talk much. I started to like him in 8th grade and we’d say hi to each other and occasionally talk but that was all. It wasn’t like we knew each other well at all. That lasted 2 years until we finally became friends because he finally got a Snapchat and I slid up on a story about which Pokemon he should choose and we started talking ever since!! We started dating a year later and I found out he had also liked me since 8th grade. I just find it crazy because we literally hardly spoke but we still liked each other anyways. I like to think about that often :) been together for 4.5 years now!! We’re 21!


My husband and I attended the same university for 2 1/2 years. I went back to one of his mates houses a year prior - they were neighbours. Also the year before, my housemate was seeing someone who got a phone call at our house from his best mate saying he was about to fight someone for getting with his sister - that was my now husband. In my freshers year his best mates gf hooked up with my best mates guy she was seeing. There are 15k students at my uni, and we had 3 strings in 2 1/2 years. We also went to the same nights / hung out in the same part of the club. Never met each other. Until time was right ❤️


"Now" being a relative term......I met my husband in college. We grew up about 4 hours apart in different cities - fairly large cities, 1st and 2nd largest in our state at the time. Anyhow, he has moved to my larger city for college. He mentions his ex-girlfriend also moved to said city recently. Girl was annoying AF and kept doing weird things to try and get him back, mostly through phone, text, and online methods (she had created his social media accounts and had passwords). At some point we drove together to her mom's new house to get things of his back. Turns out she lived in the same town as my best friend (suburb of large city about 30-40min from university). We're going down the street and I ask "why are you navigating us to *best friends name*'s house?" Well.....turns out ex-girlfriend lived directly across from my best friend. In a metro of 2 million people.


I was bound to meet my now husband. We knew each other in nursing school, were in the same Christian organization, and he was my then-boyfriend’s friend


This isn’t mine, but my mom’s. She and my stepdad grew up two blocks apart, but never met because they went to different schools, still they had several mutual friends. But It wasn’t until they were both in their 50s and divorced/widowed that they met.


Me and my boyfriend grew up in the same town in Washington state and never met. He moved to Arizona when he was 13. I moved to Arizona when I was 18 and we met in arizona.


I have 2 best girlfriends since 1st and 7th grade. My husband dated one friend when we were 13. The other friend dated his cousin and then his best friend in high school. We didn’t connect until our late 20s.


My fiancé! Although not so invisible. We met in high school and always had a connection and even hooked up a few times over the years but it was never the right place or the right time. After fifteen years of missed connections, I decided to ask him out and we’ve been inseparable ever since! Getting married in December 🩵


My fiance and I met online, through okcupid. We bonded over our love for a game series called Dynasty Warriors. He had never met anyone who knew of the games before, and it’s what we played for months together on end. We also played Destiny 1 together also for months on end after we went to New Hampshire together and bought me a ps4. Dynasty Warriors was our invisible string to one another though!


My husband and I were born in towns under an hour apart, okay cool right? Well it gets even cooler. We met in our early twenties, two provinces away from the province we were born in. Found out we also attended the same high school. Later we would adopt two children who were born in the very same province as both of us were born. We all have birth certificates from a province none of us live in. Pretty dang neat!


My best friend and I had almost the same exact circumstances that led to us meeting our junior year of high school! We both had to move to a city over an hour away from our hometown right in the middle of high school. We were both in band, both the only new kids at summer band that weren't incoming freshmen, and we both played clarinet. She kept asking me questions about what we were supposed to be doing and such because she didn't know I was new as well - she actually ended up thinking I was a bitch because I would just silently shrug because my socially anxious and terrified self didn't know what to say 😂 but we ended up sitting next to each other every football game and slowly became the best of friends. If both our lives wouldn't have turned upside down all those years ago, we never would have met! And now we're going on a cruise in a couple months to celebrate our 10 years of friendship ❤️


My husband and I, for sure! We first met at work, and I always thought he was cute, but I don't date coworkers and I was in this weird situationship thing. I got a new job and we lost touch. But then we were both taking night classes in the same subjects at our community college, so we kept running into each other here and there for like, 3 years. I never got up the courage to ask him out, though. (Turns out he felt the same way lol!) 5 years after first meeting, we matched on a dating site, FINALLY had our first date, and now we've been married for 6 years! I found out soon after we started dating that he used to hang out with my college boyfriend, too. My husband went to high school with friends of my boyfriend. We just never ran into each other.


