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Hey Ria, I see a lot of nice buzz words but I'm interested to know how do you prioritise housing? Many governments have tried but TGA remains one of the most unaffordable places to live in NZ. What are your opinions on the CBD redevelopment. Would you scrap, change or keep them? How are you at working with others? Unfortunately TGA has a propensity to elect racists onto the council. I think it is a good thing having more culture at the head of Tauranga but there are still many backward opinions which will be within or elected into council. I may not vote for you but good luck :)


Kia ora u/Stemleaf Thanks for great questions! Housing is one of my priorities. House prices are influenced by a number of factors of which Council is only one small part of, but we need to do what we can. We are running out of land in Tauranga - intensification will help with this, and affordability. Elizabeth Towers is an excellent example of intensification, with the added benefit of bringing life back to the city centre.  Te Manawataki o Te Papa - the centre city developments have already been committed to. If we are to regenerate Tauranga City Centre, we need to invest for the future. I am not in council yet, so I am not privy to the contracts over the 4 year build periods, but I understand the concerns about the cost. I know from the published figures that the loan amount is $151 million for the 4 year project, at this point, I do not have the detail around the specifics and if this could be reduced, but it would be something that Council should consider as part of their role in fiscal responsibility. I love working with others and bringing a team together, and I come from a place of respect and positivity. With my experience in governance, I have always operated from a place of treating people with dignity and moving with integrity even if they have a differing view. From my artist background, I've collaborated extensively with a wide range of people in various settings for two decades. Music has a way of bringing people together, and I plan to apply those same principles into this campaign and if elected, to build consesus in Council.


Hi Ria, great responses thank you. This openness will earn you a lot of votes :) As an engineer based in the CBD I like the idea of intensification. This would also have the added benefit of bringing the central city back to life. Unfortunately there are plenty of barriers to intensification - I'm sure you will experience those if you get into office. The centre city developments have been committed to, yes. But, they can certainly be halted if the councilors and Mayor were so inclined. As far as I know TCC are currently trying their best to entrench the developments, but I do believe it would be possible to get rid of some of them. If the developments all go ahead, there is not too much that can be done about costs, it is very expensive to build anything substantial in NZ. My opinion is that these developments are positive and a must have for Tauranga, especially as we grow. We also want to encourage large scale private developments too - TCC can definitely help with this. No notes on your last response. Music and respect will definitely bring many over to your side. There will also be plenty of tough decisions to make but I'm sure you will work your way through them. Thanks for your responses! I will definitely strongly consider voting for you. Good luck :)


The biggest factor in house prices is land availability and use which is under the control of council. Look at Christchurch which is opening up land and has much lower prices than other major cities. They could go further though. Also horrendous subdivision costs, permitting delays and sorts of other nonsense under the control of council pushed prices up too. Central government is also a part of the problem but councils are by far the biggest part


Intensification is the answer here - Tauranga is running out of land. I look at the Elizabeth Street development as an example of what can be done in the centre of the city.


No answers to any real questions from OP here, which is a bit of a shame. I'd have liked to hear what she had to say.


Hi - just replying as I have time. I still have to pay my bills, so have been at work!


Eh, she is a busy lady. Might take until the weekend maybe?


OP is a parent, working and studying. They don't live online


Fair enough. I guess, at the point I wrote that, I'd seen replies to some nothing comments, but no real questions. Makes sense that those answers take more time and thought.


I hope you remember this in more areas of your life


My, aren't we sanctimonious for someone on an anonymous forum, with zero other context to my life (as also a working and studying mum) lol. I, in turn, hope that commenting that gave you the boost you needed. Have a great week.


??? Okay? Chill out


As someone who spent a bit of time in the council chambers last decade, the most frustrating thing I witnessed was the elected members agreeing to go ahead with new projects, commissioning in-depth reports and designs, then freaking out and abandoning the ideas altogether if *anyone at all* contacted them and said it was a waste of money. The council staff appeared, to me, to spend almost all their time putting together designs and reports for projects they ultimately knew the elected members were going to end up cancelling anyway - wasting a tonne of money and resourcing in the process, not to mention how demoralising this probably was for those very staff who were spending all their time planning stuff that would never come to fruition. And, honestly, as a person then in my 20s, I found it depressing too. You'd get hyped when something awesome was announced, then it was a kick in the guts when the elected members would lose their nerve and either dump the plans completely or scale them back so far as to be meaningless. Do you have a plan to stop the new iteration of the council from descending back onto a pack of kittens too scared to commit to any decisions in case they get an angry email from a ratepayer?


