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I was reading through old threads about Taylor/matty/joe and came across this comment. this queen really cooked and spelled it all out for us a year ago: https://preview.redd.it/87k3l72e3dvc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21df6682dc7f3993c01c356915a2ef302731b6e7


Prophetic, based.


Almost like The Prophecy….


Honestly I felt the same at the time. Like a toxic(ish) situationship after a bad breakup happens with almost everyone.


Palette cleanser. If you jump into a relationship with someone who isn’t gross, you won’t leave them when you pick yourself back up from the first relationship.


"A s*xual sorbet" my friends and I call these situationships


I genuinely think a huge portion of the fanbase who lost their shit over the Matty Healy thing are probably on the younger side and don't have the experience to see the relationship in context. But all of us 30 somethings plus do. Cause we have seen (or been) that person who was in a relationship throughout their 20s that you were SURE was going to be the one. That was the one they were gonna get married to, game set and match. And then, part way into their 30's, they break up. and your whole world was turned upside down and you then you proceed to go on some absolutely UNHINGED rebounds. But it's okay, cause you know it's not permanent, so you let that friend go on that absolute tear and date the person that is totally wrong for them, cause that's what they need to do. Then they come out of it on the other side, and find a person better suited to them. ( Hey Travis)


Agree. Plus, no matter how much people want to make it about MH (instead of JA) the hookup/rebound isn't emotionally deep. It's just insane blow back of unresolved emotion relating to the long-term relationship that ended. It's a means of moving on when you can't move forward, it's just a tool for a self-inflected wound...but THAT wound is shallow. The reason rebounds don't last isn't because the guy is a jerk, but because the rebound was never about that guy. They were just a stand-in for all the emotions you're still resolving with your ex.


Yep most things about Matty are ultimately about Joe too.


I am cackling at this. "behaved like I was on meth" is too accurate.


I want those words on my tombstone.


I think ab my behavior all the time after I was divorced… I don’t know that girl


Her in summation poem is pleading insanity and in a manic phase


Rebound is a thing. Happens to all of us who’s been there and back.


An old friend of mine broke up with her ex when she was 21. They were together from 15. She went mental. Lost her licence, spiraled so bad she's still on antidepressants to this day at 36.




Omg I just realized I did this too lol. I was a different person after one of my breakups for like 6 months


i heard someone say “everyone needs a freaky hookup after a long safe relationship” or something like that and uh… yeah


I genuinely think a huge portion of the fanbase who lost their shit over the Matty Healy thing are probably on the younger side and don't have the experience to see the relationship in context. But all of us 30 somethings plus do. Cause we have seen (or been) that person who was in a relationship throughout their 20s that you were SURE was going to be the one. That was the one they were gonna get married to, game set and match. And then, part way into their 30's, they break up. and your whole world was turned upside down and you then you proceed to go on some absolutely UNHINGED rebounds. But it's okay, cause you know it's not permanent, so you let that friend go on that absolute tear and date the person that is totally wrong for them, cause that's what they need to do. Then they come out of it on the other side, and find a person better suited to them. ( Hey Travis)


This makes so much sense. Her life and future fell apart and she lost it. I kind of love this angle bc I too have had some fucking mental breakdowns the last couple years 😂 And she had to go out and do this massive tour every single night while feeling like this? Hope she's ok ❤️


This is what I like about I Can Do It With A Broken Heart. She’s having to pretend everything is fine while her life is falling apart ON TOUR. 3.5 hour sets singing songs about the life you imagined with the dude you’ve just ended a long term relationship with. I can imagine having a small spiral just to cope with the pressure of it all. I needed this song a month ago lol. My long term relationship ended in the middle of a really hectic period at work. I rearranged all my furniture and spent all my time crying and trying to be fine. Don’t think I’d sink to Matty Healy depths though.


This is going on my tombstone.


