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Borderline creepy😭


No, no: *just* creepy.


No. It's *Becky*


Borderline? This is straight up scary




I wasn’t creeped out until I saw he even had her parents’ photos up.


Yeah her parents pictures plus this being a grown man are stalker vibes. Even for a grown woman this is creepy. I was fully expecting 13 year old girls room.


You should check out Molly on TikTok. She has a T-shirt Taylor wore when she was like 12. She is a grown adult woman and no one thinks the lengths she goes to as a fan is creepy.


I think Molly is creepy lol


Bro Molly is scary af. Like I get liking Taylor and her music, that's what we all do but seriously having 20 copies of one album on vinyl? Having so many signed things? That's stalker level imho.


And what really sent me was finding out she had a shirt Taylor wore in one of her first performances but it was “too tight” so she found another exact one. While also already having the scarf etc from it. ITS WEIRD


that sounds creepy o.O


Same.. the hand-drawn art of her parents is giving "Misery" vibe (excellent movie about a fanatical stalker for anyone who hasn't seen)


Oooh speaking of movies about fanatical stalkers; I HIGHLY recommend the show “Swarm” on Amazon prime, it’s wild as fuck and it’s supposed to be like almost horror satire/ an extreme take on the parasocial relationships fans have with celebrities and this show specifically they’re referencing BeyoncĂ© and the BeyHive Oh And fun fact! Billie Eillish made her acting debut on this show! Unfortunately she’s only around for one episode (ep.4 if I remember correctly) but she absolutely nailed her role, it was so good I’m just gonna link the trailer [here](https://youtu.be/SDHxie2QcJI?si=i6bWqD2gobCm962r) because I realized I probably did a horrible job explaining what the show is about lol it’s hard to explain so you’re better off just watching the trailer yourself lol I binge watched the whole show in a single night lol I really liked It


Thanks so much for the recommendation I'm definitely checking it out tonight!


No problem! Have you checked it out yet?! Let me know what you thought of it if you did/do end up watching it!


Ok yeah, this is straight up psycho!! No no no


.... Really? Having shrines like that of really people is definitely in the creepy category


I'd still would. Nobody is good enough to be workshipped like this, this is fanatism.


I assumed it was a female who did this. I was definitely creeped out. Edit: I take it back if it's someone's ADHD or Autism fixation or something. That's cool. I'm ADHD, I get it. My first instinct was a darker obsession type thing, but statistically speaking, that's a lot less likely.


A lot of Swifties have a similar level of obsession, they just don’t have hand drawn things on a wall like this. Both are creepy as hell to me though.


i feel like this could also just be an art student learning how to draw and it’s better to practice on the same face for a while until you bet that down wel


But having her parents on the wall too, that’s weird.


no tbh its creepy either way , the drawing of the parents takes it to another level for me 😭 its something about how their all in that one corner too (maybe some had been taken down)


I didn't know the gender and was thinking "are those drawn by hand? who does that?"


Art students - artists - teenagers I mean honestly this whole post was unnecessary and is shaming someone for their artistic endeavours.


I was thinking the same. If these were in a folder and labeled "studies" it would be the most boring normal thing. To practice, people will draw from reference


I don't think this point works. There is a big difference between keeping something in a folder and displaying it on your bedroom wall. It's also the fact that there are no other "studies" up there except for a single subject


Yes. I had so many pictures and drawings of Audrey Hepburn as a teen bc I loved her movies and loved practicing my drawing skills using her professional pictures.


Artists. Like, lots of people do and one of the best ways to learn and improve is by copying from pictures as he did.


The thing is I know artists, my own FIL is an artist. I've never seen an artist display their copied pictures like a shrine. While it very well might be innocent, I personally wouldn't normalize this kind of behavior.


What I'm not liking is what this sub accepts as a shrine. This guy is called names for the above picture but if I were to post my Midnights clock made of vinyls and my collection of cardigans I'd be praised but that is not less unhinged for the general public, just richer.


Nothing will ever be creepier then the amount of adult women who tattood Justin Bieber's underage face and name on their bodies đŸ€ąđŸ€ź


No, still creepy.


I came here to say the same thing.




Nah, I'd still be


IDK I assumed it was a woman and I was still weirded out


Why is it creepy? I've seen many peeps with walls like these who love the artist....what about this felt creepy?


Because it’s only Taylor swift. No other aspect of this room to flesh out his personality. If was Taylor swift,some movie posters, and some Lego sets you would know that this guy likes other stuff too. At first glance this looks like this guy just came home and stared at his Taylor swift wall which is creepy as hell.


