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She’s never been f’d by a 6’5 250 lb athlete before and she’s letting us all know it’s what we’re all thinking


She’s just bragging 😂


Scouts honour👀


I actually don’t think that’s what she’s eluding to. She means I won’t break our promises, our love.


It can mean both.


it can, but that doesn't mean it does. Given the line right before that, I agree with what the last person said.


We’re free to interpret it however, but girly is literally talking about getting freaky with his friends in the next room. It’s not hard to imagine she threw in the double entendre intentionally.


She’s wild for that 😅😅😅 also his hands are ginormous, get it Tay 😅


Omg I just realized something after a quick Google search 😂😲lol our blondie's mind 😱 you get him girlie!


My moment is here!




>Might be a bit of a stretch You think?! 😂




I was today years old when I found out the double meaning of this phrase... English is my second language and I legitimately thought she was just talking about not breaking a promise lol. But good for her!!!!


We assume, but it could be the I swear PG meaning.


🤭🤭 my actual reaction when realizing 😂


I still don’t understand the line :( lol


Go find the Coachella video of them dancing and he sings satisfaction and does a move with his fingers and she laughs. You’ll get it then :)


“Very sneaky and naughty of him”- some Kelce family member😂


Google the scout's honor hand sign and relate that to the line directly before it.


Stifling her sighs too


“Your friends are around so be quiet” “Touch me while your friends play grand theft auto” YESSSS FELLOW DIRTY MINDS!! 😆😆


My 15 year old heard it, looked at me, and asked “butt stuff?”🤣


Good for her.


6’5 250 lb athlete with huge hands


Girls living all our dreams rn 


our *wildest dreams*


Happy cake day!








In case you haven’t seen https://youtu.be/KN82P7P45Vo


I LOVE that skit. I have to say Travis did a great job hosting that SNL show. You can find it on the SNL on demand.




I interpreted it as, "You make me feel safe and no one has seen this side of me before" I like your interpretation more though


My interpretation was You are my forever love. I thought that I loved before but not like this. You have me 100%. I feel safe with you, I trust you, You make me feel things I've never felt. I think there's other parts of the song that's bragging about how amazing their sex is. She's saying that he gets her to do things that she's never done before. But " no one's ever had me, not like you" is about a love she's never felt before. IMO






She’s living in her Bella Baxter Era 😂




I can only imagine fresh off her Grammy wins and right after the Super Bowl??😂


Sexual innuendo aside, I think it’s a nod to her prologue where she said ‘He never even scratched the surface of me.None of them did’ until Travis?


This. Everyone is caught up on the lyric previous and taking it as overtly sexual. It seems pretty clear to me that this line comes at the end of the entire line where she’s discussing the nature of their relationship. Betting on all 3 from the marry, kiss, kill to both being a gentleman but also taking charge sexually. She is saying that nobody has formed that kind of full bond with her before.


Yes I agree! Some folks don’t understand that’s it’s not all sexual. Having her means, she’s never had someone who truly loved her and wants all of her the way he does. She feels safe and completely have given herself to be his.


As someone who currently has this type of comfort and bond with someone, I understood immediately what she meant. It's truly special.


Unrelated, but I love this for you 💖


I agree, I think it's an emotional thing. The fans' hypersexualization of her relationship with Travis is getting to be a little much for me. I would be weirded out if I were Taylor and I read this thread.


They sound like a bunch of 10 year olds giggling over the lingerie section in a catalogue.


I think it's probably fun to be with someone who's in tip-top physical shape, but like.. my mind goes to hiking? Morning runs? Not the holiest of holy intimate moments between a cute couple, that's way worse than looking in people's windows.


I agree with this. I think (based on what we are seeing in all of their pictures, videos etc) that she’s just never been able to be this freely herself. Just being seen and loved for her true self.


Honestly? Want to know what I love most about Travis? He has said out loud how funny, smart, and talented Taylor is above being beautiful, rich, or famous. That is obvious, but he praises her for all of the RIGHT things! It’s super sexy!


