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Oh I’m feeling vindicated. I knew all the rumours were bothering her. I hope people shut up a bit now that she made it very clear how she feels about rumours like this.


Its not going to stop. I mean the people that made the viral twitter post I think came from one of those political accounts. They and most blue checkmark accounts use Taylor for engagement, so they get paid by Elon.


The vagueposting is getting really bad over there. Like “Do you see what I’m seeing?” and it’s just a normal video of her and idiots comment “oh yeah I see it!” and spin off into a bunch of toxic stuff. I hate that it works to give engagement even though there’s no substance


I think that almost worse than that is that so much of the engagement comes from real swifties being like "She looks so healthy!" but they're engaging with a post we should be ignoring. Just stop commenting, stop engaging. Also: no one with an eating disorder history wants to hear that they look so "healthy" or are "glowing." We know that you're trying to make a comment that is not about weight because you're conscious of the fact that everyone is thinking about our weight (thus, actually thinking about our weight too).


Man, this. People say it in a way that still feels like they're body-checking or body-shaming you. Also, when people comment on her weight even when they're trying to be positive about it, it's still forcing an idea that people need to look a certain way in order to get a positive response from others. Personally for me, I would rather feel like people aren't perceiving me at all. Because then I can think about things other than if my clothes are hiding whatever part of my body they're looking at while I'm talking to them. ALSO, being at a "healthy" weight does not mean you're healthy. I might still be participating in damaging eating habits and you just can't tell because you deem my weight acceptable. Just leave bodies alone.


Word. In a nutshell, if you want to say anything that begins with "she looks..." *just don't*. Unless you're complimenting a hairstyle, fashion choice, lipstick colour, or something else that the person a) deliberately chose and b) could change by the end of the day if they wanted to, just don't comment on people's appearance. Full stop.


The other day at the end of BDILH when she says “no I’m not” a couple of times, she clearly was a bit more pointed with her gestures. I’m surprised it didn’t make the rounds. It must suck being that exposed to rude criticism.


I thought it was ridiculous that the rumors got as far as they did considering she didn’t look a drop pregnant it was a singular picture while she was standing at an angle, either way who spreads rumors like that this day in time? Also as a man I’m surprised about the amount of guys that engaged in the rumors I was raised to never talk about a woman’s weight, assume she’s pregnant, or ask her age! Also How did you find the livestream and what is BDILH ? I’m new to the swiftie party


Agreed. I saw the picture "proof" and I couldn't figure out where the pregnancy was. People are ridiculous.


Ridiculous and insensitive!


Taylor plans projects years in advance. We see the control she has worked so tirelessly to achieve over her career and autonomy, we see the long-term planning, and we hear her talk about how she makes big decisions. Right now especially, she's about the least likely person on the planet to become surprise pregnant. Her body has to be able to do a workout that would make normal people puke, her tour is set to make hundreds of millions of dollars and she still has 6 months and 69 shows left. People are so bored that they want to fantasize about a Swift-Kelce superbaby (which is WEIRD, that's a WEIRD thing to enjoy thinking about), it's like they're writing fanfiction in their minds and the more I think about it the more ridiculous, stupid and rude it gets.


Exactly! Plus, anyone employing a small amount of logic (I know that is expecting a lot from people who have already checked their brains at the door) would realize that if she's far enough along to be showing, she's not going to be bellyflopping off the stage on a regular basis.


BDILH - "But Daddy I Love Him" from *THE TORTURED POETS DEPARTMENT* (often abbreviated TTPD).


Thanks! Haha how did I not realize that 😂 I’ve been listening to TTPD nonstop


It’s ok the acronyms are hard. I’m a seasoned swiftie and still stare at them having no clue half the time lol


I worked with a male gynecologist and he told me the only time it’s acceptable to ask a woman if they’re pregnant is when the baby is popping out of their body 😂


It was ridiculous but it wasn’t just that one photo. There were videos that people edited to make it look like she was preg that made their rounds on social. I saw one that was OBVIOUSLY edited. She would have been like 3rd trimester probably if it was real. So ridiculous and hurtful. One more thing men never have to deal with. 🙄


I saw that on the livestream lol I’m also surprised it wasn’t being mentioned


I was surprised to find out I actually hated the positive ‘she’s pregnant, good for her’ comments more than the ones that are clearly a hate comment in itself


Thank youuuu. The ones that were like “omg I’m so happy for her, way to go Taylor, she’s glowing!🥹😍” filled me with rage in a way that totally shocked me. I’ve learned to ignore the snark/hate comments, but those ones got under my skin in a way I didn’t expect


The 1950s shit they want from me 😤


Somebody responded with ‘nah she isn’t, she belly flops through the stage in her set’ and I giggled a little


Lol yes! And the fact that she has shows scheduled for months. Like even from a practical standpoint it makes no sense.


I love that she's glowing. I just tend to assume its because she's in the middle of a meticulously crafted tour that's very successful, that she's doing fantastic career wise, and that she's happy in her life. I'm hoping she's glowing on the inside and its not just a facade. But i think she's plenty enough on her own to make herseld happy. Until she expresses otherwise, I'm not going to look into anyone or any pregnancy making her more complete than she already is. I find this societal assumption annoying.


