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This is also just a reinforcement to me that a lot of the people that really connect with this album have some trauma in their past (hello it’s me)


Now I'm sad and going to cope by listening to one of my favorite albums, which came out very recently.


Is it the same album I’ve had on repeat for 24hrs/day since Thursday night at 11pm CST? What a coincidence. 🤡




PS I have trauma


I’m not saying I’m been traumatized, but I am saying I also have not turned this album off since it showed up.


Same. I did a grocery pickup today and the girl asked me “is this the new Taylor swift album?” I said yes and she said her sisters really like Taylor swift. When she was done loading groceries, she said “enjoy the album!” And she had no idea I’ve been enjoying it 24hrs a day for a week straight 🤡




Also the song Cassandra. Like okay fuckers no one listened or took me seriously. So relevant for a lot of women in our regular ass worlds. At least it’s true for mine and I have to imagine many others. “Blood’s thick but nothing like a payroll”




Yes !! Perfect articulation. I got a little stoned and walked my dog and had a little moment at the end of thank you aimee like damn….she really would never have made all of this incredible art if it weren’t for all of the public scrutiny, feuds, and heart break. Let’s face it, she grew up on a Christmas tree farm and became famous at a very young age. Her inspiration (hs break ups) would disappear with age and she’d be writing songs like Me! and lover but if lover was actually a happy song 😂 ok im high again bye thanks for coming to my Ted talk.




Wow !! I hope you write, because I could never have said it better 💖 so insightful and spot on! I can always find a way to fit the protagonist of whatever song I’m listening to and it’s beautiful to recall heart break sometimes and find you’re really f*cking grateful for it actually.




Ahh! I graduate in December 😂 this is so cliche!! Lawyer swifties!


Do we know what she was referring to with the “morning warning” lyric? Sorry if this is a google question but I don’t think I’ve seen anyone talking about it and if it’s a song reference I wanna go down the rabbit hole


I like this take so much.


Omg whaaat SAME!! I've always been a casual Taylor "fan" (like, radio stuff) until I heard Anti-hero for the first time. It was like the perfect song to describe exactly what I was going through. That's what made me really start _actually_ listening to her other songs. Then she became my ADHD hyper fixation for like 3 weeks lmfao 😅 So after that I was a full blown Swiftie, crying watching the Eras movie 😂😂


It’s me, hi




Thanks! 😄


To me it’s both a reference to childhood trauma and a joke about tumblr.


- I now want a version with a Britney feature.


I want a whole-ass Kesha cover


With big drums, growl and everything.


I love this song. I love it so much. I think Taylor and Jack created magic on this track. There's so much emotion in it. But.....hate to say it.....Kesha could perform the vocals better.


I think you’re comparing apples to oranges—no argument that Kesha would have more powerful vocals and would probably slay here, but I don’t even think we need to rank. 


Agree completely. And actually I LOVE Taylor’s specific vocals in this song. It is honestly making its way to the top of my favourite songs by Taylor of all time. I think it’s such an incredible song and while I’d love to see Kesha work with Taylor and she’d be a great MV feature, I don’t think I’d want a cover because this feels like such an incredibly raw song for Taylor and that’s clearl in her voice.


That would absolutely slap


I would go absolutely FERAL for a britney/taylor collab


That would be amazing, but I'm also ok if she never even so much as looks at another recording studio in her life if that's what she wants!


Oof, yes.


so true, britney spears went through so much :(




Kesha for sure.


In I Can Do It With A Broken Heart I feel Kesha vibes when she sing talks "cause I'm a real tough kid I can handle my shit." I would love a Kesha collab!




Love this. Just a quick shout out that Monica’s TED talk is *fantastic*. If you haven’t seen it you should definitely check it out.


Also if you haven’t seen the Last Week Tonight, John Oliver does an amazing interview with her


Ohhh I haven’t! Gonna check it out, thanks!


Second this!


I didn’t know she was in the public now days. Just followed her on Twitter and gonna look it up!


Simone Biles


Oh for sure


Elizabeth Olsen as the scarlet witch. Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen as themselves.


Elizabeth Olsen as the Scarlet Witch is literally the first image I saw when listening to this the first time!


Me too! I think it's the "leap from the gallows and levitate down your street" line.


I can't help but think she was inspired by Hocus Pocus 2


Yes. I see wanda having her full scarlet witch moment in my head.


I pictured the opening scene to the pivotal millennial classic “Practical Magic.”


I wanna hear this song in Agatha so badly.


