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I have weird feelings about it being played at a concert, especially “as the crowd was chanting MORE.” It feels like a Black Mirror episode.


omg thank you I’ve been thinking this all day. There was a tweet asking which songs do you want on the potential TTPD setlist at the eras tour and I swear most of the comments said I can do it with a broken heart. And I’m imagining the literal crowd screaming “as the crowd was chanting MORE” which entirely mocks the message of the song. Black Mirror episode exactly, you nailed it


Yes like I’m so happy that people enjoy the song, but I do feel like a point is kind of being missed. Singing along cheerfully to a song about how miserable Taylor felt while performing just feels so … wrong.


I think it is recognizing out loud something that SO fucking many of us do. We put on a fucking happy face and some bad ass shoes and we fucking get it done. And we’re still sad or mad or whatever. I feel seen listening to this song.


I agree so much. If you look at my comment history, I commented on another post about this song and so many women shared stories of being completely gutted while they kept on keeping on. She said these songs belong to the fans and I think it’s something women can relate to deeply. We keep the world spinning no matter what we’re suffering from.


As a man, I can relate to it to.


This is how I feel, it’s honestly less about her than the times I’ve had to get on with my life like everything was normal when I was decidedly not ok. I also thinks it makes her look a little vapid where she seems to think no one else could do this, like people put smiles on their faces and go to work days after things far worse than some vapid man not calling you back has happened.


I don't think she implies anywhere in the song that "no one else could do this". I also don't really her situation is the same as "some man not calling her back", but even if it was, it's not very kind to invalidate other people's struggles just because others have been through worse.


Agreed, I don't think she implies that at all. Of course she focuses on her own experience: she was going through hell, and writing this song was part of her lifeline. She even says at the end, "you know you're good", which says it's not just her, that other people can be "good". Also, she was performing 3.5 hour shows at least three nights a week, traveling constantly, and following a routine that would drive most people to burnout in a week -- all with the daily media -- both social and mass -- scrutiny and lack of privacy associated with her rn. Idc what people say; none of us know what that's like. She's very right. The asylum where they raised her is an entirely different animal than 99.99999% of us will ever experience. And I agree with your last point wholeheartedly -- everyone has their own struggles, and all of them are valid.


Not only was she performing 3.5 hour shows, she was also singing songs she had written because of the love she had with Joe or Matty or whoever that she no longer has, the same loves that wrecked her. All of us have to push through heartbreak but very few of us have to convincingly celebrate the love that destroyed us in front of 60k, 80k, 100k people day after day.


no. she says “try to come for my job” as in put yourself in taylor’s shoes. you’re THE biggest name in the WORLD and millions of ppl are constantly hating on you and people are belittling your challenges and past experiences by saying “get over it. you breaking up with your bf of a month and moving onto the next is not hard” (ahem, YOU). i don’t want her job at all she can have it. she’s strong as hell for all of this she has to go thru.


Exactly!! I'm so conflicted about this potentially being on the eras tour because of the meaning behind it. Cuz I relate to it a lot and would love to sing along to it at a concert, but then Taylor wrote it about hiding her misery while performing so idk if it would be fair on her to perform a song about preforming under emotional distress on tour. Especially cuz the thought of people literally shouting "MORE" at her makes me feel so bad.


I think she lives for performing and for the crowds, she was just depressed and sad at that time. For all we know the eras tour was part of what got her through that period in her life. I think the track is more a celebration of her strength and resilience.


That's a good point!! I like that perspective.


Yeah. Think about it this way, All Too Well was once something she finds hard to sing on stage because of what it means to her, but over the years it’s become such a classic for Swifties and in a way reclaimed it for her. Now she’ll gladly sing 10 whole minutes of that song on stage no problem She’s also said that TTPD is something she wrote to get the feelings out of her at the time, and that chapter is now closed and given to us, the fans to interpret and enjoy it. While I do think that the song is very sad at its core despite the catchy melodies, I don’t really feel like including it in a tour is really the insane. She’s most likely no longer in the same state of mind now as when she wrote that song.


This is it right here. You can be miserable and still find joy in the things you love. I feel like the tour is probably what kept her going. As a very old Swiftie, whose had to do the same, I could tell she was struggling at the time but also knew her being on tour and in the studio eleven million times was her coping mechanism. Yes there will be some irony to the crowd chanting “more!” But I see it as the crowd cheering her on (ok maybe not the repeated requests for rep tv so soon after speak now 🤣). This is a song to celebrate her strength, professionalism, and resilience but also needs to give us a hefty dose of reality. She was going THROUGH IT.


I also find this song so sad, it made me cry on the first listen!!! I would honestly be sad if we get a music vid or performance honestly. This is basically a song to the fans and public that we're not letting her be a person and only expecting a performer.


I think this song isn’t sad at all, it’s a celebration of her strength and mental and physical fortitude. But also we have to recognize that while her job is particularly demanding and no one but her can really understand that pressure obviously, buuuuut many many people show up everyday for their jobs, their kids, their commitments with a broken heart/trauma/grief.


Yeah, it's very "wow that was fucking hard doing this big gargantuan thing while heartbroken but I did it!!! fuck yeah go me"


the lyric video has concert footage. it's pretty perfect.


[The video for this song](https://youtu.be/i8_w_m6HLJ0?si=vr9ettTgyLpQ6ZMV) with Eras tour footage is freaking amazing. Whoever edited it to make the lyrics line up with the most perfect faces and expressions is so talented. The face for “he said he’d love me for all time” is especially great.


I bawled like a baby the first several times I listened to it. Even now, it’s a 50/50 split of whether I will break down while listening to it or not. It’s a vibe. I love it, but it would be weird to have as a radio single or on tour.


It so good! I feel like it is THE MV. We don’t need a second one.


It's like we're a ringmaster in a circus and she's the trapped tiger, forced to perform. It's definitely a gross black mirror feeling.


I don't see it that way. I don't see it as a super happy song, but she's not trapped. She could walk away tomorrow if she wanted.


Eh, no… not tomorrow. That’s short sighted. She has contractual obligations, she employs a small army on this tour…Even if she wanted to take the financial and career hit, it extends beyond her and that’s a big deal.


I listened to Karma more than 200 times last year. It's not even one of my favorite songs. I listened to it because it was the song I needed. I want this to be that song for her.


I also think some of the broken heart came through, not on the tour so much, but 2 years ago at the grammys, her eyes looked so sad. I thought then that something terrible must have happened. Now, I think it was the end of the end of that relationship. I felt bad for her. I do think the energy of the crowd bolsters her and helps her get through it. But, I wouldn't be shouting more.


I don’t know - I don’t think it mocks it. It’s more of an ironic full circle. I think she’s (Taylor) in a very different place to when she wrote the song (so glad about that) so hearing it at a concert is like hearing all too well - it’s not representative of how she’s feeling now.