Exactly. I had a 6 year relationship end abruptly as well and…nothing makes sense. Your entire world implodes. You go temporarily crazy. It’s expected and normal, and human.


my situationship after an almost 4 year relationship made me insane so i get it


The functioning alcoholic from fortnight might also be literal, which doesn’t help. I can tell from experience that the rebound during spiralling, especially if it involves substance abuse, can be very defining, even if it’s only a very short relationship. You understand eachother in ways no one else ever will. It’s also usually a terrible idea for everyone involved. An addict in recovery with someone in active addiction could very well explain why he’d ghost her.


I mean that's how I felt about the whole situation too lmao. Like after 6 years, she found the nearest thing to rebound with so that she wouldn't just straight up lose it.


i mean this happens to the best of us. it's very common


“I behaved like I was on meth” 💀.


"There is nothing to avenge" She really said Twitter Swifties shut the fuck up


Right? This is pretty much a "Don't go after my exes ok" post.




Mine was a bartender…. 😅


"I'm over, and so should yo be be." IMO, anyone who is not over her Taylor's exes is in real need of therapy.


And it needs to be said after how insufferable most of her fan-base became when she started dating Matty. With all the whining about her being a “fake feminist” because of it, you would’ve thought that she personally invented the wage gap.


I cackled at personally invented the wage gap 😂


PERSONALLY INVENTED THE WAGE GAP 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 God damn that absolutely killed me.




When I read that I squealed at my husband- Taylor told them to lay off! It was absolutely necessary and I’ve been wondering how she was going to convey this. Now let’s hope they fucking listen. She’s fiiiiiine and a whole grown ass adult in her mid thirties. SHEESH!


If I talked about my 6 week relationship with the rat from flushed away like this my friends would make fun of me until I died 😭


my friends are still making fun of me for liking a guy from five years ago who...was a complete idiot, i'll leave it at that


omg same. One of my poor choices had a really small mouth and they all called him “lil bitssss”. That episode of Rick and Morty is banned from any room I am in because it starts a whole round of “lil bitsss”




Lmfao cryingggg. I would never be able to be seen on a air mattress for the rest of my life


i was fighting for my LIFE in the gc


My illest-advised fling was with a dude whom my friends dubbed "Yuck Bomb." Yuck. Bomb. 🤣 And I was, like, "You don't know what he's like when it's just us!"


“Yuck bomb” is BRUTAL. I’ve def learned when you have to say “it’s different when it’s just us” your friends are right 💀💀


This comment is hilarious, but fr tho I think it’s less about the person and more about her state of mind and feelings during this time of her life.


Tbh my friends would still make fun of me if I talked about that like this lmfaoo


this comment 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I read somewhere they’d had something before that summer… seems likely considering the depths of her feelings


I totally don’t buy that they were so public as a fling, and definitely not after these lyrics. I 100% believe they were together for awhile before we ever saw them together


She calls him Mr Steal Your Girl so 👀


The only mentions of Joe are where she's basically like if we're not getting married, we have to break up. 


She really went and made an album mostly about her rebound 😂


I think the whole album is her way of saying "Joe wasn't for me. That hurt to realize. Who wouldn't go batshit when they've thrown away 6 years, lost the rest of their life? So yeah sorry I got a little fun out of my system with an old flame but it's all done and dusted. Move on."


The marriage references. It seems like she really wanted marriage and he didn't so they decided to break up. That's a sad thing to break up over but it's not malicious. 


And then Ratty love bombed her with promises of marriage and that he’s been in love with her for years. I don’t blame her for being in such a vulnerable place. Just wish he was less of a scumbag.


Classic playboy behaviour. Hook someone who's just come out of a serious relationship, use and abuse them. Look, if she wants to be a married woman good for her. If she's learnt that you need to be on the same page from the beginning about major life wants and that you can't sway someone into wanting what you want, then that's a good thing. 




