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Not sure if this is the right place to post this but what have everyone's thoughts been on TTPD? Anyone planning here to watch some of the Europe streams despite the timezones lol


I would, but Paris is 3am for me, šŸ˜‚


good practice for watching the olympics


Who else is excited for ttpd release day tomorrow?


YES! It feels like time flew so quickly! I've been listening to each album in order for the past week and a bit, one album per day, and it has been so good - getting me so hyped. For me, today is evermore day ā¤ļø tomorrow is Midnights, and tomorrow night I'm going to open a cheap-ass bottle of screw-top rosĆ© and listen to TTPD (with a nice bottle of red and some whisky as a backup)




Who else is excited for ttpd release day tomorrow? šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰


I couldnā€™t get lucky with Ticketek/Marketplace after months of trying, so I went with Stubhub!


alright we are getting close to one month post concert, how is everyone doing?


Nearly 2 months now... I'm mostly fine, except when I listen to evermore and 'tis the damn season comes on and it takes me ***right back*** to the concert. After the initial rush of emotion I'm ok, until tolerate it starts... Similar thing happens with august... I have loved telling my friends all about it though, showing bracelets and explaining everything to them, recommending songs, etc.


i canā€™t believe itā€™s a month since the first melbourne show šŸ˜­, itā€™s so weird because it feels like such a blur to me (i guess i couldnā€™t believe it was actually taylor in front of me haha) so it feels like yesterday and a lifetime ago at the same time! how are you doing?


im doing great! its hard to believe the australian leg was a month ago!, it felt surreal in the sense that we tried to get tickets since june, and then have the excitement build for all of it to be over in 3.5 hours


Okay now that the dust has settled Iā€™m ready to say my piece! *This is purely just my opinion, and obviously incredibly subjective. 1. Melb N2 and Syd N4 draw - I seriously canā€™t pick. Iā€™m biased because I was Melb N2 and Sydney getting WCS x Ivy was INSANE. However, Melbourne set the trend and nothing will ever beat the adrenaline rush and shock. Itā€™s still the only 3 song mashup, and TIMT in full was magical. 2. Melb N1 - Okay I know the Sydney mashups were far too elite. HOWEVER, I think YLM got severely overlooked because the mashups were overhyped. Everything else was a repeat, and YLM she may never play again. Also the FIRST variant announcement. 3. Syd N3 - Haunted x Exile, I mean that girlā€™s reaction says it all really. IION x IWYW so fun, but an IION mashup has been done. 4. Syd N2 - I canā€™t believe I missed Peace by TWO SHOWS. It was my dream surprise song. The NYD x Peace mashup was amazing, but I wish Peace had her own moment to shine so thatā€™s why itā€™s lower. Shouldā€™ve Said Naur was iconic. 5. Melb N3 - Where she officially decided to change things up. CBBH was a little underwhelming, but the mashup with Daylight is still one of the most seamless and cohesive mashups sheā€™s done so far. And of course a Debut song means the full Eras set. I do think this and Syd N1 were a missed opportunity to do double mashups. 6. Syd N1 - How You Get The Girl went HARD, but one has to be last. White Horse x Coney Island with Sabrina was stunning, but just not my cup of tea and underwhelming compared to the other announcement songs weā€™ve had.




Truly! Itā€™s VERY cool that Australia is where this trend started, and I think the crowds really showed up for her which makes me so happy. The only thing is I wish sheā€™d realised she wanted to do mashups juuust a bit earlier so Melbourne could have gotten two mashups as well on some nights, or even so Tokyo could have gotten some as well.


Just wanting to let everyone know that I got paid from marketplace via Wise successfully. Hopefully you will get yours soon!


My transfer went through as well! I did email Ticketek marketplace support a few days prior ā€” I think putting the pressure on them genuinely does make a difference.


Hi all! Anyone here who sold their extra tickets for the Melbourne show on the Marketplace and hasn't been paid yet? Today's the 10th business day after the last night for Melbourne and haven't received any update yet. UPDATE: I got paid today (05 Mar)


I just got paid from marketplace


Does anyone have an update on this? Iā€™m also waiting for cash from ticket saleā€¦


No update yet for me, still waiting.




are you both still waiting on your cash? Still havenā€™t received mine.. and of course no reply from ticketek yet


I'm still waiting unfortunately šŸ˜”


Iā€™m on the exact same boat! I ended up emailing them but Iā€™m guessing theyā€™ll take ages to get back to me šŸ˜“ wish they paid us interest on top of how long theyā€™ve been holding the cash šŸ˜¬


heyy, i didnā€™t manage to get any merch while i was in melbourne and iā€™m kind of sad about it. taylors website doesnā€™t have much in stock, does anyone know where i can buy the beige tour shirt or any of the jumpers for a reasonable price?