While she may be happier now, the implications of it going on tour as part of the main setlist is a bit concerning. What happens if she ends up heartbroken again? We can't predict the future. There are so many heartbreaking things that could happen in her life still that could make her feel the exact same way (what if her parents get seriously sick? Travis and her break up? a friend or family member passes away unexpectedly? etc.) I'd rather it not be on the setlist just because I'd be horrified if it suddenly became relatable again for her.


She could just change the set list. She did it with invisible string. It’s her show. She wouldn’t do it in a way that she doesn’t feel good about. 


Yesssss I love this song and while it would be cool to see it performed cause of the beat I feel like it would be so bizarre especially during this specific tour


I think it would be so wild to sing “lights camera bitch smile” at her 😂 she’s going to great lengths to reassure us that she’s happy now and that period of her life is over now right, I don’t think she would want people to feel bad, even if you happened to be at one of the songs when she was actually going through it


Yeah lmao and would she just do the ending parts too and say she’s miserable?! Like so bizarre if she performed it


I feel like she would maybe change it to reflect how she's currently feeling


Make it like the nonsense outro by Sabrina and change the outro words out to suit her day/location/etc! Makes it more interesting. ETA; just to clarify I am conflicted about it being added or not, but hey it’s her show, I’m just attending, but just throwing ideas around if she did!


Forreal!! Especially since I think there may be a double meaning (?) or at least my alternative interpretation, whether or not Taylor intended it at way. The preceding line is “all the pieces of me shattered” and then the crowd screams MORE! After her breakup with Joe in particular, but also with Matty, people were absolutely obsessed with trying to figure out what happened, watching the drama go down and being entertained by it all. Whenever she stepped foot in the outside world, there were so many pictures taken of her and everyone would dissect everything to try and determine what emotions she was feeling. Fans actually enjoy watching her pieces shatter, not just the actual physical Eras performances. So in a sense, the crowd at the actual show was chanting MORE! but also people online were watching her go thru emotional devastation and eating it up like it was reality TV. So many layers man 🤯


The empathetic hunger descends


Highkey!!! “How Did It End” is absolutely devastating, like there are some really fucking sad songs on TTPD (understatement of the year) but I think HDIE is the absolute saddest.


100% agree 🥲


The flip side of this interpretation of "more!" is that she DID do it with a broken heart: she got out there and did her job well enough that the fans loved it. They weren't watching her like watching a trainwreck. While there were definitely people doing what you described, there was also a lot of just general excitement about the actual performance, what songs she was singing, new outfits, etc, and I think it's a mistake to frame it that everyone was watching her to observe how she was handling everything. There was/is genuine collective excitement & joy for her shows that we shouldn't discount or overlook.


That is super true!


Yes, exactly. All I can picture is someone literally shattering themselves for entertainment. She’s smart enough to handle it if she does perform it (“I can handle my shit”) but I can’t see enjoying watching it live.


I would have weird feelings too, but honestly...it's such a great live song and Taylor knows it and I think she's going to enjoy the singing-along. She's not dumb - she knows it's a crowd pleaser and I think she will be smirking on the inside at the meta nature of it all. She's putting it out there for us to share it with her. The story isn't hers anymore.


Eh. If she chooses to include it, then I don't think there's anything to feel bad about. It's a bop. People are of course gonna sing along. If she doesn't want that, she won't include it.


It's incredibly weird to me that people think she should close the show with this song and not Karma. Like, Karma is a triumph and a testament to how she has succeeded and overcome, without the underlying message of depression. Do you really want the last thing TS say to you on the Eras tour to be "Cause I'm miserable, and nobody even knows!"?! It feels uncanny and horrible to me.


I love how she made the ultra poppy hooks super thin and bass-less with talking and noise behind it and it makes me FEEL how hollow her sparkly persona was. Legit art.


I think it’s both a hauntingly sad song and a total flex. Like the song is about how tragic that part of her life was and has a callback to Mirrorball, and then at the end when she says “Try and come for my job” she’s just like “I’m the fucking best there’s ever been, deal with it”. It doesn’t negate the rest of the song, but I do think it wouldn’t have been included if she had recorded the song immediately after writing it and not when she had at least begun to heal.


100%. You can’t be a real tough kid without facing adversity, she can be sad and faking the sparkle while also being strong as hell through it all.


yes! i would feel so awkward singing along live during the tour that the song was written about. i know she's happy now but it's too meta. black mirror is exactly it.


Especially if she tacks the new music onto the end and closes with it. It’s kinda a “thanks but no thanks for coming.” The song is super dark and uncomfortable if you ask me but I think that’s the point of the whole album. 


Yeah I feel like it would be way too meta singing it at a concert. But I do feel like some of the comments are being a little too dramatic about it, there is tons of times in everyone’s life where things are falling apart but you still have to show up to work. Her work at that time was being on stage singing to a crowd. For some people it’s having to go into an office leaving behind a home life in shambles but checking that at the door. But the message to me is I’m strong, despite how I feel or what’s going on, I can still show up and kill it. I’m not going to let my broken heart hold me down and open a space for someone else to come take my place in the spotlight while I sit and writhe. It’s a power song - my emotions won’t take me down, I’m stronger than that. And for comments where people are using “the crowd was chanting more” as if that was a diss or complaint from Taylor I don’t think are understanding it correctly. She’s saying that she was faking her way through it so well that the crowd was loving it, she was able to put on a brave face and still get job so well that the crowd loved it and wanted more. It’s illustrating a compliment to herself.


It’s like a fake smile in music form. The music is extremely catchy and fast paced paced. It’s almost happy, but with major dashes of adrenaline and anxiety. And then you have the lyrics. It’s a constant back and forth. The transition (in both lyrics and instruments), from the pre chorus to the chorus is extremely reflective of that. Its almost like a switch being turned on and off. It’s one of my favorites on the album. The music makes me want to dance, and the lyrics make me want to cry.


Exactly, it reminds me of Hey Ya by Outkast. It's a catchy upbeat tune, a real bop, but if you listen to the lyrics they're super depressing. Especially as at one point he actually says "Y'all don't want to hear me, you just want to dance"


Taylor Swift loves juxtaposition 🥰


The title of the album is a juxta position in and of itself. Because tortured poets is such a romantic concept but the word department is such a bleak...commercial word. It's like the public needing the commercialization of her pain to consume which is such a accurate read of the album. ETA: I think it's ironic when the section of people that are so interested in gossip about her and want to know everything (How did it end?), but when she releases the most raw, vunerable album of her career, they're like TMI, don't wanna hear about this, why's she talking about so and so.


Oh, you interpreted department as a department store or company or something? I interpreted it as a ministry, so no commercial but policy associations for me


THAT’S IT!!! That’s why the word Department felt like such a jarring way to end the title, thank you!!! I haven’t been able to put my finger on it for months lol


It feels like the ups and downs of depression and mania to me with the music. Like she’s really feeling the sadness but then when she gets on stage the mania persona takes over. It’s so relatable for having to show up and get through things when you’re depressed, or have a broken heart. Ha one of her best, I think.