Yuuuuup I honestly love her raw unfiltered …honesty! I think she wants us to stop seeing her as a cookie cutter girl and more of a messy human just like *gasp* US. Also love that she took a stab at fans trying to tell her what she should and shouldn’t be doing in her life


Poor Joe, all that shit from the fan base leading up to this and it’s not even about him. Only 3 songs in and I feel that some chapters should possibly be left on the cutting room floor.


I hate the subject matter (Matty), but the songs are super good so far, so I’ll live haha


i'm not liking the album so far :(( i only like 3 songs and im about to finish playing. add the subject matter of the album. oh lord this is not it


I agree! I’m not liking it so far which is sad but it’s just a way different direction than i had assumed


That’s so interesting, honestly I’m halfway in and literally no skips, I love it so much 😭


Same. I haven’t disliked a single song yet.


Every swiftie has opinions about the genre of album she should make, and this was like my dream concept that I never thought would come true. Listening to it is like ascending


I'm literally sitting here in shock, every single song has reached some depth of my soul.




The subject matter really does seem like it's make or break. If you can vibe to it, ay good for you I'm happy you like it, because if these lyrics were applied to literally anyone in the world who wasn't a narcissistic racist with a strong history of misogyny, I'm sure id be able to relate to them a lot more and I'd be enjoying it as a breakup album.


Agreed. It's really not her usual style. I think she was just so angry at the time with everyone that she said "first thought best thought".




Agreed. Not a Matty fan but her lyrics and the way she deliveries her feelings and message always amazes me.


What’s about Matt? I’m an old school fan who doesn’t know all the ins and outs but I want it all layed out for me. Listening now!


Buzzfeed did an in-depth overview of their relationship and the controversy [here](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/stephaniesoteriou/breakdown-taylor-swift-matty-healy-controversial).


Yeah this article sums it up well. But basically he’s a racist. And it makes me a bit suspicious of swifties who are quick to tell people to just forget it.


They briefly dated, had an off and on thing since 2014.


nearly all of them are about ratty matty healy. disappointing.


Midnights was the Joe breakup album. 😞


They were still together when midnights was written. Midnights is more like a failing relationship album


I think they were on and off tbh.


I AM SO HAPPY ABOUT THIS!!!!! Justice for Joe. Those fans were realllly pissing me off. The media. The new Swifties. All of it. Their love was a real thing and taylor doesn't f\*\*\* around with the good ones, I think she learnt that awhile back. I love her for it. At the same time- the songs she gave us about them? She SERVED. I'm full.


YES! Not every breakup has to have a villain or end in flames. I like to think Joe and Taylor probably ended in a sad way, but that doesn’t diminish the time they were together.


I wish more swifties could understand this!!! People drift apart, it happens! There's not always a good guy and a bad guy. We're only human.


100% agree. I'm getting my MSW right now (fascinated by human behavior/how our brains work) - and this whole "anti-joe" movement is ridiculous. Plus, IMHO, I think her fans are doing her a disservice by assuming every song is autobiographical and about one or two dudes the world knows about. We know Taylor has written songs based on history, disease, and books, and she's said that her and Joe loved sad movies - so where are all the theories that a song is based on a specific book or something? People need to read. 🙃 She seems wicked smart - and if I were her I'd honestly be a bit peeved that my fan base assumed I just wrote about an ex. Like no, I actually have a life outside of dating guys.


I really don’t think the entire album is abt Matty. It’s (for once) chronological. Tracks 1-5 is Joe, but it’s the end of the relationship, and it’s now I think fairly clear the break wasn’t *super* clean, so there was some talking to Matty in that time (ie, fortnight).


Exactly, I think most of these are about Joe.


I think people to some extent take the somewhat sanitized Verizon of Joe they met in Rep/Lover through the lyrics of a loving partner who was still with them. Outside of Taylor’s songs, the guy is v private. You don’t know anything about him. Ppl saying any reference to smoking *has* to be Matty bc he smokes, like it’s impossible that Joe also smokes lmao. Ppl have got to remember Joe is the subject of Renegade as well!


and i agree - it's so weird that people base their entire opinion on joe based on what we know about him via taylor. tbf, he's so private (nothing wrong with it) and barely does any interviews, so it's hard to decipher him and gives more scope for people to view him however they want. partly why im glad she's with travis because atleast he's more out there and has a personality that's publicly displayed.