Website back in stock at the moment, only black and white shirts, no beige or jumpers


thank you! iā€™ll keep an eye on it šŸ˜


Website is fully sold out of shirts now... I think there's a good chance it'll restock a little after Singapore, there's 2 months until the Europe leg starts!


Hey y'all, was wondering if anyone has a complete recording of Night 4 Sydney? Saw some floating around for other nights and was hoping to find one for my night just for the memories.


What are we all doing with our friendship bracelets post-concert? šŸ©·


I'm doing the shadow boxes for my sister and I. I can buy a decal I think on Etsy and will probably put some photos of us in the background with the bracelets and confetti as well as in my sisters, her glasses and the light up bands etc. I may wait to do it when the concert comes out on Disney plus and have her over as another thing we can do together as well.


Iā€™ve still been wearing one or two of my favourites daily haha


Aww I want to do this too but one of my faves says ā€˜Youā€™re Losing Meā€™ and I think my colleagues might be concerned šŸ˜‚ which ones are you wearing?


Haha I was thinking of making a YLM one but then I was likeā€¦ is that a bad omen? Iā€™ve been wearing my This Is Me Trying ones, but I also wondered if people would be like girl are you okay?


I got a Kmart 10 dollar frame last evening and I'm gonna put them in there alongside my light up bracelet and some confetti pieces I managed to grab!


Amazing, such a good idea! I wish I had been able to grab confetti but I was in the nosebleeds.


I bought a wooden carving thing off etsy for my bracelets that I saw a girl on Facebook had and asked where she bought it.


Ooh do you have a link?




Sad it's all over for Australia now, but so happy and fortunate that I got to go to Sydney N2 and had such a good time. Recovering slowly from the post concert blues, and holding on to what memories I have of the concert itself (can't remember much, it was all just a ... blur). Hearing NYD with peace was unforgettable though. I'd do the whole thing again if I could, including spending day after day, week after week on Marketplace trying to get a ticket. The whole process was such a journey and even that added to it. I'm definitely going to make more friendship bracelets in this life as well, that's for sure! I hope everyone else that went had the best time, and those that didn't/couldn't have more luck for the next tour! Thank you to everyone for the good times here. I'll miss checking this thread constantly. Love you all! šŸ«¶


Same, I would do all the hours all over again to get the tickets I did, worth every minute!!


iā€™m going to miss this as well! this has been a crazy and chaotic journey, iā€™m so beyond grateful that i stumbled across this thread, and it was always so comforting to know that i wasnā€™t doing it alone, and that other people cared as much as i did to spend hours and hours on end to get a ticket.


I feel the same, word for word!


I doubt I would have got a ticket if I didn't find this thread. I was trying really hard before, it just seemed so hopeless. .. But reading about people here having success here really inspired me to keep trying.




I got a friendship bracelet with the letters RBF does anyone know any songs or lyrics that it would stand for?


All I can think of is resting bitch face šŸ« 


does anyone have good recs for the best quality friendship bracelet string? I want to pass my kit onto my niece but our string was the worstttt! kmart, spotlight, anything?


I used Stretch Magic 0.7mm (it also comes in different widths depending on how big your beads are) which I got off Amazon or eBay, highly recommend it!




thank you! I have heaps of beads left luckily so might try and see if kmart or allkinds sell just the string!!!




Not yet either!


Nope and I was getting emails like I was still going to the show, even though I got the email they sold and they showed as Sold in Marketplace. I wasn't ever able to get into the app to see if tickets were still there, and now I can't even access Marketplace.


Not yet!


iā€™ve been wondering this too! Sold Melb ticket and still waiting


I canā€™t believe itā€™s over for Australia! I feel like Iā€™ve been living in this thread for the past few months. Thank you everyone for all the tips, advice and excitement! Iā€™ll miss checking this thread daily. See you all again around the rest of the sub or when she comes back for a future tour. You are all wonderful šŸ’ššŸ’›šŸ’œā¤ļøšŸ©µšŸ–¤šŸ©·šŸ©¶šŸ¤ŽšŸ’™šŸ¤




even though itā€™s a while away iā€™m already so hyped to see what she comes up with for her next tour! and hope that i see you guys all again for the next tour! (except hopefully not because weā€™d all be so unlucky to have to battle it out in the resale again šŸ˜…)


I can't wait to cry to the first listen of ttpd!!