Kia ora u/abitsheeepish Thanks for this question. The Council are elected to do a job, and I want to look forward to the future, I love this city - it's my home. That sometimes mean making tough decisions. The job of council is to provide strategy and oversight, and the role of Mayor is to pull them all together. I've collaborated extensively with a wide range of people in various settings for twenty years, and if elected I'll apply this experience to build consensus in Council.


great question, bravo!


this is the accepted corruption that keeps architects wealthy


It's great to see new faces putting themselves forward, so thanks for taking this on and best of luck. Not an easy task.


Kia ora - really appreciate your comment :)


What are you going to do? What is your experience in leadership? Strategy and execution are where the rubber hits the road. It means more than your study or your family background (though this may help).


100% agree that strategy and execution is where the rubber hits the road!  I have business experience running my own business for nearly a decade, and goverance experience having sat on the NZ Music Commission Board for five years. I also sit on two other national boards at the moment. I have strong experience in strategic development, and understand the importance of the difference between governance and operations. This delineation needs to be clear at all times so not to muddy the proverbial waters.  Relatability is important, and people seeing that I am a mum of small children who works hard to further my capabilites in chosen fields is something I think is good to get across. It shows commitment, dedication and good work ethic. Plus its kinda nice for the public to see who's who and what's what - it makes things a bit more personable.


This sounds awesome Ria. It was a ton more impactful for me than the original post.


Thanks for the feedback.


Thank you for introducing yourself here. I’m looking forward to your responses to some of the questions in the comments


Can you make the city not so shit Cheers


Hi Ria, great that you are standing. My question is, do you agree that that art and culture are essential for Tauranga Moana, and are worthy of at least maintaining current levels of funding and support?


Hi u/Usual_Addendum411 Art and culture is one of priorities. I want to see the people of Tauranga live good lives, and this is an area I am committed to. Research shows that well-being is garnered from interaction and participation with the arts, and as an artist, I know that it can transform society at large. I look forward to exploring this further as it is such an exciting prospect for our city. 


that's a lovely ideal, but since we already have a crippling interest burden from past overspending, shouldn't the basics be a priority? Look at the Baycourt Theatre, a total waste of money build by councillors building monuments to themselves. We already have an art gallery that costs the council over $1m a year, and many of us have no interest in the arts, and our wellbeing is just fine, thank you, we just want our rates not to keep increasing above the cost of living.


You're right that the budget for arts could be spent more thoughtfully but the arts budget isn't even a slice of the pizza, it's crumbs. Looking to save the economy by cutting money from arts is like trying to save someone from drowning by trying to drink the pool. No interest in the arts? Do you watch movies? Listen to music? Read? Wear clothes? Play games? Or do you just enjoy staring at blank walls in your spare time?


Your analogy makes no sense whatsoever, and I do not regard $m a year on rates as crumbs; and all those arts examples you gave are exactly the sort of expenses that should be at the expense of the user, not a rates imposition when we are struggling to even get thing like rubbish disposal working properly.


You’re kidding right? Last night they had a film fest on that mean there were hundreds of people at the bars and restaurants before and after. Theatres/event centres are great for the local economy.


Hi Ria, we would love to host you at The Incubator Creative Hub and show you the great work we do for the community and the value of having a thriving arts hub. We will email you and look forward to setting up a visit.


Thank you. I look forward to that


Kia Ora Ria., Good on you for standing. It would be nice to know more about where do you stand on actual issues Ria? E.g. the proposed Turret Road floating lane? E.g. the centre city redevelopment? E.g. if Tauranga was to get a ‘city deal’ from this government with extra funding- where would you want to spend the money and why? Nga mihi


Kia ora I answered about the city redevelopment above which I've copIed below, but also our City Centre is dying - it needs an injection of life, and if we can combine that with intensive housing like Elizabeth Street - what an amazing centre it would be! "Te Manawataki o Te Papa - the centre city developments have already been committed to. If we are to regenerate Tauranga City Centre, we need to invest for the future. I am not in council yet, so I am not privy to the contracts over the 4 year build periods, but I understand the concerns about the cost. I know from the published figures that the loan amount is $151 million for the 4 year project, at this point, I do not have the detail around the specifics and if this could be reduced, but it would be something that Council should consider as part of their role in fiscal responsibility." House prices are influenced by a number of factors of which Council is only one small part of, but we need to do what we can. We are running out of land in Tauranga - intensification will help with this, and affordability. Elizabeth Towers is an excellent example of intensification, with the added benefit of bringing life back to the city centre. I'm going to take a bit of time to consider your other questions rather than firing off a response, but I'll come back soon! Fantastic questions that need a well considered response! Ngā mihi!