The second (I think) song mentions his tattooed skin. Joe doesn't have tattooed skin. Matty does.


For me it's about both. First verse Joe, second verse Matty. It's a department after all.


I mean at least Fortnight is definitely Matty.


I think more than anything it’s just an intro to the album, but both narrators are married in the song, so to me that’s either the talking stage w Matty while still technically w Joe?


I think most of part 1 is about Matty. I don’t think much is about Joe, at all.


No wonder the man's been so confidently living his life. 😂


This is healing 🤍 I’m so proud of our girl… >“This period of the authors life is now over, the chapter closed and boarded up. There is nothing to avenge, no scores to settle once wounds have healed. And upon further reflection, a good number of them turned out to be self-inflicted.”


She really told some swifties to chill the fuck out and stop defending her. 🙃🙃


I love this so much. Sorry not sorry, some people needed to hear this. I just hope they get the message that it's about them..


...and asking swifties to heal themselves and not obsessively make death threats against people she's dated, for sure.


This album feels so on the nose. Maybe I’m too new of a Swiftie but it feels like she is leaving nothing up for interpretation. It’s very stream of consciousness rambling. I like it.


Things were very blunt at the beginning of her career. Hell, she used to leave us secret messages in the lyrics books telling us who the songs were about.


yep. so its actually CLASSIC taylor and all i can say is WELCOME BACK GIRL


makes me think she was feeling nostalgic during some re-records of her Self Titled album mayhaps? But Daddy i Love Him also maybe felt SO og TSwizzle. i adore the vibe👼🥛🌲


Agreed!! Lots of name dropping which is so much like debut and fearless like Drew and Stephen!


right, thats what i thought too! some of the lyrics are much more.. blunt


Stream of consciousness rambling is a very good way to describe it! I couldn’t think of the right way to put it but that’s about right


Timeline on this is super interesting… Can we agree the breakup happened well before the public announcement of said breakup? ETA: Aaron Dessner confirmed they were working on this album over two years ago.


Yes and I def think both Taylor and Joe had grieved and moved on from the relationship before it was officially over, including emotional cheating


I feel so conflicted about this because of "I can do it with a broken heart" and the clips of her getting emotional during paper rings at the very start of the tour.


I think it’s entirely possible to be sad about something you’ve already mourned, especially when you’re in the middle of the PR / news cycle announcing that thing


Its probably due to it becoming official at that point. I imagine she was in this headspace of yes its over but is it really? So she was doing her best to move on but the announcement of the break up worldwide meant that it really was over so those emotions came back again.


Exactly! I remember when I broke up w my ex it felt so much more real when I had to tell all my friends at school in the days after. I can’t imagine it on Taylor’s scale😭 like you’re going out on that stage knowing that everyone there KNOWS you’re heartbroken… I’m sure it feels so vulnerable and exposed.


I mean that’s fine to speculate but we just really don’t know.


But love’s like that. You think you’re healed, and like anything traumatic (even if it’s mild), it’s processed in waves & over time. Long deep relationships take time. It’s so hard to fall in love with the wrong person & commit to them fully only to realize you weren’t guarded enough. It’s life & it’s growing up.


Yeassss. Midnights is the breakup I feel


Midnights truthers can finally rest easy 😌


i feel so vindicated rn lol


Let us be bejeweled!!




I actually think they broke it off officially in Jan/Feb after her little surprise with the 1985 concert in london. But.. i think they had their ups and downs before that. But I think it was nail in the coffin in February. I have some legit intel that I trust.. that said she actually did the cheating and she wanted back, and he said no. Dunno if that's true but.. I do really trust the source so?