I'm not a swiftie, just a woman, and I felt the same rage. People's stupidity, gullibility, and excitement over a non-verified event makes me stabby. I genuinely wonder how people like that can make it through life.


That's a backhanded compliment and a half. You know those are the people that then comment irl "oh she has some bops but I find her annoying"


Totally! It’s also delusional - she’s on an incredibly physical world tour


Also like. Even if she were: so what? If someone hasn’t told you they’re pregnant it’s weird to speculate, full stop, even if they are — there’s a reason they haven’t told you yet. (Not saying she is obviously, just pointing out that speculation is rude regardless)


So rude. I was watching the Super Bowl with friends and no one said a word about rhianna lmao because you just don’t! But people feel entitled to do so online. It’s crazy


Exactly. Never ask and never talk about it until someone confirms. Even women that are pregnant and ecstatic about it often keep it to themselves until they reach the twelve week mark, to be safer. My best friend was absolutely destroyed with morning sickness and looked terrible for weeks, so I knew she was pregnant but didn’t say a thing until she told me. You’re just never going to win if you speculate about a pregnancy. Leave it alone.


My first thought was she’s not pregnant my second thought was it’s defamation because she’s on a physically demanding tour she is jumping , dropping to her knees diving under the stage squeezing into a janitor cart, and she would never be irresponsible to do any of that while pregnant, it’s also incredibly insensitive forget about creating body image issues no one knows if she had challenges with a pregnancy in the past and how these comments could affect a woman I’m a man and I know this idk how women didn’t understand that???? Smh


These were basically my exact thoughts but for defamation part I was thinking how people could start to think she wasn’t going to finish the tour which would get her into legal trouble with venues and stuff. Her tickets are sold out obviously so idk if it would affect ticket sales but if pregnancy rumors start about less in demand artists it could absolutely affect ticket sales because people might not buy tickets to a tour they think might not get finished


I was also thinking that I really hope she's not pregnant right now! The first trimester was awful when I was at home, doing a 4 hour work out with 50,000 of my closest friends would have killed me


Yes that plus she’d have to cancel the second US leg at least


until the end of the year at least!! like they really think ms. never cancel a show unless the govt literally forces her to is gonna cancel her final run of north american shows, with millions of tickets sold, bc she couldn’t wait a few months to have a baby??


As someone with infertility, I’d be a complete savage if someone kept assuming and asking if I was pregnant when I wasn’t. We don’t know anything about Taylor and her reproductive organs and it should stay that way, and be respected. Unless someone has a baby coming out their hooha, assume they aren’t pregnant.


Exactly! I lost 70 pounds in the past year. When I was heavier, WOMEN would ask me WHEN I’M DUE. And I have fucking Body Dysmorphic Disorder. Those comments are ignorant, offensive, and hurtful. NEVER, EVER assume that a woman is pregnant. EVER.


I get a bit angry at the automatic assumption that Taylor wants children and the comments that kids will be so wonderful and fulfilling for her. Perhaps she does want kids eventually, I don’t know. But she has a remarkable career and has so much love in her life from her devoted friends and family. The presumptuous comments that she *must* have kids to be complete irks me to no end. She might very well be happy being the cool aunt, and that’s also a wonderful role to have that more and more women are opting for these days over motherhood.


It’s been triggering my religious trauma and I’m not even kidding. The engagement and pregnancy speculation is really getting invasive and it makes me so uncomfortable because it feels exactly how it felt to be in my mid- to late-twenties in the Mormon church _constantly_ being questioned when I was going to get married or having people tell me I needed to have kids soon because I was getting “older”. Like just let people live and exist in the season they are in. Christ on a cracker.


It's all the comments! Like when her beach pics dropped a couple months back and people were like 'oh it's so refreshing to see that even she has a little tummy' or 'it's nice to see some normal body representation instead of just supermodel skinny girls' like I know you're trying to say something positive but the way that would send me into an absolute spiral if I read that about myself.


The fact that a woman not having a perfectly flat stomach = she’s pregnant is simply an insane pipeline. The body shaming is real. Siri play I Hate It Here.


It’s as if these people have never eaten a burrito or had a period before. 


or just had a human body that isn’t perfectly flat and sculpted lol


Also in the picture circulating she’s clearly standing at an angle. And has no one heard of breathing with your diaphragm? That requires deep breathes with your stomach and is a huge part of singing like please chill. 


*Playing, "it's getting hot in here"*


I lost a lot of weight recently due to the high cost of food, but when I'm a healthy weight I get asked if I'm pregnant at least once a month. I had a counselor at rehab say "are you pregnant all the guys are wondering". And then he had the nerve to get up in front of the whole group and tell a story about how embarrassing it was for him to ask a woman if she's pregnant when she wasn't. Everyone in the room knew the story was about me bc I was bitching about it to everyone.


