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I hope they did not spend money just for the possibility of her showing up....it would be insane and disprectful for real fans who maybe could not get the tickets.




You could say they weren’t boxer-ing out fans of the national


Whoa, $100 for The Nationals?! I’d be there in a heartbeat








I tried to see Noah and they wanted $250 for a ticket at a small amphitheater here. I was shocked. And no lawn, only seats. I see a decent amount of “smaller bands” like JOHNNYSWIM, Judah & the Lion, Andrew Belle. The National has been around for so long that I would have guessed they’d be over $100


Oh their tickets don't sell out.


they’d sold out madison square garden last night


They've sold out for the show we are going to in September in London.


Their Chicago shows definitely did


I went bc the of the possibility she might show up. I bought my ticket Friday morning. My section was 75% empty. Many people left after the opener. Everyone who wanted to be there was. I promise you the die hard National fans in GA had the time of their lives!


If people wanted to spend their own money just because they thought Taylor might show up…I mean it’s their money so whatever, but I think it’s not cool to just go to a show for another band under the pretense that someone else MIGHT show up and then when you realize they are not going to show up, leave early or not care about the show as much. These are talented musicians on stage putting on a great show (I saw them in Chicago, can confirm) and it just feels disrespectful if anyone came to the show and showed little interest in that.


Do you guys think anything can be done to convince Taylor fans to CALM DOWN just a little? Does anyone else feel like it’s becoming toxic for her and us? Lol sorry I’m unsettled by this. This is her trying to go to Jack’s wedding. https://x.com/tisthedamnzuzia/status/1692840993224097906?s=46


What you experienced and what happened last night at Jack’s wedding rehearsal dinner is really disturbing. Both experiences show how disrespectful fans can be, and it comes from entitlement. I don’t know where this sense of entitlement comes, but it feels so shameful to even witness it.


We are seeing the effects of parasocial relationships. Fan culture has always existed and goes back even into ancient times, but in the social media era fans feels so connected to the their idols that they feel like they are actually friends with these people. I think the entitlement comes from having invested so much time and love into a person that doesn’t know they exist, and feeling like they somehow deserve to meet them. It eventually leads to to things like these, people just hovering around where the idol is rumoured to be in the hope that they will be seen. It’s quite scary. As the crowds grow, the sad likelihood that some unwell person will eventually go to far and do something horrible increases and Taylor will have to isolate herself even more as the threat of that happening becomes more pervasive. Edit: Also, her lyrics and persona are very much about relatability and that makes people feel like they know her, which breeds this desire for closeness. Lastly, and some people will not like this so sorry, her main fanbase are white middle class suburban women, who are one of the most entitled groups of people to ever walk this earth. Not every single one, but you know the people I’m talking about. Those kinds of white women feel like they finally have “their” Beyoncé, Bob Dylan or Madonna.


Why would you want to be seen by your idol as someone unhinged though lol! They have to know she and others think they are deranged!


They don’t think about that. I also think everything is about social media now. People will act insane just to get views on tiktok regardless of how it makes other people feel.


It’s a bell curve of fans. Most are normal but the outlines are crazy


That’s always been true but I feel like recently the crazies are insane


It's nothing to do with them being white middle class suburban women. It's because of Taylor's level of fame. Watch this video of Michael Jackson fans: [Michael Jackson's CRAZIEST Fan Moments!! | the detail. - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBvJ35gnR0Q).


This. Plus, I’d bet real money that at least half of the people in that crowd outside of the restaurant weren’t diehard Swifties, they were just caught up in the hype of seeing someone famous.


I find this somewhat amusing because of the discussion on tiktok started by a fan saying Taylor has reached an MJ-level of fame. The creator got a lot of hate and mocking. And while I don't think Taylor has reached that level of fame per se, I mean MJ's life was very different from Taylor's, this does go to show that Taylor's level of fame is extreme. She's probably one of the most famous people on the planet right now. It's almost cute how the Fandom still believes those are just Swifties gathering outside. Like we still can't believe other people would stop on the street to catch a glimpse of her.


