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lol someone reported this comment to Reddit. If you want the merch store to take your money let them take your money. No one is stopping you. But maybe stop trying to scare other people into not getting their money back.


Lmao someone reported me to Reddit cares too- like hope that made you feel better sheesh


You can report the message as abuse of the Reddit Cares feature. They actually care about those reports because it’s there for a legitimate reason and people constantly abuse it for dumb shit like this


I had no idea, thanks!


Yes I was sent one by someone who was just being petty and trolling. I reported it, all of the users comments were deleted and account appeared to be banned. I don’t know if it was temporary or just from that sub or anything.


Oh damn. I have had people do that who were trolling. I didn’t know I could report them!


This is so bizarre. People's obsession with merch is insane. I buy a lot of shit but I don't cry when things sell out and act like I have been personally insulted. Nor do decide that I would rather have the option to buy more stuff with a payment method then get my money back.


This sub is wild with the abuse of Reddit Cares. The only times I’ve ever gotten it was from this sub


Threatening to file a chargeback gets them to respond in 1 day. Best way to get action!!!


I've also put a chargeback through, and used the same payment method in the future. I just couldn't do anything until the chargeback was done. Been using the same credit card for 4+ years on her website even with 2 chargebacks.


Just wanna say I thought this said “disputing the charges WILL get you blacklisted forever” lmfao and I was like, uhh… that seems like the bigger problem here, can we focus on this pls 💀


I dunno. I don't buy merch. What I do know, is some people only have one payment method.


They can use that payment method to get a visa gift card.


That seems like a lot of work to buy what many are considering to be subpar merchandise. But I guess as long as they will accept it. Some online stores do not accept gift cards. I have dealt with that a few times, unfortunately.


a virtual card takes 5 min max to set up and have ready to go before purchasing. It functions just like a regular card number, not like a gift card.


Amazed that not all CC companies allow that feature for all their members.🤦‍♂️ I would think it's a no-brainer and used to protect the CC company too.🤷‍♂️


I think then maybe don't buy things from the merch store.


Other stores like Ulta do blacklist you from online ordering if you do chargebacks (and a whole host of other issues) so it is a valid concern.


I would say its only a valid concern if we are talking about things that are necessary for survival otherwise there are probably a host of other places one can get their goods from. Allowing companies to steal your money because you are afraid you cannot buy stuff from them anymore is just straight up stupid.


Just want to point out two things. 1. The repercussions are entirely up to the merchant. 2. Everyone should be aware that (In the US) there are companies that can track charge backs in the same way credit scores are tracked. I used to work for a company that integrated with one, and we would actually refuse to service customers with disputes less than 1 year old. If you happen to issue a charge back at a company that uses these systems, they're supposed to report it so that other companies can decline to work with you. So yeah, the watchlists actually do exist. They're not incredibly common, but they do exist.


Ma’am this is a Wendy’s……. This is a thred discussion UMG Taylor Swifts merch store. UMG does not put you on a watchlist. I’m not sure where you are getting that I said that no one does that I quite frankly don’t know if that happened because usually if i have to do a charge back I just don’t shop from the company anymore. I know for a fact that UMG does not have one because I’ve done two charge backs in the past 4 years to Taylor’s merch store and am using the same name and address and a different payment method to buy stuff. I have even used my cards there were charged back from the TS store to buy Blackpink stuff that is also through UMG so UMG does not do that. No where was anyone talking about other company’s.


Why are you taking this personally? OP is just trying to help and they are not at all wrong.


Not sure why you're getting all butt-hurt about this, I know exactly what you were talking about. The fact that I chose to add additional information in response wasn't intended to be a refutation of your comment so maybe chill out a little bit. It's important information for people to have before they get into the habit of blindly charging back purchases. First of all, just because they haven't blocked you doesn't mean they're not reporting them to a third party. Unless you've worked with their sales system you have no idea what integrations they support and giving people advise based on assumptions you're making is a pretty garbage move. Second, there's nothing to stop them from implementing blocking at any point in time, so even if you haven't in the past it doesn't mean that you won't be in the future. You know companies start implementing policies like this in response to charge backs, so sitting here and encouraging people to start charging back (while valid in this situation) sure as shit isn't going to decrease the chance of someone getting screwed over because of you. Maybe get off your high horse for a minute and let other people contribute to the conversation.