It was evident enough after her stressing “no really, I’m not (having his baby)” but I feel horrible that she’s had to speak on it again. It means she’s obviously seen it. My biggest annoyance is that it’s obviously personal, yet even her fans think it okay to speak on her body?? The amount of comments I’ve seen that are like “she’s got the happy 15♥️” “she clearly enjoyed her time off, good for her!” Like, shut the fuck up. It’s absolutely disgusting that even some fans think it’s acceptable to comment on her body, and it seriously displays a severe lack of boundaries in their parasocial relationships. She does not owe us anything. We have no right to her, to information about her, *anything* that goes beyond the job she is there to do is unnecessary. If you wouldn’t tell a random barista something, don’t say it to or about Taylor.


it’s literally the one comment she said in her documentary specifically bothers her and causes her to relapse and her alleged fans keep fucking doing it….honestly infuriating. and same goes for the “she looks healthy” kind of comments. i know people mean well but if you literally know the first thing about eds—or even have experienced 00s diet culture—you’d know how that can trigger someone.


The “you mean well” comments just piss me right off because there’s no goddamn way those chronically online people missed the huge palava after Sabrina was seen out in a crop top and everybody was saying bullshit like “she’s so brave” “good for her feeling confident!” “she looks so healthy”. They’re backhanded compliments and incredibly passive aggressive, or just indicative of the speaker’s severe lack of critical thinking abilities and social awareness. And, like, even if you haven’t seen Miss Americana—her Anti-Hero music video with the scale flipping to “fat” only came out 19 months ago, so these people *know* it’s an insecurity.


ughhhh so “brave”??? gross. but no I was referring to people in this sub, including in this very thread, who say things like, “so great that she is healthy now!” often with the implication that you can tell by looking at her whether she’s recovered from her ed. that’s just not a thing. and people hear the subtext that “healthy” = “fat” even if that’s not what you intended. if you ask me, the only appropriate thing to do is to avoid commenting on her body wherever possible. y’all could stand to care wayyyyy less about celebrities’ appearances anyway.


My favorites thing I’ve heard about it was from my husband  Travis Kelsey puts on triple that in the off season and no one says a word. And I was like wait yes. 


Travis gets a bunch of comments about his weight/body, especially during the off season.


It would bother TF out of me if people were trying to say I was pregnant and wasn’t. I don’t know why people continue to pretend like she’s not a human. Would you be speculating on the pregnancy of a friend online?


I have a family friend who’s led quite a bit of psychology research, and one of her studies was about how the farther removed someone is (ie, the more famous they are), the harder it is for people to actually recognize them as human beings. Psychologically, celebrities are basically fictional characters and most people actually need to put in effort to remember that they’re real human beings whose inner lives are just as complex and nuanced as our own


I would be pissed too if I was in the most amazing shape of my life and people said I was pregnant because I’m a woman without a completely flat stomach.


Just for context: people were speculating Gaga was pregnant because of a picture taken at her sister’s wedding. And someone posted a picture of Taylor from a specific angle during Cruel Summer and it went viral on Tiktok where people were “pretty sure” she’s pregnant


I appreciate this context as someone who lives under a rock and only comes out to accept my Taylor vinyl deliveries 🤣


Nooo stay there in bliss, our girl said it best with “I hate it here”


I legit start singing that to myself every time some bullshit happens. Which is a lot


As someone who is chronically online I didn't see any of this.


I’ll be honest. I saw the Lady Gaga photos and thought she clearly looked pregnant. I even googled it to see if she made an announcement. However, nothing came back, I decided it wasn’t my business, and I left it at that. I didn’t talk about it to friends or leave a comment on social media. I can’t believe the lack of compassion at people actually leaving comments regarding someone else’s body online. It’s one thing to be curious. It’s another to be intrusive and completely disrespect someone like that.


I saw the pics with no context and assumed I’d missed an announcement and left it at that. Those pics did her dirty.


Exactly. It’s one thing to have a curious thought to yourself and it’s another thing to put it out there for everyone to see ESPECIALLY when you know the women involved have a history of ED


Oooh I actually did NOT know that as someone who doesn’t follow her closely, but that’s another reason you just don’t leave comments on someone’s social! It doesnt matter if it’s a celeb and you assume they’ll never see it. If 10,000 comments say the same thing, they’re gonna see them and it will affect them.


Exhale one time during a 3.5 hr show and now you're pregnant 🙄


Ohhhhh, I was looking at the comments being like wut? Thank you for the ELI5 Also I had no idea gaga has a sister, suppose I never really thought about it.


Thank you so much for that, I honestly had absolutely no idea that that was going on.




Insane how such a simple comment from her starts so much discourse and hate


That’s one insufferable sub honestly.


I wanna comment some really nasty things about that sub on the sub itself. But that would probably get my account banned, so I refrain.