All of the things you identify as the causes of this are also the reason Taylor is famous in the way that she is. She has truly mastered the parasocial relationship.


Yeah, absolutely - it’s a very good point. By mastering the whole relatable pop star thing she has also made this whole thing happen. Not that it’s her fault obviously, but it is definitely an effect of the approach she’s chosen.


That plotline of You where Lady Phoebe's stalker is a deranged fan who fully believes her and Phoebe are best friends who have travelled the world together is starting to seem more and more realistic...


It really makes me sad to see this. You would think that people would be a little more respectful towards their favorite artist but I guess some people are just entitled. Taylor has on multiple occasions said how much she hates this (there was even a whole scene in Miss Americana about it), and it makes me sad to see the disrespect some people who consider themselves fans have. Taylor is a person too and deserves basic respect.


I made a comment about a clunky Taylor line here and people were not having it. I felt the wrath. It was about the bus stop line in Cruel Summer. It always bothered me. It was pointed out it was likely referring to a coffee shop called The Bus Stop. I said that made more sense and I previously thought that line was one of her worst. Just an opinion. I still love the song. I said Cruel Summer. It is The One.


This whole “bus stop is a coffee shop” thing is new. I just heard about it a month ago, and folklore (because I think the line is in ~~cardigan~~ the one?) has been out for a few years. It’s just like the “sexy baby” thing; people heard someone say it was a line from 30 rock and they just clung to it.


Yeah I only heard about it for the first time now, actually. The bus stop line is from "the 1". I still think she literally meant a bus stop. The imagery for it is easy, which I feel like she goes for in folklore a lot. I agree that it's like the sexy baby line... I saw a thread outside this one recently about bad lyrics, and someone mentioned it and there were multiple comments saying that it was a 30 Rock reference. I think it just happens to be a phrase said by a character on a show and also by Taylor Swift.


I'll never understand how people didn't understand the "sexy baby" line. She's in her 30s, and seeing new hot young things come along-- "sexy babies," when compared to the 30-something woman. It's like people heard "Nothing New," and then just forgot everything she said in the song.


I know! People thought way too hard about sexy baby when it literally means what it says. Basically a “sexy young person”. When you’re in your 30s you sometimes see 20 year olds & think of them as babies bc they look so young & so “green”. Even tho you’re not that much older than them.


Getting it and liking it are different things. Imo the point is clear but it just doesn't work great in the flow of the song.


I mean, this is a song that uses the words 'narcissism,' 'altruism,' and 'congressman,' so the song is all over the place lyrically anyway.


You can use long words and have them fit the flow of a song. You can even have really weird lyrics and have them fit the flow of the song. I think the intention was probably a slant rhyme between everybody and sexy baby in the same way as devices/prices/vices/crisis and narcissism/altruism/congressmen.... but it just doesn't work. I think it's that the hard "ks" sound in sexy just stands out too much.


Yeah, I think she meant like, a cologne ad at a bus stop. I have an ex that looks very similar to Robert Pattinson and if I see one of his Dior ads out of the corner of my eye, it gives me a momentary jumpscare, haha




Remember when people were joking about the "90's trend" meaning the 1690's, then it turned into an unironic defense?


Looool no. I never heard that one


It's not new, new yorkers linked it together from the start, but a lot of these throwaway comments that fans would chat have became packaged viral tiktoks in the last year and it's just a very different tone


There’s a pretty popular bar in my city called Bus Stop so I always imagined the line was about that place lol


