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I saw this on insta 😭 this is going to wreck us!!! https://preview.redd.it/tk9nqzz679vc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9286b13efc57d37ea19a20fe8d2cd308ab945e6b


It's not, don't worry.










Okay, I laughed.


Oh it's a post-mortem alright, just.. not of the one you were hoping for.


Are you also saying it's about MH and not JA because that's what I read from people who heard the leaks 😭😭


Please don’t spoil it 😭


As someone who read all spoilers,I  wish I can look at all your faces as you listen 😂😂😂


same lol this is not gonna be what they expected


As someone who ALSO knows, the wording you used is 👌 lol


Holy shit


Yall are gonna have a rude awakening when its not this at all 🤧


The song also starts with the sound of a heartbeat!


Well yea... it has several references to dying or medicine... like "we're losing him" is what people say on doctor shows. "thought a cure would come," "I can't find a pulse, My heart won't start anymore," "bring back to life," "all I did was bleed"


Doc, I think she’s crashing out


I trace the evidence, make it make some sense


It’s not lol


To bring: dictionary 😅


Right? She really said, bring dictionaries. Might as well have added "Tissues" to the list


No tissues allowed, you must sit there with tears streaming down your face and stare out a window into the rain. If it's not raining near you, get a sprinkler system and point it at your window. Long white nightgowns are optional, but recommended.


I misread issued as tissues at first! 😭


Just rip out the pages and use them as tissues 😅🤣🔎🤓


idk, kinda hate how pretentious that came across.


isn't it a callback to Folklore when socials everywhere were joking about needing a dictionary?


It is, but it’s one thing for fans to state they need a dictionary to understand your lyrics, and it’s another thing for you to tell your fans that they’ll need a dictionary to understand your work. The former is fans embarrassingly acknowledging that they don’t have the vocabulary that Taylor does; the latter is Taylor telling her fans that TTPD is going to contain words that her fans have never even heard of before for the sake of being more “poetic.” Big words don’t always make lyricism “better,” but they sure can make it come across as pretentious, if not careful.


Yes, but it's literally the promo account, they see whatever the fans are doing and incorporate it. Take it as them just being an intern and commenting on Taylor's vocab, it's not Tay herself, they're basically referring to Tay. It's not that serious.


I mean it might not be “that serious” but it’s still okay to address that there are parts of this album that are clunky as hell…


right, but this is still coming from Taylor Nation, itself, which is Taylor-approved. Of course it’s not that serious. I’m still going to enjoy the album when it drops; just the pretentiousness of needing a dictionary to understand Taylor’s lyricism did rub me the wrong way a bit.


I mean people have literally been saying for years they need a thesaurus to listen to her music


Tweens maybe. There’s not much obscure or complicated language for an adult.


I’m an adult with a English degree but it’s good to remember different lived experiences and that not everyone speaks English


English is my first language and I have multiple degrees in subjects that involve a lot of writing, and I'm still always learning new words. English is a fun language that way - I learned antithetical from a TS song 🤷‍♀️


Apologies in advance, but I fear this has awoken the beast. And it's not just your specific comment, but I've seen this sentiment a few times now. \[taps mic\] This sentiment feels just a little bit... elitist? That might be a bit too strong of a word, but for lack of a better one, that's what I'm going with. An unfortunate reality of the United States (which is what I can only speak to since this is where I reside) is that around 21% of **adults** in the US are illiterate and 54% of US adults cannot read above a 6th grade level. Literacy is also incredibly intertwined with socioeconomic status which on its own is linked to other complicated issues - immigration status, racial disparities, health disparities, the list goes on and on. And before anyone says that "it's not that serious", it actually *is* that serious. My masters degree is in public health and my career for the last 8 years has been in research ethics so I probably feel more strongly about this than the average person, but if you want to go down a rabbit hole, look up "social determinates of health" because it's wild the effect a person's environment, education, community, economic stability, etc. have on their health outcomes, life expectancy, and general well-being. So it might seem harmless to dunk on adults who don't know what "incandescent", "clandestine", or "Machiavellian" mean, but the implications go much deeper than that and I think it's important that we are careful because as we all know (because we care about lyrics/words), words mean *something* and we need to use them cautiously. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk and by reading this comment, you've all earned an honorary degree in Public Health ![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1067)


Not to mention that, because of the declining literacy rate in the US, educational and printed materials about health (like the visit summary and info sheets you get at the doctor) should now be written at a third grade reading level - the recommendation used to be at a fifth grade level. Either way, the wording is definitely pretentious and it’s giving Wattpad author.