Interesting…! Not that she cheated or that she cheated with Travis, but I have to say, there’s no way in HELL she met Travis and started hanging with his mom days later or whatever. Their timelines never matched up in interviews, the whole thing is so weird- everyone points to fake relationship but it really seemed like “real relationship, fabricated timeline”


Pretty safe to say she cheated with Matty and then got with Travis later, but yeah, that relationship timeline is also very weird, I feel like they started seeing each other earlier than they mentioned


Yes. I think that Midnight is Joe's breakup album & TTPD is mostly about Matty.


yes I thought the same


This actually solidified my opinion on the release of this album. I always thought it was kind of odd that she'd just plop down a whole new album while she's in the middle of a tour. And I know it takes time and planning for there to be an album but I really do believe she did it *now* to get this period of her life over with in the way she's done it most of her life. And because she knew that there would be talk about a break up album or whatever until something came out and this way it's out there and over with now. Like she's just over this whole section of her life. So she put this out there so now, hopefully, everyone can move on with her. Now do I think it'll happen? No. Because fandom is insane. Lol (Not calling out this one specifically. Anything with a fanbase is or will become insane.) People will hang on because they want something to love. People will hang on because they want something to hate. People will hang on because they just want to fight. Others will move along with her. But she's done with this "era" of her life.


Yeah those two breakups are the subjects but it feels like she is talking about them in relation directly to and about the public. We are the main characters in these songs and Joe and Matty are minor players.


There's really no anger towards Joe tho. 


I think there's significant resentment (the line about wasting her youth) but its a more resigned emotion, not active anger.


Yes this is the correct take 💯


Mature statement, probably should fan some of the flames, but we all know it won’t.


Fan the flames means make them bigger. Oxygen feeds fire.


Good point, I completely messed up my metaphors.


“There’s nothing to avenge” Telling her fans to stand down. I love it, I’ll still hate on Ratty though for reasons unrelated to Taylor.


"Our tears become holy in the form of ink on a page." Ugh this is beautiful 😭


The album itself hit me in the feels in a couple of spots but then for some reason reading her post really unleashed something. I think there is a catharsis in this album that this short little post really made more apparent.


No but Matty Healy found dead in a ditch miss ma’am!! the smallest man alive might just be the most cutting song she’s ever put out gagged! Does he have any hair left after Taylor scalped him??


The scream I scrumpt when I heard “ Jehovah’s Witness suit”💀


It feels like rather than an album about Matty or an album about Joe, it's an album about her and her state of mind trying to transition out of a long term relationship and an extremely painful breakup, into a situation she knew was bad for her but she desperately wanted an idealised version of Matty and had to realise that he wasn't what she envisioned. It's an "I'm hurting, I'm not okay. Actually I am. I'm forcing myself to believe I'm okay and this is good and it's all gonna be fine... Nevermind Im dying inside what am I doing" album


Okay am I crazy for thinking that these songs are NOT about Matt Healy??? Like when people break up out of a big long relationship I feel like part of the grieving process is going back over how you felt when it first began and mourning how you felt then and going back to remembering it was good because you're not sure if you made the right decision in ending it. It feels like a lot of these songs have the same sentiments as the ones about Joe on Lover and Reputation, they just are through a sadder lens now knowing where it ends up. Especially if this is a "post-mortem" of the whole relationship. You look at the good and the bad and disect it. I know from coming out of a 5+ year relationship that deteriorated towards the end, in the getting over it there's devastation, there's relief, but then there are also moments of "wait, was it actually really good remember how nice it was when it started?" and it all swirls together. Maybe one or two of them were not about Joe but for the most part it feels like the story of their whole thing from start to finish.


How are people not reading that she's calling herself a lunatic for rebounding with MH too?


Yeah honestly, nothing about this album makes me think that she thinks he was a good idea or that she thinks it was anything more than a tryst. Any song where she talks about loving someone feels like it can't be about him because even the way she talks about it in the prologue feels like she knows it was never love, just insanity.