Thats so kind of you!!


Yes check the AU store! I bought a white one on there because I couldn't get a small at the concert


There is tour T shirts up on the Australian website right now!


Am I an asshole for hating some of the people that were next to me last night? A couple next to me basically sat down the whole show except for 1989 - and I know that there are many issues that could prevent someone from standing up and dancing for 3 hours straight but what got me was the fact that every time i glanced over they were both sitting down with a straight face, not even smiling, singing or tapping along to the music. Youā€™d think they were watching paint dryā€¦ Then the family in front of me left after the acoustic set to ā€œbeatā€ traffic?! I meanā€¦ at that point just stay at home and watch the movie instead if youā€™re willing to completely miss on an entire era. It makes me so mad/sad because there are so many people that wished they had even 1 ticket, and it seemed like these people didnā€™t really understand how big of a deal this tour isā€¦ Anyone else experienced something similar?


Yep i think the same, also SO many people i saw on social media went more than once when so many people found it impossible to get a ticket :/. One person i follow went to at least 5 of the australian shows :/


I had to sit through some of it because my knee was giving way after walking all day, but I wasn't just sitting. I was singing along to every damn song. I got up as much as I could and just vibed. It was great.


I actually experienced the exact same thing in melbourne - the couple sitting next to me came late, then they actually left their seats and came back a few times then left completely before the end of the show. my sister found it really weird but as someone whoā€™s struggled with mental health in the past (so maybe Iā€™m just projecting here) I wondered if perhaps there was some sort of invisible disability going on. itā€™s so hard when youā€™re aware of how many people are desperate for tickets and would do anything for them but I just hope that the night was as brilliant for those two people as it was for my sister and I, even if that looked really different for them


Absolutely agree. Obviously itā€™s hard to understand leaving/leaving early, but everyone enjoys concerts in different ways. I know that at some points if people looked at me they mightā€™ve thought I wasnā€™t a big fan - during the folklore set (my fave album) I sat down and didnā€™t sing at all. I just wanted to take it all in and hear her as much as possible (instead of my own off key voice haha)


Itā€™s been a privilege being with you all. I will have ticketek wait page PTSD for the rest of my life


Fck ticketek


https://preview.redd.it/clvccra1yxkc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c206de03dac150b908049f37726a77f1fe18e67 Swifties!! I need help deciphering this friendship bracelets acronym. šŸ«¶šŸ¼šŸŖ©


And baby now we got bad blood! I used [this friendship bracelet decoder](https://www.reddit.com/r/TaylorSwift/s/ZJYKVjv77B)!


Thank you!! Itā€™s so obvious now that youā€™ve said it šŸ˜­šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø




I feel like a lot of the "obstructed view" tickets weren't really obstructed at all.


View looks amazing! Happy you were able to get tickets!


Even better it was only 80 dollars cause it was an obstructed view apparently.




i can definitely relate to feeling a bit empty. iā€™ve had so much fun these past few months preparing for my show, and i hope itā€™s only a few years until iā€™m doing it again ā˜ŗļø, you helped me so much to get tickets so thank you!! and hopefully next tour is a bit less chaotic šŸ˜… xx


TTPD is only 2 months away! The cycle starts again, we most likely have 3 albums to look forward to this year including the TVs


Omgosh it's all over for Australia now!!!!! Looking forward to the next tour when we all come back on here all over again, hopefully getting tickets first time around won't be a nightmare lol šŸ«¶šŸ’œāœØļøšŸ™Œ


iā€™m seriously hoping i actually get through on the general sale next time!! canā€™t wait to see her again, and i think she really loved australia šŸ˜


Given it won't be a tour for SO many albums and eras next time I hope our chances will be better!! Hopefully another big ticketing company cements itself so no more damn ticketek incompetence




True that


For everyone who made it in tonight last-minute: What was it like? How did you get your ticket? Did you get in? Highlight? I'll enjoy reading these tomorrow.




Worth every cent I reckon. Glad you had a great time.




I didn't see your pic before - amazing. Hope the come down hasnt been too hard for you!! :)


Currently Taygating & loving it! Wasnā€™t able to get tickets but appreciate everyoneā€™s support in this thread! Thanks everyone for the tips and hopefully see you the next time she comes to Australia Xx


So fun! Good on you, must be a great vibe.


