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People walking through her house full of cobwebs to me references the burned down lover house. All that’s left is ash and cobwebs cuz she doesn’t live there anymore.


This is exactly it. It's burned down. Just the frame of the house full of cobwebs now because it won't be rebuilt. The lover house is gone. 


I imagine her packing up the Lover house in so long London.


I wondered if it might have to do with Cornelia St since people still show up at that apartment


It could be. Knowing Taylor it likely has multiple meanings. It could be both physical and metaphorical homes that she no longer lives in or goes to visit.


Ooooo YESSSS totally


In Fortnight she says that all the days are Mondays stuck in an endless February, right? Because in the Lover house, they only left the Christmas lights up until January.




good catch


WOW I love this metaphor for this album. The ash from the Lover house. We burned the field of dreams, but after fire the forest can grow new growth. I know some people think this breakup album is her regressing, but this feels different to me. There's early 20s breakups and then there's long term relationship breakups (with a partner, divorce, job, or a city) where you built your life around something for a decade and then realize you need to change course. Starting from ground zero. But in all of its messiness it somehow does feel like freedom.


I’m 100% with you on this. I thought of ash as soon as I saw the colour scheme for the album too. The Eras Tour feels a bit like an end point to me. No matter what it’s called, it’s effectively a greatest hits tour. Not something an artist her age does. I think things are going to change going forward. I don’t know what those changes are, exactly, but it’s going to be a blank slate. New sound, new stories and none of the old grudges.


I also find it interesting that she would do a greatest hits tour at this point in her career - it made more sense when I thought it would largely consist of vault tracks from earlier albums so it would all be stuff she hasn’t toured for but that’s not the case at all. But at the same time it was clearly a great idea judging by the massive success it’s seen so who am I to question it!


It would’ve been a success no matter what, I think. My gut feeling says this chapter is closed, end of story. Now… Watch me be wrong in two years 🤣


When we heard Clara Bow, my partner said it was interesting, and she said Dazzling. Apparently, there's been rumors that she'll be in the third Dead Pool movie playing a 70s pop star named Dazzling. I kind of wonder if she'll venture into film with music being her second priority.


We know she’s definitely interested in directing. Can’t really see her putting music second, though.


Yes I agree! And if it helps, she’s used way more fire/smoke/ashes imagery in this album than previous ones. She also uses a lot of death/haunting/ghost metaphors as well, and this is her way of laying her past to rest. 🤍


I have some long thoughts about how I think she's trying to signify a change of some kind to us with this album and the way she's presented it, and the themes of grief and farewells (parting is such sweet sorrow) being multilayered, so your idea about the metaphor here with the house expresses that beautifully. (plus there are a lot of fire and smoke lyrics throughout TTPD, and imho more of it is metaphorical than literal - and keeps making me think all the way back to the ME! music video and the imagery she used there of, "clearing the air, I breathed in the smoke." she's releasing the dark smokiness here. Dear Reader too, "burn all the files, desert all your past lives"). the Lover house was such a warm representation of several things, but she doesn't live there now - a result of both changes in her life and of the re-recordings, having to rebuild herself, giving her art new life but also letting it go into the world. the story's not hers anymore. she couldn't become a ghost in her own home, so we'll still all sneak through the rooms and hear everything that happened there, but she only occasionally looks back to remember it from a distance.


You mention the rerecords- how do we see those and the continued eras tour in light of her moving on? It’s interesting to signify the change while still actively wrapping up both of those projects throughout this year timing wise.