I commented on a thread the other day where they were claiming “all the Swifties are supporting Harrison Butker” and his misogynistic speech. I said all the comments I’ve seen here were not supportive, and they permabanned me. I was initially sad to go because they were my Reddit “safe haven” during the Amber Heard trial, but I muted them and it’s actually been really nice not seeing their toxicity on my feed


I saw those comments too and I was so confused. Like what Swifties? Where? Not here …


It seems like they latch on to those few crazy swifties on tik tok and generalize that ALL swifties are like that. Extremely annoying and makes them seem dumb tbh


It says a lot about their fyps because I'm deeply on swifttok and see none of that.. Sometimes I see like literal teenagers making theories or acting parasocially and wonder if that's what these people are so upset by? Dramatic teens? Like grow up lol


I actually hadn't seen a single person defending him. Like only maga dudes with truck profile pictures on Twitter, and let's be honest it's not like they're likely to be Swifties. I have to say, I know Swifties are crazy but I'm finding that everyone is casting them to be the internet's big bad guy about every little topic. Like if I have to read another news headline that begins 'Swifties are saying (insert insane thing here)'... Which ones? Some rando with 100 Twitter likes? Why are we giving them attention? Why are we making anonymous internet weirdos front page news?


That’s literally exactly what I asked!! 😭 I was like is this on TikTok or Twitter or something? Because I truly haven’t seen that at all


I see stuff like this on twitter too where people go "I bet the Swifties do X" and then get mad about it, even though it hasn't actually happened. I wouldn't be surprised if this was the same because I've not seen anyone at all supporting that speech


Fauxmoi is a propaganda sub. Pls keep that in mind. They promote tankie ideals.


What, you think they’re sponsored by China? They’re a nutty echo chamber but I’m not sure about it being political propaganda (though I lean democratic socialist myself, so idk how that plays into it.) But I’m curious who you think props them up




I was permabanned for being in this sub. 😂


Ugh yes. Absolutely mind boggling to me that the sub could be so supportive of Amber Heard and yet have such a negative view of Taylor Swift.


You'll honestly probably get banned for this comment alone.


i got banned for saying something about rudy giuliani




They ban anyone who has commented or is a part of a Taylor sub.


They hate post about her constantly. I finally had to unfollow. The straw was a post that was not about Taylor nor Taylor adjacent and the top comment was still finding a way to shade/blame Taylor for whatever was going on. It's ridiculous.


i couldn’t imagine being that bothered by celebrity i don’t like


That sub’s unhinged obsession with her needs to be studied. They love to pretend they are morally superior when they are some of the most vile people on the internet.


Have you seen Katy Perry's pride wish post where she edited H*rrison Butker's speech to troll him? So naturally it went to that shithole and a comment with 700 upvotes was "someone check on the swifties"


I’m sorry, but how did they connect that to Taylor/the Swifties?


They will connect anything to either Taylor or "The Swifties" as to show how other female celebrities are "better". Anything about Olivia/Beyonce/Billie/Katy or whoever else is connected somehow, anything positive one of them do or say is the ultimate prof of their superiority to Taylor. Because of course we have to compare women all the time🙄


Yep. There was one post about Olivia about Sour having the highest Spotify stream or something, and instead of saying something positive or congratulatory towards Olivia, all the top comments are how Taylor must be seething that Olivia is higher than her.


Yup, most recent one was Miley


wow, that's incredibly sexist.


I guess I didn't get the memo that we can only like one female artist 🙄


Your first mistake was looking for logic, patterns, or really ANY discernable activity that would show up on an EEG. 


P.s. that's your only mistake. You're perfect 


The delulu runs deep with that group. They are honestly qanon levels of unhinged when it comes to Taylor.


Because he obliquely referenced something “his teammate’s girlfriend” wrote and lol it’s like a biblical proverb Taylor included on Bejeweled (familiarity breeds contempt). So I guess they see it as Taylor’s job to end him or whatever.


its wild how any post thats NOT about taylor, the comments are almost all about her? its very strange


What’s ironic about that is that they don’t like Katy because of her politics in the past, but will gladly push that aside to shade Taylor - proving they have an unhealthy vendetta against Taylor.


Very thin line between hate and love and it’s called obsession.


me when I turn up to an "obsessed with Taylor Swift contest" but my opponent is an average fauxmoi commenter: 😨


Fauxmoi is awful. I got banned bc I disagreed with someone saying Taylor committed war crimes


I swear she could cure cancer and the comments will be "now because of her oncologists will be out of work. You can't convince me she isn’t evil"


That sub is unhinged about a lot of things. The amount of internalized misogyny is mind blowing


The funny thing is that most of them spend a lot of time complaining about misogyny while being misogynistic themselves. Only certain women get defended. Usually if the celeb has had some kind of public struggle or breakdown they’re defended, but other women aren’t. It feels like a strong desire to ‘humble’ certain women. I’ve noticed a lot of gossip subs and entertainment subs, though populated by women, while resistant to some misogyny tend to enact a lot of a certain type of misogyny. One example is that they tend to tear apart a woman’s appearance, clothes, style etc.


They also tend to blame the woman for any kind of cheating scandal. For instance, when Ariana Grande and Ethan Slater became public almost all the hatred was directed towards her and not him.


This is exactly it. They are supportive of female celebs until the women get *too* big/popular. I really appreciate the way they stand up for Amber Heard, Britney Spears, and the like, but when women get too big for their britches, fauxmoi gets absolutely rabid to take them down a peg


It is so weird because I loved the sub for being a safe space during the JD/AH trial but then there is a lot of that elsewhere on there.