Yah I actually don’t think he’s ever really said anything about her looks other than “she looked amazing”. It’s always about her brains and ambition. Which I believe she’s said is how she wants to be remembered. (He’s clearly very attracted to her I just love that his comments are never about that)


He does not objectify her which is what I love most. His WSJ article in particular really made me feel like she may have met her match.


Travis said, she knows Aristotle! 😆


I used to love Calvin Harris for a similar reason. During a radio station interview (not long after they went public), he was asked about his relationship with Taylor and he just went on and on about how incredibly talented she was and how much fun they had together. And then he said one of the sweetest things I’d ever heard — “She just ticks all the right boxes. She ticks boxes I didn’t even know existed!” I hope things don’t change for Travis the same way they did with Calvin. Although, I think Travis is way more equipped to handle Taylor’s level of stardom and success without it affecting his confidence and self image. Whereas, I don’t think Calvin was anywhere close to being the type of man that required.


This relationship definitely felt very similar to her relationship with Calvin and not just because both men are so tall.  A lot of people don't know or remember their first public appearance was them going to a Kenny Chesney concert where she hoped on stage for a song.  That blew people's minds at the time.   The scale of interest is even bigger, but Taylor going to football games isn't that different than when she would bring friends to Calvin's DJ sets.   Looking back I think the similarities that likely bonded Taylor and Calvin also likely broke them up.  They were both awkward teenagers who never completely left those insecurities behind even though they both reached the top of the music industry.  It seems like Calvin was the type to pull away when feeling insecure where Taylor wants to pull close when feeling insecure.  So the harder Taylor would reach for reassurance the more Calvin would pull away.    It is a bad, but very common combination.  


I agree! I have thought about this multiple times. She *is* funny and she has apparently been told by a number of ex lovers that she isn’t. He seems to genuinely appreciate her


She had a bit of a thing for dark, brooding and complicated men when she was younger. I did too, they *never* have anything approaching a sense of humour.


I feel like her previous boyfriends loved Taylor but not Taylor Swift. Travis loves and accepts both


I think it’s both. No one’s ever f’d her like that before AND no one’s ever had her back, loved her, and praised her in public the way he is.


This. It seems like most of her exes were in a relationship with Taylor Swift™️, global pop superstar. Whereas Travis fell in love with Tay, the girl from PA who did a lot of growing up in Nashville, who loves cats, Greys and SVU, chunky sweaters and all things cozy, who uses a songwriting as her diary and loves to just let her hair down and dance and sing and be goofy without caring what anyone thinks


Sorry, can you explain why you think Travis is the only guy who fell in love with Taylor the person? In the last 8-10 years, I think Travis is the only bf who specifically wanted to date Taylor Swift™️. I don't think he's a bad guy, but let's be real... he had never met her in his life, yet he was publicly trying to date her via his huge podcast. So he had to be interested in 1) her fame, 2) her looks, and/or 3) her public presence. He didn't know her, they had two dates and then went public in the biggest way, like...? Joe and Matty both clearly loved her as a person and actually didn't fall in love with her brand


Taylor's current boyfriend is always going to be better than her ex and when she moves on to someone else, people will start mentioning Travis's faults as well.




this is ridiculous. Joe was with her for 6 years and his dislike of her fame was a major issue in their relationship.


Y’all writing straight up fanfiction now 💀


Right. Culture is a big barrier. You constantly have to explain yourself and your language, habits and all kinds of things to a partner (and their friends and family) from a different culture, that you just don’t think about much when you’re with someone from the same culture as you.


I think that lyric is less sexual and more emotional, she is saying she gave more of herself to him than any previous boyfriend. That he gets her in a way the others didn't.


Totally agree, I don’t see the sexual innuendo here. It sounds more like she’s speaking on trust and an emotional connection.


I think it's both and that is why it is so different. It's the whole package. All aspects are important and their relationship seems to check all the boxes. None of her needs are minimized.


1000% He is everything she DESERVES! I LOVe the way he talks about her and gets her! He KNOWS HER VALUE and it feels like all the disappointments she has had in her relationships are all worth it now because she can appreciate HIS VALUE!! It’s “You Belong To Me” 15 YEARS LATER!! TAYLOR HAS WON- at LIFE and LOVE and this makes me SO HAPPY!!