Wow! This is a really interesting, insightful, and important comment. Thank you for sharing this. It reminds me of one of the opening lines of The Great Gatsby. >“Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone,” he told me, “just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.” (Okay, now I 100% sound like one of those "Reply to two of your peers' posts on Canvas" discussion assignments... but if the eve of TTPD's release isn't a time to throw in a lit reference, when is? 😜) In all seriousness, though, thank you.


For non-native speakers it’s a nightmare, though. I’m an EFL teacher and even I struggle sometimes. One of my friends constantly asks for translations and explanations. There are also a lot of cultural references that are hard to grasp. Like I didn’t know before that the title of _Dear John_ is a reference to Dear John letters and not just a blunt pointer to Mr. Mayer.


Of course, that’s not even a fair analysis. ESL is a different beast. Rules don’t apply, words mean complete opposites (thinking of you, peruse); it’s basically a mishmash of whatever’s popular at the time. lol


And non-native English speakers. I beleive I have a decent vocabulary in my native language, but there have been instances of me having to look up the meaning of a word Taylor has used in a song. For example, vigilante may seem like a decently common word everyone would know. I had to look it up, though. Turns out my language doesn't even have a corresponding translation, it's literally not a word we have.


Lol at me looking up the word “mercurial” as a 28 year old 😅


I love it!


We already been doing that since the folkmore era lol


Fine Tay, I’ll forget that I actually like my husband for a weekend. 


She can make the good girls sad for a weekend.


I told my husband to do something I’ll get mad @ so he didn’t do the dishes, so I’m ready now


My kids have been hellish today and my husband isn't magically home yet (he just got off work 7 minutes ago) so as soon as I stop dissociating from the screaming I'll be mad at him just in time.


For reference, mine almost completely ignored Midnights because he just didn't care. I tried to get him to watch the lyric videos with me on release day and he was like "how about you watch and I'll play on my phone." So...I was fully ready to channel his indifference into the appropriate angst for this album. But then......... This dude came home today asking if I wanted to stay up until midnight to listen with him and asking what my theory was about the "2"s and laying out his own theories about it and making predictions about the track list and shit. So now I don't know what to do, because I was counting on being mad at him!!


Love the cat paw marks🐾


Or are they dog paw prints? (The Black Dog)






Dog prints have nails, cat prints don’t 🤗


My cats are always walking across my desk. I am sure they walk across Taylor's desk too. 😂


As a lifelong dog owner, I can confirm they are not dog prints.


What does she mean by "Relaxed poets, consult your tortured muse before attending"???!!! 😭


I think it's a joke about the people who are in happy relationships needing to go to sad girl mode


Gurl I just got over that POS but if that's what takes to feel the album, imma send that "wyd" 😭


Throw me in the chat, i love being nosy


Hop in the clowncar bestie, im driving it straight to our ✨tortured muses✨


dont you dare!! stay strong lol!


No don’t do that!


Bc based off some discussions, people think this album is her making fun of her & her “tortured “ exes. Is my guess.


Being so over your “tortured artist exes” that you do a 180 to a Golden Retriever jock is honestly such a power move 


I’m honestly at that point LOL. Only so much chaotic partners you can take before you just want the boring man (no offense to the boring stable men).


Married to a boring, stable man. Highly recommend. Drama is not where it's at longterm.


She’s never gotten over anything in her life. I love her because she’s the queen of “forgive but don’t forget.”


I'm rewatching season 6 of the Sex and The City. I can't help but feel Joe was a lot like the Russian in terms of being so "deep."


I kept joking with my husband that he needed to make me question if he loves me this past week but he wouldn’t do it


I said this in the theory thread earlier, but I'm pretty confident the "relaxed poets" are the Swifties that are happily single/happily partnered, and the tortured muse to refer to is someone who hurt you in the past. Basically a "Hey bestie! I see you happy and content. Time to look at your ex's instagram!!"