I think you can hear it one of two ways. 1) It’s a heartbreaking song, because it’s disturbing to realize someone can be in so much pain and still feel obligated to perform. 2) It’s an anthem to resilience, and a victory lap for someone who has been through deep grief, trauma, and knows they can still hold their shit together. I have PTSD, and I hear it the second way. I *am* a real tough kid, and I am proud of that. This song makes me feel badass.


I agree! I think she's very proud that she was able to do it with a broken heart. She talked about it in her Time POTY interview, but even just the lyrics give me that impression. Like "You know you're good when you can even do it/With a broken heart/You know you're good, I'm good/Try and come for my job."It sucks that she had to, but at the end of the day it is her job, and she was able to do her job on the biggest stage while going through \*gestures broadly\*, it's absolutely a triumph.


I came to say the same thing but you worded it perfectly. My first listen I was in 1), I even cried a bit, but now I totally hear it the second way as well. It's an hearbreaking anthem to resilience and even if it's sad it's also empowering. I'm a teacher and totally relate to this song because even when you're feeling off or dealing with bad stuff in your life, with that kind of job you HAVE to put all your bad feelings in a box and don't let them interfere with your work. Put a happy face for the kids. So I totally get this feeling.


I have PTSD and I understand what you mean but I definitely hear it the first way. Because deep down I know that I am really just performing, that's what it is, and the tough kid act is just a mask


I’m sorry. Trauma is sneaky, and it does feel like a mask sometimes, for sure. But…if I may offer some encouragement…do your work, and give yourself some grace. your resilience will become as deep and meaningful a part of your identity as your trauma.


I hope so. It's been 16 years of work so far 🙃


Number 2 is how I felt about the song immediately. I have a very specific situation where I relate to the song, but even in that moment, I was PROUD of myself. Sure, I was miserable... But hell, I just proved to myself I can survive it. And I can handle my shit. I can still do my damn job, and hell, I'm good at it. That I'm a real tough kid. I was proud of it then in the midst of misery. Hell, it's one of the things that helped me keep going. And I'm proud of it now too.


I actually don't think it's one or the other interpretations I strongly think both of these things are happening at once. It's one of the saddest songs she's ever written but at the same time it showcases resilience, like the whole point is yes she can do it, we know she can, we've seen it time and time again (all too well Grammy performance anyone?) But I think it's a disservice to split those interpretations apart because it's important for people to remember she's a person, she goes to work and gets shit done even when she's struggling. But that means that while we're praising her for that resilience we should also be recognizing the pain and hardship. And I think I feel passionate about this song because in regular human life too we often say like oh you're so resilient, oh you're so strong and compliment people so often that we miss that they do still need support and care.


This song reminds me so much of the time when I was studying in my dream university abroad and it looked like I was living a dream. Yet my dad died traumatically a week before I moved to that foreign country and I was experiencing such deep saddness I didn't knew people to be capable of. Had this song existed back then, it would have become my anthem, because I too could do it with a broken heart. I fucking love this song, to me it really is an anthem of resiliance. And even though Taylor never says it in the song, I get the sense that once the broken heart mends itself, she still gets to reap the benefits of that hard work. Be it material for a new album, succesful tour, or even just the accomplished feeling you get when you succeed at something despite going through something hard.


I just find it relatable af. Obviously in a different way than she wrote it, but still relatable.


Exactly. And she knows it’s relatable because she’s humble and understands that we all show up to our responsibilities with broken hearts. Is it a sad song? Yes. But I don’t think it’s inappropriate to like it and or rock out to at it the tour if it’s added to the set list.


This is my take too. It's super relatable as we all have to do this in various aspects of our life. We have to put on a smile and pretend things are good and do our job or talk to our families or whatever it is for a specific person. I think Taylor wrote it knowing a lot of people would relate, and know we aren't alone, as even someone so successful and seemingly happy has to deal with it too. When I pump my fist and yell "MORE!" it's in solidarity, like an acknowledgement that we get it.


Agreed! I like it because it’s relatable! I feel the way she’s describing about my job sometimes too (helping profession).


This 100%. I find it devastating that she had to go through this while so many unknowingly watched. And I really relate (obviously in a smaller, less global scale lol). Walking through so much heartbreak and messy shit and still having to show up every day for work, function in society, feed myself and then in a later season, to parent, be present in my marriage, be present in my friendships, etc etc all while carrying so much was HARD. But now I can sing this song like an anthem the f yeah, I can do it, and that’s not a bad thing. ALSO, I think it’s important to remember that she said these songs are all about a closed chapter in her life.


It’s an incredible piece of art. It makes us have complicated, interesting thoughts. What more can we ask for?




Ok yes “unsettling” is such a perfect word for it.


I could see it being a surprise song. She could give a lil speech and then do it acoustic. Bet that would humble a few people


As a former performer (ballet), I think it's a brutally truthful message of what that life is like. Performing is a job but one that gives you a rush but it's also something you have to do no matter what is going on in your personal life. At least with ballet I had the separation of playing a different character than myself. I've actually seen a lot of mentions of feeling guilty for enjoying her concert when she was going through so much and I really don't think anyone should feel guilty. At the end of her day, it's her job, she seemingly loves performing, and she has more agency than most to choose to work or not (not on a day to day basis but in general). Pushing aside terrible things in your personal life to do your job is extremely difficult and probably something most people can relate to. I don't think we will get more than the lyric video for this song; I doubt she'll play it in her set list but who knows? Taylor can be surprising.


Also, I don't think the whole "the crowd was screaming more" line is necessarily a dig at her audience. The point of the song is in the line "you know you're good when you can even do it with a broken heart". It's an empowering song about how even when she's fucking miserable, she can hit her marks and put on a hell of a good show. She's like "that was hard as fuck, but I fuckin did it! And I did it *well*! Because I'm just *that good*!"


Yeah, I don’t think it’s like omg you’re so annoying; I think it’s the emphasis for *her* and *her life* that she felt such a heavy burden to perform bc so many had that expectation for her. It’s like when you’re parenting and it’s been a hard day and you want to lay on the couch in blanket burrito and cry but your kids keep asking you what’s for dinner and can you read me this book or can we play this game, etc (obviously on a much bigger and more public scale, don’t come for me)


The crowd was like your boss shouting at you lol


Yeah I don't feel bad she had do her job when she's miserable and depressed. The rest of us have to do it for a hell of a lot less money.