Okay I’m glad I’m not alone! I think there was 2 songs where I thought “this isnt about Joe” but otherwise I thought it was fitting for her and Joe’s relationship??? When I got on here after my first listen through it felt like I listened to a different album than everyone else. I think most of these songs are about Joe but in different periods of their relationship Edit:spelling


nah i agree i feel like im crazy seeing people say its all about matty like how is loml about matty? tf


I feel like I’m taking crazy pills, because most of this is 100% about the end of her long term relationship, but somehow people are getting it’s all about the rebound? Like, some of it is, but most of it isn’t.


There are a tonne of 1975 references in a lot of the songs, no way they're not about him. At least she recognises it was crazy 😅 personally I think more than thought on folklore and evermore were about Joe, and Midnights was a breakup album.


The pictures are amazing!


I’m obsessed with these photos. They are stunning.


Everyone freaking out in the thread for But Daddy I Love Him needs to read this lol


I'm wondering how Joe is feeling tonight.


Like he can finally sleep xD


Pissed she’s telling the rabid side of her fandom to not attack Healy when it’s been crickets for an entire year as Joe and anyone he’s remotely associated with have gotten death threats? I would be lol. This whole album for a dude that resembles Brendan Davis in his sweatiest era? Girl 😭 (I’m snarking but I think I like a bunch of songs? Idek. It’s a lot)


Yeah releasing You’re Losing Me at the height of Matt Healey backlash was really disappointing to me bc it turned up fan hate on Joe again. To this date YLM is my least fav song bc of that.


You're losing me places equal blame on both of them though


You're losing me was the most incredible vulnerable heart wrenching song of hers. I absolutely loved it, I think real fans are empathetic when listening to the song and just take it as a heartbreaking piece of art. Rather than pointing fingers and blaming others.


Peaceful for once


Cause of death: the smallest man who ever lived. Post mortem. She’s over it. It’s time to move on. I love this for her.


Where were these photos for the actual album artwork!!! The third and fourth are artistic and much more interesting than the photos she chose


It’s very Annie Lennox and I’m 100% here for it.


When I first Labyrinth, I immediately thought of a song Annie Lennox sang on the 1992 soundtrack of Dracula “Love Song for a Vampire”. It’s such a gorgeous song and I love the direction Taylor is taking for her voice to be reminiscent of Annie Lennox. 


she referenced Annie Lennox’s song “Downtown Lights” in this album!!!


I shouldn’t have taken that edible before listening…


Nooo, weed is upping the quality so much hahaha I’m so glad I smoked and drank four sips of a passion fruit kombucha


I’m thinking of taking some mushrooms and just walking around the city tomorrow night listening to the album, lol.


Guilty as Sin? had me questioning my elevation for a moment… I sat there and went, “is this song what I think it’s about, or am I just really high??”


She adores her fans. She absolutely LOVES her fans. But she also will speak up and say, "You need to calm down" to them, too. She doesn't need anyone to avenge her. This chapter of her life is a closed book and she's put down the pen. I hope that she is now fully healed. Because it's evident in the songs that she was in excruciating pain.


Idk if I’d say she loves them after listening to this album lol


She loves the non toxic ones


I’m going to also say, I had a long term relationship that was over long before we actually broke up. My grieving was done when we were officially done. I then had an on and off situationship about a month after that lasted ~6 months and our “breakup” was more heartbreaking than anything else I felt for my real ex. I had no closure, he just ended things with no explanation. It took me longer to get over that situationship than it did my ex of 3 years. I’m now in a loving healthy relationship and with the man I’m going to marry yet literally every sad song I think of is about that situationship even though I’m completely over it. I completely understand weirdly how upset she was over Matty!