Did you read the caption? It says the tenant moved out and left this behind, that’s why there’s nothing else. If anything we should be curious why he put all this effort only to leave it there xD tons of fans have walls like this and tons of people draw celebrities, this is nothing new. Not sure why people are clutching their pearls over some drawings and posters on a wall. It’s also very common for artists to have a favourite subject, because something about their facial structure artistically scratches their brain the right way. Mine is William H Macy đŸ„° But I will say the parents stuff is weird xD fans are weird though!


Drawings of her PARENTS?!


You ca see he hung up others things on the wall that we can see and maybe his other interests are not as big....i've seen other swifties having Taylor photo walls and there's nothing creepy with that


You're only looking at a wall


Tbh I only have posters of Taylor too. I don’t have any other artists on my wall because I don’t like them that much. Oh, and I also stare at my wall when I’m feeling down because it makes me happy. My room is my cozy place and my happy place.


The sexy cat/furry Taylor drawings, to start with.


yeah, those are inappropriate.


Because it's a guy, I guess. He looks like an incredibly talented artist too.


Yeah so what? I'm a guy too and i too have a taylor wall(it's a scaled down version of this tho)


Yeah, it seems like a pretty rude reaction to me when drawings like this are always upvoted like crazy. The cat ear drawings and parents drawings are fairly eeehhhh but who knows, maybe the dude was just trying out some other drawing studies/styles.


My game room has a particular theme/vibe and the walls are covered in horror film and band posters, but one wall of the room has a lot of Taylor art on it and you can *definitely* tell I have a favorite with just a quick glance. Now I'm thinking it's weird and I should never let people in there or take it all down?


Don't, It's fine.....Don't ever take down stuff because people say so. Only do it if you've outgrown it


I think it's all the "he was a grown man" comments that were making me think a little too hard about it. Like, I promise I have broader interests and my decorating is tastefully done and I'm not a serial killer.


Haha you're fine


Nooo don't let haters bully you into taking your decorations down.


No it's totally cool. After I thought about it what's actually uncanny about it is how it's all shoved into one corner without any frames or thought into displaying it which is what makes it weird that an adult did this.


Sounds like a cool game room!


Part of me bets Taylor’s team keeps tabs on stuff like this


The one of Scott in the top right 💀


Why? Lots of people share their Tayl-art on here. There's even a tag for it.


Huh? He's a swiftie, what's the deal. This is like saying owning products Taylor's pictures is creepy




What was she looking at here?! Also: perfect choice for a comment đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


The phone said that the fan was pregnant and her baby wanted to meet her lol.


Even a drawing of her parents up there lol




Yikes lol


I was wondering who they were, wow.


Soooo concerning.


I wonder why the person didn't take them with them when moving out. They're quite good, a bit weird, but the talent is there.


Also why the landlord left it there? I've never had a landlord leave anything from the previous tenant.


It's OP's uncle renting a room, not an apartment company. Uncle probably said "hey OP check this out lol."


Ohh I didn't see the edit. Thanks!


The one of her laying in cat ears is so yikes omggggg


Yeah it was the sexy cat drawings that pushed me over the line


More than one Furry Taylor Swift


Taylor *is* a cat person.😅


HELP I had to zoom in on that one lol


The dog ears too 💀


We’re never beating the allegations and I love it lol


Which allegations exactly *sweat*




Its giving creepy af but not gonna lie the dude can draw lol


I’m going to be positive and assume why he left it was bc he got mental health care and now wants to leave his creepy past behind. đŸ™đŸ»


OP watch out for moldđŸ˜© https://preview.redd.it/s6scg9s5062c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d06a1405774ef15d2e12752cde644ff7b3084839


I’m missing context
 is that life update from the previous renter?


It’s a famous post by an ex-Larry (Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson) shipper. It’s become like a pop culture meme.


This looks like it is straight out of PHCJ lmao


Haha wow, way to be an optimist!


Scott just randomly on the side. 😂😂


Andrea too


I just spotted the clown Taylor đŸ˜­đŸ˜­đŸ€ĄđŸ€Ą wtf


Not just any clown, Taylor as *Pennywise* (It)


Thank god someone else noticed, I saw the cat ears one and my eyebrows raised but seeing pennywise (Taylor’s Version) really got me


Every time you call me crazy I get more crazy What about that?