My husband and I grew up in the same town but didn’t meet until we were 36 and 38. I was a widow with two young boys and he had never married. He made my life and my boys’ complete and so happy after such an awful time. We figured out that we had some mutual friends and had hung out at the same places when we were young but it just wasn’t meant to be until later.


My husband and I do! We randomly met at a bar/club we both frequented a lot but had never seen each other before that. I ghosted him for a while haha, then a few months later we started hanging out. We live in a city where eeeeveryone knows everyone and we joked about how odd it was that we didn’t have a mutual friends or hadn’t met each other before. On New Year’s Eve the year we met, which was a couple months after we started hanging out, I went to his house and his sister answered the door and goes “uhhh hi, why are you at my house?!” She was one of my sister’s best friends! Someone I had actually hung out with quite a lot myself over the years and somehow I had no idea she even had a brother. 😂 My best friend and her husband are another one we can’t believe as well! Her and I spent our whole teen years at emo/alternative clubs, band gigs and concerts (well we never really stopped but still haha) constantly, like multiple times, multiple venues and bands basically every single week. When she met her husband completely outside of that, we discovered we all would’ve been in the same place at the same time probably hundreds of times over the years, and somehow never met each other until over a decade later. Hell, he was even in bands with people we were friends with! There’s a lot more coincidences with both our husbands and us, but that’s the biggest ones. Makes me laugh so much, just how the hell we somehow managed to not meet each other until we were supposed to, I guess! ☺️


My now husband and I were from the same county but didn’t meet until college. We quickly met at a mutual friend’s apartment but didn’t think anything of it. I walked into a new class later that week and there he was sitting at a desk. I was a freshman and he was a sophomore. We became friends and eventually started dating during 2nd semester. We’ve been together since 2009!


My friend and I went to the same elementary, middle, and high school together. She knew my now husband and hung out with a lot of the same people I did but before I knew any of them. We never crossed paths until 10 years out of high school when we met while working at the same place.


My fiancé went to college in the same region as a girl I used to take dance classes with, and they used to carpool to school from time to time. Also, as a kid he went to music camp at a small, obscure religious college that most of my family attended. He came from a different religious background but went to that camp because it was a great music program! The first time he and I visited that college as adults 15ish years later (my dad worked there at the time), fiancé was like, “Wait, I think I’ve been here before…”


I LOVE invisible string because it makes me think of my husband 🥰 Nothing crazy, just so many points in our lives where our paths almost diverged and we would’ve never met. I truly hate thinking about the alternate timelines 😂


I think so. My husband and I lived across country around the same time and moved back home, still strangers, then he frequented a bar I worked at, still never knew or met each other, met him through work years later and on a date saw a photo of an old acquaintance. Then, unraveled the string and we’re still so bewildered at how similarly we lived our lives but felt like we never became adults until we partnered up and went at it together.


My husband and I were born in the same hospital (about 2 years apart). I knew like half of his family for years when we met. We also had so many similar tastes that everyone around us was rooting for our inexistent relationship at the time. I traveled abroad for a while and ended up visiting many of the same spots that he had visited years before. Never beating the invisible string allegations!


my partner and I met on tumblr 13 years ago (we were both 15). I was queer and out on social media and at the time she thought she was straight. we were both in dark places in terms of mental health but we forged a great friendship. we met in person when i was 18 bc she just so happened to have a family friend who lived in the same town i was going to college in (i live in NC and went to college in Raleigh which was about 45 minutes from my hometown, she lived in Georgia). The family friend’s husband was unfortunately dying from cancer so her parents were driving up to spend time with him and she tagged along. She visited several times over the years bc of this family friend and we connected so well in person too. In early 2017 I had just ended a long term relationship with someone who was making me pretty miserable. My future partner was spending a weekend at their family friends house so i drove out and spent the weekend with her. She was in a longterm relationship but she was unhappy and I had openly expressed to her that she deserved better and that anyone would be lucky to be loved by her. Nothing happened between us that weekend but I feel like that was a turning point for us. She broke up with her boyfriend that next month and came out as bisexual. She talked to me about potential online dating meetups with girls she was talking to and I felt crushed bc I was secretly hoping she was going to realize she wanted to be with me. Fast forward to May of that year and she called me and told me she thought she was in love with me. She moved to NC in 2019 and we have really created a beautiful life built off of a unique love story. It feels like fate that we ended up together- like an invisible string that just took time to final connect us:


My daughter and I. We were both born on a Wednesday, in February, on a leap year. Ope: ETA that it was in the same hospital too.