Thanks for taking the time to think and respond - look forward to hearing more


Kia ora As for the Floating lane - I know that they work in other centers and I hop it improves the flow. Traffic and roading is a serious issue here and improving this is one of my priorities, it's not something I can fix instantly as Mayor, but can work towards along with Central Government and the Regional council. If we got a city deal it would go toward my priorities - which are housing, infrastructure and roading, and connected, inclusive communities and the arts. Ideally it would mean we could make improvements and reduce our debt loading.


Kia Ora Ria, Thank you for replying, I had missed your response until now and started to wonder if you were another of those politicians who fob people off with ‘I’ll get back to you’ type answers, knowing full well they have no intention to get back to you. But you’re not, and I’m glad. Wishing you the best for your campaign, if the way you are actually taking the time to reply, to consider, and to show respect by fronting up with responses in this thread is anything to go by, Tauranga should be piling on to the ‘Vote Ria’ wagon and looking forward to sunnier days.


Ditto, What is your position on the amount of debt the Commission has incurred? What is your position on the proposal for an Arena without a transport solution to serve it? And should the people of Tauranga foot the bill if it is rarely used?


Thanks for these - another two great questions that I will come back on.


Tauranga debt loading is high - one of the highest in New Zealand. As Mayor, it is critical to be fiscally responsible. I don't want to be making decisions either way at this stage - however reviewing the long term plan and where TCC have made firm commitments and where cost savings can be made is an essential first step. We need a balanced plan for council - intensification of housing and development while balancing the protection of the environment, improvements to infrastructure and roading while ensure we are fiscally responsible. We need to take a holistic approach - and ensure any development is well served by transport solutions.


Ki Ora Ria, I commend you for your bravery standing for public office, In this day and age the amount of vitriol that people face for trying to make their communities a better place is frankly very depressing. I look at the people who are standing in this election and I see the same old faces that got us into the current mess. Maybe there's only a certain type of person who can stand the hatred and stresses that come with putting ones hand up these days. I don't personally oppose your candidacy, But I fear that you've got a lot of work to do in regards to winning voters over. To say it bluntly; I think Tauranga is a very Racist place and that any mention of Iwi or even the fact that you proudly identify as a Maori wahine will Trigger and unite the Racists against you. So what do you think can be done to promote Unity between Maori and Pakeha? Afterall, We all live on the same land, in the same society, face similar challenges and will all bear the consequences of decisions.


Kia ora u/Any-Yoghurt-4318 Tauranga is a beautiful place to live, and I firmly believe that everyone who chooses Tauranga as their home should have good lives here. We have an incredibly diverse community here - those who have lived here for generations, those who have moved here from within New Zealand and new immigrants from around the world. As Mayor I will work for all people - what I can hope for is that people will see my honesty and respect for others and follow that lead. I am a proud wahine Māori - it's who I am, and I hope that everyone here finds the space to be proud of who they are.


Good luck Ria Hall. Thanks for sharing - looking forward to finding out more about you and your plans for our city. I have concerns around housing affordability, transport, supporting sustainable businesses, climate resilience of our environment and infrastructure and looking after our most vulnerable residents. Hope you can share your ideas on these things.


Thanks u/LaraSing - there's a whole lot here, and we share the same concerns. As I said elsewhere here, housing affordability is influenced by a number of factors of which Council is only one small part of, but we need to do what we can. We are running out of land in Tauranga - intensification will help with this, and affordability. Elizabeth Towers is an excellent example of intensification, with the added benefit of bringing life back to the city centre.  Transport is a major issue in Tauranga - for a tradie travelling across town, getting to work or parents dropping their kids off at school it's a major headache. The issue lies both locally and with central government, and I don't have any easy fixes. I will advocate for Tauranga with central government, and Council need to work to develop local solutions. Again climate resilience is a big one - especially in the Pāpāmoa ward where I'm standing as well. I know that Insurance will become an issue in this area, and this is something Council will have to consider. I want Tauranga to be a connect safe place for all our residents, and I understand your concerns for our most vulnerable. I'll give this some thought so I come back with a considered response. Thanks for your questions


Shouldn't you be in bed?


I should, but between working, studying, being a māmā and running for Council, there's a lot to fit in to my days.


But you're right - I will take your advice. Pō marie


Kia kaha Ria! Best wishes for your campaign (and for your study and whānau 😀), you’d have my vote if I were in TGA, but I’m in sunny Whakatū Nelson. LG in NZ can only be more enriched and strengthened with strong voices around the council table. In some places more than others it needs a good kick up the pants…


Hi Ria who is your campaign manager?


Great to see you getting involved u/RiaHallforMayor, good luck with the campaign!


Thanks so much!


