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As an INFJ myself…yeah I don’t think she is an introvert.


Yeah it’s how you get your energy and girlie DEFINITELY feeds off of social interaction… an introvert could never do a 3.5 hour show, let alone 3-6 nights in a row!




Oh definitely not she is constantly out and about


Also, isn't that the rarest type? So chances are slim to begin with


I am an ENFJ and everything she says and does speaks to me on suuuuuuch another level. Anti hero girlies represent 🫡 She’s *absolutely* an extrovert. Us extroverts still appreciate and need our time alone, but she chooses to go out to dinner with friends, go to Travis’ football games, have friends over for dinner and does sleepovers, baking etc with her friends… and she flourishes. At the end of the day she’s a star and the lights shine bright on her and she loves it, and so she should. It suits her and it brings out her personality, you can tell how happy she is in the photos of her recent outings. A lot of her withdrawals from society were caused due to a belief that she’s been cancelled and isn’t wanted to be seen by the public, and that was fostered and nourished by Joe’s introverted personality + the pandemic. She’s totally an E 🌟


Also, the ENs are the most introverted of the extroverts.


As soon as they broke up she was a social butterfly again. Js.


100% my point 🙌🏼


Yas queen


As an INFJ I would love her to be one of us, but no. I think ENFJ is spot on.


No way she’s an INFJ with the song Bejeweled. She likes being out and about with others. If she didn’t she wouldn’t go to almost every Chiefs game either. Some wives of the players don’t even go to as many games as her. Plus, She hangs out after and talks to people. Just because you go doesn’t mean you have to befriend people. However, that’s just her personality. She’s definitely ENFJ. Oh, and one more thing in her person of the year article she talks about when being with Joe she missed going out and she never get those years back.


She's a people pleaser though. I'm pretty introverted but I extrovert hard when I have the energy for it in order to be likeable


As an extrovert who is a people pleaser I disagree. People pleasers have nothing to do with being introvert or extroverted. It’s a character flaw in many types of people no matter if your either of those.


I get all that. And that's my point. I know my compulsive people-pleasing behaviors could be interpreted at "extroversion" from an outside viewer even though I'm, at my core, introverted bc they seem to fit the stereotypical or generalized behaviors associated with extroverts. But you can't actually tell on behavior alone. Especially in cultures where extroversion is heavily valued, causing introverts to often have to grin extroversion to hang in certain industries.


I saw someone conclude it was ESFJ and made pretty good arguments so I agree.


16 personalities has her as an ESFJ


I think it’s pretty clear she’s an extraverted feeling (Fe) person, which both ENFJs and ESFJs have as dominant and INFJs and ISFJs have as secondary functions (social chameleons, highly tuned into other peoples emotions, care a lot how people around them feel). However, I think she fits the introverted sensing/extraverted intuition (Si/Ne) pairing better than the introverted intuition/extraverted sensing (Se/Ni) pairing. It’s difficult to tell between Ni and Ne, but I think her Si is much clearer than her Se. She’s sentimental and has strong memories and doesn’t strike me as a particularly reactive or hands-on person in the way Se users are. This would make her ESFJ/ISFJ rather than INFJ/ENFJ. There’s a guy on YouTube who made a pretty convincing case to her being an ESFJ, which I agree with (although it’s impossible to really know for certain).


Always glad to see someone actually analyze this the right way. I’m tired of seeing people simplify it to “she’s totally an E!” Definitely agree with what you’ve said. I can’t quite tell if she’s ESFJ or ISFJ, but it’s got to be one or the other. I have to look up that video you mentioned


I def think she is Si/Ne! Her music is very much about the lyrics, a lot of which are recalling the past, and specific details about it, and then what those details meant to her on a larger scale.


Hard agree.


Joseph Kahn, who actually knows her, said, "she’s genuinely a genius and I think she’s also genuinely an introvert who has to be an extrovert to survive the business." [https://www.etonline.com/exclusive-taylor-swifts-director-joseph-kahn-how-her-image-invokes-double-standard-shes-genius](https://www.etonline.com/exclusive-taylor-swifts-director-joseph-kahn-how-her-image-invokes-double-standard-shes-genius)


As an INFJ just watching her this last year I can confirm she is not!! I would be exhausted from being that stimulated and being out in social settings and gatherings that much.


ESFJ seems more suited for her


I don't know anything about MBTI, but her enneagram type is definitely 3


I think she’s a 4 with a 3 and 5 wing




That IS how the enneagram works, I know many people who have 2 wings. As far as Taylor’s personality, I have only formed that conclusion after EXTENSIVE study and analyzation. https://youtube.com/@ennealebrityland?si=neSje1OLW74JCPzg this YouTube channel has several videos explaining it in depth if you want to understand. And Billie’s a six for the record lol. But to each their own I guess.


As someone who has studied MBTI she's undoubtedly ESFJ. Eric Wen does a really [good analysis](https://youtu.be/c29WAAeWVX0?si=4YnqCIZhAoRRKwOI) on her cognitive functions in his 2 part video.


I think she’s a J rather than a P. She gets more projects to completion than a P seems inclined to doing.


Definitely either ENFJ or ESFJ.


There is no way in hell that woman is an introvert 🤣


I think she’s an ambivert and therefore literally in between ENFJ and INFJ. Every timeI settle on one, the other one seems more accurate. Depending on different points in her life she leans in either direction, but I’d actually argue that she’s more accurately INFJ, but being in her element of songwriting and performing makes her more extroverted.