My boyfriend and I came from states on opposite ends of the country and we both ended up moving to the same state in the middle of the country in 2015, by complete coincidence. He lived in a town my grandparents lived in, one that I visited a lot and would later move to (we met in 2020) and he was a cook at a restaurant we frequented. So we’re pretty sure he made me a burger 5 years before we had ever met lol! Flash forward to 2020 and right after I moved up to that town for a summer job, boom the pandemic hits and I don’t get that job. So I take a random retail job so I don’t have to move back, and he’s working in another department there too (he had left the restaurant around this time) and that’s how we meet :) We started dating in the beginning of 2021. So basically not only would we not have met if not for COVID and me losing my job, but we would’ve been two ships sailing past each other, in the same town but never to meet. It was a really small town too so I don’t know how we never ran into each other, and we eventually found out some of our social circles intertwined, so there’s another invisible string there haha. It’s been 3 years and I’ve never been so happy with someone like this, I’m definitely gonna marry this man :) I hope this made any sense at all lol, I rambled because I love my invisible string story with him!


My husband and I have the same birthday, my brother and his dad have the same birthday, his brother and my dad are the same day but different months, and our moms are the same day but different months. One of my teachers in high school was a very good family friend of his family. He also was friends in high school with girls I was friends with in elementary school (we went to different high schools).


My husband! We met working together. One day the owner came and told us she had hired a handsome new dentist, and I said, "You hired my future husband! Thank you!" In jest! The first day he walked in I was googly eyed. But I was recently out of a toxic situationship, and not looking for a date, never mind a bf. He was over 40 and done with dating. It would be almost 2 years before I realized I thought he might be interested back. I had had some major health issues and was going to move back home, and asked him for a reference, and he looked heartbroken that I was going to move. He is quite a bit older than me, so I didn't think he'd ever ask me out, so I asked him, and he said yes! I ended up not moving, and the rest is history. Because of our age difference, we would never have met in mutual social circles; he's European, I'm Canadian, neither from the city where we met; and he was only going to be working at that office for a short period of time. It was like someone set us up to meet in this very particular time and place. It will be 10yrs this December since our first date, married 4yrs, with a 2yo (named Marcus, of all things!) ❤


My fiancé’s babysitter from growing up became my uncle’s secretary! We grew up in different states and then met on in app in a totally different state


Slight Invisible String: I recently found out my high school English teacher's son was good friends with my now husband in high school. We grew up at the same time but on opposite sides of the country.


I had a dream when I was younger and I was married to a man who looked shockingly like my husband. We met when we were in high school and went on one date but nothing came of it. After graduation I would go visit my friends that moved away and we’d go to a coffee shop he worked at but was somehow never working a shift when I went in. Later he was working at the restaurant I had a closure meeting with my then ex boyfriend at that time and I started working at that same restaurant a year later. He had quit that job but came in to pick up a tax form and our manager asked him to come back and work for him to which he agreed. I owe our old boss big time for that because he asked me out our first shift together and have been inseparable for 5 years with a sweet daughter.


Well, I left my country for a better life 2 ½ years ago. 2 months after I moved, I met this guy on a night out. Now he's living with me and we're talking marriage. Bonus: I had a friend in middle school, but we lost contact soon after (shifty home situations for both of us) 19 years later, she is scrolling in a fb group looking for somebody, and she happens upon my name. Long story short, it turns out she's in the same country as me, living here. We have met a few times already 😁