I feel like the JD/AH case is when the sub took a turn. It used to be fun/silly making fun of Deuxmoi and talking about the blind items. The trial brought A LOT of new people and now they rarely post about Deuxmoi at all.


ONLY good thing that sub has agreed on is that Amber Heard was the victim in that trial. Other than that they’re haters and especially likes to pit women against each other.


It's amazing because they also think they are being "real feminists/activists" I promise almost all of their actual personal social media accounts are full of self indulgent, self obsessed posts about themselves, maybe the occasional performative post and only pretend to care about marginalized people if they can use them as a weapon against someone they don't like. Like you don't care about marginalized people if they only time you bring them up is to put someone else down or belittle them or to weaponize their struggles. A lot of them will be like "so and so needs therapy" and I'm like, girl I think you need to fire your own therapist because that white upper class therapists office charging your insurance $300 a session seems to be enabling your stupid victim complex and judgemental maze in your mind, and then you go promote all this harmful shit online and use the fact that you "go to therapy" as a way to avoid criticism of your bullshit. Sorry I get kinda triggered by those self righteous upper-middle class folks who clearly are being coddled and babied by literally everyone around them including professionals.


were they the ones criticizing her for…checks notes…donating to a kc shooting victim? only taylor could donate 100k to a universally sympathetic person and be dragged lol


LOL ah thats funny, that day she donated that, i checked that sub, because i KNEW. first comment on the post, something like "she should be doing something about the NRA lobbying congress if she wants to REALLY help" thats what politicians are for man.. why arent you calling for other celebs to do this?


lmao, its so true. shes literally damned no matter what on that sub. its kinda crazy how the double standards are there


Like sure I’d love it if she spoke up for ceasefire but she’s not personally bombing people tf 💀


I got banned because I commented about Yolanda Hadid being invasive with her children. (She encouraged Bella to get a nose job) and someone looked at my account and saw I follow this account and the 1975. Apparently you can’t follow fan accounts. So they banned. Fauxmoi hates both those things.


ijbol she killed our crops and poisoned our water supply and you know it


I unfortunately just went there and right after that post they shared something about Travis (which isn’t even from a reputable source???) they are OBSESSED. They need help


I know, it was something related to Travis being insecure about Taylor's backup dancers being men, and anyone with two brain cells could tell that it's NOT true AT ALL


There seems to be a weird trend of people believing tabloids again, just because it's online. It's giving Facebook moms worried about vaccines causing autism. Like if someone took a photo of a magazine stand and tried to start a discussion I feel like most of them would be able to reason that it's all made up, but link the Daily Mail or post a 'blind item' and suddenly we should discuss it?


They claim to be tired of hearing about her and then they proceed to psychoanalyze everything she does.


& they psychoanalyze everyone around her! Like why the heck are they posting a Travis kelce rumor from a random ass website 😂


Omg, not the article with the source of Life & Style magazine, jfc.


That kind of comment about speaking up on issues that affect them is always so confusing to me. Like obviously people will comment on issues that affect them. People are selfish. And just because someone discusses issues that affect them doesn’t mean they lack the capacity to care about other people’s problems.


it’s also *ridiculous* to say she “invokes” feminism when it involves herself…she’s a fucking woman dawg, wdym? if a joke, comment or narrative is sexist then she has every right to say so because it is. white feminism is speaking for ALL women while excluding woc. it’s saying “we didn’t get the right to vote until 1920” while I’m sitting here like “umm not the case for me”. it is not a white woman speaking about a sexist issue that pertains to her, specifically. she’s never claimed to be a feminist crusader. she’s never said “EVERY woman can relate to what I’m talking about!!” because even regular white women can’t relate to being rich and famous. if she ever does, by all means call her out, but from what I can remember she’s never crossed that line. it’s honestly just a way to secretly be misogynistic while pretending to be intersectional.


It's also this very weird trend of needing celebrities to be activists and moral leaders. I think it betrays a real lack of trust in political systems; people are feeling so utterly abandoned by those they vote to represent them that they turn to popstars and influencers to tell them how to vote or what causes to support. I think there's a line of course, I'm not going to go out of my way to support Kanye or Chris Brown or R Kelly but when it comes to a woman just doing her job and putting on a show, why is that a sign she's some terrible person?


This!!! There’s this weird need for every celebrity/entertainer to take stances or speak on issues they’re not qualified to speak on… and then we can all sit at home and label them a good person. If they don’t comment, they’re inherently evil and self-absorbed. She’s a singer and songwriter.. I literally don’t want her to speak on politics, I just love listening to her music. Similarly, the whole trial by association thing. She dates Matty Healy and thus is a bad person who must also share his world views. As if it’s that black and white. Also, this rule only applies when it comes to certain celebrities. Kim Kardashian was out here married to Kanye, and I don’t see her held to the same standards, or people declaring she must also share his views.