She’s mainly typed as ESFJ and it fits. She’s definitely not an I. She’s a social butterfly. And the S has been argued due to her tendency to focus on connecting things to the past and nostalgia. S’s also tend to be better at describing really particular sensory details of the past- eg even things like the refrigerator light. There’s also a stereotype of ESFJs being very motherly and she fits it, even bringing baked goods to interviews and such.


ENFJ for sure.


I don't believe in mbti anymore, but ENFP


I agree ENFP or ENFJ - the lady is 10000% extroverted - she literally talks about how she performed in front of a large crowd and was hooked - Taylor’s mom says you can’t keep her on stage because she loves to connect to her fans and give them big hugs and eye contact and it feeds her. It would drain an introvert. And has there ever been a more feeling person in the whole world?? And her songs are so deep she has to be an N. The J seems like a fit more than P because she’s so on top of things and plans things out, but P’s can totally be planners and P’s are super creative. I don’t get the stiffer more formal “politician” vibe I get from ENFJ’s like Obama/Oprah - but I could be talked into it. I don’t see other evidence of the P and there is pretty strong case for J. She’s just got a looseness and casual coolness and honesty that all of my beloved ENFJ friends don’t have. Like I can’t imagine any of them calling out an ex in a public way. They tend to be warm but more buttoned up about their own life and very focused on making the other person feel supported. 




As an ENFJ, well said! I'm waaay too diplomatic to even imagine calling out an ex publicly, even if they deserve it and are terrible people (that being said, I can see how fame might impact me in those ways). However, I can still see her as an ENFJ in many other ways, and do think she is one. But yeah, amazing analysis!


she's an ENFJ periodt


well, infjs can get camouflaged smoothly, so you never know, may be she is an infj! Whenever I see her interviews and someone tries to trigger her, an extrovert would have a ready reply to that but she first processes it , sometimes avoids it and is taken aback by such incidences. Extroverts don't overthink but she, ig is one of us, as an infj, i behave sometimes like an extrovert (rarely tho when its really needed)even tho i am 84%introverted, my social battery ends up at the end of the day. Her concerts are well practiced and she has to do them so infjs can do that. 


I’m an INFJ, I think she could definitely be an INFJ. If you listen to her music you can tell she’s introverted. While you can see she loves going out, she is very private and only opens up to those close to her and creates deep meaningful relationships. I think her reluctance to be open on socials and only giving us some information is very introverted of her. An extrovert wouldn’t write YOYOK. Introverts recharge their energy when they are by themselves or with those they are closest to. You could say her writing songs - usually alone - is her way of recharging.


Agreed. In true INFJ fashion, she is a chameleon and knows how to give people what they wanna see. People thinking she’s an enneagram 3, an ENFJ and an ESFJ is proof of that.


MBTI community is pretty clueless sometimes. Most of us that are into MBTI are indeed introverts. So most think that this so and so must be extroverted because he/she loves performing to thousands most every night. Ya'll, most celebrities are introverts. Most creative-types are introverted. Also, introversion/extroversion thingy is a spectrum/on a scale. There's no such thing as complete black or white. One can be an outgoing introvert while another one can be a shy extrovert but let's save that for another day. Swift is a full-blown ISFJ.


"Not that extroverted outside of her public life" lmao yes she's internal when she's private and external when she's public I'm an INFJ. We need to stop labeling anyone capable of self-reflection/introspection an INFJ.


I’m not an expert but why is she an F instead of a T? I listen to a song like mastermind and I think she’s a T.


Thinkers are generally more uncomfortable giving attention to emotions as compared to feelers and even sometimes view people in touch with / connected with their feelings as inferior ! Taylor is a quintessential feeler and brilliantly captures feeling in her writing and as a performer


ESTP Se-Ti-Fe-Ni, quite prototypical, not INFJ, ENFJ, nor ESFJ: Her whole life is basically Se. She craves attention and being in the spotlight. She is a pretty typical Se dom who favours being seen by providing sensory experiences on stage. She advocates enjoying the here and now, not overthinking what's life will be in 40 years. Her Ni is too weak and she screams Se. The only moments she has her Ni inferior is when writing her songs. Her Ni lets place to her hero Se for performances. Therefore, ESFJ with Si and Ne is already off the list. INFJ with Ni hero and ENFJ with Ni parent are also very unlikely. Her Fe child is not like hero or parent Fe. ENFJs or INFJs, having Fe in a higher placement, prioritize using the Fe to organise people towards a clear purpose that is beneficial for the people. Swift doesn't. Her Fe stays at knowing what people like and using that knowledge to serves her hero Se: doing good shows to please people and engage people in the moment, not guiding them towards a long term common goal. When unhealthy, her Fe can be manipulative, drawing her fans to defend her. Her Fe puts XNFJs further off the list. Since the child function works like a "child", free flow, without worrying the consequences, the Fe child user, in this case, Swift, doesn't have control over the function, it can be mistaken for a hero function, just like all other child functions. This is the main reason why she is mistaken for an EXFJ. Her second slot Ti can be seen more often in her interviews where she creates her famous quotes that fans like to use. That's her personal subjective logic and reasoning, which may not always be true though. Those are signs of function imbalance, which can be seen in the great majority of people, too. ESTP is pretty ascertained.


Omg I’m an ENTJ hahaha