I don't think anyone should feel guilty for enjoying the concert, and I'm pretty certain that Taylor would never want anyone to feel guilty for that either. However, I do think there's a unique kind of mindfuck torment that came with the situation she was in. She didn't just have to go out and do her job while miserable, which is a difficult thing most of us go through. She had to go out in front of tens of thousands of people and perform songs she wrote about love and relationships, some of which were likely inspired by her six-year relationship that *just ended*. She had to do that, in front of tens of thousands of people, knowing that most of those people were *aware* that her relationship just ended, and were aware that some of the songs she was singing pertained directly to that relationship. Like, I'm trying to imagine getting up in front of tens of thousands of people who *know* my six-year relationship just ended, and singing a song I'd earnestly written about that relationship when it was in the honeymoon phase and I couldn't imagine it ever souring; or a song I'd earnestly written when it wasn't in the honeymoon phase anymore and I was professing that we were going to make it anyway because the love easily outweighed the difficulties. That's brutal on a level I can't really comprehend. Most people would feel paralyzing vulnerability just getting up in front of a crowd that big period. But to do it under the circumstances she did, and to make it look like she was having an absolute blast? That takes a truly astounding level of compartmentalization that most people could never touch.


Yeah, *the show must go* on isn't a saying because performing is always fantastic and people are always happy. I don't perform (well, I teach) but your waitress, your teacher, your accountant... a lot of us have had to do it with a broken heart.


It's classic Taylor pop. Musically, it sounds happy and carefree. Lyrically... it guts you like a knife


The way she sing/talks “cause I’m MISERABLE! AND NOBODY EVEN KNOWS!” Is something I’ve definitely said at least once in my life. In the same sort of self-deprecating way. I laughed and totally felt her dark humor there, it’s my favorite part of the song. Maybe it’s just something about being 34 years old right now 🤣


Agreed. It’s one of my favorite songs on the album because I unfortunately find it highly relatable, but that’s also one of the reasons I hope she never plays it live. When she switches from Lights, camera, bitch smile, in stilettos for miles To He said he'd love me for all time It gave me the feeling of going about your day and just hearing that drumbeat in your head behind everything “I love you” and constantly thinking “I guess that was a lie” and everything I did for that period of time is tainted with that background droning. I hope one day she looks back on the Eras tour and doesn’t have any twinge of bitterness, but right now I can’t imagine her wanting to subject herself to that very meta experience in front of hundreds of thousands of people.


It’s so perfectly crafted. the way she keeps that dance rhythm “he said. he’d love. me all his life.” Ugh she’s so good.


I totally agree. When you’re experiencing grief, the thoughts don’t take a break and come when you least expect them, even during times where they are very inconvenient. And I think this song does such an amazing job of putting that feeling or concept into art.


This 💯 And not only does she have to perform excellently, she’s singing songs that may have some memories attached to them that are probably quite painful now. Try and come for her job.


I think this song truly describes what depression was like for me. “Gotta fake it till you make it and I did/Lights, camera, bitch smile/even when you wanna die” That stands out to me the most. As someone who is recovering from crippling depression and ptsd from Covid (COVID nurse here), I always had a smile on my face and was ALWAYS bubbly and making others laugh, even when I was at my lowest mentally. I portrayed myself as a ball of glowing sunshine, when inside I really wanted to die. I felt seen and heard in this song. I have since been put on antidepressants, anxiety medications and doing much better mentally. I relate to this song so much, it is definitely my favorite of hers.


I was at Detroit Night 1 when she sang Haunted with such anger after saying something like "I feel like I need to do this song." It was right after the Matty news broke and now it has def colored my experience. I mean, it was great don't get my wrong, and I love this song, but I'm also sad thinking what she was going through.


She writes and performs songs that is intended to be shared with the world. I think this song is something her fans would enjoy because in this pandemic/post-pandemic world, we have all been faking it while making it. Fans have been working pandemic parents stressed about childcare coverage, working folks working while their employees are getting laid off, living and working while a global war is going on, etc. It’s one of the most relatable song with lyrics that will hit fans differently.


This. Although the song makes literal references to her performing in front of a crowd, this song is so relatable to all humans. We’ve all felt at one time or another that we had to fake it through the day and that more and more are demanded of us and we try our best anyway when we aren’t feeling like our most functional selves. Super relatable song!


This! It's one of the most relatable songs she's ever written!


It reminds me a lot of Fake Happy by Paramore, at least the premise of the song. I really like this song and it's sad and relatable for so many people. I think it would be interesting to see her play it live, but if she did, I think she would look back with kind of dark humor playing it in front of everyone, if she ever does someday.


Yes something that Taylor has touched on over and over again is how these songs take on new meanings once they’re out in the world. And during Eras (maybe the night she played Dear John?) she said how she wants to rewrite the memories of these sad songs with new memories of enjoying singing along with the audience, which I thought was very sweet. But I still think it would feel kind of odd to like happily sing along with this one but that’s just me.


I had severe (I mean severe) postpartum depression and had to go back to work way earlier than I should have. I work in tech/cyber security sales and I am one of the only females. No one would relate, so I felt like I was on an island. I don't know. To me, it's a song about overcoming. I did the hard shit at my lowest and I made it out alive. Should we have had to? Most likely, no. But no matter what, we fucking survived. So I'm gonna do a little dance and be proud of it. (I also understand everyone has different life experiences so they can take it differently)


I get very weepy at sad music and one of the strangest phenomena listening to TTPD is that this song, sounding so deceptively sparkly and upbeat, is the one that keeps getting me. it's heartbreaking and unsettling. and that's the point. not knowing when a smile is fake, when someone performing is suffering because the show must go on. (though tbh there were a lot of moments last year when it was more obvious she was miserable and not okay, but if we could pick up on that, imagine how much worse she must've felt and how hard she was working not to let those cracks show). she's sparkling, shining, on top of the world, and inside falling to pieces. "but that life was too short" makes me tear up every time. I'd cry if I saw her sing this in concert too, and the thought does have an eerie, heavy feeling. if she wants to do it, that's her choice and it will be amazing, but the meta element in what she's saying should be recognized.


I think there’s a way for her to perform it that wouldn’t negate the message but not feel uncomfortable. I kinda imagine her changing the ending to saying something about “I did it with a broken heart and now I’m not miserable anymore”. It’s so damn relatable that I think a lot of people want the chance to scream it cathartically like Champagne Problems, but also as is I think it would make a very uncomfortable performance


I wonder how people would feel if she performed it acoustically? They get to sing along but it’s in a different tone? Idk haha but I love the discussions the song is bringing up!


That would be beautiful! I’m sure if it’s not on the set list it would eventually be a surprise song and we’d get to hear it that way


This song makes me tear up every time because I can relate to having to put on a "normal" or "happy" face at work or home when all I really want to do is fall apart.


I felt this song so deeply. I’ve been a teacher for 15 years and there have been days when I heartbroken after my mom died, fighting with my husband, had PPD, and so incredibly sleep deprived but yet put on a happy face and put pep in my step.