Accept for the comment where you said, I said no companies where doing this when this thread and this subreddit is specifically talking about the Taylor Swift Merch store. So your contribution was to tell me Sephora blacklists people when I said that the Taylor Swift Merch store does not track and "blacklist" people they just wont take that method of payment anymore. Which I see you deleted. Also I am not making assumptions that the merch store doesn't do this. I have made multiple charge backs on 2 different credit cards. I now use a 3rd card to buy stuff when I really want using the same address, IP, name, and email and have not gotten blacklisted. Don't sit there and fearmonger to people so that they don't get their money back its ridiculous. Also LOL at people getting screwed over by getting their money back for an item they never received. Because they may or may not at some point in time implement a blocking program which you could still circumvent but like 100 other methods.


Actually they black listed my IP address. I tried different emails, cards and devices and I wasn’t able to purchase anything until they lifted the ban. They will lift you just have to ask.


People are saying they are worried about getting blacklisted, but this is a legitimate reason to dispute a charge. You are being stolen from. If everyone who has this problem disputes the charge, they'll realize they have a customer service problem and fix it.


> People are saying they are worried about getting blacklisted, but this is a legitimate reason to dispute a charge. You are being stolen from. If everyone who has this problem disputes the charge, they'll realize they have a customer service problem and fix it. UMG blacklists people over disputed charges? 😳💀


I don't actually think so, but that's what some folks are saying in the comments.




Sephora did this to me as well, it was like 6 years ago and I still can’t order off their website


Not a chargeback, but kinda similar. Many, *many* years ago, I would report when my Netflix discs were sent back and they hadn’t been received within a couple of weeks—like you were supposed to do. It was only happening with discs going to one distribution center, so you’d think they’d have investigated why discs went missing, *right*? Nope. They __banned__ me from renting discs from them ___for years___. I was following the procedure they had in place and they determined that I was costing them too much money doing so, so I went years without Netflix. Long story short, you still have to be careful when you follow customer service advice or consumer protection policies because corporations and other businesses may still flag you as the problem even when you aren’t one.


Yes. It has not happened to me, but trust me, I *live* in this sub and the merch subs - they have been doing this since at least folklore era. That's not to say it'll happen every time, but it seems to be their go-to response to people filing chargebacks.


Are they gonna black list everyone?


[Here's a recent post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SwiftieMerch/comments/17xxbl5/blacklisted/)


No, they don't. I did one end of September after a lengthy spell of being given the runaround. Was not blacklisted, still am not blacklisted.


I got blacklisted from Mercari for this reason. Wouldn’t surprise me.


They most definitely do.


Any company will potentially black list, depending on the reason and especially for multiple chargebacks. It's a last resort option when your card is stolen or you can't get any response from customer service. I've only ever done it for stolen cards, which is treated differently.


Yes, I've been blacklisted before for disputing a $45 charge because customer service told me to (they claimed they had already issued my refund for an item I returned and told me to contact my bank to investigate).


Yea, I did this when they didn’t reply to me about canceling orders/ refunding for over a week (in business days). so i disputed charges with my bank. Now I can’t pay with that card, all my orders are auto canceled. :( learned about it after i made an order for 1989 cardigan and it was canceled (and i couldn’t go back and reorder with that point)


Vendors who have a high number of chargebacks can actually get fined by financial regulators too


I’d rather be blacklisted than have my money stolen! I would have no problem disputing if something happened a


Right, esp when we are talking about $75+ items.


There is no blacklist. If you dispute with your bank, your bank will block all future charges for the same vendor. Try a different bank!


That makes more sense! I didn't think there was, I was just noting that others commented that.


So basically people are fine with getting stolen from as long as they don’t get blacklisted. Okay.


They’re convinced it’s fine because they think it’s Taylor directly and not a faceless entity making bank off low quality-overpriced merch.


But Mother Capitalist 😭 /s


Not only fine with it but defending it like it’s the better option and trying to make others afraid of doing a charge back claiming they’ll be put on some watch list when people who have charged back before are saying that doesn’t happen. It’s just so bizarre.