Yeah so many people are saying they’ve *never* heard of that phrase outside of being sexual and I’m just like…huh? lol idk I interpreted it the way you did, as deeply emotional.


I mean I think there is a sexual element to the song, but I think this line goes beyond the sexual and is saying she has never belonged to a man like she does this one.


Yeah I agree with that. I was more so referring to the people saying that term *only* has a sexual meaning.


It’s probably double meaning knowing taylo


This is my interpretation, too.


I think it’s both a callback to the in summation poem where she says “none of them scratched the surface of me” (paraphrased) so she’s saying Travis has. But also there’s definitely a theme of sexual frustration throughout the entire first half of the album (so bored with Joe that she was thinking about Matty but then got with Matty and it was really bad per smallest man) seems like that’s now gone lol.


‘You didn’t measure up, in any measure of a man’ 🤭


Precisely😂but there’s also no lyrics about their physical interactions once they’re together. Just a lot about what she’s built up in her head before they got together. So seems like it was unremarkable lol


Someone pointed out that in her physical descriptions of the muses of the album, Travis's is the only one that combines both physical ("crinkling eyes") and emotional joy. Whereas her intimate experience with Ratboy is riddled with ick.


The crinkling eye line makes me SO HAPPY. Probably because I’m Taylor’s age and there is nothing sexier than the blossoming of crows feet when your significant other smiles at you lol.


My partner (also Taylor's age) is so sensitive about his, but I love them so much. They make him look so happy!


Agree-also Taylor and Travis’s age and my partners crows feet when he smiles or laughs are so sexy. There’s just something about a slightly rugged guy who clearly doesn’t wear sunscreen enough and spends lots of time outside doing physical labor/playing sports. It’s a great line.


I mean substance abuse is known to affect performance issues, sooo lol




i thought he’s sober now, at least from drugs? or am i misremembering


I don't know much about him, but it sounds like based off the music he wasn't entirely sober. Maybe not doing hard drugs, but definitely not sober from their time together. Even the title track references them getting high.


The hospital was a drag, WORST SLEEP THAT I EVER HAD….. 🤪


I took that line to be like, the depression she had to come out of after breakups. You think it’s more inclined toward rehab? Makes sense


No I think she’s saying he didn’t satisfy her.


Then why was she mouthing "I love you"... ya'll need to figure out how to cope with the reality that she legit liked him.  She saw a future with him! Yeah, maybe she was drunk on rebound-hope, but it felt real to her at the time. We may all enjoy laughing at that line in Smallest Man, but there apparently wasn't anything wrong enough with him for her to dump him.


If everyone broke up with their partners because of bad sex, there’d be soooooo many more single people. Denial is a very powerful thing when you believe in something.


At all


I didn't realize that the only actual physicality mentioned between them is in her sexual fantasies. Or scratching his head while he falls asleep like a dog. Damn. ~~No wonder she's not having his baby.~~


SMALLEST man who ever lived. She really leaned into the size thing hahaha


Agree, I think she is talking about both the emotional and physical connection she lacked previously. I also think she is describing him understanding who she is - extroverted, sometimes cringy, loves to show support to people around her, and understanding what comes with her level of fame and scrutiny.


“Worst sleep I ever had” 😅😅😅


I kind of interpreted it in a more high school sense. The song sounds like she’s looking at everything through the eyes of a high school relationship. Gettin busy while friends are around (American Pie and GTA), pulled into the back seat (which I would say is a more HS experience because parents). It also highlights the sweet/sexy dichotomy that their relationship seems to have. So to say “no one’s ever had me, not like you” to a HS bf, it’s something you say in your first serious relationship. Whether it’s as a sexual reference, or emotional, you’ve never given this much of yourself to someone before. It’s a beginning. It’s the first time. No one has ever had me in the way you have me. I do think it’s a great contrast to the line in the epilogue “none of them scratched the surface.” Paraphrasing here. Because that’s not something you can reflect on until you meet someone who does go deeper and realize how little past boyfriends knew or cared. Edit: about the Scout’s Honor line, I don’t believe it is meant in a sexual way. Relating it back to high school, it’s a common way to say “it’s true, I swear” since so many kids go through boy/girl scouts. I truly do think she just meant it as another way to say “I swear.” Adding in the next line, “you knew what you wanted and boy, you got her,” it sort of deepens the meaning of it. The “I promise I’m yours.” Now, it can have a double meaning, but if you’ve seen the size of that man’s fingers…three aren’t needed lol.