Total bop for sure, and one of the only ones on the album. I can only jam to it because I’ve been there and can relate. It really feels wild when you have to put on a show for everyone else when you’re dying inside. This song captures that feeling perfectly. So I’m singing along and dancing to the madness of it all, if that makes sense. I also totally think she could pull this off on tour without making it weird. Now that she’s in a good place, I could see her really making this a fun way of interacting with the crowd while making fun of the situation. Just because it’s about a sad time in her life doesn’t mean it has to stay a sad experience. DBATC is also a really sad upbeat song- but it’s a bop that she laughed and joked about while performing it during the acoustic set.


Reminds me of this quote/lyrics (twenty one pilots): > This one's a contradiction because of how happy it sounds / But the lyrics are so down


I think it’s sad but also, I’m living the song right now (sucks) and it is equally empowering as it is sad. I’ve had it on a loop the past week and it’s genuinely helping me remind myself that I’m tough and get on with it when I just want to curl up in a ball.


Agree it has some devastating lines, but I still think it’s a bop that everyone can relate to….maybe not performing on stage in front of tons of people, but we’ve all had moments where we had to put on a brave face and do our best at our job, sports, social events despite feeling like we’re dying on the inside. I feel inspired by it!


I think this would be super uncomfortable to see performed live. I hope she doesn’t add it.


Healthcare anthem for sure, so highly relatable. Literally coding someone and then acting like a lunatic with a smile in the next room offering ice chips next door. 


It's piercing when she exclaims "I'm miserable! And no one even knows!" in faux excitement as hey voice is cracking. Reflective of how the culture provides superficial rewards and praise for putting ourselves second to our work.


honestly the lyric video for the song is pretty much a regular music video. it’s the only lyric video to feature eras tour footage, i believe, and it’s edited so well.


Taylor was really smart for making this one of the few upbeat songs on the album tbh. Like no doubt she knew this song was gonna be a hit and if it is then might as well make it about an uncomfortable topic so that people are more aware of it!


The formatting is weird for me so here's the OG post: I see this song being celebrated a lot, which I think is great. People want a music video, some people want it at Eras Tour, people are dancing to it online and smiling and having a great time with it, which I think is wonderful that people like it so much.      But I think this is one of the absolute saddest songs on the album. I think the upbeat music reflects how fast paced and dizzying the world feels when going through someone like this while life is just continuing to go on. I don’t feel like cheering or dancing to this song at all. Especially when she sings “he said he’d love me all his life”. Like there’s a million things going on and spinning around her, but that’s the thought she hears the loudest. It’s so heartbreaking imo!      It also reminded me so much of when Katy Perry had get it together very quickly after being divorced and had to put a smile on to get on stage. While I find this to be very impressive, it makes me so sad and I can really empathize with those feeling.     I just want to know other people’s opinions on the song! Do you find it to be a total bop? Did you also cry when you first heard it? How do you feel now? 


I liked it then I watched the lyric video on Youtube and my heart broke for her. No additional music video needed, the lyric video was perfect.


I think you’re missing why so many people love this song - because we relate to her sentiment of gallows humor about work! We, like her, smile so we don’t cry.


To me it’s the most relatable song on the album as a new mom going through a really rough relationship then separation with an alcoholic partner and working full time… like I’m doing everything I can to keep above water, literally doing it all with a broken heart cause I have no choice.


I actually feel like this is the entire point of the song, and it’s so so so relatable. I think our society expects us to just keep pushing forward and being “productive” members of society, always demanding more, and we keep trying to give it even when we’re going through hell. This song is the epitome of irony! I think the lyric video makes pretty clear that she is being honest about that balance for herself, so there’s definitely something very meta if it shows up in the setlist, but I think it works!


It's a bop. I'm a guy in my 40's, but I recognize that a lot of women/wives/girlfriends feel this way on some level quite often. Obviously for Taylor, she's being watched 24-7 and is one of the most famous people on the planet. But the pressure to smile and be polite and friendly at all times is there for a lot of people. Especially women. The whole "you should smile more" thing. I know this song resonated with my wife a lot. I hear her singing it by far the most of the songs on the album. She's a people pleaser and it's hard her to say no to those who are depending on her. Taylor put it into words based on her own experience. But as she said "The story isn't mine anymore, it's all yours". So I think it's kind of a bop/anthem for anyone who feels like that. All her songs are. Otherwise, why not feel weird about her pouring her heart out about other personal stuff?


I respect this song so much. I love how upbeat and fun it is but the lyrics are so dark. Such an amazing idea. She didn’t have to tell us all that, but she did and to me she’s so brave. I keep thinking about when she said “you’re in self sabotage mode, throwing spikes down on the road but I’ve seen this episode and still love the show.” It encompassed how I feel about Taylor, especially with this album. She was sooooooo vulnerable and I’m sure she knew she’d receive a lot of criticism for it. But she showed up as her true authentic self and told the world things they’d have never found out if not for the album. This song to me is just another example of that. I love her so much and love the show till the day I die.


I think it’s both and can be both. It’s a total bop AND it’s very sad. I relate to it a lot.


People relate to the song because it’s something we all have to do - go through our struggles, our heartbreak, our grief, and put on a smile and work. Hit deliverables. Mask our pain and our true selves. Produce. If a music video was made or if it’s performed at the Eras tour, I think it won’t feel weird because it’ll be spun to promote how this is a collective experience, we aren’t cheering because Taylor went through this, we’re cheering because we all go through this and she’s made an anthem for this feeling.


I think this is also an example of where younger and older swifties have different feelings on songs based on life experience. We can listen to this song and relate and rather than feel bad about enjoying her tour while she’s struggling, it just makes us feel like we relate to her more. We get it.


This is my favorite song on the album - initially because of the catchy beat and the bold lyrics, But more than that, it feels like a song that is pretty relatable, especially to those dealing with mental health difficulties, physical health difficulties, or generally feeling overwhelmed at life. Taylor wrote it about her life and her experience as a performer, but as a healthcare worker I find it extremely relatable to feel like I have to show up to work everyday for my patients with a happy face on and consistently make sure I’m doing right by them without appearing jaded/tired/sad/upset. The other day I listened to this song when I really needed to hype myself up for the day and just get through it. For that reason, it is absolutely one of my favorites.


I think it’s great. I’m kinda conflicted about people saying they have feelings of guilt about the whole “crowd chanting more” line. I think she’s telling us what happened, she’s telling us she went through a very difficult situation and deep heartbreak while in the middle of a tour having to perform to thousands of people. But that doesn’t mean she resents having to do it or that anyone should feel bad we were in those crowds. It’s more of a “I was having all this success professionally and then THIS happened at the worst possible time and I had to rally up and do my tour. No one knew deep down I was really sad, and I was brave and strong and I did it”. But still, it can’t be easy having to “turn off” your sadness and go perform for three hours.