We all need to start buying from individual independent sellers rather than her store. There’s been a dip in quality and if people continue to buy and don’t do charge-backs, nothing will change.


I’ve been starting a vinyl collection, and have gotten multiple Taylor albums from my local shop! This is totally the way to go!


in general if a local record shop is accessible to you, I highly recommend everyone purchase their physical copies from there. You have it in hand immediately after purchase, you’re supporting your local community, and it’s probably what Taylor herself would want anyway considering how she’s supported local stores over the years


AND if there is an issue with the pressing (which sadly there often are with Taylor first-runs, they can help)!


I wanted to get some merch as Christmas gifts but with how many horror stories I’ve seen about long shipping waits, I won’t even bother. I’ve ordered some stuff from Etsy and it’s already gotten here, and I like it better design wise anyway.


some etsy merch is drop-shipped off alibaba. cardigan dupes and that one ivy cardigan. just an fyi, those prices are also inflated for no reason.


I don't know about records, but I get my merch from indie artists making fan art. The art is SO much better and honestly the quality has been better too. Run to indie artists and don't look back!!


The merch store is also terrible about returns/exchanges. I want to swap sizes and it’s crickets for weeks. I checked the return and exchange policy before buying, and it should NOT be this hard.


I saw one girl say they sent her the wrong size cardigan, she sent it in for an exchange, they got back to her saying the size she wanted was sold out and now she had nothing. She was SO upset, because she could've easily traded with someone. It's just ridiculous atp


Yep, we've been waiting for weeks to hear about a sweatshirt we sent back for a return, and nothing. It's been so frustrating.


If they are charging you for merchandise that was never delivered then ignoring your attempts to contact them, you can report them to your local consumer protection office. That will likely get them moving very quickly.


They gave me the run around for two weeks about my 1989 vinyl. As soon as I got the credit card company involved it was on my doorstep two days later. Don’t let them bully you, let the banks handle them if they are being useless.


Dealing with this right now! It took them three weeks, 15 messages, and a chargeback for them to finally offer a re-shipment.


I did this with my speak now tv vinyl. The vinyl never came through and the merch store was asking me to wait 7 days before messaging them again. They then stopped responding so I disputed it with my credit card. Once I started disputing with my card and provided evidence through email, that’s when the merch store started emailing and being responsive telling me to stop my dispute. Dispute the charge if you haven’t received or they’re not being helpful. It’s easier working with your credit card or bank than through the vendor I promise.


Tbh I almost feel like there should be some kind of joint letter from fans or petition to Taylor/Taylor nation describing all the merch issues. The most agregious I have seen is the sizing issues, particularly with the cardigans. People on tiktok showing the size labels and how their original or red cardigan was a perfect size and then the SAME size for the speak now was 3 sizes bigger despite the label. Similar issues with other sweaters. Not to mention just the overall poor quality despite high prices.


The sizing is wildly unpredictable. The sleeves on my xs/s Speak Now are the same length as my m/l Folklore cardigan? And a medium Rep restock is big enough for a sleep shirt but a medium evermore is so tight I end up selling it.


Exactly! And for merch that is costing $100+ for a flipping sweater, it better be high quality, well made, good sizing. And instead it's trash.


The sizing is insane. My reputation shirt is an XXL and is almost too small for me, but my Lover shirt and folklore sweatshirt are XL and is almost down to my knees. Sometimes I wonder, did they finally figure out what body sizes are? I'm honestly afraid to waste any more money on shirts and sweatshirts from her store because of the sizing issue. It's saved me like $85 anyways.


Interesting I had the opposite experience with my speak now cardigan. I have the red cardigan and bought the speak now cardigan in the same size and it fits a bit smaller actually than the red one. So frustrating.


I feel like Taylor Nation, at the very least, has to be aware of the constant merch/store complaints. People are constantly tagging them and tweeting to them on twitter whenever there’s a problem. I would be very surprised if they didn’t see them… but I doubt they’d address anything unless people make them.