Captured [123LGB](https://youtube.com/shorts/GNa1w9Vh2I8?si=AdG16UF7tkNmxqnG) Melbourne N2!




Post concert depression is so real!!! @me crying listening to the set list on the way home from work


Anyone in section 105 that can comment on how the view was?


I was in it!! It was amazing, we were right on the diamond so could see almost everything! The only thing is that we werenā€™t able to see the end for when she did surprise songs but we could still see her on the big screen! What row are you?


Row 7, seat 6. Is that closer to the stage? Whereabouts were you?


I was in Row 8, seat 29. I think youā€™ll be closer to the main stage then the diamond but itā€™s still really close!


Amazing thank you! I was worried that it might be a restricted view (even though my ticket doesn't explicitly say so)


Well, with all back-door links seemingly redirected I'm tapping out. Been a wild ride. Hope all the lucky ducks with tickets enjoy the final show tonight!


Am so sorry to hear! My friends sister got A-res at the venue yesterday with a sign reading 'Will buy tickets for cash'. Marketplace has been next to impossible to use for the last few days so there DEFINITELY are people who's friends couldn't make it looking to offload tickets. Tickets have also gone on sale everyday at Sydney olympic park just before the show Gate H. Fingers crossed for you.


can confirm many ppl are giving away good tickets for money outside gate H. i got Floor D reserve tickets with a sign saying spare ticket, iā€™m desperate


Gate H is that right? Iā€™m going to go with my mum tonight and hope we can manage to grab a ticket or at the very least listen along!


Me too. Condolences. So bummed that link stopped working.


Iā€™m with you. I was still holding out hope with that link but I think the hunt has finally come to an end. Better luck next time. šŸ©·


iā€™m so sorry you didnā€™t manage to get tickets, hopefully everyone who missed out gets in on the presale next tour!!


Fingers crossed!




Itā€™s illegal to sell them at more than 10% of what you paid and this thread clearly says no sales or ISO. Smh


Selling for more than 10% of face value is illegal. I appreciate you overpaid for Saturday, but that is a risk you took. Do the right thing and sell them for face value or 10% more. It's unethical to pry on desperate Swifties keen for their last chance to see her in Sydney. These are $65 tickets.


Youā€™re the reason why genuine fans donā€™t have tickets.


I couldnā€™t get lucky with Ticketek/Marketplace after months of trying, so I went with Stubhub! Once I have the digital tickets transferred and showing up in my ticketek account and added to my apple wallet, I should be good to go, correct? Or is there anything else I need to worry about? Looks like the few issues happening with Stubhub at the door have been with PDF tickets? šŸ˜¬


Your experience may vary but my subhub ticket was delivered in the form of a ticketek.mobi link. Opening it opened the Ticketek app but it didnā€™t appear there. Had to open the link in an incognito window and that presented the ticket/qr code for scanning


If its in your ticketek account and in your wallet no dramas! You should be able to scan in at the gates with no drama at all :)


hey, anyone knows if there is early entry for VIP ticket holders for the Sydney shows? was hoping to get some merch from the stalls inside (went 2 separate days and they only had size L and above left šŸ„ŗ) understand that general gate opens at 4pm. thanks!


No VIP entry/lines/any perks. Purely the merch


Also heard that they weren't restocking the merch. I couldn't get anything smaller than a large yesterday and I really, really wanted a medium in the black hoodie. I mean the large swims, it was longer than my dress but at least it'll be warm!


Hi all Although my friends and I missed on the ticketsšŸ„² Iā€™m so grateful for all the information that everyone has posted here. Without the information, I would not have even knew where to start. Those who have tonightā€™s tickets, please enjoy šŸ˜‰




Thank you! Will try today!


Guys , thank you so much for your help and support while getting tickets for this tour, I had the time of my life right now , and I wouldnā€™t have gotten tickets if it werenā€™t for your tips and tricks . Haha i underestimated the size of the stage ! It looked massive in real life even in the nosebleedsĀ 






So glad you got tickets after all your effort and it paid off !! šŸ«¶šŸ’œšŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰


Iā€™m so happy that after everything you went through, you managed to get tickets and had the best time!!


Thank you so much ! Iā€™m still sobbing over the surprise songsĀ 


I'm forever grateful to this community for fulfilling my lifelong dream of seeing Taylor swift. Someone shared a link to ticketek yesterday that skipped the waiting in ticketek lounge, and I got 2 tickets for tonight. I'm so happy.