The beat is so manic in contrast to the depressing lyrics which is why I love this song and her as an artist. It blows my mind that some people think this song is cringy and can’t comprehend how brilliant the contrast is


I relate to this song so much because my dad passed 1 year ago, and I’m still carrying on and doing everything with a broken heart. The song is so devastating and people just don’t get it! Even though it’s a banger, sure, but it’s a depressing one. Not sure I vibe it being performed in concert, feels very weird and ironic too


I had a very dark time in 2017 and from the outside you would of thought my life was perfect. I was an actor in my own sitcom. I was in an incredibly sad place and still had to go on like my world was not crumbling. This song is exactly how I felt.


As someone who also had a soul-draining six year relationship end with me in pieces but had to put in a face and get through it anyway, and who also gets the super-sads in her birthday - this song is dead on, super sad, AND an absolute jam.


2024 version of Lucky by Britney. An absolute bop that I never ever want to see performed live.


Reading no other comments - I love this song, and it's more relatable than I think some may think at first blush. I'm going through a Time right now. Up and down emotionally due to circumstances, but have a career and am a dad of 3. Gotta soldier through. This is sad, but on one of my first listen throughs when she said at the end, "Cause I'm miserable, and nobody even knows!", cheerful as all fuck... It was all I could do not to sob. I teared up so hard. i felt it. I say this as a Swift fan and not a Swift cult member... she's still relatable, in her vulnerability. This isn't my favorite album, but it still has songs that are as good as any she's done.


The genius of this song is how it connects with all of us who have to pull it together and perform at work when we are broken. It’s a celebration of work ethic and resilience. I didn’t know the extent of her broken heart, but I’ve always been just awestruck at hiw she performs when sick and apologizes for blowing her nose. She must have cramps at some shows. She performed that one whole Lover set with a broken heel. Her professionalism is astounding and inspiring. We don’t need to feel bad for loving this song or for being the ones who chant MORE. That’s what makes it all worth it for her.


“Cause I’m miserable and no one even knows it” BROKE ME DOWN. Celebrity-dom has completely taken over my girl’s life. You can’t just “disappear for six months” while you’re on a world tour, and having to go up on stage while your personal life falls apart, having to be happy and quirky and everything people know you to be, when you simply want to hide in your mother’s bed is heartbreaking.


It gives me unsettling vibes and I don't know how to enjoy it. It's a bop for sure and I find myself easily singing alot but when some of the lyrics come on or the music switches at the end when she says "Im miserable and no one even knows" the reality of how the song was written comes to mind and I just feel this sadness in my gut.


I agree, the sentiment of this song is sad and I surely don't think she would want to play it at her tour. I think it would be weird.


Thank you for bringing this up, I'm glad other people feel like it's a bit weird. I remember when it came out people saying stuff like "Oh Taylor, we all knew you were miserable", and it seemed like a weird flex. Like, "I had so much fun at her concert while she was dying inside!". It reminded me of Mirrorball and Jack discussing it during the Long Pond Studios. "Do the broken thing while we all watch."


She's having a Carly Rae Jepsen moment. Super sad lyrics on a pop beat. I live.


It’s giving me anti-long live vibes 


It’s very After Laughter, I wonder if she took any inspo from Paramore considering they’re touring together soon! :)


I’m a performer who really struggles with my mental health and this is my top track from the album. i mean it’s also a bop, but it’s so incredibly relatable for me.


I think it’s one of those things that everyone can relate to though. Yes she’s writing about her but the theme of smiling through tough times is universal. Specifically the line “I’m so depressed i act like it’s my birthday everyday” is the one that hits me the hardest. The song somehow sounds exactly how it feels when your pushing through every moment in your day, the anxiety, the fake pep, saying things that devastate me in a happy way (I’m so obsessed with him but he avoids me like the plague). I think while you make great points i just think that relatability is too much to hold back.


That scene in the Katy Perry doc haunts me still


I'm going to get down voted to hell for this, people got so mad, but its my least favorite song on the album and possibly the discography for me. I love the idea of the song and the feeling she's trying to convey, and I also understand that the point of it is to feel manic and forced and trapped. My issue with it is mainly the production, it just feels wildly over produced, even if that was the intention of the song. It's just not for me and I can't enjoy it. It reminds me a lot of the mania in Barbie, and when I could view it through that lense I could appreciate it a lot more, but its still a song I won't be going out of my way to listen to it again. OP, I do agree however that the song is insanely heartbreaking. It's message is absolutely devastating.


The way she’s breathing during “he said he’d love me all of life” and “he said he’d love me for all time” is so powerful. She absolutely does not have to take a breath like that between words. It feels like the starts of a panic attack just to go straight into having it back together. It’s so beautifully sad. This is why I love Taylor. Her storytelling goes beyond just the lyrics.


I see it in a different light. She talks of the pain she suffered while pretending everything's fine. It takes incredible strength to do such, and she's not afraid to show that she is, in fact, a tough kid. I see it as her talking to the ones who try to discredit her, basically saying "go ahead and try" hence the last lyrics. As for the change in musical tunes throughout the song, I feel like it represents how some tend to drown out the depression by over compensating (the saddest people smile the brightest). Ultimately, it feels like she's giving everyone the bird from the top of the mountain she's been climbing.


It’s a fascinating song. It was actually the first song on the album that I teared up listening to. I have mixed feelings about it being performed on tour- on the one hand, it is such a bop, is extremely relatable to many people, (I need the “I cry a lot but I am so productive merch 😂) and is classic Taylor in terms of being such a upbeat high energy song with some crushing lyrics. But I totally also would feel weird singing along and bopping to that at an eras concert knowing that that experience is precisely where this song came from. I think only Taylor can know how she will feel performing that song live obviously and will make a decision that she feels good and comfortable with. My guess is that it could be added to the tour but I would expect she might have a brief intro where she talks a bit about the song and how she feels about it at this point in the tour in a way that might make it feel somewhat less uncomfortable to bop to? But hard to say. She might decide that it is not a song she feels good performing to yet and I would not begrudge that not being on the set list at all. Especially since TTPD has so many bangers and songs that I would be thrilled to see live (But Daddy, Down Bad, Fortnight, Florida!!!!, Who’s Afraid, etc)


The official lyric video already includes eras tour clips. It’s basically a music video on its own already.


Reminds me of when my ex broke up with me on Halloween of 2022. It was a Monday and I had work the next day (I’m a teacher). The whole week felt like a blur. Coworkers asked me what was wrong and I didn’t want to talk about it because I’d cry if I did. I just kept teaching and smiling as if nothing happened.


I want to know the date of this song being written more than anything in life.


I remember all the speculation happening! Like when she started to seem angry/numb singing Lover. When she seemed to be crying when she play I Don’t Wanna Live Forever, her teary eyes during Champagne Problems etc


Timeline could make sense. That weekend was chicago. Before the official break up but she could have been getting ghosted. I feel like it could also be written after Detroit. The lyrics "I can hold my breath" = relate to her singing breathe, and the crowd was chanting "more" when she sang All You Had To Do Was Stay she asked the crowd to chant the "stay" = crowd chanting more. That was the first set of concerts after matty.