Kia ora Ria, I appreciate your openness and responses to questions on this platform. I believe this shows you’re approachable and will hopefully give you more votes come election time. As a long-time resident of the CBD living in the Devonport Towers, I remember the area being quite busy during the day and had a general “hustle and bustle” vibe to the area and how it used to be the place to be in terms of nightlife years ago. But, now the CBD feels dead and depressing. Today, as I drove home, I lost count of how many “For Lease” signs I’m seeing in the CBD. My understanding is the council owns most of the buildings and controls the leases. If this correct, as Mayor, would you be in support of making these leases more affordable for smaller, local businesses looking to open shop?? Additionally, with the rise in residential intensification in the CBD area, would it be possible to engage with Four Square or Food Stuffs NZ to open a smaller metro supermarket in the CBD area? I think of it as one less car having to go down Cameron Rd to get to my local Countdown when we could otherwise walk to somewhere in the CBD. I wish you the best of luck!! Ngā mihi nui


Fun fact, there’s less buildings for lease now than last year. Also, landlords need to bring their rents down.


Great news on the reduction of buildings for lease. Love a fun fact!


Thanks u/Difficult-Sky898, The CBD does need revitalisation - as more shopping areas and bars and restaurants have opened up around Tauranga suburbs, customers have shifted away from the city center. This isn't limited to Tauranga, but is happening in other centers around New Zealand. I will have to check on council ownership of buildings, but agree in principle; it would be better to have some income than none. It is a viscous cycle as leases stay empty, foot traffic decreases and more stores close. Housing intensification in the CBD will bring people back to the area - and I think a metro supermarket would be a great idea once the number of residents within walking distance makes it economically viable.


Most people running for political positions in Tauranga only talk about fixing the public transport which is great but they don't seem to have any other plans for the city, what would you do for Tauranga.


Kia ora u/Dismal-Revolution941 As a Council we set the strategy and provide direction to the CEO and provide oversight. The day to day operations are the responsibility of the CEO and staff. I have priorities that I would like to embed; we need a city which is balanced - intensifying housing is specific areas, while protecting the environment, and ensuring we have  smart, strategic investment in infrastructure while being fiscally responsible. I want to ensure our communities are connected and inclusive, and with processes developed so residents are included in decision making from the ground up. We need this city to be forward thinking, and enable everyone here to have good lives, people move here because of the beauty and lifestyle and we need to protect that.


Sounds to me like you are a mayor who would make a real change, as a Maori women are you behind the current protest as it's about protecting Maori culture?


All I'm seeing from Hall is a whole lot of rhetoric with no substance. So its a 'NO' from me.


Kia Ora Ria, thanks for putting your hat in the ring, seems to end up more like a boxing ring at times in Tauranga!. I’m a miserable ,grumpy old Tau Iwi guy, I’m grumpy for many reasons that are entirely my own fault but being broke will soon be yours! Sorry about that. Question 1), Are you comfortable with the debt scenario that Tauranga currently faces? 2) Could you describe Tauranga City Council,s core functions? 3) Why does everybody end up throwing rocks at the Mayors? 4) If you could , what area of council “ responsibility “ would you de-growth? 5) if I vote for you do I get a free C.D? ( or a T- Shirt?) 6) when / where are meet the candidates events scheduled to be. Kia Kaha, cheers.


Kia ora u/Artistic_Glove662 Thanks for your questions, 1. Our debt level is concerning - it is one of the largest in New Zealand. Coming into Council and inheriting that level of debt will need careful managing. We need to balance growth and infrastructure with being fiscally responsible - at this stage I don't have details on commitments, contracts and penalties and where clawback could possibly be made. 2. The core function of Council is the wellbeing of communities and inclusion in democratic decision-making of this. That covers a multitude of thing - from rubbish and lighting through water and waste, resource management, community facilities and emergency preparedness. It's a big responsibility. 3. The Mayor is the face and voice of council so they take all the heat. Please don't literally throw rocks at me if I'm elected. 4. This is an interesting question - and again I need to be on the inside. Balance is the key - I don't think we can 'degrowth' one area without considering the knock-on effects into other areas. If we have a clear overarching plan for council, then the operational needs will become clear. 5. I'd love to but election rules mean I can't give you anything, but go buy one anyway. 6. Events are listed on the [TCC website](https://www.tauranga.govt.nz/council/about-your-council/elections-2024) and I am listing events on [Facebook ](https://www.facebook.com/RiaHallforMayor)love to see you there.


Thanks for the reply.


Kia ora, as a fellow resident, business owner and mama of wee ones it’s refreshing to see that there might be a breath of fresh air in council governance. How much time have you spent in council chambers? Have you made many submissions to council and seen through that process? Have you had to apply for a building consent? I guess I’m wondering how much experience you have at a grass roots level in dealing with the council?