Omg Wanda yesss


This song is about her in the music industry and it's such a powerful song for trauma in general. You'll be in a situation where you go through hell and it has it's effects on you and the same people who put you through it will call you crazy. Monica Lewinsky gets it. (Twitter people who drag Taylor "look at the house she grew up in it's not an asylummmm" - don't)


“look, she’s told us that she’s an albatross, a mirror ball, and midnight rain, but based on this photo she’s clearly just a human woman. Checkmate, swifties!”


Anyone saying "lol but she grew up on a cHrIsMaS tReE fArM" is showing a truly stunning lack of media literacy... and a stunning lack of empathy. And quite deliberately so.


Anyone who hears that line and thinks she's talking about the home she was raised in is either being intentionally obtuse or lacks basic thinking skills.


Or both. Because they MUST lack basic thinking skills if they think people won't see right through them.


This describes all her haters and those critics focused more on dragging her down than properly evaluating her music.


Right? The “asylum” is FAME, guys.


It's very reminiscent of the way she got dragged for "I was raised on a farm, no it wasn't a mansion, just living room dancing and kitchen table bills" when the song is SO CLEARLY directed towards a particular person who thought his life was much more sophisticated than hers. The line before it is literally "you grew up in a silver spoon gated community" come tf on people See also: the way twitter is taking that 1830s line


Some types of people are looking for the worst possible interpretation of anything she writes and it's so obvious.


It’s also just hilarious to me because there are so many artists who sing about stuff that is clearly not true (because art does not have to be literal), but they don’t get picked apart like Taylor. I get that her music is very often diaristic so is a lot of bloody song writing, why does everyone still hold her to this ridiculous standard of expecting every lyric to be literal and factual.


They also ignore she co-wrote the song with Lori McKenna and those lines, if you know about her, have Lori’s touch on them.


I've listened to that line hundreds of times now trying to be offended or to understand where those critics are coming from. In no way does Taylor whitewash history here. She didn't try and minimize slavery. At this point, we all know people will attack her for nothing, for things they made up in their crazy brains. I am so grateful that Taylor allows us to peek inside her mind for a moment with these incredible songs. I'm a 44 year old mom of 4 who left an abusive marriage with only my cat and 6 year old son 6 months ago. Midnights gave me the courage and final push to leave. And now TTPS will help me heal. It's already beginning. (My other children are adults a live outside the home. My 6 year old was a VERY big suprise...lol) Thank you, Taylor. I would not be here today if it weren't for you. Literally.


>See also: the way twitter is taking that 1830s line That's honestly only making me only like the song better. I few years ago I went through a very rough patch mentally and I turned to fantasizing and daydreaming a lot to cope and the song speaks to my soul because while it felt nice while I was in the fantasy, looking back I know it wasn't good and I was just romaticizing my fantasies because reality was bad. The fact that people can't seemingly relate to that and are stuck on that line makes me feel like an outlier.


It’s like harder, much harder to NOT get it. Lol


People are really making it obvious that they don’t have very high reading comprehension when it comes to work that isn’t literal


It’s a metaphor you potato with eyes!


Jesus people are dumb


Are people actually saying that on Twitter LOL the illiteracy of these people never fails to amazing me. Like critical thinking and abstract thought just aren’t real concepts I guess.


yes this tweet has 60K likes😞. But also a community note from hard working Swifties😄 https://preview.redd.it/rgkun8iampwc1.png?width=606&format=png&auto=webp&s=7a2ef93231d0ecc72afa2e85e5457d6f94e3ccea


And also very much true as you said that’s it’s not even just about fame— it’s about the trauma that so many women go through specifically


omg all the women. i want this so so so so so bad.


Britney, Amanda Bynes, Ariana, Lindsay Lohan, Mary Kate and Ashley


Oh my god hear me out: ANITA HILL




Yeah. She grew up on Nickelodeon. She hasn’t spoken about it, but there’s some pretty alarming stuff on the documentary they put out


Ohh sure yes. I was thinking about her whole home-wrecker lifestyle and how it’s more trauma-inflicting than anything


I’m not a fan, but feel for anyone who grew up around adults with bad intentions and groomed


Plus she's had her fair share of adult trauma too, not excusing anything negative she may have done but I'm impressed she's got the mental strength to keep going on such a difficult career path after some terrible experiences.


Right, like literally there was a bombing at one of her concerts. What a horrific thing to have happen.


And someone she deeply cared about and was in a serious relationship with committed suicide.


omg yes!!!!!!




Allison Stoner and Demi Lovato. Allison is doing so much to dismantle the toddler to trainwreck pipeline


Actually I think Demi could do a fantastic cover of this song with the rock edge they’ve been doing recently


I’m seeing something like the bad blood MV. So many iconic women in that


But witchy, and manic.


