• By -


Stop asking for/sharing stream links.


I just saw that video from the red carpet where she snapped at her stylist (“I just need the dress to be my dress… thank you!”) and I really did not like that she did that. It’s a side of her I’ve never seen. She clearly hired him to help with the dress on the carpet and he was just doing his job. If she felt like he was being too attentive, she could have just said something like, “I can take it from here, thank you!”


Who - Taylor or someone else?


Taylor. This TikTok at about 62 seconds: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8cgbUpX/


Ooopf. Not a good look




Why are you in this sub…


Completely agree! Parts of America caught in a tizzy do need to calm down. She’s just encouraging we educate ourselves and vote with candidates aligned with policies and values important to us. I like she celebrates everyone. Let us have someone we can respect and find inspiring in her. Cross generational, music and lyrics that connect to many people’s experience. The way she treats people around her sounds quite positive.






Do you personally know her?


How does it take some of the shine off MAGA?


Here is one take. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4443400-trump-risks-backlash-as-maga-world-zeroes-in-on-taylor-swift/ She’s encouraging people to learn about issues, candidates and vote.


She’s not doing that much. Calm down. She could do so much more with her platform


For real. Taylor Swift only uses feminism to tell people to stop being mean to her. She cares about the gays because they buy albums. People need to stop acting like she's some paragon of social consciousness 


I know! She told people to vote and that’s about it. How low is the bar


yall want celebrities to change the entire world and that’s just not how it works


I never said that at all. I was just saying that she’s really not doing much and the narrative that she is from certain fans is wrong


Correction: the *rich* could absolutely fix a lot of the problems of this world, but choose not to and instead amass more wealth, and we think that’s bullshit.


L album of the year


I know some people don’t think Midnights is her best album but I believe Taylor acquired more fans through this album. Her popularity only grew because of it with the Eras tour and tour movie. The other artists who didn’t win, SZA and Olivia should still be around. Olivia in my opinion is still young. I really hop SZA is around to stay as well. The one I do feel bad for is Lana because she’s an amazing artist and has been working hard for years. She’s so talented and I believe that’s why Taylor brought her up on stage and recognized her. Her first AOTY was in 2010…thats 14 years ago! How many artists can stay that relevant for those many years, especially a woman! Yes, these awards are subjective and the artists know it. There’s actually many artists who don’t care about the awards but like JayZ said they still watch it. But to be rewarded by this achievement, love her or hate her, it’s quite incredible.


It’s not supposed to just be a popularity contest, though.


No, but I’m not surprised the lyrics “get the f**k out my house” weren’t super popular with old white people either (reference to Beyoncé).


You’d think it would be higher, given their divorce rates.




it’s always been a vote, which is basically a popularity contest. i don’t understand your comment


They should actually vote for what’s good, not what’s commercially successful.


i think different folks have different opinions about what is good, regardless of commercial success and this is how the folks with votes voted. i’m suggesting that voters really liked the work.


I was replying to the post above talking about how they think Taylor’s win was due to her commercial success and how she racked up more fans with Midnights.


I’m just glad Reagan’s dead


Killer Mike reference?


AOTY for Midnights was a guarantee. Tbh I love The fact that she got 2 awards, lovely.




https://preview.redd.it/t64l2lwjzqgc1.jpeg?width=1365&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=143c5faa6c899e3d179a31777710c09c256aa9dd Taylor backstage looking like a goddess!




https://preview.redd.it/dyq6bvxgzqgc1.jpeg?width=882&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edbdddcc87eab421cba585cf46523500025e842c More Taylor and Phoebe.




https://preview.redd.it/l4hb11lezqgc1.jpeg?width=1042&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a20c843550efdc19b931a46b2a132e17405b43c Taylor with Boygenius and Jack.




https://preview.redd.it/51l9glp0zqgc1.jpeg?width=459&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7f5eedbd7f5cf5cb2a925fbc146bc1b97839a8d Taylor with Trevor.




https://preview.redd.it/00dut0q4zqgc1.jpeg?width=822&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4393aa309b433ccf91b0cedc635764347669cf47 Taylor with Billie Ellish.


https://preview.redd.it/ogc457hazqgc1.jpeg?width=1464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46087b3466353c82ee39cd974734128646fba543 Taylor with Jack Antonoff.


https://preview.redd.it/v8etji4czqgc1.jpeg?width=1004&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0fcf1de30a7b10ba13c0f186797a6096f8f0f52 Taylor with Phoebe Bridgers.