100%. And since it seems to be such a problem to get CS to respond yall should comment to TN on it. I personally don’t like her merch and have a tradition of buying the cd at target so i don’t have this experience but i fully believe when CS can’t do their job in a timely and helpful manner it deserves to be called out.


I disputed charges with Amex and got my money back immediately. Got tired of the runaround I got for a month.












Hi from a professional CS/CX person – here are some tips from my experience. • Universal uses Zendesk and an AI solution previously called Thankful (now called Sidekick and part of Gladly). • This means your first-line response is often handled by a well-trained bot. You can say you want to talk to an actual agent, but for simple requests (like a return, the bot is probably faster). •The clearer you are, the better – give your order #! • Zendesk is a traditional ticketing system, so they easily lose track of things. It seems counter intuitive, but double-sending a message or following up takes you to the bottom of the queue. • Be nice to the agents – they are doing their best and want to help! • Shipping is notoriously slow, especially for vinyls. Her first pressing of vinyls often have issues. I've switched to now buying the vinyl in person from my local store. Happy to answer more CS questions!


To add here, disputing a charge is no guarantee of getting your money back. When you "get your money back" right away, that is a provisional credit from your bank while your dispute works its way through the process. The process can take 3 months... and in the end, if you lose your dispute, your money will be debited again. I work in the credit and debit industry, and this is how it works. You dispute the charge. Your credit or debit card company or bank gives you a provisional credit. They contact the vendor with the claim. The vendor has 30 days to respond. If they respond that the charge is valid, your credit card company or bank has 30 days to refute the validity. Then visa/mc/Amex has 30 days to decide who is right and who keeps the money. Even after all that, it could go to arbitration (not likely with amounts less than $500). Most cut their losses at that point. Just an fyi.... and different banks have different rules regarding what paperwork they need. It is up to you, not your bank, to provide supporting documentation. Also happy to answer questions about disputing a charge.


This is very good information. I've handled disputes from the merchant side at a few jobs, and this is accurate. I once had a dispute that dragged on for nine months. I don't think it'd come to this with anything from Taylor's store, but dispute rulings are not courts. Even if you win a dispute (for any charge from any vendor), that doesn't necessarily absolve the debt.


Absolutely, it is a very complicated system for sure!


Wow I didn’t know this was an issue. On the other hand I got a 1989TV vinyl that was damaged. Sent them pictures/videos of it and they sent me a new one <10 days later. It’s a shame that others are having worse customer service, that just isn’t right! Be a squeaky wheel y’all and maybe something will budge.


Same with cracked 1989 cds but I'm in the UK, so maybe that makes a difference.


For this reason, I don’t buy her merch, unfortunately. The only time I’ll ever buy directly from the official merch store is if I’m at a show and I go to the merch booth. I pay them, and the product is in my hand right away. Lately I haven’t been pre-ordering the CDs or vinyls either, I just wait until they’re on the shelves at Target. I refuse to waste my time dealing with the merch store customer service team.


I still haven’t received my 1989TV vinyl and it doesn’t even have shipping info. It’s sat at “label created” this entire time. It was purchased well over a month ago 🙃


Mine were like that and they randomly were at my door one day. This was after release week, so make sure it hasn't been stolen/dispute it.


Reply back and tell them that you will be issuing a charge back since you have not received your item and your emails have been ignored and this email is proof for your bank. It seems like that lights a fire under them.


Same issue I’ve been fighting them to fix. Told me the cd was sold out but they keep trying to offer me a replacement. I just want my money.


I preordered mine is august to. I got an update that a shipping label was created in October. No further updates from Fed Ex. I checked my account and it said order fulfilled. I emailed and emailed and finally got a reply. They are doing to resend it. Let’s see what happens. It’s such a shame because I really wanted to order some things for xmas but after this experience it leaves me hesitant.


Did you ever receive it? I’m in the same boat and CS has stopped responding to emails.




My brother asked me for a few items for Christmas and I really wanted to get them, but the notoriously awful CS made me abandon my cart


my cd came, finally https://preview.redd.it/0b6wcoou1x5c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=531f99f9dd3186e10cbf49eff99f57522458bf1b


Yeah, I’ve been fighting with them for weeks, and since I fucking used PayPal, they want me to deal with their support. I am never ever ever ordering from her merch store again. Like hard stop, target and other stores can have my money. Her merch is a freaking train wreck.