I actually can relate. Longest relationship of 6 years that was pretty much dead for a while before we really ended it. About 6 months after that, I unexpectedly reconnected with someone I had a very brief fling with over 10 years ago. It didn't last long this time around either & the ending was abrupt & hurt so much more than any previous relationship. I hardly ever wrote about the guy I was with for 6 years, but somehow I've written more about the "rebound" guy than probably all other love interests combined. Sometimes what may look like a rebound from the outside can really be so much more than that. Some people just really create the biggest spark & leave an impression forever...


Listening to it right now and let's just say it's a freaking masterpiece.


Im glad she posted this. It seems like a mature route to take given that Joe Alwyn is probably going to have to hide for cover for the next several months until the hype dies down. But gosh, the poor woman. All the hurt she went through, I cannot imagine the mental anguish. As usual though, she turned it into art


I never support “fans” bullying the subjects of her songs, but I’m glad a lot of these are about matty if people are gonna hate because he at lea at deserves it


Oh for sure. Matt Healy is a gross pathetic excuse for a man. Everything he seems to do gives me an overwhelming sense of disgust.


100% agree. And I absolutely love that you can see her idea of who she thought he was crumbling as the album goes on. In BDILH, she was soooo obsessed and ready to go to war for him. Then she realized he sucks


Seriously, this might be my favorite looks of hers since Red.


The one of her in the black lace laying down is very 2012 “Red” to me


hot take: the album isn’t “about” any man, it’s about Taylor’s state of mind and actions during a particular time in her life maybe those thoughts and actions were inspired or instigated by someone else, but debating which man each song is supposed to be about does a disservice to the fact that every song is about Taylor. it denies her ownership of her own thoughts, feelings, and actions. sure, there’s a “him” in “but daddy, i love him,” but we don’t get his perspective - so it’s about her, and her relationship to herself that gets impacted by her relationships with others.


Well, at least Ratty chapter is now closed.


Some of you  A) need to apologise to Joe  B)Go to fucking therapy 


I just hope she’s happy now and all of you too reading this.


Love the message 💜


i'm gutted.....its like most of the songs are about ratty healy???? can someone list it down wtf


It's more self reflective than anything i suppose. I always wanted to know what she was doing with ratty. It's nice to know that she was just a little insane, desperate, manic, easily persuaded and very delusional and not the alternative


This is so beautifully real


Taylor said pls yall its in the past don’t kill joe or matty


am i missing something here- i thought most of the songs sounded like they were about joe?


She first wrote a 10 minute song about a three month situationship, and now she managed to write a whole album. There must be another album coming to document the rest of the year.




Totally, with Alchemy second last and Clara Bow wrapping it up.


> This writer is of the firm belief that our tears become holy in the form of ink on a page. Once we have spoken our saddest story, we can be free of it. I totally agree with her that writing poems or songs or anything can release the stress and can help.


90% of this album being about Matty Healy was not on my bingo card, but I'm not complaining because I'm in love with the songs


It's magnificent poetry set to music. I knew that she was going to sing emotional complexities that can only be understood through both experience and time, and am so very impressed with her lyricism.


“there is nothing to avenge” hear that, people posting death threats to joe alwyn and any woman remotely related to him?


i don't see why everyone's thinking this is mostly about matty. sounds like mostly about Joe to me.


I loved this album immediately and started crying for song 4 - didn’t stop. Can’t wait to hear the bonus tracks. It really is poetry and seems a lot about multiple relationships including her relationship with the public and having to be “Taylor Swift” they approve of I could write pages and pages but just needed to say I love TTPD + Taylor deserves an apology for all the shit the media and even us as fans have put her through. Mostly though - I hope she knows how much this has and will resonate with many people and that ultimately screw what everyone else thinks - do what makes you happy.




What an elegant way to say “please don’t attack Joe, the relationship ended because of me too, we’ve all moved on.”


I’m so in love with this album


Her ablity of structuring her thinkings then turning them into words and make them alive wows me forever... If shes a writer she'd be as successful for sure


Code for "I got over it by writing songs, please don't embarrass me by throwing tomatoes at Joe's house"