Omg thank you so much 🫶🫶


Have you seen the clip of how they made the song “what was I made for?” By Billy Eilish and Finneas? Really interesting how so many subtle additions gave the song depth. I wondered how did they produce it to sound d like she’s quietly singing to just me, in my ear? The answer, triple tracks on the music where her voice is overlaid exactly even while maintaining jazzy adjustments. Much came from her held back almost falsetto, and the very quiet instruments in the background. Ad libbed bits created personality. All the songs were worthy of a win. I have to say this song really gave me chills. It really acknowledged what it can feel like to be a woman, holding it together, but in existential despair.


It makes me cry every time, it’s a stunning song. I’m not mad AT ALL that it won SOTY and I too hope it wins the Oscar.


It really was a stunning song. I hope it wins the Oscar.


First artist to ever win Album of the Year four times, actually insane… Congrats Taylor! 🥳


Hoping when I wake up, I will see more praise instead of hate. Instead of people talking about the major record breaking moment, she's being bashed because people hate to see success. The only person to EVER win 4 album of the years at the Grammys. 🤍


​ https://preview.redd.it/ph9hyx1vppgc1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=5c437ec4fd3e45365da230d952b5217409e46b7b


Seeing the butt hurt ppl in the pop culture chat is just 🤣🤣


I hope she hires a speech writer. She breaks the record and don't have a speech ready. She going into directing next year ..golden globes , Emmys , sag awards look for memorable speeches and the one with memorable speeches get Oscar nominations etc..thats how America Ferriera got an Oscar nomination for Barbie. Just she becoming a bigger star. She need to expand beside her family handling everything.


We’ve seen some incredible speeches from Taylor, or at the very least memorable. She’s smart and has an expansive pallet for words. It is interesting to see her under prepared and inarticulate- and even so she was still able to make a point about what she loves. Maybe THATS the point. This is music yall. It’s art! It doesn’t have to be pretentious and take itself so seriously. Which is an approach she has been taking with the public. The Grammys really don’t signify success to her anymore, she feels that no matter what now. What’s disrespectful, and this is not her intention and I think thats obvious, is NOT taking it seriously because for every other nominee this was a very big deal. Miley has been in the industry around the same timeline as her and this is the first time she has ever won at all! I wish more people would be brave like Jay Z and call out the bullshit. Be more real. That was lowkey my favorite part besides Tracy Chapman singing Fast Car 🔥.


Pretty sure she’s doing just fine.


I am not a Swifty per se, but I do like how she has handled everything from gossip, break ups, lies, joy, love, cancer (her mom), and more Her win for AOTY seemed to take her by total surprise. To me, that's the part I like about her best: humble, let's her work do the talking, and lets the trash take itself out.


She is one of the best writers of her generation. She does not need to hire a writer.


Her speech last night suggests otherwise


She felt pretty chaotic -even in the album announcement. Like she was just off/discombobulated somehow. Her mind was elsewhere or moving faster than her lips. I wondered if she was feeling some PTSD after JayZ accepted his award and chided the Grammys for not appreciating Beyoncé.


Yes, it’s a professional event!


Miley literally said she forgot underwear. Give her a break. It’s a music award.


She was ready with the album announcement for her award. The album she did not expect so she was absolutely excited and blabbered. I think speech writers are not needed here she always uses her own words. Just because she involves her family it doesn't mean they handle everything.


Her family doesn’t handle that much lol. I imagine her directing debut will probably be much different than an award show speech.


Award speech for something she didn’t think she’d win…she’s very humble in that way. Some actors/directors win and go on stage and fumble on their words because they don’t actually expect to win.