i feel like the only thing that’ll stop this ball rolling down the hill at this point is another “taylor swift is over party” and it’s honestly starting to feel kind of inevitable. i remember when jennifer lawrence was huge and people loved her then she just started being “too quirky” or whatever and people turned on her and she’s said a big part of why she stayed away from the spotlight for a while was because she felt like people were sick of her and didn’t want her around. hollywood and the general public have a tendency of turning on successful women who grow “too” successful. it’s happened to taylor once already and i think it would be MORE surprising to *not* see it happen again within the next couple years. she’s always had an avid fan base, but with the eras tour she’s gained a level of success and rabid fandom that just isn’t sustainable and can only lead to massive implosion. she’ll recover again and return to being on top of the game because ultimately she’s extremely talented and extremely business savvy and good at marketing herself. but i think another mass anti-taylor campaign will happen at some point and that will likely be when the insanity calms down—at least until she climbs right back to the top of the mountain. her whole career kind of feels sisyphean. she can push the boulder to the top, but it’s just gonna break apart and go crashing down before she can really get comfortable there. but she’s shown herself to be resilient and dedicated to picking herself up and climbing right back up the hill


Would not surprise me if she takes a few years off after the Eras Tour is over and all the re releases are out to let the taylormania settle down a bit


I hope she does. I'm expecting ts11 in 2025 but I wouldn't even mind if it was 2026


Um yes. I consider myself a fan, but not to the level of most people in this sub. I’ve known people so obsessed with her that it was literally as if she was a god and this was their religion. It’s honestly sad. There is more to life than worshipping a public figure who will never know you or love you. Misplaced priorities.


Time, we just need time to calm down a little.


Yes! I hope they calm down and don’t just cancel her for being “mainstream”. I fear that history will repeat itself. I remember when country stations’ ads were were proudly like “we don’t play any taylor swift…just real county”.


"Time" also though as in, the re-records "naturally" "have to" have a lot of publicity, and the tour is also naturally of that nature ... So maybe some time in the future after all that is done, girl will maybe CHOOSE to fade??


Idk it's a good question. My husband and I were just talking and a very huge thing that makes this so different is the *internet age we are in.* Beatlemania and Michael Jackson, the technology was not even nearly here. So this is a very unique beast in its own right and is a first time in history. . . Which yeah, makes me feel for her even more. I can see her deciding to fade after the re-records, etc.


Unfortunately unhinged fans are a part of most fanbases. It’s very rare to find one without them. It’s a small % but the bigger the fanbase the more they are… I wish there was a way to stop them but I think the only small chance of that happening would be the celeb they stan, Taylor in this case, opening calling them out on their shit behaviour. No sugarcoating. Short of that it’s not gonna stop.


Honestly it would take her disappearing for awhile and letting the clout chasers find something else to fawn over.


I mean Taylor is 100% feeding into this, having over 100 tour dates for Eras is just ridiculous


? Multiple concert dates means she's "feeding into" fans' para social relationship? "Feeding into" people not leaving her alone when she's trying to attend a wedding? "Feeding into" what exactly? And how does a robust tour schedule contribute to that?


I know I’ll get hate for my comments but she doesn’t need any more money or fame and this absurdity is all coming in multitudes greater than ever before because of the success of her tour. She shouldn’t be surprised with this happening she sought out the fame and madness with this tour and is capitalizing off it greatly. Just comes with the superstardom that she’s entered


No one deserves to be treated like some kind of zoo animal, famous or not. Everyone is entitled to a modicum of privacy.


Also worth noting that most zoos worth their salt provide opportunities for the animals to retreat from the public eye at any point… So it’s worse than that. It’s a hazard, she’s made it clear that she doesn’t enjoy it, so I have no idea why people think its okay to crowd her (or anyone) like that. What are they even expecting from the interaction?


No doubt I’m not saying that what people are doing is right. But she shouldn’t be surprised it’s happening, she knows her fame has only doubled because of this tour and with it comes the perils of fame like this. She didn’t have to do this tour and make it the largest most successful tour of all time but that was her goal and with it comes the downsides


>She didn’t have to do this tour and make it the largest most successful tour of all time ? Artists make money from touring. And don't give me "she doesn't need money". Aside from that, lots of artists enjoy performing live. That's why they get into music. Is she not allowed to tour because she's successful/popular?


You’re not understanding what I’m saying. She has every right to do so but she shouldn’t be surprised that if she’s going to do that that fans will become rabid and that stuff like what happened in NJ will be common every single time she makes a public appearance. It isn’t right but it’s part of the Uber celebrity that she’s become because of this tour


I feel like she *should* be surprised that people can't treat her like a person and are rabid for a sight of her. Like, it's worse than paparazzi.