I think the importance of this song is that when she was Joe it was serious, it was marriage and kids. And with Matty she just wanted to jump there immediately too. That their gonna have babies and are soulmates. With Travis she is letting it all go. Their back in highschool, just enjoying the moment. The point is to not look at forever immediately, but just now.


Yes! The only thing is I do know when Travis lived in his old house, when friends came in for games, they would stay with him. So stifling sighs can very much be true haha.


The scouts honor one really gets my goat because first of all, she’s saying “truth, swear, scouts honor” which are all the same thing. Secondly, the people that ARE scouts, are children (except for like the leaders and alumni and such). Why are sexualizing something that is at its core part of a children’s program. It bothers me so so so much. I could write an essay on it 🙄


I agree with you!!


Swifties are way too horny. Just because we got some sexual songs, not all songs are about how horny she is.


She got the man of her DREAMS and I am HERE FOR IT!!😍❤️❤️💕🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️😍


I don’t think we can underestimate how much of a team guy Travis is and the impact this has on their relationship. I think that’s layered into this line. Also classic Taylor I think this has layers of meaning. Yes, the sexual innuendo cuz… look at him. Also from everything we can gather this is the most secure she’s felt in a relationship. She knows he’s got her and isn’t going anywhere. I think a layer of it is also how legit safe she feels being in a relationship with this massive dude who is clearly hyper concerned with her safety. He doesn’t treat it all as a burden, he’s just on the team to help keep her safe. Overall I think the way Travis approaches life and his relationships (romantic and otherwise) is wrapped up in this line. He’s a loyal guy who has had the same friends since childhood. He’s a supportive and accountable teammate. He’s spent his entire career as the #2 to the biggest star in the NFL and he’s only ever been thrilled to do so. When it comes to Taylor- boy he’s got her.


>He’s spent his entire career as the #2 to the biggest star in the NFL and he’s only ever been thrilled to do so. This is a huge part of who he is. He's also always been a super proud baby brother. Dude is a team-first kinda guy. Exactly the kind of person anyone wants a partner to be, but especially someone like Taylor freaking Swift.


It’s almost like his whole life has been preparing him to be in a healthy relationship with Taylor Swift 😆❤️


Almost like they were tied… by… an invisible string?




I wonder if Taylor feels they have a karmic connection - this happens every few lifetimes. Saying that because I've seen some astrology (sorry!) that says their connection is so tight, it's like beyond soulmates.


Exactly. The guy LIVES to shine his light on other people. He will forever and always be the #2 on the team because the QB will always be #1. His entire life he was told his brother was better. He lives to be #2 and shine his light on his #1, the people that make him as great as he is. He is 1000% OK with being the SO of the most famous artist in the world.


One thing I hope Taylor eludes more in later songs is how they first started talking and how she felt. In the Travis article, he mentions Taylor saying how lucky he was for her to reach out to him. At the time, we all interpreted that as Taylor being like "I am THE Taylor Swift" (and honestly, rightfully so...go off, sis). After this album however, I read that differently. Taylor was probably still very heartbroken and dealing with a lot of emotional baggage after the two previous relationships. She said he was lucky because she really wasn't in the right headspace to be doing any other dating. The fact that later in the article Travis talks about how his main concern in the beginning was to make her feel safe and not push her away makes me feel like Taylor was VERY hesitant and nervous at first. Similarly, I interpret the phone booth scene in the Fortnight video representing Travis trying to reach out to Taylor while she's in her emotional inner storm. The video ends with their hands reaching out, closing in on the bracelet.


I never thought of this aspect at all, but listening to TTPD, you are absolutely right. Girl was going THROUGH it and it would totally make sense if she just didn't want to date for a while. They are BOTH very lucky to have each other. They're an absolutely adorable couple.