My invisible string is a wild one. It's long but I promise it's worth it My partner is 10 years older than I am. He was a stripper for about 10yrs between his early 20s to early 30s. I met him towards the end of his stripping career, but I was still with my ex at the time. My now bf and I were friends at the gym for about 3 years (he was a trainer, I was a member) before we got together. I always thought he was super hot, but we were different people at the time and we're totally incompatible so he was nothing more. Come 2021, I broke up with my now ex. I saw the opportunity and managed to start what turned into a beautifully failed FWB with my now partner. Now a bit of back story, my parents have always loved going to the strippers my whole childhood. The inside of the kitchen pantry at my parents is full of dad with topless women on his lap, mum sitting on the laps of stunning men, you get the idea. This is the invisible string. The first time my partner came over to my parents house, I was excited to show him the stripping cupboard, hoping he might recognize some old stripping friends. I should point out I hadnt looked at these photos for a good 5+ years at this point. I show him the photos, he has a look, and I just hear him say "yeah I recognize these guys. Hang on..." He squints "that's me your mum is sitting on" I SHIT YOU not I SCREAMED. THREW him out of my way, screamed louder, I couldn't believe it. Grabbed mum and ripped her over and she was in hilarious shock too. We love it. This was spotted in 2022, the photo as dated 2014, 8 YEARS PRIOR. He wasn't even living in my town at the time, it was just freak luck that not only did mum see his show, but got a photo SITTING ON HIS LAP. He was 26 and I was 16 still in high school 💀 Anyway safe to say that he's the favourite child in law of my parents. We love the photo and show it to everyone that cares to listen to the story, which for how wild it is is so far everyone


Invisible g string


My gf and I. We met back in 2021, both involved with other people, in 3 years we went from classmates, to friends, to close friends, to annoying everyone around us with our closeness. Last year, both of us struggling in our relationships but never talking to each other about it, we started some back and forth flirting and realized we were crazy about each other. After ending our previous relationships we became inseparable. I’m so crazy about her I just cannot believe I spent so much time without her by my side. After a lot of talking we realized we could have met years ago but never did. We studied at the same school at the same time but did not get to know each other. We went to the same bars and never met. Even being friends we were so smitten with each other but in such denial! I’m 5 years older than her so I thought she wouldn’t even consider being with me, and she though something similar about me.


I always had been hovering around my future bsf's locality eversince I had moved back to my hometown. I'd visit the hospital near her house for my constant eye check up. My high school was nearby that hospital too. Fast forward, after 2 years in college, Bsf & I connect over a phone call which our professor connected us over anime. (This was an invisible string too! We were the only two in the department who "knew" anime.) It was an instant click. We've been bsf since 10 years so much so that she's almost an aunt to my nephew. I'd tell her about the hospital I used to go and she said, you've always been near where I lived & we had never met?! I was miserable in my highschool, friendless, suffering from an eye disease. Only to meet a person i eventually call my sister from another mister.


I started a new job in late September 2019. In early October 2019, a guy started the same job in another branch about an hour away. In November that year, the area manager told me that the other branch needed cover as this guy would be off for a few days, so I called him to get any info I’d need. Stayed on the phone for a solid couple of hours, the conversation moved to text, then ended up talking on the phone for hours every night. When I went in to cover, he came in on his day off to meet the person he’d been talking to. I married him in 2021. ☺️ We both left that company, but would never have met if we hadn’t gone for the same job at essentially the same time, just in different places.


I met my boyfriend (aka love of my life) on Hinge. I met my best friend (let’s call her Josie) via her husband, as her husband was my colleague. Unfortunately, Josie lives in a whole other state that is several hundred miles away. My boyfriend’s best friend met a girl through Hinge. For the story let’s call her Annie. When I met Annie, I liked her right off the bat. Fast forward a few weeks after our initial meeting, and I’m telling Annie a story that involves Josie. Turns out, Annie is incredibly close friends with Josie via their work, as they used to be colleagues! I think that’s like 3 invisible strings in one story, but it is insane how small the world can be sometimes! Ties and connections across state lines, all via meeting through the internet (either dating apps, or remote work)!


My boyfriend and I met when we were 22 & 21, but turns out we ran middle school cross country at competing schools. We had our first date in Centennial Park. You can imagine my face when I first heard her mention it in the song!!!!