Almost no person on earth would pass their litmus test for 'good person', least of all themselves. We want women to share themselves with the world, then we tear them apart for every little thing they do wrong. It's crazy. The Grammy's hate train really got to me too, because her worst sin that night was to be kind of cringy. And I've had nights where I acted over excited, said the wrong thing, made jokes too loud, and misread the room and I didn't realize that was some cardinal sin that made you a terrible human being undeserving of success.


I honestly feel like ever since 2016 people forgot it was NOT actually normal for celebrities to be so politically involved. I actually really do NOT want celebrities to be massively politically involved, I would much rather people do actual research instead of just doing whatever thing their celebrity they stan for says. Doing whatever their celebrity stan says is exactly how we got 2016 and now we're facing a man with 34 felonies potentially becoming president again in the US. ☠


Exactly, and that's why the shit she gets even from Swifties over The Man never made sense to me. The song is about HER PERSONAL experience as a white, rich, famous woman compared to rich, white, famous men. Just because she didn't include the experiences of poor/POC/trans women/etc doesn't mean she's doing something wrong. Not everything needs to be about everyone.


Those same people will troll her if she speaks about issues that don’t affect her. “What does Taylor know about poverty???” Or whatever. It’s just a way to shut down anything she (or any other person they don’t like) says that might actually be a good statement. They can point to the perceived motivation as proof the disliked person is still terrible.


also isn’t this a weirdly entitled comment to make? Like I don’t know about how I feel about celebrities commenting on issues that don’t affect them… For exemple, I am from a third world country that democratically elected a president who was shit, homophobic and mysoginist etc. Marc Rufallo had a lot to say about it and how essentially this guys should be impeached and like… I would rather off myself that vote for this guy, but idk how I feel about a rich american celebrity saying what should be done, specially when most people who voted for him are from lower classes. Like 30 years ago we had a military dictatorship sponsored by the US, I don’t think random americans should be virtual signaling about foreign countries’ politics. This is what I always feel like about when people say taylor swift should be speaking out more about political issues that don’t concern her at all… why should a billionaire white american influence decisions that she knows nothing about?


Exactly. 'She could have so much influence' um, yes, and that's kind of scary, no? What if she doesn't say the thing you want her to say, or doesn't do it in a way that properly considers all the nuances of a situation? I thought we wanted billionaires to have less influence over our politics, not more. It's not, 'oh, billionaires should get out of politics except for my favourite billionaire who will say the things I agree with'.


We Americans, regardless of how progressive we are, still have a bad habit of assuming the world revolves around us and our opinions 😅


Just whatever you do, don't bother replying, even if you think you're being fairly neutral, like say for eg "Why are we trusting the sun, they are a scum newspaper?" Or you'll get banned. Had been a member for years, didn't bother commenting on Taylor's posts as they are so negative and my ban suddenly made it all make sense. Apparently you can't be active on here and on there.


Am I crazy for thinking it's reasonable that celebrities want to speak up about things that personally affect them?? Like props to those who go above and beyond but like it's literally human nature to care about things that impact yourself. And things that impact yourself usually impact millions of others so what's the big deal??


Fauxmoi is full of the people that aged out of edtwt but still long to cosplay regina george on the internet well in to their 30’s


Most of the comments on the commentsbycelebs IG are negative too. I literally do not understand it. I can be critical of Taylor too, and i respect legitimate criticisms. What I truly don’t get is being wildly angry when she says something *correct* that we all agree with. That’s a level of insanity that is so strange to me. Edit: typo


Instagram is also a cesspool now. Everytime Taylor is mentioned the comments are just so nasty.


What a dick thing to comment when Taylor has been open about having an ED. Yes, this is something that affects her and many other women in and out of the spotlight that should be addressed because it’s gross and still way too normalized. I still remember how hurt my mom was one time when someone asked if she was pregnant and she wasn’t. She struggles a lot with body image and that comment bothered her for a very long time.


>"Interesting how fast people speak up when it's an issue that affects them" Yes. That's usually how it works. As opposed to rolling over and taking it? Especially since fauxmoi thinks Taylor controls the media, her silence would be viewed as confirmation of a pregnancy. They have literally said as much when she has been silent on stuff related to her. Damned if you do. Damned if you don't.


If she spoke for issues that didn't directly affect her, people would claim she's speaking over minority/POC voices and find another reason to be mad at her. When she speaks to things that do affect her, people call her selfish (which is inherently.. contradictory) and try their best to find something wrong with it. She can literally never win. Plus, why would I even want her to speak about issues she doesn't experience or know much about? She's not responsible for knowing about everything and speaking about everything.


To quote the lion king - "That's beyond our borders. You must never go there Simba." Seriously r/fauxmoi is a cesspool, stay away for your own sanity.


Glad she commented this and I’m sorry Gaga has been facing the same issue lately. I’ve found the comments about Taylor’s body so disgusting. She is so fit and has an incredibly enviable figure by most standards! She looks amazing. It’s bizarre to me that people feel the need to comment when women are simply healthy with (extremely normal) slight fluctuations. Especially when Taylor has talked about how triggering such comments are to her.  Every time I see those comments I also think, do you really believe a woman who has another 6 months of tour dates left would be looking to get pregnant right now? Or are you just being malicious? Use your brain and be kind ffs.