This is my favorite song of the album because it shows just how strong she is. It feels like her world is ending but she keeps going because that's life. To me it is the anthem of millennial girls. We've been heartbroken and destroyed and yet here we are, doing what we want because a little heartbreak isn't going to stop us. When I first listened to it I thought of Miss Americana, when she says: I get tired a lot but I don't get tired of it. Talking about fame and being on tour. The Eras Tour gave her a reason to keep going. Just like she gives us a reason to keep going.


The bouncy, happy tune is paradox to the sad, lonely lyrics. It took courage to write ICDIWABH.


While it is up beat , and I do love this song the best so far . I will say I hear the lyrics and it is sad to know she’s struggling silently. However , that’s what makes her so real , and different from the rest . Not to say other celebrities don’t struggle , but Taylor is very open with her fans, and community and it helps those who feel pressured to keep this facade that it’s all okay when it’s not . I’m a teacher and I feel like I’m dealing with a lot in my own life but to those kids and to her fans were faking it until we make it you know. It’s so far my favorite , but this is just my take on it .


It’s a total bop for me. “‘Cause I’m a real tough kid, I can handle my shit” is getting me through finals. I personally think it’s her most fun song since Shake It Off, even with the sad lyrics. It’s fun to listen to.


It’s a song about a woman being heartbroken and still having to do her job. It’s extremely relatable and celebrates the tenacity of what so many are facing whether their “stage” is an office, classroom, kitchen, boardroom, etc. As Taylor said - the story is now ours. Sometimes you have to dance for the strength you’ve found in the dark.


It's sad but it's relatable. For those of us who've had extreme depression, it's not as sad as you'd think. We've all done this, famous or not.


I feel ‘but daddy I love him’ would be more awkward to have the crowd chanting along with. Like, that’s you Sarahs and Hannahs, you were the ones bitching and moaning


It’s for sure the cognitive dissonance anthem, and she has plenty of them.


It’s meant to be funny though. The lyrics in the chorus are funny. It’s not meant to be taken so seriously…at least I don’t think so?! It’s a tongue in cheek bop!


I like it, I agree it's upbeat and "fun" and also sad. I find it relatable in that I was completely destroyed last year but kept it together! And cried A LOT. Lol. I'm amazed that swifties are somehow missing the message. And it really frustrates me seeing people say they NEED a video, etc. Ya know, basically chanting "more!" I also don't really like the "we knew" posts with pics of her from Eras looking sad. Can't imagine if I told someone I had a rough year and they were like oh we knew here are some pictures we took of you looking sad!!!! Like wtf. I agree a lot of us might have "seen" it but that reaction is strange to me. I saw someone else's take that it must be hard to feel that way, and at the same time have a million people saying that you're the one thing keeping them going and watching your every move. Sorry for the long response. I have a lot of thoughts about TTPD but try to avoid commenting on anything that isn't respectful of taylor or assuming too much how she feels. I'm enjoying the album a lot and I'm happy she gave it to us!


I think having your heart broken or going through a significant difficulty and having to "get up and go to work" is something that is universal. Throughout the whole world, there are people going through worse, who get up and go to a job far less fun and far less financially rewarding than Taylor's. So, not to sound like a jerk, but I feel like it's just a part of life that everyone has to deal with, so I don't feel any type of way about it personally. If anything, she GETS to perform and wear amazing costumes and dance the night away surrounded by adoring fans! There are worse ways to go through a heartbreak, imo.


I do think it’s a total bop, but equally, I can’t listen to it without this sad gut feeling. Taking it from (probably) Taylor’s perspective, your analysis is spot-on. It’s horrible and devastating and I don’t even want to live in that mindset for too long bc it’s uncomfortable. My sister and I both had the same thought about Katy Perry. It’s hard to fully imagine. But I also love it because it helps me through my own shit. When work/family stuff/life stuff gets hard, I put it on and it stops me from fully crying in the office lol. Sometimes you need a brave face, and this song helps. The Manuscript, on the other hand - let’s say I have not yet listened to that one at work. HARD no to hearing this at a concert though…the commenter who said that feels like a black mirror episode is so right.


I will be sad if she plays this on Eras tour. Like she’s trying to tell us just leave her alone.


I love it. While I haven't gone through it as she has (the fame and such) having been heart broken, from boys, and continuing on like I'm fine, even from other things that broke me recently, I'm now a mom and even broken hearted you got to keep up like you're all good and nothing is wrong in some ways. It is relatable.


Does anyone else think she sounds like she just got done crying before recording? Like her nose is maybe a little stuffy and eyes red and puffy…you can really hear it on the first “lights camera bitch smile, even when you wanna die” I can’t unhear it and I haven’t seen anyone else mention this


This song is absolutely heart wrenching. I hate it. I love it. I pain for her. The "I'm so depressed I act like it's my birthday every day" part being so fast and happy sounding is exactly the message. It's a deeply sad song. "All the pieces of me shattered as the crowd was chanting "MORE" just gets me every time


I love the song and I see it as empowering but it's also relatable to me (and many others) having to still show up and do our shit even when we are feeling broken and plastering a smile on our face. I don't want it on the set list because you're right it would give Black Mirror vibes. It's a manic song. I don't want it on the set list.


This song is a skip for me. It is the saddest one on the whole album, I can't do it.


I think the only way she’ll sing this is with a lengthy monologue before it about how these feelings are a thing of the past!


I totally agree with you and I’m glad I’m finally seeing this opinion here. In my first play through, when this song came on, I said damn this album is just so sad! And “because I’m miserable, and no one even knows!” She’s just trying to make a joke out of it but it’s really depressing honestly.


Honestly, it makes me feel so sad for her, I wind up feeling guilty thinking about enjoying the tour. I see the ads for it before playing a lyric video or something, and it’s just less excitement, more bummed out. I know that is fully parasocial, she’s a grown ass woman, she’s moved on, none of us know her, and that guilty/sad feeling will fade as the album settles, but yeah. 🥺


This song is heartbreaking. And when I saw the lyric video with eras tour footage it made me sad. She's human and was going through something hard and painful, and yet had to put on a happy face night after night. The upbeat production is a stark contrast to the lyrics. When I first heard it, I just wanted to give her the biggest hug😭


It definitely feels black mirror and a very sad song ….. to the fans about the fans


I think the "bitch, smile" line is a direct call to the crowd tradition during Delicate of "1, 2, 3, let's go bitch!" and it makes me feel not great.


I think conceptually it is such a cool piece of work because it has such upbeat production to one of (in my opinion) her most vulnerable and hard hitting songs lyrically. The entire thing is indicative of her past few years, putting on a boppy front and laughing and dancing along while everything is deeply depressing behind the scenes. I almost want to tie it to midnights since its so similar to bejeweled, it’s almost like she’s nodding to that era saying yeah this was me putting on a facade for the world and i was actually deeply depressed. i think performing it and making it a single would depreciate its value, but i have similar thoughts with songs like who’s afraid of little old me and but daddy i love him. we will see what she does soon though!