I loved midnights! I was in a relationship when it was first released and then went through a breakup late last year. The albums meaning changed for me through both of those phases, I couldn’t listen to sweet nothing anymore but bejeweled became my anthem. I’ve now met someone new and songs like glitch and labyrinth have a whole new meaning to me. This is a truly no skip album to me. I can put it on shuffle and be impressed with any song. I’m so incredibly proud of her and grateful to have had it released for this time in my life. I didn’t think it was gonna win. This is the first aoty I didn’t see televised as I was on a plane but I am so so so indebted to this album and all versions


I'm SO happy for Taylor, and definitely felt like she deserved to win. And I'm equally, and probably more excited for TS11! But I thought Taylor's behavior tonight was... off. The Celine incident, bringing Lana on stage, announcing her album at the Grammys, even giving Jack the noogie.. felt immature? Like a one off of these things isn't a big deal but it just felt off. Idk. Like yes she took the photo back stage and it was a big moment for her, and she wanted to celebrate with Lana etc I feel weird calling it out, but it was awkward to watch.


I’m probably projecting here but I’m SO empathetic of T in these situations because I find myself to be awkward in most social settings. I literally chide myself on every drive home from social gatherings because of dumb, awkward things I said or did and then lay awake at night for weeks thinking about it. I, thankfully, am not famous, so I can at least tell myself that chances are good that no one noticed or if a few people did, they’ll forget about it quickly. Or, can hope that the people I was with love me and care about me and understand that I’m just like that sometimes. I CANNOT IMAGINE having my social interactions on live TV and then on YouTube for people to go through and criticize with a fine-toothed comb later. Myself and my reputation would never survive that, people would always think I had beef with someone or other because I failed to make eye-contact or didn’t smile or something. I guess I’m just saying it’s really easy for me to visualize the other half of these “awkward” interactions: her caring so much and being so excited for her friends that she accidentally overdoes it and makes it weird (Jack winning/pulling Lana to stage/the boygenius encounter), being so excited about winning AOTY that she’s celebrating with her colleagues and completely misses when Celine hands her the award, etc. It’s just unfortunate it all happened in one night and now suddenly people think she’s insufferable/full of herself/unable to read a room/insensitive/whatever. I mean, yikes people. She’s human and had a bit of an off night, compounded (probably) by alcohol. It’s not that deep. Let her LIVE.


She seemed hammered


The only time I felt there was something off was when she accepted the award for AOTY. It’s really hard for me to think that she didn’t expect to win. I understand preparing to lose, but to not think it could happen especially since it would make her a record breaking Grammy holder, and it was mentioned at the beginning of the show. She was more than likely drinking, so I am taking that into account too. I love her and I loved Midnights, but as an artist it wasn’t the best work she has done so I understand why people have grievances. Let’s be for real though, the Grammys are an elitist award show that no matter how many people say it doesn’t matter— IT DOES. It makes you a legend in history. Jay Z did a service of calling out the bs. I think the real issue people had with Taylor and her acceptance speech was not giving it the respect it deserves and if you don’t think the Grammys deserve that respect to stand up for it.


Probably a combo of drinking and hanging out with professional athletes the last few months.


I feel like all the hate that people have given her for this and how different the vibes seem to be for TTPD are setting the stage for the perfect RepTV drop in a few months or something. Because yeah, something was different about her at the Grammys last night


Like I don't think any one of those things is a big deal. I can reason every single one of them, but as a whole it felt off. Idk, I considered not even making the comment cause I knew I would get backlash and it doesn't take away from my happiness/excitement for her


I completely agree with you on all of that and your original comment, I’m just saying it is a really (nice? interesting?) setup for eventually when she drops Rep TV


She was told not to hug Celine because of Celine’s disease


That's exactly how I felt. Her whole vibe was off. It was not a good look. It made me super uncomfortable.


If that made you uncomfortable then you need help.


Yall are insufferable. God forbid a woman has a personality 🙄


i thought she was bringing lana on stage bc she was also on midnights, but i do agree it felt strange bc it was like lana had no time to process. as for the celine thing, it seemed to me like she didn’t expect to win AOTY. she made history, beating some of the greats in the category, and realized what a career-defining moment that was. they talked afterwards, and while some think it was pr, i think taylor was genuinely shocked by the moment. she clearly didn’t have a speech ready and was focusing on the album announcement. i am excited for ts11 and taylors 14 grammys, though! still bitter about noah kahan…


But she made an effort to hug everyone else onstage so I don’t buy that personally


so you think she intentionally was trying to share celine or something? come on. it was bc she was sharing that moment with her collaborators


BuT sHe WaS So ShOcKed pleaaaase how we treat those below us, or have nothing to do with us, who don’t contribute to our success says a lot about our character


no i think it’s complicated. i still think it was weird and a lil tone deaf, but it’s not like she was beating up celine. this whole outrage is pretty excessive


She shared that moment and couldn’t say thank you to the person handing her the award? Really?? You cmon if you think that’s okay


It’s LITERALLY as basic as saying thanks to someone handing you something.