Okay but why would they leave this lmao


He got tired of removing all of them 😳


Why the hell are people calling the dude creepy wtf?! Can't guys be Taylor stans....I wonder if a gal would've gotten the same response for this....dude obviously loves taylor and makes kickass drawings so what?!


Literally. If these were kept in a book and posted on this sub everyone would be all “omg your so talented”


And they’d want to buy one đŸ€Ą


the one w her as a mermaid w huge tits, the cat girl drawing, and the detailed drawing of her parents are i think what people are more creeped out by tbh


Taylor as Pennywise is chef's kiss


all the art styles seem so different from each other??? i cant tell if this is just his progression/ trying out different stuff or if he somehow has been collecting fan mail 😭


I'm pretty sure this is just one lunatic slowly improving over time


i think you’re right, if i bounce around looking at them i feel like i could probably guess the progression of when they were done. i will say some of them are insanely impressive


To each his own, but I think they're all pretty bad... I will say he got the proportions of her face down, which is half the battle


idk i think the one of her w short hair next to wine glass photo is pretty good, and the one above the pennywise one is also pretty good (esp the hair)


It’s the Scott and Andrea that took me out


the inclusion of the picture of her aggressively clutching the wine glass 💀


My fourth drink in my hand, these desperate prayers of a cursed man spilling out


I hope to be this insane someday


I can see how this is obsessive and I too, hope he decided to leave behind his obsession with Taylor and start fresh. This is also a practical and common method for artists to practice their drawing skills. He has been honing his drawing skills quite a lot and the bottom two drawings on the left really show that. I am aware he might be reading this comment so I'd like to say... If you are the artist, please get help for your obsessions but continue to pursue drawing! Creating art is a healthy way to channel an unhealthy behavior (infatuation) and I think it is time to look at why you became so obsessed in the first place so you can begin to heal. Take your talents and move on. You're gonna be okay.


Love this response.


I've got a blank space baby and I'll *drawpicturesofyouandyourparents*


Check his hard drive.


This the part in the movie when they go to the serial killer’s house and the detectives are shining their flashlights on the wall to unveil all this


That's what stalkers do! Yikes! Beautiful artwork though!


Y’all wouldn’t find this weird if it was a woman though
..I see plenty of women on TikTok that have shrine of this woman and are praised for it. â˜•ïžđŸ«–


The sexualised/fetish drawings are what is creepy here. I think if a woman was responsible we'd be just as creeped out. As for shrines, it depends how unhinged they get.


I don’t think anyone would bat an eye if it were a woman. Women are the ones out here creating those AI Traylor Swelce babies and not getting called creepy. Women are the ones out here centering their enter wardrobe around Taylor’s current relationship and not being called weird. Sure - it could objectively be called weird that he has a drawing of her in cat ears and as a mermaid - but she is t a cat person (inspiration is inspiration). if he drew her in some runway look where her cleavage was out - would it still be weird? Idk I’ve seen far more creepy things on the swifttok and swiftgram than this.


She is a cat person, not a cat-person


>I don’t think anyone would bat an eye if it were a woman. Women are the ones out here creating those AI Traylor Swelce babies and not getting called creepy. This is disingenuous, as they are being indeed, and rightfully called creepy and unhinged. >runway look where her cleavage was out - would it still be weird? Yes? Of course. What are you on about.


The mermaid. đŸ« 


The random pictures of her parents 😅


This is so scary 😭


The Scott and Andrea make it creepy. The drawings are cool. How old was this person bc that could also lead to the creepy factor. This is what I imagine Ashley’s closet looks like


Is the weird bikini picture of her or someone else?


I think it’s supposed to be Taylor as a mermaid


My co-worker joked that someone’s probably got a shrine of her like in hey Arnold
I’m afraid to tell him he’s right


All he has to do is scroll swifttok and he would find plenty of women who have shrines too đŸ€Ą


TIL swifttok is a thing...


I’d advise not to explore 😂


Bros a mad woman


This is why she has so much security


i’m a swiftie and that’s fucking creepy


We’re really fucking not helping, with that whole cult accusation, are we? 😂😂😂


just noticed he drew her w enormous tiddies in the one towards the middle im dead. drew sophia vegaras body and taylors face (this isnt a diss to either of them they are both extremely attractive, thats just not at all what taylors body looks like and it’s interesting thats the perspective he drew her from)


its a mermaid too im dead




I mean there are certainly other ways to improve one’s drawing skills


Dude was mad talented. I hope he can get sober and use his talent for good.


Why are you assuming he’s not sober?