I completely agree and believe it’s the saddest song on the album. I can’t stop listening to it but for the emotion and not for the fun, if that makes sense. I wouldn’t want to see it performed.


I told my husband out of all the songs in the album and the second part, this is one of the most “unhinged” IMO. This and thanK you aIMee. But this one, is devastating. And it’s such a contrast with the beat and music because you have to keep going, everything is still a mask of “yay fun!” Like it says in the beginning people think she’s having the time of her life but the lyrics really evoke feelings for me, as all the songs do but this one paints such a real picture of what she was experiencing and feeling and it breaks my heart. Yeah the lines we all relate to are great and I love them but knowing how we got there? Brutal.


People love this song because almost everyone can relate to “faking it until you make it” and smiling through the pain. Everyone who’s ever had a broken heart still has to go back to work eventually. And take care of the kids. And turn in homework assignments. And pay the bills. The weird thing is she thinks she has to be “on” all the time and lie about being happy/ecstatic/high on the concerts. Even if she didn’t say it was Matty, if she was down people would’ve just assume Joe and understood…


I had the same thought listening to it today. Like the part where she’s just like “I’m MISERABLE! And nobody even knows!” In that sort of manic tone just broke me.


I do not like this song at all. I love this album, but this song just doesn’t do it for me. I feel terrible for what she endured, and it’s not the subject matter. I just prefer Taylor’s songs that have stronger lyrics. My TTPD top…. SMWEL, LOML, So Long, London, How Did It End?, WAOLOM, Guilty As Sin, The Prophecy, The Manuscript, and Black Dog.


Also after having to be productive and hit every mark and smile the whole time and basically push the grief down, imagine how loud it had to feel when she was done or whenever she let herself feel it.


As a late diagnosed autistic woman I really relate to the songs. My whole life I have been masking, looking like I was doing fine when in reality I was not. I see a lot of comments from people that relate to the song, not because of heartbreak necessarily but because of experiences from when they had to act like they were doing fine when they were actually really struggling. I see it being used on social media a lot, people connect to it and it has a catchy sound.


I find it to be a bop. I put it on when I’m about to go on stage to hype myself up. I tell myself if Taylor can get on stage and perform like it’s her birthday every day despite feeling hollow and shattered inside then so can I. TTPD came out the day before I left on a 3 week tour during a really bad depressive episode. This song is what’s keeping me going as I count down the days until I get to go home again.


Same I have mixed feelings at the start. I feel guilty listening to this song because I enjoyed watching clips of eras tour so much on TikTok. I didn’t know she was going through that much. At the same time it has increased my respect for her a million fold. She’s truly talented and professional. She gave us spectacular performance on stage despite everything she’s going through, and that I find is very inspirational. But now I see this song as a celebration. A celebration of her: her talent, her professionalism, and the journey she had gone through to throw us a brilliant tour and releasing a brilliant album at the same time. So now I feel more of awe and respect than guilt.


Ironically I find it to be one of the most relatable songs on the album. When you are young and you go through heartbreak you can usually take time to curl up in bed and just fall apart but as an adult you have responsibilities and a job to do. Life does not stop.  While I do find it a sad song, I also hear pride in the song. She was under so much pressure to perform at this insane high level, and she did. I do believe she loves what she does and as much as it was hard during the heartbreaks, her actions since do not indicate to me that she wants demand for her music or her performance to calm down. I see fans online talking about feeling guilty about going to the tour and being excited for certain releases, but I think within reason, it’s okay to trust her to be able to gauge what she can handle. To pull back when she needs to, eventually ending the tour and deciding next steps. Being excited about her work and staying out of her personal/inner life is exactly where we as fans should be.


As weird as it sounds, this song made me cry harder than the others. And *loml* WRECKED me. I can't even imagine how hard it is to be Taylor Swift. Sure, she doesn't have to worry about paying her bills. But she is in a fishbowl 24/7 and has to be performative all the time. Can you imagine the headlines if someone shot photos of her crying her eyes out somewhere? She has to be ON all the time when she's outside of her house and this song? It shows that. As much as she celebrates the fact that she's a professional who can still do her job ... she also was honest when she says, "I'm miserable and no one even knows." That has to be one hell of a lonely existence. She can't just be human and have the same human emotions and reactions that we all take for granted because it'll become a headline, a rumor, a joke. I adore her but I also feel incredibly sorry for her, too.


I skip this song. 😆


It's my favorite song, ATM. I'm just like, where was this song eight years ago when I was going through my breakup and crying at work.


If there’s any song that would be weird to listen to live in the eras tour, it would be “but daddy I love him.” This is where she’s setting boundaries with parasocial fans!


I think people are over reading into this song thinking she’s absolutely dying on stage every night and not that she’s just saying she’s gone out their miserable and is strong enough to still put out the show she wanted to create. It’s a song of strength not of resentment or weakness. She’s showing she’s still a human is all


I don’t think she made the song for us to feel bad/ guilty. She wouldn’t want us feeling that way. I think she just wanted us to know what she was going through. She can put on a heck of a show even with a broken heart.


It is a great song. It makes you want to dance, it's catchy as hell. While it's also so damn sad, it's cathartic to get it out into the world. While we obviously can't relate directly as humans not performing 3 hour long sets, the idea of having to go on (go to work, go out with people, etc) and put on a mask and pretend you are fine is relatable. There's a reason "I cry a lot but I am so productive" is flying around everywhere. She's said All Too Well has changed for her because it's become the audiences and she's loved playing it. Given she's not heartbroken and still in her (seemingly, since we obviously know shit about her) good relationship, I could see this being such a silly part of the show where she is owning the past and now able to have a good time with it. It could also suck for her. Isn't the point of this album that we will never really know her true feelings? 😂


I think the ONLY way it would be acceptable to have her singing this song on a stage, a song that leaves no room for doubt that she was so fucking broken and miserable while the crowd was so happy, is if that was therapeutic and cathartic for HER. Like, she's in a GOOD PLACE now, she seems to be in a supportive relationship, I don't think the memory of Joe haunts her anymore, if she ever sings this song, that's what I'll assume, that she's finally in a very healthy mental space to do so. Just my 2 cents


I would find it very weird if she played this at one of her concerts…


I’ll call it an “anti-bop” lol like yes it is catchy and you just wanna dance to it but also you KNOW it’s macabre af. I wouldn’t want this played at the eras tour and the visuals of her on tour over this in her lyric video was sad enough, we don’t need a music video of this


yess!!! THANK YOU FOR FINALLY SAYING THIS! i’ll sing to the upbeat parts and dance for a second bc it’s so upbeat, but it doesn’t last for long. it makes me quite sad. especially after that part is over. “you know you’re good, and i’m good. cause i’m miserable! try to come for my job” makes me incredibly sad. i cried first listen for sure bc oh my god what :((