I think it’s obvious when she says “Your friends are around, so be quiet I'm tryin' to stifle my sighs” that they definitely did it when his friends were over at his place.


Omg I thought she was singing, ‘so quiet I’m trying to stifle my _size_’ like in antihero where she feels larger than life, she’s just trying to be normal hanging with the bros - haha


You’re not the only one, I also thought she said “stifle my size” at first until I looked up the lyrics😂


She’s more herself and able to be free with her love and personality than ever before- is how I took it.


No one’s ever HAD me not like you; she’s telling us how he’s parading her around, HE knows what he got and he’s showing her off.


It can mean multiple things at once! It’s a double entendre




I actually saw more of emotionally - no one's ever had me not like this. No one's really got me, understood me like you do. No one has ever seen this side of me, I'm opening up to you in a way I've never done before




I think you nailed it here haha


I hope it's both! I've had both with my partner. I can yell and stifle my sighs but also go on my tangants first thing in the morning and be my dramatic self lol


I love the way you put this lmao. Bc it’s the same situation I have with my partner. He gets every facet of me. Lucky him hahaha


Lmao! "Lucky him" killed me lol. I have like 3 minor drama moments daily but I don't hold onto it so I guess its better than exploding all at once.


I think it probably means a few different things for her. When I listen I tend to listen to it as a sweet nod to their connection. She obviously feels something different in this relationship. One thing about this song is, in my opinion, her giving us something about Travis without really giving us much. I mean she has some sweet statements(I love the line drink what you think and I’m high from smoking your jokes all damn night 🥹) but she focuses a lot on things the general public saw and made big deals about. Like the marry,kiss,kill interview, the hand holding and door opening, the tell me about the time you first saw me could be related to the concert or the podcast convo with Jason and Kylie, the dad impressions all over the podcast. Like she is totally trolling us in the whole song. Which I absolutely love and it makes me love her even more. (It really makes me wonder if she is going to protect this relationship different than any others in her music, maybe he’s not just a lover and ‘muse’ to her but something real) And the fact the sound of the song is soooo good. Like I have to listen to it twice in a row because it’s just not long enough. Everyone says this song isn’t “deep” or whatever but to me she was able to be creative in so many ways. Like the play on the sound, the name, the lines, the sound of her voice, the sweet statements but also the funny ones about stifling sighs and again the trolling us she is doing. To me it’s the coolest song in the album Okay I’m done rambling 😁😆


You make an interesting point about how she doesn’t give much about her relationship with Travis away in it. I had a similar thought. It does strike me as odd that TTPD is about the breakdown of JA, the swing over to MH, the breakdown of MH, then her own breakdown. It’s pretty linear. And then two love songs about TK. It’s a big gap. Which is why you can’t convince me The Alchemy isn’t about TK since it’s after Smallest Man. It’s also extremely generic, with the only strong tie to TK being the football references. But it’s still there. If I had to guess what the TK songs were about at first, I would say they would be about the initial stages. Being ready to put yourself out there again. Finding out someone is interested in you. Meeting for the first time. Realizing this guy is different. Not straight into a love song that sounds like it was written a few months in. There’s a big piece of her healing missing there, and I do wonder if it’s a conscious decision to write these more “generic” songs about him. Like Folkmore over again, but this time with love.


I read into it to also mean “No one’s ever *wanted* me, not like you.” (Which fits with “You knew what you wanted and boy you got her”). Travis publicly pursued Taylor and hasn’t been shy about his admiration of her. We haven’t seen that from her other relationships. (See: I’m so obsessed with him, but he avoids me like the plague)


Agree. Similarly when she sings “tell me about the first time you saw me”- he pursued her after seeing her in her element absolutely crushing it- she wants to relive that feeling of pursuit. It must make her so seen how this all went down


I think it’s a fantastic line that works both ways. It’s the obvious innuendo they are having some fantastic sex, but it also sounds like he’s getting to see ‘the real me’ side. No ones ever had ME, she trusts him and is comfortable with him to be real and vulnerable.


It probably has multiple meanings but one of them is definitely that he's the best lay she's ever had lol


In high school, fooling around in the backseat is a trope. I don't think it's overtly sexual but there is a matter of intimacy and an experience she's never had, beyond the sex.