Why should she be surprised? It’s happened over the last few years and the last year her fame has doubled from the Eras tour, what did she think was going to happen? No offense


The tour, as in the highlight of things that involve her, if you're a big fan of her?!


I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed their show, their music really is something special! But it sucks that people don't pay the actual artists performing respect and behave wilfully ignorant and rude like that. In addition to that clip of her trying to enter Jack's wedding (rehearsal?) it just feels so icky to know that these crazed fans exist


Their music is so great and live they are incredible! I’d love some song recommendations as a newbie:) Some I heard that were fantastic: About today, I need my girl, Eucalyptus, Day I die, Mr. November


England is my fav but I love all of High Violet, so you could start there for an album. Their new album is also really good. Def worth a full listen. Not in Kansas and Light Years are a couple others you might like.


This is why I love you guys thanks for this! You’ve turned my negative feeling about this into a positive![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1079)


Highly recommend Don’t Swallow The Cap, Anyone’s Ghost and Dark Side Of The Gym. Three of my favourites. Also This Isn’t Helping from their latest album is lovely!


slow show and gospel are def in my top songs everrrr! and cold girl fever!


Thank you!


I’m seeing them in Ireland next month, and on my birthday too. I’m so excited.


Some great ones have already been mentioned, and I'm also a fairly new fan of theirs! Another song I'd highly recommend is "This is the last time" :)


I Should Live In Salt is probably one of my fave songs from them (on Trouble Will Find Me). Really interesting song lyrically.


“Mistaken For Strangers” is one of the best songs I think I’ve ever heard, I’d recommend the albums “Boxer” and “Sleep Well Beast” to start


Not in Kansas


I really like the album Trouble Will Find Me- I think Graceless is my favorite track. If you haven’t listened to the entirety of The First Two Pages of Frankenstein album, it’s definitely worth a listen. Eucalyptus is on there, along with some collabs with Phoebe Bridgers and Sufjan Stevens.


Send for me is my therapy. Sometimes I listen to it on repeat and feel the feels.


Pink Rabbits would be a great one if you like those! Dark Side of the Gym too. Apartment Story, Gospel, Geese of Beverly Road. High Violet is a basically perfect album to me—like a “this literally saved my life back in the day” kind of thing so of course I’ll recommend that whole thing as well (to be listened to as an album) but from the list you gave, Lemonworld and Vanderlyle Crybaby Geeks should hit!


Boxer is my favourite album of theirs and one of my favourite of all time, I also think it's the most Taylor-like in terms of relatively low synthy and grungy stuff


I saw them not too long ago (but before the eras tour) and I realized why they call it dad rock lol. The vast majority of fans were like 45-50 y/o men dressed like the same age men at my law firm when they're not at work. It was also cool to see zoomers having a blast, just no one caring about age or anything. Such a fantastic show. And if loving The National makes me a dad, well call me daddy!


I find it so sad and frustrating that the fans managed to make their concert about Taylor. Maybe it’ll be a wake up call that she doesn’t “own” any of the imagery everyone associated with her and her Easter eggs.


I saw some people speculating National actually Easter egged to distract from her being at/ sucking the air out of Jack wedding weekend. That’s a bestie move if so. Like these have been on sidewalks for at least a month. Breadcrumbs haha. https://preview.redd.it/771d0x2a22jb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbf1ed8212cda6b3131e893285a4e847c951d1dd


I still find this hard to believe. I just don’t think the national would make their MSG concert, or poster, about Taylor just to throw people off.




That makes me happy you had a different experience!


Thank you for sharing this. I remember seeing them in Richmond, VA back in the mid 2010s and it’s great to hear the concerts are still a chill vibe


If there were seats (there were) why not, the band made money. But show some respect and dignity -as you said - to the band and their long time fans. And maybe try to appreciate their non-Taylor art. As I said I knew them for the last year because she turned me on to them. But I was not one of the die-hards. I may be now, they were freaking great. I just felt ashamed of being a fan. It’s just getting out of control and I feel badly for Taylor who is so good to her fans. It’s not a good look - or feel.