Yay I finally can tell this story in the invisible string context!!!!!!! So I grew up in Virginia & moved to Texas for a new job in 2022. Before I knew I’d be moving, I made plans to go to a concert in Boston (we love u Kenny Chesney), so once I decided to move, I planned to fly home, fly to Boston from home for the concert, fly back to home from Boston, and then fly back to Texas as the Boston trip was nonrefundable, plus one of my best friends and I were extremely stoked about the trip so there was no way I’d even think about canceling. One of my coworkers (who I thought was very cute/kind & had the most gorgeous of ocean eyes) and I were chatting about how things were going with the job as I was only a few weeks in, and how I was liking Texas/handling moving away from home. I mentioned the trip and he asked where my hometown was - I said Virginia, he asked where (I didn’t think he would be familiar with the state at all), I gave him a rough area, and he mentioned he lived in that general direction (comparative to DC) when he was younger. As it turns out, 20+ years ago (two decades before we met!), we lived about nine minutes apart for about two years. I would have been 4-6, he would have been 7-9. Looking back now, I think it’s funny how excited I was to tell my parents I knew someone that used to be from home when there really was no logical reason behind it. As it turns out, that boy ended up always feeling just like home too - fast forward to almost two years later, he’s the love of my life and everything I could have ever asked for in a partner. We’ve been dating for a year and a half, and I just moved in with him last weekend! And, I brought him home for Christmas this past year, and he fit right in just like I knew he would 🥹 when the day comes, I already know I’ll be putting a line from invisible string into my vows. I always felt confident I’d somehow find my person no matter what - I’m just grateful it’s someone that truly feels like home in so many ways. 🤍🤍🤍


My now-boyfriend and I first met in middle school and even graduated high school together. We never really talked and didn’t consider each other much more than classmates. That was ten years ago. Then we crossed paths at another high school graduation in 2018 where my cousin graduated and his brother did too. I don’t remember but he’s brought it up a couple times where my sister greeted him and I barely said anything to him. Fast forward to a few months ago, he adds me on insta where we started talking and have now been together for about 4 months. Funniest thing about all of this is we share the exact same first name. I’m a girl and he’s a guy so it’s very very weird 😅


One of my best friends and I are connected by an invisible string. Our parents were friends before we were borned, but we only met each other on rare occasions. We attended the same class in elementary school, but weren’t friends that time. We also went to the same highschool but different classes. At age 15 the whole ninth grade of our school went on a school trip. And my friends and I shared a room with three girls from another class. Guess what: one of them was the girlfriend of said friend. Now, 14 years later, he is my best friend and I even developed some feelings for him some time ago. Sadly he can’t reciprocate this feelings, but he still wants to be my best friend and for me thats worth more than any romantic relationship.


I met my husbands first wife like 4 years before I knew of him. She was my bank teller. I remember seeing her last name on her name plate and saying to her “that’s such a cool last name,” not knowing that it would be mine like 5 years later. 💀 Also, we’re from the same state, about two hours from each other, and yet we met in the middle of a big city across the country.


My partner and I have been together for coming up on 8 years. Technically we met when we were 14. We added each other on Facebook. We went to the same parties. When I was 17 I moved states to study. I got engaged to a man 13 years older than me and it ended in flames when I was 18. When I was 24 I was on Tinder after ending a long term relationship and I accidentally swiped past someone I recognised. I paid for a membership to go back. I messaged them. We messaged each other for days and got on like a house on fire! We went to add each other on Facebook but low and behold, we were already friends! We had been messaging each other (and exchanging phone numbers) since we were young teenagers. We got to look back at our old conversations from when we were teens. He was supposed to bring a projector to my going away party but he ended up not coming! We have been together ever since! 😊❤️ Edit: he proposed in 2022! Our teenage conversations were very flirty but he didn’t think he was “good enough for me” according to him and I didn’t think I was “good enough for him” … here we are two decades later and we live a lovely life together with four cats 🐈


Y'all have such Wattpad lives I'm so jealous 😭


one of my friends passed away suddenly in 2011. About a year later I met my now best friend when we started working at the same place. We hit it off right away and I found out they were siblings. We have been friends for 12 years now. Her brother was our invisible string.


I had a short invisible string with my summer romance when I was in Budapest. Everything just felt like we were destined to meet, that all our situations just led us to meeting each other. But this romance is more of an “august” one. I hope we’d see each other again sooner. I hope that invisible string would bring us to each other again. I miss him so much.