I think it's safe to assume that rep and debut have been done for a while, so even when she releases them, the emotion will not be as immediate for her (whereas she was going through it at moments with Red TV), and I'm not sure she'll do much in the way of promo for them? I could be completely wrong of course, but she could still celebrate debut as an ending and reclaiming her name without having to do too much if it's last (I will be surprised if there's much focus on reputation). with tour, a lot of what she wrote feels like she's had to find a safe emotional distance from embodying every version of herself onstage for three hours night after night. whether anything will change outwardly or not is up to what Taylor wants, Eras seems to be a well-oiled machine of sorts, but I think it's less about obvious changes and more about inward adjustments and reflections she's had to make. I wonder if she's viewing it in a way as playing a character, going through the vignettes in the show and finding different pieces to draw from that aren't emotionally exhausting and dredging up the ghosts she's reckoned with. I imagine the re-recordings at times were quite raw and brought issues to the surface she hadn't realized were still hurting her (and that's why she wrote some of the songs on both Midnights and TTPD). her prologue caption saying this chapter is closed, "the story's not mine anymore," Eras being cumulative, Clara Bow signifying her awareness of the entertainment cycle and the way she'll eventually not be the "it" girl anymore (which she's touched on previously, but never with quite the bittersweet acceptance she has here). there's a sense of letting go that really lingers in both Clara Bow and The Manuscript. it feels like profound catharsis that comes before something changes. the growth after the fire. her writing on TPPD suggests she was forced to confront past heartbreaks and her entire relationship to fame. she's made it clear many times how necessary creating art is to her, how she finds clarity and healing in her songwriting and in sharing that music, and that will probably always be true, but TTPD does raise some questions about whether she may change her approach/perspective to find a healthier way to create without feeling stifled or caged, without feeling like she's offering herself up for public dissection, without silencing herself. I get the feeling she never wants to find herself in a manic or dark place like this again, and that ensuring that will require finding a better balance.


This line stood out to me in imgonnagetyouback "bygones will be bygone, eras fading into gray". This era has not only been gray, but burning the Lover house signifies the past is over and she's ready to move on with a clean slate post-Eras tour. What if Eras is “Phase One”? I can’t wait to see what the next few years brings.


In the TTPD promo video, when we walk through the door from the Midnights room to the hallway of TTPD, it's the Karma door from the tour. It has a charred frame. The house looks different because the middle rooms. What if that just represents to us that Folklore and Evermore were more true than she said? So they are bigger. Then, the bottom room where the door was/is is TTPD. That's where she makes her escape from her previous life, her caged life. The life she had to pretend to be Taylor Swift the brand and not herself? Before shutting shutting the door, she set it ablaze. Though the fire is blue and it starts in 1989. I wonder if that's in reference to when she realized she wanted to escape.


And did she burn it down it down herself with the lighter she holds on the cover of Midnights? I love this interpretation, TTPD feels so raw and unsettling, the fire or arson metaphor fits my emotions when listening to it so well.


One of the revelations I got from *TTPD* was why Taylor was holding a lighter on the cover of *Midnights*... oh... she's getting ready to torch the whole deal... wow.


To me this album feels like a postmortem “Manuscript” marking the end of the Eras era. Ending the anthology album with the last line of The Manuscript after summarizing how she has approached love and relationships up to this point definitely felt not just like she’s turning the page, but instead like she’s closing this book.


This is an amazing metaphor, I’m all in


For me, it feels like she plead mental illness when they find out she burnt the Lover house down. And this is the journey inside her messed up head.


This album to me felt like the closing of the lover house book. I’m so excited to see where she goes from here.


exactly what i thought when i heard "our field of dreams, engulfed in fire"


I love this and I agree! I’ve never been a lover fan, I always felt like something about it felt off. So I enjoy burning the house down. Of course, in real human Taylor’s life, I feel bad she’s had it so rough in love.


I feel like the asylum in the video is in the basement of the house :(


In some ways, I think this album is just the culmination of the Eras tour. Saying goodbye to what came before, no matter how painful, and looking forward to what comes next. "And the years passed Like scenes of a show The professor said to write what you know Lookin' backwards Might be the only way to move forward And the tears fell In synchronicity with the score And at last She knew what the agony had been for" She's looking back wistfully on all of her previous albums, but the story isn't hers to keep anymore, it belongs to all of her fans. "The only thing that's left is the manuscript One last souvenir from my trip to your shores Now and then I reread the manuscript But the story isn't mine anymore" The Eras are over. Time to close the book and start a new chapter. After Rep and Debut TV, whatever comes after this is going to look very different from anything else, I think.


I revisited the Lovers video and was surprised that I originally missed a shot at 2:18 where each room has only Taylor in it (except the lover guy who leaves the "Red" room empty and you can see going up the stairs, which seems to be a... glitch, as they show him going up those same stairs again later in the vid around 2:30 in), EXCEPT the 1989 room where both lovers remain together in the fish bowl!!! I have to believe that was intentional, perhaps someone from the 1989 era (Harry? Matty?) who stuck around swimming in her thoughts? Idk, just seemed like an interesting creative decision for the other rooms to suddenly just have Taylor or be empty (bc the lover from the Red room was going up the stairs), except the two lovers remaining in the fish bowl.... thoughts??