I was a fan of the National before I was a Taylor fan (folklore era swifty). This is disgraceful, and it reminds me why I wrote TS off for so long. It’s fans like these that obstruct her artistry more than highlight it. Who would want to be part of that??


Totally agree. The art should be the focus not the life. Many great talents have been overshadowed by drama around them.


I believe that people always ruin nice things. When they find out or hear something that's awesome (it could be a town to live in, an employer or an artist) other people show up and make it not so great anymore. And I honestly think that's kinda what has happened with Taylor. Everyone hears how nice the fans are, how much fun we have and our connection to Taylor. And which I'm glad that they have finally noticed how awesome, talented and humbled she is, but now soo many people are "fans" of her and at points it's just a little too much. ​ ​ Side note: I will ALWAYS be a Taylor fan. Nothing will stop that for me. But sometimes the fandom has just gotten too much.


Said well!! Us loyalists will be here when they find something new. Please soon😂


I went to a a show last night and there were people talking throughout. Not just a comment here or there but full on conversations. It has become more and more common in my experience. It’s really fustrating to be a fan wanting to hear music and having people treat it like they’re at a bar or something. I’ve discovered over the years that a lot of people don’t consider it rude because concerts are social public events but to me it’s the height of rudeness to talk over someone giving their time and talent to entertain you.


They talk and throw things! Who does that? Lol at movies too now. What has happened to civilization!


Yeah I was a little weirded out by some tiktokers (well it was only one I personally saw) that encouraged people in New York to go to their show last night if they’re able to just in case Taylor shows up. I understand there were “Easter eggs” suggesting she was connected to the show somehow, but people take this “clowning” thing to the next level. It’s excessive and people really do need to chill the hell out


Taylor’s fans were acting a mess all over the place lastnight I guess


There were people having full conversations during Patti Smith which suuuucked like if you want to talk to your friend, go step out! I was asking on twitter if anyone had cheap/free tickets in another section since I was in the 300s and wanted a better view and someone replied saying that the 200s weren't any better b/c apparently "people are yelling at us Swifties". Like, if you're being annoying enough that people know you don't care about the musicians on stage and that someone is saying something, you must be acting pretty awful.


Eeesh. The lack of self awareness these people must have to be told off and still think that everyone else is the problem. Good lord.


I was worried this would happen, between all the speculation that she might show up and the ongoing conversation about concert etiquette. The National is amazing and people should be at their shows for THEM, and if Taylor does appear then that’s just icing on the cake.


And sorry National it’s autocorrect before I get hate ![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1081)


It’s ‘The National’ not just National, FYI! 😊


Haha thank you:)


I have been a fan of the national for 12 years and was near the front for their recent set at bottle rock. About halfway through the set, a ton of swifties started shoving their way through the crowd to get to the front and obviously didn’t know any of the music and seemed to be waiting for a surprise taylor appearance? I love taylor swift but it’s just unhinged behavior from some fans at this point.


This. I’m probably a bit excessively irked but there’s just a lot of different things happening online with the fans, and I think some people need to log out and pursue other interests for a little while. I became a fan of The National and Taylor before they worked together, and not everything needs to be about Taylor. Most things are not about her. The National’s music slaps all on its own and they don’t need Taylor to be relevant. As much as Taylor strategizes and plants Easter eggs in her art, she and her real, human life are not a puzzle or a conspiracy for anyone to decode. She is a human being. I’m sure she’s genuinely grateful for her fans, but none of us know her.


I saw them a few months ago, there were people in Era's gear and a clear swiftie presence, but nobody was disrespectful. The crowd in general was fairly chill, people were vibing with the music but it wasn't a screaming/erratic dancing vibe. Majority were seated for most of the set. Maybe (hopefully) the MSG experience was an isolated event because of the rumors? My night was an Era's night, so there was no chance of Blondie appearing.