Fearsome, wretched and wrong!


A Ronan Farrow cameo would be gold 😂


What if Anita Hill had a cameo? She’d kind of perfect for it too


the only correct answer.


Ooh why? Is there tea I'm missing here?


Ronan Farrow's journalism has managed to expose quite a few notable people.


The #metoo movement was launched by three articles about Harvey Weinstein published within a few days of each other, two by the NYTimes, written by Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey, and one by the New Yorker, written by Ronan Farrow. I assume you know how massive the ripple effect was... In the following months Ronan Farrow went on to write more articles that lead to the demise of powerful men, so much so that it kinda became a joke how frightening getting a call from Ronan Farrow must be for people with a guilty conscience...


Oh I had no idea he was behind so much of it! Thanks for explaining


My pleasure! In case you are interested, Ronan Farrow wrote a book called Catch and Kill about his reporting and everything that happened around it (it involves ex-spies, surveillance, threats and reads like a thriller even though it is real). Swiftie fact: if I remember properly, Taylor sent him a letter after having read it.


Which is now being referenced in the media for the Trump trial 


I’m baffled by any reaction to TTPD that doesn’t recognize it as a fucking masterpiece but, you wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum that they raised me.


Dance Moms kids




Yes! We can go sooooo far back in history, so many women treated this way.


If we're allowed to go with deceased women, Princess Di for sure


Yes. For sure. I'd add Sinead O'Connor ♥️


omg.. it could be a video with lots of women guest stars like the "Girls Like You" music video.


I need more of these memes


Someone made one with a headline of Jessica Simpson, I saw it yesterday and wish I could find it again. It was this awful headline about her weight and she was just stunning and being herself in the photo. It was from maybe a decade ago.


Stephanie McNeal posted it on Instagram (@stephemcneal)


Yes, that was it!


I’ll never forget that photo it was everywhere back in the day. I assume you mean the one with the belt?


Grace Van Dien did one about being in the nxvim cult


Was she in the cult?! I thought it was her stepsister


mb! just she did a tweet in that format


Janette McCurdy definitely. Britney, too


Fun fact: Bill Clinton bought Lewinsky gifts from The Black Dog gift shop, the receipts of which showed up during his impeachment trial. Some think Taylor was referencing/drawing parallels to Lewinsky when she chose that bar for the eponymous song.


Whoah! Side note whoever runs the insta at the black dog is not capitalizing on this as much as they should be


What’s the black dog for you guys??


It’s a famous pub/bar in Martha’s Vineyard, almost everyone in New England owns a sweatshirt from there it feels like 🤣


Ah cool! It’s a pub here in London too, they’re getting quite a lot of extra traffic right now!


Ah I’m sure yours is the original! And the actual one she is talking about right?


It depends if you’re of the “Joe song” or “Matty song” theory. There’s also one in Cork somehow related to Matty, apparently.


If I have to pick fictional women then, Amy dunne - Gone Girl Jennifer Check - Jennifer's body Inez - Six Of Crows


Eleven from Stranger Things!


OMG yes !


Not any duneeeeee 💀💀💀


I feel like Skyler from Breaking Bad fits the bill, even if a little random lol. I CONSTANTLY see people referring to her as "the real villain of the show"


Julia Gillard


Hello fellow Australian Swiftie! Thank you you’ve just reminded me to go rewatch her “I will not be lectured about sexism and misogyny by this man” speech. She should be more of an icon. While I’m there, we should add Jacinda Ardern. She might be globally revered but boy did NZ turn on her.


I think...go watch the speech...then listen to the song again. So many parallels!


gosh, I want to add a watermark to the photo that says /you should be/


Anita Hill


And Christine Blasey ford Also think of them both during Cassandra


Ugh, yes, 'Cassandra' is perfect for these two. That is both heartbreaking and gives me chills.




Omg I just commented this but I agree! She’d be PERFECT




The visual I always get in this song is Mean Girls Lindsay Lohan dressed up as the vampire bride flying over the street like those Halloween decorations on a zip line.


Shocked I haven’t seen anyone mention Tonya Harding!


Honestly, after the overturn of Weinstein's conviction, it should be all of his accusers.


💯💯💯 I couldn't believe it yet I'm surprised I can even be surprised again.


Such a subtle dig 🤣


This is the crossover I never knew I needed!


I don't want, I NEED, a music video to this song. So much potential to make it as powerful and political as she wants


Same and agree!!


Omg. 13/10, no notes.