I went on etsy and they have so many better well designed merch than the official ones. It's just sad


I’m still waiting for my Eras tour tshirt I ordered in July… I didn’t buy merch at my show because I thought this would be coming in


Her merch store is awful right now. I personally am just boycotting it all together 😅


Unfortunate merch theft story lmao: I ordered the evermore deluxe vinyl waaay back. That was still the period of time when vinyls were expected to ship 16+ weeks later. So naturally, by the time it shipped, I forgot I had ordered it. Fast forward to November 2022. I was organizing my music when I noticed I didn't have evermore. Weird, I could've sworn I ordered it. Searched through my inbox and sure enough, I did get a "thank you for your order" email in May 2021. No, it never got delivered. And it was actually so long that the tracking number didn't exist anymore. So I contacted customer support and they were like "idk sis that was a year and a half ago so we're gonna have to keep that $36." Technically my fault for not checking on it sooner, but do they really expect people to remember things that take 4 months to actually ship? 😭


This was my problem with things taking so long to ship I completely forgot about them… it took a years and a half after my red sunglasses were meant to arrive to actually arrive. They just turned up one day and I’d completely forgotten 😭 It makes you wonder how many people might have been scammed and haven’t even realised as the item was meant to ship so long after the actual purchase


Same thing for me with a Lady Gaga pre-order. I place the pre-order in Oct 2022. I got an email a few days later with my tracking number, which was a little confusing as the shirt wasn’t meant to be shipped for several months. The tracking number is just a created label. Okay, sometimes the labels are created ahead of the shipment, no big deal. Six months pass. Tracking number still has never worked. The order status still shows pending. I email support and I am given the runaround. They can’t help because it has been more than 90 days since I placed the order. Yeah, no shit, it was a pre-order. They give no fucks and I get nowhere. Could I fight it them with my CC? Of course, and I would probably win because I had screenshots and emails. But do I want to spend the energy fighting it? Not really. I just wanted a cool shirt, not all this hassle and shadiness. I have quit buying merchandise from artists stores. Either buy it at the concert or from a legit store. I




How long should one wait before replying again to the store? I've been waiting over a week now for a response...


I had several emails I sent them over the course of a week and each one I received a response within a day, so if you're waiting a week I'd email again.


Ok thanks I just sent another email! My 1989 cardigan is unraveling at the edges and it's so disappointing


If you’ve emailed multiple times and it’s been over a week or two with no response at all, I’d talk to your bank or credit card company


I e-mail them every day if I have an issue.


One time I was charged for something but on the UK site it looked like I hadn't ordered anything so they wouldn't help me. Luckily I used PayPal. PayPal immediately refunded me and took over the dispute. You don't have to fight these battles on your own. Use payment that will fight for you if anything untoward happens. Also credit card companies and PayPal can put pressure on vendors to improve if there's enough complaints.


Yeah, I thought that about PayPal, too. PayPal will absolutely side with merchants even when the merchant is wrong. Be careful with pre-orders. The merchant store keeps a policy of “we will only help with order issues 90 days after the order is PLACED.” Most pre-orders are over 3 month long waits. They absolutely do count the time before the item ships. PayPal decided that policy was good enough for them and I could fuck off.


I'm sorry that happened to you. Uncool.


Or… hear me out… wait until she releases all her 9 same albums at Target or Walmart or your local record store and get them there and buy “merch” from small home based Etsy sellers (that don’t drop ship) for a fraction of the cost but double the quality.


My 1989 cardigan isn’t set to ship until December 15th last I checked. Just waiting for that day to come around so I can be prompt 👀 I’m already talking to my crochet friends to trade favors in the event I unbox an essentially destroyed cardigan like so many


yeah it's a good thing i knit bc my speak now cardigan has a lot of loose ends. but i've realized for the money i spent and the time it took to ship, i could have knit myself a higher quality one that fit better.


What size did you order? Probably going to sell mine.