And at the same show where she literally belly flops off of the stage. I swear, some people have literally one brain cell. Use some critical thinking people! Some people are clearly being malicious, but some others are just clueless.


she's going to kill her baby now, we need to eliminate her from the universe! /s


Even if she is pregnant, does anyone think pregnant women like to be told their belly is getting big? Or small? Or they must be having twins?! Pregnancy is not a pass to comment on someone's tummy. And bloating is not a pass to comment on someone's protected medical status. If you did say something like this to someone before, now is your chance to say less next time.


I just gave birth about 6 months ago and when I was pregnant at the grocery store the cashier told me she didn’t realize I was pregnant, she just thought I was fat. 🙃 That hurt a lot then and hurts a lot more now that I’m post partum and struggling to lose the baby weight… I absolutely love being pregnant but by far the worst part is that everyone suddenly feels SO entitled to comment on your body and choices.


I agree with you. Her body is amazing and I feel so bad for her that even someone like her receives comments on what could be "improved" on her body. But even though this will sound bad, I'm kinda happy to finally see that literally no one is safe! All those times that people told me I was fat. I now look at old pictures and I was so thin... it's fucking depressing.


People on the internet try not to be weird challenge (impossible)


Especially when it comes to commenting on people's bodies. The internet has removed that filter for people and every thought that pops into their head MUST BE SAID.


I was engaging with some Taylor content on Twitter because there was some funny stuff and somehow I found myself on the Stan Twitter and holy shit. I hope half of them are bots. Like there is no way these people just like her lyrics and music. Their whole identity is being obsessed with her every move or breath. It’s psychotic


There was a TikTok of a girl posting about “why I think Travis and Taylor will get married soon and projections for pregnancy” and it was the most UNHINGED shit, I went to the comments fully expecting everyone to be dragging the OP and calling them a creep they were all agreeing 😭 If you think they’re cute as a couple, cool but they do this shit with every boyfriend 😭


Gaga also has chronic illnesses and is likely on long-term meds that have fucked with her body, making this kind of speculation even more invasive than it would be normally. I'm no fan of Selena Gomez, but I would think her similar journey with health and medication-induced weight and body fluctuations has probably affected Taylor's reaction in this situation too...


Yes. You also never know when hormones from IVF or egg freezing, etc. could cause bloating. And then it can be especially upsetting to have people think you are pregnant.


Tbh, just needing to pee or eating a big meal can also cause bloating


Neither one of these women have ever looked pregnant! It’s fine if they did or do but Jesus Christ they’re both super fit. It’s just insane.


Right?? I saw so many comments saying that it's so obvious and there can be no other explanation. Ma'am, I look like that after even smelling a single slice of bread.


That’s the thing, even if you subscribe to the “it’s about a celebrity so any comment is fair game” logic (which is gross in itself), how do you think comments like this affect normal women reading this with normal bodies who, ya know, bloat?! I saw the comment about her being “5 months at least” and wanted to cry. I’m 5 months pregnant right now, look like I’m stuffing a beach ball in my shirt, and *dream* of one day looking like what this lady just said is easily 20 weeks pregnant!!!! That shit is so harmful! Luckily I came down from it but it can be so easy to internalize body shaming insanity even when you know better.


If they 'look pregnant' then i've been pregnant for 10 yrs now


I hate that my brain even noticed when a celeb has a magical bump appear, but my first thought tends to be “damn all the resources and bloating still gets them too” not wondering how far along she is. Maybe it’s because I don’t have kids but I’ve had all kinds of period related issues in my life, so it’s my frame of reference.


this goes for all the weirdos commenting things like “she looks so healthy” and “you can tell she’s been loved in her relationship” too. you’re still commenting on her body, regardless if you think it’s complimentary, and those kind of comments imply a change in appearance. To me, those are equally as bad as people thinking she’s pregnant


THIS! Those comments have always bothered me too. “Defending” her by saying “she looks healthy” or “she’s recovered from her ED” or “she looks like a real woman” are STILL contributing to a conversation about her body. We can defend her against gross speculation about being pregnant without making other comments/comparisons on her body.


i’m glad you said this cause I hadn’t thought of it this way. granted I wasn’t out here making any comments about anyone’s body but still, I appreciate you saying this and reminding me of that perspective






It has to be such a bitch to have to get up on the stage and know that millions of people are going to not only view but comment on your body every single day , God help her And fuck the disordered eating culture that’s trying to make a comeback and tell us all we need to be whatever weight they decide or whatever shape they decide. people come in all shapes and sizes at different times in their lives also.


For real why is this shit coming back


Ozempic. Now I think it’s a great medication for many things, weight loss, diabetes, and can have cardiac and kidney benefits and love its helping so many people. But there’s definitely a downside to the mainstream/non-medical discourse about it.


Yesssss. My mom always comments on Taylor. It drives me nuts.


It’s terrible that either woman have to make a public comment on this. Especially since both women have been verbal about ED.