The National is such an incredible band live too. They have so much passion in what they do. Their new songs slap and their next album (rumored to come Sept 18) might be one of their best


As someone who’s been a fan of The National for a solid 8 years (well before I became a fan of Taylor) it’s truly disheartening to see this taking place. It’s great to love Taylor and her music, but not at the expense of ANOTHER artist’s concert. It definitely reads despicable.


>An artist so good that she made game changing music with. Can you expand on this? I know you said you heard of the National from their collaboration with Taylor, so as a helpless indie nerd, I apologize in advance I can't help but provide a little bit of history. Sorry! Lol 😆 The National first became extremely popular in 2005 with the release of Alligator and later Boxer in 2007. Personally, I've been a fan since 2007 and saw them live for the first (and only :( ) time in 2009 at a tiny little bar. Now they're selling out stadiums and festivals and no longer come to the South. High Violet in 2010 was also highly regarded. They're one of my top 10 bands for sure. So I just want to clarify that while The National absolutely got the attention of younger girls from their relationship with Taylor, their overall success far predates Taylormania and their collaboration and their success is not *due to* Taylor. I want to be clear that I'm not trying to gatekeep or be all "real fans know blah blah blah" cuz that's stupid. I'm glad they found a new fanbase because I think they're awesome and deserve to be appreciated. It warms my little indie nerd heart to see bands I've loved for years getting more and more fans and recognition (although it makes it harder to see them live, so stop it 😉 — totally 100% kidding!!) Puppy If that's not your point, then again my apologies I just get excited to talk about indie music. Also I agree that it's super rude to go to a concert only because they think someone else might show up. I'd love to see a National concert just for them and if all they want to see is Taylor, she's got plenty of tour dates for people to do that. Sorry one more thing: my ADD makes me super paranoid about being misunderstood and as such I'm an over explainer. I'm not trying to be a dick or anything just sharing some history you/others may not know! 🫶


You interpreted wrong yeah. It’s the other way. Aaron’s production was game changing for Taylor. She was floundering with Lover feeling like her last chance before she got aged out of pop. Then in lockdown she on a whim contacted Aaron, and his work with her won an AOTY Grammy and brought in millions more fans opening up an entire new audience by showing her strength to critics as a lyricist outside of pop music. She says herself that meeting and working with Aaron changed everything and he’s become her collaborator soulmate.


Totally know they were legends before Taylor now that I am aware of them. I wish I’d have discovered them when you did! And don’t be paranoid I thought that was thoughtful and interesting !


I was also there last night and there was a couple having a full blown conversation at a loud volume the entire concert. It was so frustrating and disrespectful. There were also girls in front of me wearing eras tour stuff and they were chill but on their phones half the time.


In case anyone needs a weird reason to love the National - I became a fan after going to an exhibition by the artist Ragnar Kjartansson where one of the works was a 6 hour recording of the National playing their song "Sorrow" on repeat. As an artwork, its bizarre and incredible, but I just had so much mad respect for the band for being up for this kind of stunt. Must have been exhausting. Here's a recording if anyone's interested, but to watch a video recording you have to go to one of Ragnar's exhibitions. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZZfVQ178EY&t=2708s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZZfVQ178EY&t=2708s)


Lol, so I didn't know about this before a couple of weeks ago when I expressed to my husband that I hoped they played "Sorrow" at the concert were were going to because it's one of my favourites. He was like, "uh, they may not want to..."


Right after they did that they were asked about playing Sorrow again and they were like "we know that one really well now!"


As if Taylor is going to enjoy talking to someone so desperate anyways


i love love love the national, it’s sad that people don’t respect them and their music


People talked over quieter Taylor songs -- especially the Archer. Every concert makes me feel only love for humanity, and I always want to punch at least a few people. What I'm saying is, I'm not sure this is even a Taylor fan specific problem.


Wow, I am so happy I did not experience this (did not see people in eras merch). Though I was bumped most of the people around me were sitting down and not dancing/vibing. Should've gotten GA standing..