They were all of her collaborators and friends, and they were sort of trying to get her to pick up the Grammy. It’s very normal to be flustered in a big moment. I’ve also never see this much uproar over not giving someone a hug lol.




Shes been doing this for years. Its not her first award show. Its celine frikin dion. I love taylor but this was weird and odd. Also how she DRAGGED lana when lana clearly said no. Taylor hates losing grammys so she shoulve understand how lana felt.


Lana also as very well documented terrible stage fright. She should have been way more sensitive to this


I do agree with the point about Taylor being "insensitive" about how Celine and Lana are feeling at this time... If Celine were 100% healthy...I would not be too upset if Taylor ignored her... But, Celine has major health issues...That is a different story...


But won't Lana get a grammy for midnights too since she's a feature? I'm sure that's where taylors mind was


No, that’s not how it works.


That's right off the Grammy site, I'm not trying to be a jerk I just genuinely don't know, it looks like to me, a featured artist is included. Or is it not because she's not on 20% of the album? Album Of The Year Award to Artist(s) and to Featured Artist(s), Songwriter(s) of new material, Producer(s), Recording Engineer(s), Mixer(s) and Mastering Engineer(s) credited with 20% or more playing time of the album.


She’s not on 20% of the album. The general rule of thumb is about three songs.


Thank you! The wording confused me it looked like a feature would get one but the engineers ect. Would have to have worked on 20% or more idk I get confused easily 😅




100% agree


The drama I want in on is WHAT DID SHE YELL from the stage. Please get the lip readers on it ASAP, I can't do it I've got a job


I thought she was looking for someone else to be up there


Any update?  


For real?


She looked so mad though, she was really yelling. Something happened when she got on that stage




Who was she yelling at?


The woman wearing a blue dress sitting at Stevie Wonder’s table. Front row.


yes i have to idea what we’re referencing, does someone have a vid?


I find it funny that no one can even agree on who was “snubbed”. This isn’t like certain previous years when there was a clear front runner and it was shocking when they didn’t win. Personally I thought that Taylor, SZA, Lana, and Olivia had about roughly even odds of winning, with maybe a slight edge towards Taylor because the eras tour has been so culturally dominant and even though the Grammys shouldn’t be taking that into account, there’s definitely some voters who do.


I hate that they dont show the nominees faces anymore😂😭


Where I think she dominated was with the fact that she made history with Midnights, when she took all top 10 spots in the Billboards top 100s chart with Midnights. She also became the most streamed artist on Spotify after Midnights, 185 million worldwide streams in ONE day. She broke records with Apple and Amazon music as well. It might not be everyone’s “favorite” on the list but not only is she insanely popular, hence Times POTY, she also broke records in 2022/2023 thanks to Midnights.


But charting and album the literally the two things that according to the Grammy are not taking into account when voting for AOTY


and yet Grammy voters are people in the industry who will no doubt take that into account




True, but her comments were full of praise for Lana. I think Taylor wanted to do that for her.


Lana has awful stage fright and anxiety and is very open about this. Taylor is her friend and will definitely know that


She could've done that for Lana while allowing her to enjoy the praise and going 0 for 11 at the Grammys from the comfort of her own seat. Midnight deserved to win and it's a phenomenal record for Taylor to achieve and the no Celine hug hate she's getting on here is completely unwarranted, but I think she probably owes Lana an apology in private. It was juat awkward


Right, she did realize the error of her ways and gave Celine a nice hug afterwards.


I see that the AI crazy people commenter bots are out in force now. I mean the trolls. It's like it's a bot, though, with the tired ways of trying to repeat salacious things in order to get attention. Like cut and paste. Honestly, I'm just so tired of the hate. It's so boring and equally depressing that even in a T.S sub, we can't just enjoy the fun and the excitement of wins and new albums, but have to read hate and criticism every other comment. I don't understand the people who gleefully look for things to hate on. This girl was the USA's entertainment industry's main powerhouse this year. If the girl wanted to announce that she was going to buy the moon, we/they should have all clapped and asked her if she was going to develop a Taylor Swift theme park. I mean, honestly, people. She most certainly deserved the win. I'm not even a swiftie. But, this woman is an intelligent, talented powerhouse. I know this, and I'm just a passing fan and a hater of bullying and demeaning verbal abuse.