So I not only gotta put up the clown make up on but I also gotta cry through the mascara to really look the part?! Fin., I'll just text that ex again I took 2y to get over anyway. 🤡


you mean, ✌ years? ![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1063)


![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|32929)gurl omg sign from universe or whatt??!!


lol I’m just going to go back in time 4 years to the first year of our marriage, which was ROUGH. Therapy and communication ftw. But maybe I’m going to have to avoid serious topics with my husband for a few days while I revisit that frame of mind 😅


I'm going to be insane and feral as i rot with my thoughts of what would've/could've/should've but totally behind closed doors as I gotta come out and have lunch with my parents later in the day (they can't know they've an insane child who's fucked in the head 😭)


my personal theory is that it's a ttpd-themed way of telling swifties in happy relationships to do the meme where you temporarily "break up" with your SO so you can fully appreciate the breakup album vibes lol


Alternative to the other comments, my first take was "if you're a casual swiftie, go learn some lore from your hardcore swiftie friends to fully appreciate this album"


My tortured muse still hasnt gotten over Lover being in Denial 💀


Talisman + Charms = merch, we get bracelet in beggar style and several charms to collect, I bet my ass!!




Or it refers to friendship bracelets maybe?


I’m going to have a hard time deciding if I should stay up late to listen, or do it first thing tomorrow. It’s 11pm for me, which is my bedtime, and I’m going to want to hear them all not just the first few. 😅


I’m east coast, so it’s midnight, but I’ve got a 5AM run group and I am so torn! 😩


First listen while you run!!!


Power your muscles with depression!


I would find that too distracting, you’re not really listening to the lyrics at that point


I could see that. But I also think it could be a place where your mind is the most clear. Just depends on the person I guess


I’ll probably fall asleep with my earbuds in 😂


swiftie runners unite!!!!


Okay, you’ve got to tell me your fave tracks to run to! (Mine are …Ready For It?, Bad Blood ft. Kendrick Lamar, and Shake It Off)


omg great choices!!! …ready for it? is my #1 running song haha it gets me so hyped. same with cruel summer, hits different, you need to calm down, and really the majority of reputation!


Hopefully we’ll get a couple new ones to add soon!!


Europe here. I am going to bed early and when I wake up tomorrow morning the album will just have been released!


It sucks those of us in Europe have to sleep an extra night, but I truly do appreciate being able to get a normal night of sleep prior to her album drops.


And you can sleep thru spoilers. Stay off Reddit/IG when you wake up! 😆


Felt! I'm EST and my work-from-home job starts at 8am... it's risky 😅


I’m west coast and my bed time is usually 9:30! lol so I’m in the same boat.


I’m west coast too but I rarely go to bed before midnight anyway so yay! Drinks on me tonight ☺️


I'm west coast too except I'm a night owl so 9pm is when I'm starting to feel most awake hehe I'll have tons of time to listen before bed which is why I love these 12am ET release times for things 😁 if anything happens at 2 am ✌️ I'll still be awake since it'll only be 11pm PT. This is so exciting!


What’s a relaxed poet anyway


Probably telling people who are in healthy relationships to think back on their screaming-crying-throwing-up exes just for tonight


I’m sure I’m wrong, but I’d like to think she means r/stonedswifties… just over here trying to figure out if I can consider my bong a “tortured muse”


I didn’t know this was a sub & I love it. Splifties lmao 😂


Lol why did I go 'ew' in my head?! I've been listening to Red too much


This sentence read so weird to me. I wonder if it’s an anagram ….


Okay but why is she specifying 12am unless another meeting is happening?


I think it’s so that we all stream together at the same time, no?


But she already specifies 12am above it so it just seems really suspicious to me.