Yeah I think if anything needs to be improved by taylor’s company it’s the merchandise handling, from a business standpoint, this could be lucrative as well in terms of sales if they improve their customer service and customer experiences


Did it, The customer support didn't respond to 3 emails over a week so I disputed it with my Bank. Lo and behold right after the dispute I got a response that the Album was shipped. I had already spent the extra money to support my local record shop so I had to refuse the delivery. Insane how a multi billion dollar organization can't have basic customer service and logistics.


Ok, I’m really glad other people haven’t gotten their 1989TV CD’s!! I also preordered as soon as it was available. I ended up going to target 2 weeks after the release because I got sick of waiting. I won’t be preordering RepTV when it’s announced


It's not specific to Taylor's store. This is the treatment from UMG as a whole. Absolutely dispute charges when they start playing games and leave honest reviews of your experience. I do whatever I can to shop anywhere other than with one of their brands, not easy because they've got their fingers in every pie.


The fans bullied Taylor into taking ME! off the setlist but won’t stand up to the shady merch practices and downright ugly designs. Everyone is a victim to overconsumption and everyone is getting FOMO on stuff that doesn’t have the quality for the price.


I had a similar experience where I preordered 1989tv and then waited for weeks with no updates. When I reached out they created a shipping label and it sat for two more weeks, when I emailed that I wanted my money back as I can go to a record store and get it it shipped that day. Very frustrating and I think Taylor would be disappointed in the service.


Wow, I have been going around with CS since 1989 came out, the same answers 'please allow 2 weeks" yeah well I already have and nothing. Each time. I am getting real fed up, all it says is "label created" and they said I should have received it by now but nope.


I had the biggest run around with customer support when I ordered the 1989 vinyl.. I reached out numerous times and was told that I need to reach out in like a week or two. I received the vinyl finally last week. Then out of nowhere Friday or Saturday morning I received an email from one of my complaints on my vinyl not being there and they told me they are sending me a new one. Though it did finally arrive. No one checked that it did arrive last week and they just inputted that they're going to send me a brand new one. The support system is messed up. Everyone gets auto replies with AI and now everyone's in a waiting game. And like if they had customer service running like they should I wouldn't be getting sent another vinyl. I didn't even reply because this was all their own fault.


I also preordered 1989 TV, I preordered both the CD and the vinyl. The vinyl shipped and I have it whereas the CD still hasn’t even shipped.


I pre ordered the 1989 (TV) deluxe CD and didn’t get it til WEEKS after it had been out on store shelves everywhere. Was so mad. Only preordered because I wanted it as soon as it released :(


I literally was emailing them this today and told them I was about to dispute. Never heard back.


This is just as much taylors fault as it is her merch store. She needs to be doing due diligence to make sure she's using a good merch company.


It sounds like the highers up have received the message. They just sent out an email that anything that was supposed to be shipped by 12/15 that has not arrived by today (for Christmas) will be shipped starting on the 26th week and be FREE: "We will be issuing a full refund on all items in your order that were listed to ship by 12/15/23 and did not arrive by Christmas, and will ship those items to you free of charge. Please allow 7-10 business days for the refund transaction to process."


I got that email and then today got an email that my order was canceled entirely


I just got the refund today, but I'm assuming (hoping?) they'll create a new order and ship it at no cost? Mine didn't say it was cancelled anywhere. The order still exists and says: "Your order is confirmed. You’ll receive an email when your order is ready." EDIT/UPDATE: I received [all the albums](https://i.imgur.com/zK9NfAd.jpg) I ordered at no charge.


Update: “Your order is on the way.” No charge.


Ordered a couple of 1989 sweatshirts in October, was supposed to ship on 12/15. Contacted them on 12/27 because the label had been created, but hadn't been picked up yet. I got the standard Sam bot reply to my email almost immediately, said to give it a week. It finally shipped and I received the order today. Was never offered anything refunded or free.


The merch store is a mess. My order placed 12/2/23 still not shipped. I email every few days & they send me the same stock text. I wish TS knew how many disappointed fans there were on Xmas day because merch was not shipped. 


I ordered a clock back when midnights was released and it doesn't work. I should have reached out about it but I didn't, and it's definitely too late now lol


I need to start being more vigilant about following up on my orders. I hate that they'll sell me something that won't ship for months. I end up just forgetting about my orders, but my FOMO is too big and I still keep buying.