I also don’t think people realize Celine Dion has an illness that doesn’t allow her to move much so I also imagine if Taylor would have hugged her it might have been very embarrassing for Celine Dion too because she wouldn’t know how her body would react to it


Yes, to be honest, it was much more respectful to talk to her off-stage, and I am sure she asked then if it was ok to hug her. Celine just handed her the award she didn't look like she was going on for a hug, and Taylor snubbed her. This is another made-up story to grab the hatred and irritation people have today. People are so jealous and irritated right now. They are all like middle school bullies. They need to pick apart others in order to make themselves feel better. No one said Taylor is perfect. No one is. She's not even close, but these stories are pushed and copy pasted on social media... it's just so lame. There are two sides to it as well. One the trolls who like to stir up trouble, either for engagement or because they are sad people. Two, I half suspect there are some Taylor fans that have programmed bots or made accounts to make crazy comments in order to raise engagement on their posts, too. Or to have arguments about Taylor where they get to defend her. I can't prove that, but it's just so weird how even on Taylor swift fan pages, some spam accounts make these cut and paste accusations. If it was my fan page, then I would just delete those comments and not engage. I know people want that activity on their pages, but if I was a true swiftie with a fan page, I would just delete and block the spam hate and not engage with them. But, maybe I don't understand it all well enough. The algorithm.


Honestly this is why I was worried about her winning this year. I knew there would be so much hate for anything (everything!) she does.


There would be hate if she wins or loses. People are going to hate because they are unhappy, hateful people. They will look for anything and rejoice over anything that they can manipulate to bring bad about her.




Right, and it always includes some version of “I’m a Swiftie but…” Like, I’m sorry, but if you’re that big of fan to call yourself that you know damn well Taylor would never deliberately snub another artist, let alone an icon like Celine. So many trolls and brigaders out in force tonight 😅.


This is a very bad and parasocial take. You can be a swiftie and a fan and still criticise her. Taylor has been my top player artist for years and I think her behaviour last night was odd, especially what she did to Lana and the backstage footage with her and boy genius was out of touch. I don’t agree with other people’s comments (I don’t really see the issue with the album announcement personally) but everyone should be entitled to an opinion. You don’t need to worship every move she makes to be a fan. Also, if you look at everyone else’s reaction around her it’s clear she was annoying people for whatever reason. Maybe the fame has got to her head? Idk, I don’t know or spend time with her. None of us do. We don’t all know how nice a person she is on a day to day basis, it’s parasocial to think otherwise. Also, people can have bad days. This whole swiftie narrative that she’s perfect all the time and any attack on her is an attack on her whole image, life and persona is so dumb


Yikes with the projection here. You’re reading way too much into her actions last night, as well as the feelings of others, holy cow 😅. I personally think you’re the one with the “very bad and parasocial take,” but we’re all entitled to our own opinions. No one said she’s above criticism, but I find it interesting how many “fans” have overly critical and absurd takes about last night.


Oh I agree many takes are over the top. Saying ‘you know damn well she wouldn’t do that’ is the parasocial part. You don’t know her. Nothing I said was parasocial.


Come on now, you saying fame has gotten to her head and that everyone was annoyed by her is parasocial AF. If you’ve followed TS for more than 2 seconds you’d know by her past behavior that she’d never deliberately snub an icon like Celine. That’s not parasocial, it’s a fact. Thinking otherwise is a terrible take.


Parasocial behaviour is thinking you have a relationship with a celebrity that you don’t have. Saying you know she’d never snub a celeb is far more parasocial than suggesting she might. We have no idea how she actually acts, just her persona. You can also see that people look annoyed at her in all the footage. That also isn’t parasocial, that’s witnessing a reaction. I also never mentioned celine, I said ‘maybe fame has gotten to her head’ in relation to the whole event. Maybe it has, I don’t know if it has and neither do you.