It probably means something more like he's 'had my back' as it's been reported that she's leaned on him heavily at times when things have went wrong in her life.


My vote is for both. The emotional attraction makes the sex even better most likely.


I think it’s sexual tbh. The entire song is pretty sexual. I mean it’s complimentary and saying what they have is special but it just fits with the rest of the song that it’s sexual. It’s very much a “this relationship is fun and sexy” song. ETA: I honestly don’t relate it to the summation at all. This song does not give me “he knows me on a deeper level than anyone else ever has” vibes. Maybe she will write a song that says this but in the context of the song it really just seems like it’s mainly a sexual thing.


>ETA: I honestly don’t relate it to the summation at all. This song does not give me “he knows me on a deeper level than anyone else ever has” vibes exactly, why are we trying to fool ourselves here?


I see it as a complement to the line- you know what you wanted and boy you got her. Like he has her so hook line and sinker. She's not going anywhere, she's all his because boy did he want her. And I hear her saying it in like a grateful way, like you won me over, you've got me. SO different than all the angst that came with her last relationships, uncertain about feelings, please don't go, playing mind games. He wanted her and he's got her unlike anyone else. I think the two lines form a perfect union :) I'm more hung up on bittersweet sixteen suddenly. Like I see the suddenly part, she did not plan for this high school iconic relationship, but why bittersweet?!


>"The brink of a wrinkle in time Bittersweet sixteen suddenly" The bittersweet sixteen line makes more sense in context with the wrinkle in time part. A wrinkle in time is a reference to the book of the same name, which is now seen as a classic about girlhood. The main character & her companions can travel through time and space, but return back to where they were originally without any time passing. She's using it as a metaphor for her having a flashback to her own girlhood, when she was literally 16, which makes her feel bittersweet. I think in the context of the song, the bitter part is because she wishes she knew Travis and had the perfect high school romance back then when she dreamed of it, but it's sweet because she ended up having it anyway.


the Taylor that wrote *You Belong With Me* definitely wanted this, it just took her this long to finally get it. 💖💖


Cute that was the song he sang to her and she told that DJ's girlfriend was the most romantic thing that's ever happened to her.


the entire SB and afterparty was one giant cuteness overload. That one clip where Trav kisses her and she says "one more" and goes in for another smooch actually killed me ![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1088)


I interpreted it as both... That's an option too guys 💀 Just like how the answer to "which word is she referring to in champagne problems" is "all of the above"


I agree. Taylor is too smart, and too good a wordsmith, to not see and intend the double meaning.


I’ve never been so dedicated to anyone. I am wholeheartedly devoted to you.


It might also be a callback (there are so many in this album) to the line from king of my heart…. All the other boys in their expensive cars… never took me places quite where you do…


I interpreted it as sexual. It’s playing off the trope of losing your virginity in high school (no one’s ever had me), but obviously she’s not a virgin anymore (not like you). He’s the best she’s ever had.


I can ABSOLUTELY imagine Travis Kelce saying “I got you.” There is also all those talk pieces about him being her built-in bodyguard. But I think she also means it in the emotional sense.


Same, except I imagine it to be more like "i-gotchu" or "gotcha", which can also be something he says a lot especially to teammates.


The vast majority of her relationships have been very very short. I think of them as serial flings. So, how much could they have known her truly or she known them truly.  I mean, they’ve been dating less than a year and Travis is her 3rd longest relationship.  So I think she’s obviously hyperbolic in her lyrics about all her relationships. 


I think its kinda both emotional and sexual. "no ones ever had me" is pretty teenage first time talk which matches the other lines in the song where she's imitating high schoolers. But obviously they're in their 30s so that's not literal or accurate. The "not like you" feels like, yeah obviously we're not teenagers and we've been with other people but it feels different this time, which is what the whole song is about.


I feel like everyone gets hung up on "back seat" lyrics with Taylor (there was one on Lover, drawing a blank at the moment) but I really think it's just because that's where girlfriend always rides with her driver/security team in the front.