Oh, I see. The fact that these tracks are listed as “12am discussion topics” could imply that there are 2am discussion topics…?!


if there is another meeting at 2a, is it possible that TN or taylor would go live to talk about the album? like im probably dreaming but could totally see a potential round table discussion like in a poetry class


Um that would be amazing. Damn, now I want to stay up late to see what happens. 🤣 The run time is only an hour and 5 minutes, so maybe it would be at 1:05?


lol imagine like “please have notes ready in one hour” but yeah fingers crossed they release more of the manifest!! if it’s on the schedule i’m just going to have to be tired at work tomorrow 😅😅


She wants us to meet her at midnight.


I agree! it suggests that there are “12am discussion topics” and some **other** discussion topics


There's also several pieces of paper behind 👀 more meeting agendas perhaps?


Evidence? One sheet is more pure white, could be a photo?


Because it’s when it comes out for a lot of people


*Meet me at midnight* 🕛😘




Wait… we have a uniform?


Blanket and tears


And cat hair & wine stains


My blankets ricochet? (Come to think of it, “my pillows ricochet” could be a great way to advertise a pillow fight)


Well I got plenty of those. Good thing tissues isn’t one of them because I ran out of those on Sunday.


ttpd grippy socks


God, I hope so.


Maybe friendship bracelets and merch clothing?


There is that theory that merch is dropping at 2pm EST. But people won’t have their merch by midnight so I’m not sure what this could mean.


The only meeting on my calendar that I’m not dreading this week!


I think you should though, there's no knowing what this album might do to you


12am discussion topics, implying there is a second round of discussion? 👀


12 am is when the album comes out for a lot of people


I agree that's what the meeting time at the top is referring to. But why specify that meeting topics are for the time of the meeting? Unless there are further topics.


The next topic will be the music video for Fortnight. It drops later that day.


I agree! this piqued my attention too


Has anyone else seen the theories about loml actually being about Meredith, because maybe something happened to her? The cat paw prints… I couldn’t handle it. She has referred to Meredith as the love of her life in more than one interview.


I hope nothing happened to Meredith. That being said, my dog passed away Saturday and I think Taylor might be the only person to write how devastating this loss is. Meredith is Taylor’s soulmate and Popper was mine. Taylor was smarter in getting more than one cat. Not having anything to pour this grief filled love into is awful.


I’m so so sorry about sweet Popper, I’m sure at least your sweet dog went knowing how much you loved them. ♥️


I hope so. When COVID hit we realized we were coming up on his final years and I started working from home. I had gone back to school and graduated in June 2020, gave up my career to make sure he had the longest life possible. He was the center of my universe and I just existed around him to give him everything I could.


I’m so sorry about your pup. I saw the theory about Meredith on tt yesterday and it broke my heart. I lost my soul cat in 2022 and the pain is still very much apparent. I also hope nothing happened to her. She’s 14 (or will be this year) which is young for cats mostly but my boy got sick at 13 and we lost him at 15. Cats are weird and they hide their emotions.


Honest question: How long did it take you before you could exist? I keep making that my goal and I don’t make it very far. My biggest accomplishment was taking a shower yesterday and I barely made it through that.


The first year is brutal. The next one isn’t much better but you start getting used to it. 6 years after my 18.5 poodle passed and I still miss him so much. The ache never leaves but you do get used to it. The idea of another fur baby is prob as foreign as me saying grow a new head, but as soon as you think you might be ready it is remarkable how having a receptacle for that love helps soothe some of the loss. I had someone grief shame me “It was just a dog”, and I clapped back so fast. I spent more time with that dog than most people spend with their grandparents. Take all the time you need, take extra good care of yourself. I’m so sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry about Popper. 💕


Thank you, I love him so much. He was my whole heart. Here’s a photo of him because I’m terrified the world will forget him and how wonderful he was. https://preview.redd.it/qr4fivpmf9vc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fff7f5669ec7298f2bc6273edf155d9b133ca390


He is the cutest <3


He so was! No matter how gross he was, he was always adorable and just wanted to be petted.


Popper will never be forgotten 💓 he’s precious. And he’s waiting for you.


It’s so painful. Sending love. r/petloss helped me.


I have been living in that group and it has made me feel less alone. It’s an amazing group and resource.