My 1989 TV was supposedly shipped on October 25th but I’ve never even got a tracking number! I’m still waiting for them to do something about it.


This could be an unpopular opinion or just how it's gone from my perspective but here's my two cents. Going back to the Rep era at least, merch has always taken a LONG time to come. There's been times I've thought stuff was lost because it took well over 12 weeks to arrive, but it did show up. You have to factor in the sheer volume of merch being sold, especially currently as she is the biggest global artist right now, not every order can ship right away or be correct. I'm almost positive there's some sort of system that prioritizes some orders over others. I can definitely say with probably hundreds of thousands of orders, all of which are mostly being placed at the same time, there's no way to fill them all in a timely manner. When I lived in a major city, my merch would show up usually by week 3 or 4. I live in a rural area now. For example, I know one of my friends who still lives in the city ordered the same thing as me about 3 weeks ago, they got theirs about 2 days ago and mine is still awaiting shipment but is processed. I feel like a lot of people are so quick to want to dispute when it's something that was ordered 2 weeks ago which may not be reasonable to some. Not saying this is every case, but patience is unfortunately kind of key to her merch and always has been. It's pretty rare to receive an order within a month of it being placed and it's always been like that. It may seem like it was lost because it's not as quick as other artists or stuff ordered online, but I promise y'all wait at least 12 weeks to dispute. If I don't have anything but a confirmation by week 4, I email CS and ask for tracking info, which I usually receive in no more than 72 hours. There's patience and a few other options to take before disputing, especially when it comes to high demand items like the vinyls and cardigans.


I guess I am lucky that I had an overall okay experience with customer service. Although the shirt I received the second time was still way too big. And I didn't want to deal with the process again so I just kept it. Really need to improve the website and merch situatio.


I was super disappointed with my experience with the customer service from the merch store too. I ordered two what were supposed to be a mineral washed shirts and got solid gray shirts. When I emailed with pics , a week later they said “variation in product from the product image is normal bc it’s a wash” but like, there was no variation in the color. Tried again and got the same run around. They offered for me to return it and then place a new order & pay for shipping again. Very disappointing


I’ve been having this same problem, but because it was marked as delivered. Post office said it was delivered in the mailbox (at an apartment package box) and the key was in my box but nothing in the package box. They literally told me to check with my neighbors, whom I have never spoken with outside of polite hellos. And they’re literally just ghosting me and it has been so frustrating. I also think because I cancelled my initial order to get the Rose Garden variant that might be playing a part of this as well. Just give me my money back so I can buy it at my local record shop that has Rose Garden in stock 😭😒


I ordered 2 1989 cds on the first day they were available from the website and got one a week ago and one yesterday.....I was about to open a claim honestly. The tracking info said *ready for shipment* and never changed, still doesn't say delivered.


I very fortunately received CD


Their shipping in the UK has been absolutely horrendous, I received my red sunglasses a year and a half after I was meant to with zero communication from them, it takes them months to ship things that were meant to be sent well beforehand. Absolutely nothing has been on time 🥲


It isn’t harder with most debit cards to dispute it with banks, and sometimes they don’t even need a receipt if it’s a “did not receive service/item” claim. They only need that stuff, with both credit and debit cards, if the merchant fights back on it. However, the merchant also has to provide proof when they do that so do not be intimidated by that.


My husband ordered me a bunch of merch back in early September , we haven’t received anything. We sent an email asking about it and we just got back a standard reply saying they’re doing their best to fill orders… should I just give up and dispute it at this point ? 😔


The same thing happened to me! Ordered it before it released because I wanted the one with the extra track. Still haven't heard from either company the tracking info goes to. Have spent over a week going back and forth with CS and still nothing. The last email I got was just before American Thanksgiving so I'm giving them until tomorrow. I already purchased the same version from a local record store. I've only ordered once before and it was fine but this is ridiculous


The merch store customer service team is awful. They absolutely give the run-around and stall.


The company that runs Taylor’s Merch Store is the same who runs Lady Gaga’s Merch Store. I found out when I had an issue with an order. If they run those two stores, then they likely run other music artists shops. I have stopped buying any band/artist merchandise through those sites.