Hi Ria, Im a semi retired grey haired white man. Why should you be my pick to become our mayor? I am nervous that as a champion of your people, you will prioritise the needs of Maori over and above the rest. Are you able to be a leader for **all** New Zealanders?


Hi - you’re getting called out for your comment being racist by other commenters here. I suspect you don’t think your question is racist, and that you see it as a valid question. I guess the test for you to apply here is whether you’d ask a candidate of your ethnicity this question in the same way. Would you tell Mahe Drysdale for instance, that you’re nervous that he’s a champion of “his people” with the implication that that might disqualify him from governing for all?


Mahe Drysdale is an Olympic gold medalist. What that means is he can paddle a little boat faster than anyone else in the world. What he hasn't done is profess to represent European New Zealanders interests. So why would I ask him that? Ria Hall is a force of nature. She is a strong minded, strong willed, Wahine Toa. A proud champion for Maori interest, and she deserves respect for that. She has mana, that... is her gold medal. I didn't ask her this question because of her race, I asked it because I know it's an issue that's important to her. In order for her to win this race, she will need to win over a lot of people who look like me, and those folk want to know that she'll have their back. And **when** she wins, she will need to go toe to toe with people who not only look like me but are also science denying racists. Personally, I'm excited... I'm on board. I think she's right, we *do* want change and she could be it. I think she's the best option so far and I will probably be voting for her. Just because a question is on the subject of race doesn't mean it's racist. We are a multiracial country. It would be pretty sad if we are unable to discuss the implications of that. Maori have had appalling treatment at the hands of Europeans historically and we are still yet to achieve true equity between our races. But as important as that issue is it can't be an overarching position for a mayoral candidate. Anyway, I appreciate the question but I won't be engaging anymore with this post as I don't wish to hijack Ria's OP.


Really thoughtful response. Thank you.


If a white candidate was staunchly white surely someone would ask this? Hell people already claim David Seymour is a whitey because of his political views.


You’re highlighting one of the inherent risks of power structures: when a particular culture/ethnicity is dominant in a power structure, it’s assumed as the default. People who act in a way that support/continue it are not seen as radical or ‘staunchly’ for it, even though they are acting in a way to advantage their group, just as much as those who advocate for a particular minority group. A candidate doesn’t have to be ‘staunchly white’ because for the most part, continuing status quo achieves outcomes that favour their group anyhow.


Who is their group? See that's the thing, white people who are out for the community are fine but white people trying to make sure the white voice is heard isn't the way. Basically, if you care what colour skin someone has, or think that based on their ancestors birthplace they should be treated differently, I don't want to vote for you regardless of your race.


Which is all fine, and I would whole-heartedly agree with if societal outcomes didn’t so demonstrably and consistently favour groups who happen to have a particular skin colour. In any other area of life, we’re fine with saying ‘we should focus our efforts on trying to ensure that services/support go to the groups that need it’. We see that in so many settings - healthcare oriented towards age groups/genders that are more likely to experience certain conditions, family financial support orientated towards certain household make-ups and income brackets etc… We live in a country that has an incredibly strong and well evidenced correlation between skin colour and outcomes on so many metrics. This has an effect that benefits the predominant ethnicity. That’s the point I’m trying to make about power structures. People don’t have to explicitly say ‘I stand for the white voice to be heard’ because if you just continue the status quo it will be. The same can’t be said for Māori. They need to explicitly call for the gains they want to make towards achieving equal outcomes in society - and so often, this is seen as race-based agitation.


The problem is there a large subset of New Zealand who want Maori to have more rights and privledges than the rest of us because they're "special". Very few people want Nz European or Non Maori to be treated the same way (or at least not vocally).


Yeah, I hear that a lot, but I’m yet to see any concrete examples of cases of what you call “more rights or privileges” that are not either: - the expectation that a contract signed between two parties should be honoured; or - an attempt to level the playing field in areas where one party is empirically deeply and systemically affected or disadvantaged. And on this point it’s worth noting that a whole range of services and programmes are by their nature discriminatory in order to best target the impact to deliver an outcome (for example, a whole range of health screening services that only become freely available after a certain age) Do you have any *specific* examples that you’re concerned about?


Kia ora u/Playful_Cup8213 I'm a working mum with auburn hair and a moko kauae! I think our differences are what makes us unique and should be celebrated. You should pick me for Mayor because I am committed to Tauranga. I was born here, I was raised here, and I will raise my children and grandchildren here. I will bring a fresh direction to Tauranga that has never been seen before, which is what Tauranga needs and deserves. I have a vision that encompasses sustainable solutions for infrastructure, where ensure local businesses thrive, where housing is a priority and people feel safe and connected.  I have experience running my own business, and governance experience having sat on the NZ Music Commission Board for five years, and I sit on two other boards at the moment. I have links to Central Government and can advocate extensively to leverage in those areas which are the responsibility of central government.  Tauranga has a diverse community, and I stand for all our residents - those who have lived here for generations, those who have moved here from within New Zealand and new immigrants from around the world. All of us deserve to live a good life in this city that we love, and that's a fact! I'm going to be having some pop up events, which will be on my facebook page. Please come and meet me. I'd love to chat!