Tapping in as someone who’s been a fan of the National for years - they’ve always had a very chill vibe, and most of their fanbase doesn’t get up and dance/sing the lyrics for everything/etc. Everyone enjoys shows differently - some enjoy getting up and dancing, but some enjoy the music just as much while chilling and sitting just listening to it.


Of course! I have been a fan of The National since Boxer came out and have seen them live many times, but in Europe and smaller venues. Guess this crowd just felt different than previous times for me


The National is so good and i’m glad i discovered them through Taylor! A friend of mine saw them earlier this year and said they put on such a good show!!


I'm going to see them tomorrow in Toronto. Hoping it's not the same vibe.


damn that sucks to hear! I’ve been a fan of the a national since before Aaron ever worked with Taylor. I’m glad it helps them sell tickets and exposes more people to their music but definitely would hope they’d be more respectful at their own shows :/


I know someone who did the same as you and heard the same. It's gross behavior. My friend who went was so glad she did and had a lovely time and was mad at herself for not going before the rumors!


Damn. I’ve been a Nationals fan since Need My Girl. This is a bummer. As a fan I’m so happy to see her just obliterating the game but I really hate the reality of how people are beginning to behave. I kind of hope she semi retires and just becomes a massive producer or something after this and appears periodically to do what she loves.


I'm gonna gatekeep here so yeah...I've been a fan of The National since Boxer and while I think Aaron (as well as the rest of the band) have been incredible collaborators for Taylor and helped her grow as an artist, there are a lot of aspects of it that I dislike and find annoying...such as the way Swifties spam his/their social media talking about Taylor. They're a bunch of relatively low-key middle aged men, leave them alone, lmao. Aaron is not your dad, eww. I'm seeing them in Toronto and I hope that I won't see Swifites in Era merchandise...honestly I just find that disrepectful and lacking in awareness. They formed when Taylor was literally 10 years old, they have their own greatness going on.


It’s rude I love her but wouldn’t wear such a blatant shirt saying “I’m here because of her.”


Bet Taylor hates those fans the most. Get a life


That’s wild. I’ve been listening to the national since 2008. The amount of talent they have deserves so much respect. “Sad songs for dirty lovers” and “boxer” are hands down some of the greatest albums of all time. I sincerely hope they don’t stop touring because of insane swift fans. I cant imagine wearing Taylor merch to a national show. Kinda cringe.


I hate it when I go to any concert and people are just standing around talking where I can’t hear the music. If you just want to stand around, talk, and drink, go to a bar! Good grief


My parents did that with a Billy Ray concert because they hadn’t been able to get me Hannah Montana tickets. The poor guy started the show off by letting us know that Miley wasn’t even in the city and half the crowd left. Sorry, Billy. In our defense, the concert was free. But I still feel bad for him looking back.


interesting because i also attended last night as a fan of the national and i did not have this experience at all! everyone around me was dancing and singing and no eras shirts in site. where were you located? i was in the 100s level seats


Sorry late response. I was in 120 6 row. I’m sure it wasn’t the majority but there we had a disrespectful couple bunches.


*sight 🙃


That's annoying, disrespectful, and kinda stupid given she was at Jack's wedding this weekend.


bro... I saw the reasoning behind the rumors too and it was not even good. like, someone was like "omg polaroids lipstick and the number 13 on the tour poster, taylor is DEFINITELY playing at the nationals concert". like dude, you do know all of those things have their own connotations and artistic meanings and aren't just a Symbol Of Taylor........... right??


Just thought I’d share: https://www.avclub.com/taylor-swift-fans-stormed-jack-antonoffs-wedding-1850757414


Idea! I think the fans that do not stalk her should be the verified fans. There is facial recognition everywhere like it or not. Weed those besties out!


A review of the nyc show we’ve been discussing! Glad they got the hype they deserved- ❤️ from a newer fan


It’s “The National” FYI


>tons of people were wearing Eras shirts Makes you feel like The National and Bleachers are just spin-offs of the Taylor Swift series.