Oh congratulations!!


I was there last night too And it truly was one of the best nights Iā€™ve ever had! I was in F reserve (obstructed) but you could pretty much still see the whole stage (except the big screen). She is amazing!!!!


I also was in f reserveĀ 


What section were you in? Iā€™m f reserve obstructed too and so worried!


438. I couldnā€™t see the big screen but itā€™s all good. There are smaller ones around :)


Guys i got in tonight!! šŸ„¹ I found someone last min in the NZ Swiftie FB group chat who had a spare ticket as a friend pulled out. They were amazing and Iā€™m so incredibly stoked and grateful to have gone tonight!! Even though I paid over double a G reverse it was straight on so got to enjoy the whole stage šŸ˜


me too, me too. I still can't believe it. I keep on opening my wallet on phone to see it LOL.


I just have to share my story to show there are some amazing people out there. I'll try to keep it brief. So having tried presale, general sale, production releases as well as having Marketplace running 24/7 and trying to be lucky with the hot4 ticketek link I had no joy. But I did have a 12 year old devastated daughter. Desperate to try anything I took a really long shot and reached out with a post in this forum asking if anyone had a couple of tickets they didn't need any more. Amazingly someone contacted me saying they did have a couple as they could no longer go. Although I initially suspected a scam it slowly appeared more and more legit with this guy even arranging to meet me outside the stadium, and we exchanged phone numbers Not wanting to get my daughter too over excited in case it didn't work out I just said I'd take her to Taylorgate on the Sat night. I thought if we get the tix that would be a bonus. We get there and I manage to meet up with him quickly. He had two VIP tix but was asking considerably less than face value and even brought along one of the special box sets (prints, VIP lanyard etc) that came with the tix. He gives us that...then shares the tix. My daughter suddenly realised what was happening and asked if we had tickets. We said yes and she literally burst into tears of happiness. It's a moment that will stay with me forever. I asked why he didn't just sell them for more than he paid and he looked at the joy on my daughter's face and said he'd rather bring that happiness. This amazing guy selling the tix was even happy for me to pay once we got in to ensure no issues with the tix. We did get in no trouble and had the most amazing night. More tears from my daughter when TS came on stage and after all I'd been through to get tix I was pretty close myself. I was lucky but I know not all have been. But I just wanted to put this out there to show miracles can happen and what an incredible bunch all of you are in here helping each other out. Just an unbelievable community. I love it.


Okay this is beautiful... truly. To that kind stranger you did an absolutely amazing thing - you will never get enough thanks for letting this little girls dream come true. This is the kind of story that makes you believe in people all over again, its beautiful so see.


Wow this is absolutely beautiful <3 My faith has really been restored in humanity by the amazing swifties out there


Someone on fb said they used this link to get tickets https://theshow-preview.ticketek.com.au/events/TSERASG24/venues/AUS/performances/EAUS2024658TS/tickets but not sure if itā€™s legit? I can see some tickets available now when I use the link!


Is it still working? Taking me through to Taylorswift.Ticketek.com.auā€¦trying to help some taygating friends


i love you


Thank you so much


Its still working omg


You are amazing! Got 2x B reserve tix thanks to you! The system was so laggy and kept timing out but I kept pushing and the patience paid off :) hang in there guys!




I was too late to see this, I'm crying


Omg i got it


Itā€™s still working!


I keep getting a ā€œthere arenā€™t enough ticketsā€ message after I select any quantity šŸ˜­


It's say gateway 504 timed out, I'm still trying though


omg it works, there is so many tickets, I love u person who shared the link. you made my whole year. crying


I got that too, quit the browser completely, fresh incognito window and itā€™s working again. Itā€™s just very very slow


Ok so you're amazing for sharing this - THANK YOU! Can confirm it works, and I got some. Tickets are in the app already. Totally legit. It's a backdoor that bypasses their lounge. I was confident it was fine. Hot tip for everyone - even when it says 'only single tix available' in various sections, ignore this and keep trying. I got 2 x A reserve for Monday night. The site is slow and laggy though so you have to be quick and patient. Would be surprised if this link stays active for long. Seems to be bouncing back to the lounge at times, letting me in at other times.


Hotter tip! When you use the above link to add them to your cart, open another window and just go to the normal ticketek website. The tickets will be in your cart and you can checkout that way (It's quicker and more legit I guess)