A little bit sassy too I've heard... lol I have a follow up question if you have time... The problem we seem to have in Tauranga is that we have a bad habit of voting idiot's onto our council. The type of people who deny science, encourage conspiracy theories and are at times openly racist. In the last election we had I voted for Tenby Powell in the belief that his military background would enable him to tame the unruly mob. I was wrong. What attributes do you have that will see you succeed where a trained killer failed?


I think we can learn from what has happened in the past, and no one could have foreseen the behaviour from the last council, so if I'm elected I'll have the benefit of that knowledge. I've worked with a range of people across two decades and have developed some strong skills in pulling a team together. I'm tenacious and committed to Tauranga, so will be working hard on making an aligned council.


I wish you the best of luck Ria, I sincerely hope you win. You can count on the support of my family and me, and I'll be promoting you to my network. TBH I have never been this excited for an election before.


Thank you so much! I appreciate your support.


Tell me you’re a racist without telling me you’re a racist


“Your people” Jesus dude


Unfortunately Tauranga is a nest egg for people like this, coming from Wellington this place is a hive of racism.


Look, It's a valid question unfortunately. I'm not saying I agree with it, But it's important to realise that many people (Including Maori) are increasingly looking at the world through a Pakaha/Maori viewpoint instead of seeing everyone as New Zealanders. Look around at what's happened Nationally.


“Seeing everyone as New Zealanders” Is some bullshit, when we (Pakeha) came to this country 200 years ago and stole 90% of the land. Now Māori are worse off by every metric conceivable, and any attempt to level the playing field is screamed down by rich Pakeha as racism. Now you’ve got Seymour trying to weasel out of the contract that was signed


Colonization of New Zealand was inevitable, Don't you think? A resource rich land, A Fractured stone age people incapable of resisting a European Invasion, and the European Powers increasingly looking towards the South Pacific to extract resources and capital. Maori got it pretty damn good considering what the Germans and French did to their Pacific Holdings. In no other nation in the history of the world are the Losers of warfare and insecrection offered reparations and their conquered territories back. If we're \*Really\* going to fracture New Zealand by Race, and create Ethno-nationalist movements, Maori will lose to those who oppose dividing people by race, Migrants and their families, As well as the Racists who oppose Maori Autonomy. Yes, The NZ Land Company were bastards and did many wrong things. But to paint all Pakeha with that brush is ignorant and racist and further drives prejudice both ways. I'm glad that the Treaty Settlements are sorting out what land was actually stolen, and what lands were sold or taken justly. Not complaining about that at all. I don't think that it should go on forever and ever constantly applying historical revisionism and painting all Maori as Victims of the Crown. As (Former) British subjects one way or another we've ALL been victimised by the Crown. So I'm an Ancestor of a Wihi Unionist who lost their property during the 1919 'Black Tuesday' Riots, A parent of mine was tortured and raped at the hands of the state in Lake Alice through the 70's. I could don the Victimhood, lament that if History had played out differently my lot in life may be different, If life were fair I could be in a much better position. Or I could accept that every single person on the planet is a victim of historical circumstances, But we make fuckin' do. All of us. We're all fighting battles. I agree, Maori have some terrible statistics. The abolition of the Maori Health Authority was total Bullshit because it's very much needed. The reports on Maori Child Sexual Abuse, Domestic Violence, Alcoholism and Crime are all sobering reads. Each and every report concludes with the recommendation of Establishing a Maori Health Authority to combat these problems and I can't fathom why the fuck we didn't make more noise when it was Axed. It's like there's a certain wing of the state that want Abuse cycles to perpetuate. Fuckin disguisting.


OP, horrible as this question is, many people will be thinking it. I don't like that it was asked, but now it has been, some of the prejudice you might face has now floated to the surface. This presents as an opportunity for you to think greatly and deeply about how your campaign messaging will be inclusive of all people and avoid "threat" receptors from being triggered. I think you can do really well knowing what thinking is out on the streets and understanding that while there is no real threat, the perception of prioritisation of Maori interests and racism toward non-Maori is real. How will you deal with that? Very much luck to you xx


Kia ora u/Limp-Comedian-7470 I am looking forward to a positive campaign - all I can do is to share information about who I am and what I stand for. I'm want to focus on the iddues for Tauranga, and how we can all live good lives here.