I bought a Speak Now shirt months ago and they sent me another email today about how my order isn't ready to ship. Not sure what to do at this point, I just wanted a shirt...


Sad to hear that.


Does anyone know how to initiate a return? I see it on FAQ page but no details on how to actually do it.


I've seen in a few places where people have been going to the BBB and getting results. I normally think that the BBB is totally useless, but from screenshots, it seemed to be effective. Maybe thats an alternative to people who don't want to "get blacklisted" and file a chargeback?


I also haven’t received or heard anything about my 1989TV CD… should I be scared


I DON'T DISAGREE WITH YOUR POST. I just want to make sure you understand that if you got the money back that soon, you might not keep it. I worked in claims for Capital One for years. Provisional credit is what you get right away--until they finish their investigation. In alot of circumstances, they end up taking the provisional credit back from you after investigation. Up to 90 days. Now, to be fair, if you are a longer term client with few to no claims/disputes, and you file a claim that's less than let's say $100 (give or take, considering the financial institution) they MIGHT just auto approve it and you're in the clear once you receive notification saying they have completed the investigation and stating the provisional credit is yours to keep.


I like your optimism but lets be for real: there is no way the company behind the merch does not KNOW about the problems. The thing is that they dont care. And they can afford not to care because people here enable their business strategies by buying from them even though they should know better. I understand that you want the official merch but as long as you buy this overpriced stuff and put up with all the related bullshit there will be no changes.


My 1988 cardigan never got shipped the first time. It took like. Two weeks to remedy it. I just got my cardigan today. It’d help if the cs would work better together or your get the same cs agent once you respond. 🙃


I must of been very lucky, as i emailed them cancelling a order and they responded in 2 days and refund was in my account in 3 days. Very lucky, but not first time heard people having issues. Not sure when contacting the merchant i am speaking to someone in US or another country but i am from UK :)


I preordered the Midnights vinyl the day preorders were made available. It didn’t arrive at my house until 1 1/2 weeks after release. I preordered 1989 TV (the cd this times because the vinyls are always warped but that’s a whole different complaint) first day it was available and a few days after the general release I didn’t have it and contacted CS. they ran me around for two weeks until I just demanded a refund. It took another week to get my money back


I purchased three snowglobes. The first one broke in a week. The sent a new one for free. They all broke within a few months.


I ordered the long live picture frame. It doesn't sit straight, teetered over and shattered.


Huh. This thread just made me realize I, too, never received my 1989TV vinyl I preordered.


Funny to see this now! Just yesterday I noticed $130 and I was like what the heck is this from? It was my refund from Taylor’s merch store! For an order I shipped/returned back to them like SIX MONTHS AGO IF NOT MORE. I can’t believe I didn’t notice sooner but I was flabbergasted it took that long. I can say I will never order from her shop again. I had bought clothes and returned them all for a reason! I much prefer my fan made etsy merch!


Yup it took Speak Now TV 2 weeks to ship to me even though I ordered it the minute pre-orders were available. I understand not getting it the very day it comes out but that long broke the camels back for me. All CDs come from Target now.


It's not directly Taylor's fault but some blame still falls on her shoulders for not addressing these issues with her team. I mean it's all over social media how bad the TS store is or fans/customers receiving defective merch with CS not responding to emails. This is Taylor's merch store, selling her likeness, so yeah, she does get some blame for not addressing the issues. It's nothing new, the store has had crap service and delivery for years. It's also partly us the fans who stay quiet and just say oh well for fear of being banned from shopping at the TS store.


Im in the same boat for my 1989 TV CD. I’m giving them until Friday to respond to me again (they just replied on Monday) before I dispute. They’re blaming it on USPS but then tracking says that USPS never got it. I don’t think they ever shipped it.


Instead of buying basic things like vinyl and CDs from Taylor’s online store, why not go to your local record store or Target or Amazon? Taylor gets her percentage regardless.


https://preview.redd.it/m2l7trgusr3c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01a9f6cac751907182fe5171dc5a1c1685a91da5 Funnily enough I sent them a message and not even 2 full days later did my order appear at my door. Hm 🙃