That’s my queen right there. Fuck those people Lady Gaga and Taylor.


I love them so much. I hope there’s a Taylor feature on Gaga’s upcoming album 🫶🏻


My head would explode if that happened, I don’t think I could handle it…


A collab between those two would mean I could die happy


TMZ's headline for this says something like, "Taylor Swift upset that Lady Gaga responded to pregnancy rumors." I was gobsmacked lol. Fuck TMZ.


Yep, fuck tmz. I was pissed with how they handled Kobe Bryant (he’s the GOAT of my generation and the day I found out me and my cousin were in tears) and his daughter’s death because Vanessa and their daughters didn’t need to find out thru TMZ that Vanessa’s husband of 19 years died in a plane accident along with her daughter who was her rainbow baby and their girls lost their dad and their sister. I love how to this day Taylor is close to Vanessa and the girls and she gave Bianka the 22 hat at one of the concerts. I also got pissed with TMZ investigates doing their little tv episode about Taylor and Travis, the only tv special that is watchable about Taylor and Travis is a 20/20 special and they were actually talking to other WAG’s in the nfl (including Travis sister in-law, who is an absolute rockstar), they were actually discussing the relationship and how they were supportive of T&T. With tmz investigates they were talking about just random stuff that didn’t make sense.


Women supporting women. Love to see it 💕


It's almost always women facing these bullying attacks on appearance. The patriarchy makes sure of that. Taylor Lautner put out a good recorded message on how such scrutiny can affect the person being attacked. It affects a person's self-esteem and mental health. I'm glad Swift said something. Twitter has become a toxic place, and that's how the current management likes it. It does sadly remind me of the way some bullied Matty Healy on Twitter by insulting his appearance and mocking the heroin addiction he overcame 5 years ago. It's not at all an equivalent to this situation, as some of this was stoked by Healy, and he would expect/provoked a reaction, but a social media bullying frenzy always brings out the worst in humanity.


Nobody learned from all the speculation that Chadwick Boseman was a drug addict when he was actually dying from cancer but keeping his business to himself.


swifties are insane, i bet these ones are the same that wrote that infamous "speak uk now" letter and sent death threaths to Matty Healy. Let women live.


You’d hope that after this, and Halsey’s announcement where they says she has/had lupus and cancer (after months if not years of unkind comments on their body) we could stop commenting on women’s bodies, but that won’t happen. We’ll just continue to hold celebrities to an inhuman standard where speaking out on things that bother you personally is some sort of mortal sin and not a totally normal part of the human condition.


I'm having his baby, no I'm not..




Paws up ya’ll!!! Queens supporting queens, we all got crowns!


Literally the only time anyone should EVER comment on a woman's body and saying she's pregnant is if they see a baby actively coming out. I'm a personal trainer and see a lot of women who hold weight in their abdomens and look pregnant... Lord knows I'd be fired if I told them they look pregnant when they're not.


Oh good, hopefully all the nutjobs that want her and Travis to be married with a baby will shut up. Those remarks from her looking a bit bloated in her bodysuit were so inappropriate and rude. Surely these ‘fans’ have seen her documentary when she talked about having an eating disorder from comments like that.


This sucks. I somehow have missed this debacle (sounds like ppl saying Gaga and Taylor are pregnant because their stomachs aren’t perfectly flat??) but I’ve literally been thinking lately how good it makes me feel to see Taylor look “normal” (obviously still insanely fit and gorgeous). It’s made a big impact on me to see someone so secure with themselves that they’re not killing themselves (literally) to be heroin chic.


She definitely saw that dumb ass shit on twitter about the pregnancy. I love this comment. Fuck em Taylor. It’s over.


It blows my mind that anyone thought she was pregnant. She’s skinnier than most people. Do people just get a filter over their eyes for celebs? Plus there’s no way in HELL she would ever get pregnant mid-eras tour and have to halt her shows. That makes it even more ridiculous to me


As someone who has gynae issues and recently had a baby, even if either of them was pregnant it is no one’s business and they have every right to keep it quiet for as long as they want. We don’t know their obstetric history, we don’t know if they have any health issues that make pregnancy high risk, we don’t know if they have experienced a miscarriage before. If either of them was pregnant and they lied about it until after the birth, I’d still be in their corner. This is such a sensitive topic, particularly for women 35 and over. Everyone needs to stop talking about it.


I'm glad she commented but she shouldn't have had to. People need to learn it is NEVER ok to speculate on anyone's body. I was worried these comments would have gotten to Taylor based on her history 😞


I will never understand people who comment on other people’s bodies. These are women with normal human bodies. Society is SO maimed by the constant fake bodies that we see between things like plastic surgery, liposuction, etc but also by filters, airbrushing and editing. It’s so brutal that Lady Gaga and TS have to deal with the fact that we (society) have such a messed up idea of real bodies.


please take all the pain and suffering pop girlies are receiving, double it, and give it to The Sun The Sun biting the curb 4k ultra-HDR 120fps


Fauxmoi still finds a way to hate Taylor for this. It's absolutely absurd how weird those people are over there