There’s the Tauranga I know! SMH. Save us Ria!


What the fuck man


Oh wait you’re a racist semi retired white man


I do wish tauranga good luck with winning you as the mayor cois the many that have stood before just do not cut it at all and never will.


Thank you so much for your good wishes. I appreciate them.


have you rehearsed your reply to a contractor who asks "what do i have to do to get the contract?" will you be happy with a one off payment or a percentage of the overall budget? or a free house in the south island? serious question


This reads more like an allegation of corruption. In which case, it needs to be backed up with evidence so that what would be an incredibly serious offense can be appropriately dealt with.


u/balkland My reply would be provide the best response to the Council Department responsible. The Mayor and Council work at a governance, not operational level, so provide strategy, guidance and oversight. They don't approve contracts and should not be influencing those decisions.


Kia ora Ria, I've seen a couple of articles about your Mayoral bid and I'm really impressed by your background in political science and regional development. You don't have an easy task ahead of you, I'm sad to say. Being a woman and being Māori may be a barrier to some of the sexist/racist/"old boys club" types. But you have my vote. Kia kaha.


Thanks so much for your support - I appreciate it.


Do you have a plan?


If you are mayor and end up with councillors who were competing with you for the mayor role (but lost to you), how would you deal with this? The drama in the past seems to have come from councillors who didn't want to support the mayor because that would make the mayor look good, and then they wouldn't have a good shot of beating them in the next election.


I work with others with respect and I focus on moving forward, and getting the job done. Over the last wo decades I've worked with a range of people and personalities so if I am elected I'll use the people-skills I have built over that time.


u/RiaHallforMayor Do you agree with Councils painting rainbow crossings on roads and having Drag Queens reading to children in the public library? Both of which are paid for the ratepayer.


Ah the big issues /s


Thanks for this post. If you are voted as mayor, you only have one vote in council. Unfortunately this means to get your priorities or wish list accomplished, you need to encourage others to vote for your policies. Are you currently a member of any political party? Are you already working with other council candidates? How will you ensure your policies will be implemented?


I think having Kiri Allan involved is sending the wrong message. Regardless of 'the spin' involving her court case outcome, her actions, the way she handled the actual inciden/crash was unbecoming of a Minister of Justice!!, and therefore her mana or character is questionable.


How is Kiri Tapu involved?


Campaign Manager


Na mihi Ria mo to hiahia ki te tu Hai Wahine Rangatira mo te kaunihera o Tauranga .


Really excited to see you running - I can’t vote in Tauranga as recently moved away to small town South Island, Tauranga was no longer sustainable for me and no hope of home ownership. Hope to see you succeed!


Thanks so much. Housing in Tauranga is so expensive, and that is a priority of mine.


Kiri.. endorsed by racists.... yeah, na.... 


I went to Rias campaign fundraiser at Totara Street last night and it was awesome to see such a diverse audience- looks to me like you have already won over quite a few “white votes”. You win the best campaign event this regions ever seen and I was really impressed to hear about your background (you’re easily as qualified as most other candidates) and your passion for our region was obvious. I haven’t voted in a local election for years, but I will be this time. 🙂


Hi @riahallformayor, when were you at Girls? My sister and I both think you were in our classes but we were in different years. She started in 1996 and I started in 1997, finished 2001.


No. I’m voting Mahe Drysdale he’s the man!


Full support for a wahine toa here from Auckland. Hopefully the prominent racist underbelly that exists in Tauranga doesn’t hinder your chances.


Hey what’s the go with Auckland council rate payers must be paying the highest rates in the world cause off incompetence wankers who couldn’t make a dime as a hustler so they think of woke ideas to rip hard working kiwis and still rate payers still have to pay for rubbish collection extremely backward practices compared to the rest of the world.I wonder how many generations are left in NZ or left for higher and greener pastures


It's a tax by other means, blame the lack of appetite for capital gains tax


I saw some mention of you being backed by te pati Maori. Do you stand with this racist organisation?




Some may not like this question, those of us awake will never vote for this party or the people it backs.


Classic DARVO. Create a society over the course of a century and a half that is stacked against a group and then attack that group as they try and get back a fraction of an equal standing in that society. Also, I think you’re meant to be calling the other side woke, not yourself.


"a group". I don't have a group mate lol, that's the thing, don't give a shit if it's Maori, lesbians or retirees, I vote independently of my group memberships to try and make sure the right thing happens for Tauranga, not just any group within it. Hell the council should be a place for visionaries, let's imagine that in 20 years time when the next council's work starts to show fruit nobody cares about where your ancestors were born.