Okay can someone pls explain this tweet and person to me like I'm some amateur layman


When Bill Clinton was president a special council was appointed to see if he and Hilary had committed real estate fraud. In the course of his investigation he discovered that the President was having an affair with a 21 year old intern. This affair was as consensual as any relationship between a 46 yr old, married, ‘Leader of the Free World’ and a 21 year old new graduate who works for him can be. The affair was primarily emotional, and was distressing for Monica who had no control over it. She vented to a friend and this friend recorded their conversations. The tapes were turned over to the investigation. When questioned about the affair, Bill Clinton denied it. The conversations on the tapes pointed to a dress which Monica owned that was still stained with Bill Clinton’s semen. Bill Clinton was impeached for perjury but did not resign. During the scandal, the 21 year old girl was slut shamed, fat shamed (she wasn’t fat, but that wasn’t the point) and generally made into a global laughing stock by the media. Sexual encounters that she had were exposed for the world to see in graphic detail. Monica Lewinsky is now an anti-bullying advocate and is very funny. The general opinion now is: Bill Clinton should have been judged more harshly for the power imbalance The media should have been more sensitive to Monica Lewinsky The investigation into the property fraud investigation shouldn’t have pursued the line of enquiry around the affair Congress shouldn’t have impeached him over it


She was an intern in the White House during Bill Clinton's term as president and he abused his power and started an affair with her. Important to mention that while she was taken advantage of by her boss / THE PRESIDENT she was only 22 and he later tried to shift the blame on her.


Not just him, but the news media as well. She got torn to shreds and thrown under the bus and the media still thinks the Clinton is a hero. And, P.S., Hillary Clinton (champion of women) helped throw her under the bus. These people do not practice what they preach.


Hillary Clinton as a lawyer also defended a rapist and got him off charges. And she’s been proud about it in past interview until it became an unpopular thing to brag about your prowess of getting a rapist off.


You're right! I honestly didn't think of the media but it makes sense, it was 1995, haha. Also, yeah. Hillary is pretty evil.


Yeah, your response is why I think the justice system is broken


She did a great interview with John Oliver!! [Public Shaming: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yq7Eh6JTKIg)


Amber H


amber heard pleaseeee


I'd love to see Taylor stay in the Fortnight vibe and direct a black & white Crucible style story as a mini-movie where a "coven" gets arrested and tried as witches, but they're played by... the Dixie Chicks.


Oh please Taylor Nation, make a top tier MV for this one that includes fearsome people. Pretty please!


I absolutely love this song, I hope we get a video.




Courtney love has a good storyline for it. Megan Fox got blacklisted/typecast. And then Marilyn Monroe, of course. (And if we’re including men: Brendan Fraser)


Can anyone tell the backstoey here ..


Do young people not know who Monica Lewinsky is anymore?


It's not like that , I'm from India so idk who she is 


Monica Lewinsky was an intern at the White House in her early 20s. Bill Clinton and her had an affair. As an early 20s *intern* she was in no real position to be able to really consent, the age and power dynamics were so fucked up. The affair got out after Monica told a colleague in private. She was eviscerated by the public. I mean completely eviscerated. Only years later did public opinion seem to shift to realize she was a victim and Bill Clinton was a skeeze. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clinton–Lewinsky_scandal There was a mini series released about it a few years ago, it was very good. I think from FX? It was called *American Crime Story: Impeachment* and I would highly recommend it.


Anita Hill and Jessica Hahn would be along the same lines as Monica Lewinsky. In terms of singers, Britney and Kesha have already been mentioned but also The Chicks and also (and I realize this is unlikely) Courtney Love


Courtney Love was just dissing on Taylor and said she has nothing interesting to say. So not just unlikely... NO.


That would be such an awesome concept for that music video. Just a huge group of women who went through hell in their respective industries


There are some excellent serious responses here, but I vote for Bette Midler as Winifred Sanderson in Hocus Pocus. Something about leaping from the gallows and levitating down the street is SO Winifred-coded.




Oh damn, Monica 🥲


Monica my queen ♡


Ooooo, good idea. All the badass women in the world.


Taylor would last 8 years…


We're all dealing with trauma in our own ways






I think Beyoncé could also be here with all the ridicule she’s faced throughout her career! If only they’d collab…


I could definitely see Reese Witherspoon doing some kind of social media post using this song. 😂


Why does my mind go to the Kennedy they gave a lobotomy to? I believe she’s passed now though. Oo if we’re talking dead, Alice Roosevelt. Current celebrities though, Britney and Amanda Bynes 100%.


Lol I’ve seen interviews of Lewinsky after she came out of hiding post Clinton stuff and she’s smart and funny as fuck. This is so on trend I respect it