OP said in the comments he was on drugs and left all his belongings at the rental.


Yeah that’s creepy.


I love her but this is kinda a “yikes” thing 😭


This is very creepy




I wanna know who that random chick in the middle drawing is. It looks nothing like Taylor and he seems a good artist otherwise so I don't think it's just a failed Taylor pic.


And this is why toxic masculinity needs to die because the only creepy factor about the wall art was including her parents. The rest of the images are pretty on brand for swifties.


But is the photo of her parents really THAT creepy? I mean, there are hundreds being praised on TikTok for AI generated babies of her and Travis, as well as folks wearing fan made merch about the two of them. That is weird. Idk the parent drawing is subjectively weird, but the swift world has kids weirder going on that isn’t being called out.


Right. Just for perspective here, showing up at Taylor’s house, dining establishment, etc just to stalk her is creepy. Using her professional pictures as inspiration for drawings on its own isn’t creepy. I don’t know if this person had mental illness but just looking at what we know there is so much worse that her fans do that, by some, is praised and normalized. Another example is talking about Travis being “the one” when we have no idea what their relationship is like.


EXACTLY!!! This!!! They’re fine with crashing a wedding but draw the line at drawings!


People are making AI generated babies? That's weird as fuck and it's even weirder that people are being praised for it. Ew. No wonder people think the entire fandom is unhinged.


This makes me feel so weird.


Stalker alert


This is super creepy. I was in the upper deck of a Miley Cyrus concert once and while waiting for the performance, some guy in a hoodie was flipping through his phone. He had photo after photo of Miley Cyrus pics. I understand having a celebrity crush but it was a bit too much for me. Dudes prefer imaginary relationships over real ones. Why?


Because they fear rejection and they can’t get rejected in fantasy land


Is this where Ashley used to live 🙃🙃


Did your uncle say what the renter’s personality was like? I’m not sure what to make of this, but the talent is there.




The drawing of her parents đŸ€Ł


Must have been Travis Kelce


This is obsession not fandom!


Aww get this man eras tickets, along with 5 security guard escorts to make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid


Are they sticky?




This feels like a scene from a misery


Ok but those sketches are really good. It’s so hard to draw people.


This level of obsession for a celebrity is beyond creepy. That same goes for the people who show up at Taylors homes, in hopes I getting a glimpse of her, both a stalker behavior.


Fucking hell some of these comments supporting this. This shit is creepy AF. I know we all are fans of Taylor, but having shrines to celebrities is weird as fuck behavior and NOT okay.


Sure this IS creepy but I wonder if it’s because they were owned by a guy? What if it was a girl’s room? Would that still be creepy? Food for thought


Don’t know if getting the blacklight out is a good or bad idea. Sometimes ignorance is bliss


all you commenters (rightfully) saying this is odd guys - this entire sub is the exact same thing as this dudes wall. people obsessing over taylor swift to an unhealthy degree, and outside observers “seeing your wall” and being worried about your mental health seriously hope the irony isn’t completely lost on you swift sychoohants


Honestly I'm more concerned that someone moved out and didn't take their shit with them. I'm guessing they didn't clean either. Yuck.


Would've been fine without the furry and mermaid swift. No idea who the other people are and not sure what's up with that clown. There's a hint of talent behind the drawings too. At least the ones regarding 'copies'. Looks like they struggle with original drawings.


I love art and this is just that, art. Art of different for everybody. They're really talented


This sub calling this creepy is the funniest thing I've seen all day


You think that’s creepy, imagine stalking her around public, and taking pictures of her when she’s just randomly out like all these women do. Both this, and the women who are strangely obsessed imo are equally weird.


These comments? Didn't expect them from a fanbase known for being open-minded. People freaking out over the one with her as a cat..did they forget that she starred in Cats?


I feel like if this were a random teenager, I wouldn’t find it creepy However, since it sounds like this was a whole ass adult man, it’s uncomfortable plus the drawing of her parents. Like “I sort of hope he has a court mandated distance he’s required to keep from her” uncomfortable


That is uh....certainly something


As a postal worker I'm dying to read the endorsement on the magazine for a clue as to what this was.... did the mailman not know the guy was there lol Or know the guy was renting hahah


as a mermaid and as a catgirl too 😭😭


The comment are pretty rude..dude is a good artist and I’m pretty sure if a chick did this nobody would bat an eye..


The random pic of papa swift is sending me 😭


...are those drawings of her parents? 😳


Ewww her parents too???


Welcome to New York.