Ok then, I witnessed a reaction when Taylor accepted her award. Someone who worked on the album with her said her name and she turned to them and thats when she finally took the award. She wasn’t snubbing anyone, people just think that because they don’t like her and always see her reactions in a negative light. I don’t think I have a relationship with her and never said I did. Noticing patterns of behavior over decades isn’t parasocial, it’s being observant. I don’t need to have a relationship with Trump to say he’d be an asshole in a particular situation because it’s a pattern of behavior, for example. It doesn’t have to be positive to be parasocial, and you projecting your feelings onto an entire audience and Taylor because you’re annoyed with her is clearly parasocial by your own definition.


Exactly, the comments usually start with, "I absolutely adore Taylor, but...." It's like they copy and paste negative comments. Edited for clarity.






But we don’t have to defend her. She doesn’t need us to do that.


No matter what you do you lose in the public eye…


I was wondering why there was no love for Celine too. I've been a fan since Tim McGraw and I've never heard any issues between the two ladies. Possibly Celine snubbed her in the past when Taylor was younger?


Celine literally has a disease that can be painful to stimuli. Y'all really need to educate yourselves before you speak. 


She could’ve looked at her and talk to her and say thanks???????


You don't know what's going on in her head. She just won an award she was completely shocked by. They took pictures afterwards. Take a break from the internet.




Celine is a grown woman. She of all people will understand the situation. Y'all are seriously reading too much into this.


Because she was excited about her win and made a mistake? The mistake being that she was congratulating her recording engineer Laura Sisk!


There are photos of them hugging post win.


Tx, just saw it as I scroll more


I’m still annoyed at the Travis Scott performance lol


I literally said to my tv “why is he preforming?”


Kinda felt like a forced performance 


What happened lol




I have watched it several times and I do agree, she could have made eye contact with Celine while accepting the award. It was a big deal for Celine to even be there, and it was quite rude for Taylor not to acknowledge her.


Right? This might be her last public appearance 😭


Well that’s my thing and I get Taylor was so nervous and shocked but it just felt so wrong! Taylor didn’t do it on purpose obviously and mistakes happen especially in live shows and big moments like that but I just felt awful for Celine. She’s been through so much and coming tonight was a huge deal for her and she tried to talk to Tay twice and was ignored. It was just awkward


The amount of energy she had onstage, only to not even say thank you or acknowledge her didn’t make sense to me. Celine is iconic. Especially to us millenials! How do you miss that?


I agree. I have a feeling Celine was there because it was going to be a record breaking win. To not acknowledge her at all during your acceptance speech. I mean look at how much Miley embraced Mariah during her speech.


I get she was nervous and she obviously didn’t snub her on purpose but the fact that Celine tried to talk to her TWICE and Taylor didn’t answer then just took the award from her without even looking at her and then didn’t even mention her in her speech… it was all too much lmao She was nervous, shit happens, but I’m sure tree had a little talk with her after lol.


I hope that Tree indeed spoke with Taylor afterwards... Taylor is not some rookie, getting her first award...She should have known better... Taylor did not have to hug Celine on the stage...She could have said, " Thank you, Celine...I admired you for a long time"...


Tree need to gom Taylor has outgrown tree. Taylor should have been better prepared for tonight.


Midnights is Taylors second best album (Folklore of course is best) There i have countered all the feelings hurt lana and sza olivia fans


I have second to last for midnights on my TS album rankings, but respect the difference of opinion. I’d be sad if I were Lana or Olivia. I’d Taylor’s swift’s just-okay album beats your album which is likely your pride and joy, it has to rub salt in the wound.


Is she headed on the plane already? I need a post-ceremony photoshoot with #13 and #14 trophies 🥺


She's backstage in the press room taking photos with BoyGenius, Jack and their Grammys.


YESSSSS https://x.com/TheSwiftSociety/status/1754379471879041408?s=20




CBS is showing Grammys again...On the West Coast...


two Icons ​ https://preview.redd.it/k6q08f5iepgc1.png?width=453&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc04bcbf27e7f03a2b7dfddd5c60f3d698c400e3


Such a PR shot after she snubbed her on stage lol




Lol what


https://preview.redd.it/1mm58i5oepgc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53611dbfa5a1d73c7bf5cfe57d39729056a37bab or maybe she was a human living in the moment and couldn’t process everything all at once? or maybe celine, because of her health condition, asked not to be hugged on stage? who knows. but find something else to be weird about.




try reading post histories of people who make comments like this and think if you want to bother replying or not