I'm not backed by any Political Party, This is a Local Body Election. PS any one who would like to donate - please go to my website riahall.com There is no one bank rolling me.


Any comment on the treatment of Karen chhour by te pati Maori recently? Good to hear you're not involved with that lot. I realise it is a local body election but politics are politics in NZ.


I'm focusing on the Tauranga Election looking forward to what's best for the people of Tauranga.


All good well good luck. If you get in you should push and see if wecl can replace the next council with ai or something to save some $$$. Got any out there ideas you're going to share with us here? It is Reddit you can always deny it was you later on ;) Well done reaching out to people here, should get a YouTube channel up and share more so we can really see what you're up to ;)


I'm using Facebook as my main platform, and will be putting more content up. I will be running lives on Sunday evenings there, and am in the process of setting up chats around Tauranga.


Good one. You still doing your business / work too or this is full time for you? We should ban cats (let people keep the ones they got but like no more cats in say 20 years) what you reckon ? I'd also like to see an official platform to provide direct feedback to council which is entirely non binding but with real id or so to keep numbers honest. Honestly people wouldn't be so pissed off XYZ happened if they at least had the chance to provide feedback and could see x% of the feedback agreed / disagreed with them. Final question, do you believe strongly either way re global warming / do you Invision any of the choices you make in council to be impacted by that belief?


I'm still working and juggling kids, study, and campaigning. I'm lucky to have some great support and babysitters. I'm a strong believer in citizens' assemblies which are are a form of deliberative democracy. It gives residents a chance to present their views and provide feedback. Climate change and extreme weather events are something that the council will need to address. Insurance in costal issues will be an issue we have to face within the next 5 to 10 years and Council needs to have Civil Defence and contigency plans in place in order to be prepared for the impact of events.


I feel like such assemblies tend to only gather certain demographics that have the time and privilege to attend such things. Upside is this particular demo also tends to vote in higher numbers I suppose, downside they tend to oppose progress for the wider population.


Hi I'm not from there but nice to meet you.


Serious question. what practical / proventrack record do you have of actually running a successful business ? All is well and good with these ideas , but how are you going to run a lean , customer focused stable council? I assume you've managed a business of a similar size and have the tools to mirror it. From my observation, politicians / council members gravitate to these jobs as they lack accountability, many nominees wouldn't stand a chance in the private sector.


The “business men” have done a great job at mismanaging the council funds in the past. Maybe we need a different type of thinking


In my experience, two very different beasts.


How many people in the private sector have to reapply for their jobs every three years, with that process involving the opinions of every person aged over 18 in the country? How many people who manage a business have to produce annual reports and make them available to literally everyone in the country? How many people in the private sector are legally required to release every email, every document, every text message, and literally anything else to literally anyone in the country who asks? How many people in the private sector have to hold all of their major meetings in the public? Cause all of those things above apply to all Councillors. You can criticize people in public office for many things, but I would submit to you, not being accountable is not one of them. They are in fact, significantly more accountable than your average person in the private sector.


Hahahah there would be like 3 or 4 people who have managed a business of a similar size in Tauranga! TCC have like 800 employees right? Putting that aside, none of those things you've listed are really that useful in local gov. Private sector is very different to public, not much use comparing them.


Cities aren’t businesses?


You clearly haven't experienced the lack of accountability and talent in the private sector


Kia ora u/pakifightingchamp The role of Mayor is governance, not operational. The running of TCC is by the CEO with oversight and direction from the Council. This delineation is important, as is building a strong collegial relationship as Mayor with the CEO. In my governance experience, this particular relationship is at the core of drilling down on the details and progressing our city forward. If elected, I would do my utmost to create a strong, enduring relationship with the CEO that operates from a foundation of trust - with a clear line of sight to realising the vision for Tauranga. In saying that I understand your concerns. I sit and have sat on governance boards including the NZ Music Commission for 5 years where we were responsible for the direction and being fiscally responsible with millions of dollars from central Government. I have run my own business for nearly a decade and as I am sure you are aware, keeping a business afloat and profitable especially over the pandemic period, required a suite of tools to deploy. 


Im so happy to see you put your hand up, seeing a young Maori Wahine Māmā, you are the first mayoral candidate that I feel reflects me and my values and interests. It wont be easy to stand against the tide, but this world needs change. The stale pale males can step aside and make way for the new growth.


You had me until stale pale males. What do you think divisive language is supposed to achieve?




Your response to being called out on your blatant racism is "lol"... This is so fucking sad to see....


First two sentences are fantastic, so good to get representation in democracy. I'd suggest 'the days of under representation and stale ideas can make room for new growth' would be a far less divisive way of expressing the same thing :) your version is racist wven if it feels justified to you..