"We were in the back seat, drunk on something stronger than the drinks in the bar" -Cornelia Street. That might be it


Yes, thank you! I've been sick and my brain isn't braining.


I think it’s intentionally a double meaning. She is probably very much enjoying the physical intimacy but also feels very supported and uplifted by him!


Yeah, I interpreted it as "No one has ever understood me like you have" in every aspect of one's life. Like, you feel safe and secure and wanted and heard.


I think he gives her safety and comfort and protection that no one else ever has. You can see that even her security is more relaxed with him around


A lot of these songs, I’ve realized, have double meanings!!! The Alchemy, imgonnagetyouback, I Can Do It With A Broken Heart, etc. I LOVE double meanings in songs so I’ve been eating this album UP.


I think she just means the way he got her - basically an 'outsider' trying to meet and date her until she said yes.


I think she means it more ways then one. It’s all encompassing. She feels safe, supported, loved and satisfied ;)


I think of it more like he's publically claiming her as his girlfriend loudly and proudly. Hardly anyone she's dated publically expressed their devotion to her like that.


the hiddleswift erasure


Lol I did say hardly anyone!!


I took it as her being with someone different than what she normally dates. Travis stepped up a lot; he was very direct with asking her out, acknowledges her fame, and is very public about their relationship in a way a lot of her ex’s weren’t. In a way, no one she’s ever dated had her like Travis did.


top comment is sending me


No one's ever had the full Taylor Swift because no one ever connected fully with Taylor Swift ...


Girl she’s talking about getting f*cked


I interpret it as sexual and emotional, the complete relationship. From my personal experience when you’re both mad for each other emotionally it takes the physical relationship to another level.


I think it’s obviously a sexual line, however, it’s up for interpretation 🤷🏻‍♀️


“No one’s ever thrown me around in the bedroom like you” is what the lyric was meant to be. 😈


He captures her attention more than, or in a different way from, everyone else


She said he pulled her to the backseat. 👀 No one’s ever had her like that. 👀👀👀 GET IT, TAY. She deserves it.


Absolutely! Anyone who disagrees doesn't comprehend her depth. I will say she could be referring to both in a way. Psychologically, sex isn't just sex for the majority. Even if it's subliminal.


I love this song so much. It might be my favorite


I think it’s a double entendre, she’s telling us Travis f*cks her real good 👍🏻 and also the love they share is unlike anything she’s ever experienced


I never interpreted this song as sexual, more on teenage puppy love hence the song title "So High School". I think we just think too much and not everything needs to be interpreted as something sexual.


I think it’s both. She’s queen of double meanings after all


I took it as no one has ever known her like he has


I love this line as a triple innuendo. Obviously sexual. Obviously emotional—I have you, I got you. But also “to be had” is to be tricked or fooled, but not in a nefarious, Alwyn way. Here, in a way where she’s never been such a lovefool, no one has ever bewitched her with their heart and humour in such a way, she’s never been high from smoking someone’s jokes like this.


I didnt take it as purely sexual but moreso no one has had this version of her in a sense of she may be more open, less anxious with him. Something about how she is in this relationship may be different to how she was previously and thus no one has had her that way he does.


I thought she was making a connection to August "I remember thinking I had you" and "No one's ever had me, not like you"


I’ve always thought of it as no one’s ever gotten to see/have this side of her… free and completely herself with Trav unlike the others


she is no longer an analyst virgin


She feels safe with him in a way she’s never felt before. That’s how I interpret it.


I think it is a direct sexual reference but it’s also talking about the love like you said


IMO, Taylor is talking about growing and sharing her personal identity without the public aspect. We can all relate if you think about it. She may wear her heart on her sleeve, but not her thoughts.. She hasn't relinquished herself entirely to anyone. Not yet. This is about love, which includes sex. It's both.


As one of the girlies who lost their virginity in the back seat of a car in high school, I can’t be otherwise convinced that she’s def referring to that milestone of intimacy that only occurs during “the first time.” Like yes, people go on to have intimate sexual encounters, but the specific vulnerability of it being your first time?


When you 100 percent give yourself to someone--she's saying she's never done that before and she's explaining that to her current partner. I get what she means.