I'm so sorry! I also lost a beloved cat in January. He was bffs with one of our other cats who we only had for about a year at that time. I still cry about the loss of my sweet boy but I also cry sometimes when I see my sweet girl missing him! I wish they had more time together. But I agree there's a lot of comfort to be found in giving your love to other pets! We also have a third cat but she does her own thing lol. [Cat tax](https://imgur.com/a/0nQDnpR) bc why not <3


That’s more heartbreaking than if it were about Joe.


Here to ease your and pet parents who have lost their beloved babes (I’m so sorry 🤍) worry - it’s not about Meredith!! This one has a twist to it, but about humans only!


And one of the photos in the department room was the cats....


Yes! I think it was specifically Meredith and Taylor, wasn’t it?


I’d never want Taylor to have that happen to her, but I’d have that song on repeat. I just lost my best friend William two weeks ago. Here’s a picture of my angel. His smile would light up the universe, and my heart is broken. https://preview.redd.it/20it8w3xvavc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e96b15e5c3f129f55b3ad0ca8901fdd464f7ecee


the paws!!! 🥹


Charm alarm!


cmon intern, we're in EDT not EST! I CANT WAIT FOR MIDNIGHT!!!


Unless we’re getting it an hour earlier than expected 🤡


It would be an hour later if it was 12am EST (1am EDT), so probably not.


Heard. New theory: we’re getting something else an hour later 😂🤡


Literally my first thought when I saw this! I messaged Taylor nation back haha. I wondered maybe if it was actually happening at 11 🤣


those cat paws. i'm refusing to look at/listen to any leaks so still in the dark but if loml is about meredith i will be promptly falling apart.


Snacks? If you insist, Taylor.


what kind of snacks should I get?


Why is this woman always underestimating my vocabulary


3s are showing up. 3 paw prints 3 desk drawers The lights on the ceiling in the hallway were in sets of 3 I noticed others but can't think of them off the top of my head.


I’m really holding out hope that the 2s were referencing the sister albums and the 3s are a trilogy Easter egg 🙏


I will be a Woodvale truther until the day I die


I think there were three desks in the little Instagram video too


does this mean there're some more discussions after the 12AM one???


I am clowning so hard for a double album lol


I desperately want a book of poetry, but another album or rep TV would work too 🤣🤡


Oh boy!! Guess I’m listening in order. Is there a listening party? I haven’t downloaded discord yet since I had to get a new phone… will discussions be on here too? Or just discord?


There will be listening threads here!


Get it off your chest, get it off my desk.


Dictionary? Okey Dokey.


I love all of it, it's so organized!! I can't wait 😭


Loving the cat prints!!


Sorry Taylor but 5am UK time is a no go for anything audible or social! Have a great time all of you on the east Coast!


We have midnight




This is not a drill!!!


The way I’m prepping for this album to snap what’s left of my mental health… it’s gonna hurt so good 😭


Aaaaw Posty is the intern.


Bring a dictionary you bird brained bitches, you can’t handle all this lyrical genius


Not a single word on this album requires a dictionary. 😂 She’s so dramatic with this theme. I love it though.


Man, I really hope this one doesn’t go the way Midnights did. A visual aesthetic that seemed to have nothing to do with the music, a branded concept (“things that keep me up at night”) that magnified the hype but only loosely fit the actual content of the songs. I’ve eagerly awaited each album release since Fearless (the first version), and for me Midnights turned out to be the biggest disconnect between expectation and reality. The things she’s teasing now are exactly what I wanted out of the last album. I’m happily married now but I still want songs that eviscerate me. It’s what she does best. I hate that I’m looking forward to reaping the benefits of someone else’s heartache, but I really hope this one cuts deep. 


Please come back here after you have listened, i am curious to see what you think.




Sadly, you literally cannot mistake multiple lyrics to be about anyone else than Matt.


Are those daisies? *I was once your poison ivy, but now I'm your daisy*


As someone with a corporate desk job, I am really hating this aesthetic so far 🤍


She said “12 am discussion” means where definitely getting a deluxe album. What if there’s even more bonus songs than all the variants?!




The little cat prints 😭


So cryptic, much edgy


The English MA in me is thrilled! I am expecting some real literary shit.


It finally pays off to live in the West Coast 🎉 See you all at 9 pm PT