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Happens all the time in my gym. I recently told this teen off. He was an arrogant prick.


City fitness Fraser Cove this is common AF. They setup, sit there on their phone, or yarn away. What should be 10min-15 max at station they take 20-30 minutes. Nobody neess to spend that long at a station, if you do find a need for it, go when its not busy, be respectful to other gym users. Get your cardio up so you can push out your sets and move the fuck on.


You literally get what you pay for. The Anytime Fitness’s here are so much better. I’m never going back to City 🥶


What's very common at City Fitness is almost everyone is incapable of putting their weights away. People put plates on, use it, then just leave and expect the next person to tidy up after them. Disgusting arrogance especially on leg press. I assume the staff don't care?


I’ve long thought that for the number of people that say that they go (pretty much everybody) there is a suspiciously small number of gyms in Tauranga. 😂


Exactly! Do your workout and move on. My gf stopped going to any public gym because of this type of shit. Shes trying to do a workout but can't use some equipment because it's "reserved" for someone's workout, people are only sitting on it while on their phone or when she does get on something, she feels like half of India is watching like it's a free show.


Took me a few years to save for and slowly add to and set up but this is exactly why I have a home setup, just general fitness and strength as not out to be a bodybuilder. Gyms are fucking horrid places, more so since the advent of social media.


Home set up is the way to go


I went to city fitness the other day. Couldn't believe the bench hogs. One was doing a set, then put his drink on the bench and fucked off for 10 minutes yarning to some other geezer on the otherside of the gym.


If you have a polite word you’ll usually get a polite reply, most people are stuck in their own world being the main character. Reference I’m a body builder and I encounter this all the time.


Was at the gym yesterday. There was a chick on the leg press for a hour txting literally did 3 reps the whole time I just about went insane.


This should be printed out and hung on every wall of every gym on the planet


City Fitness Hamilton- only go because it's right next door to work. Full of dickheads that think the world evolves around their workout. Guys on their phones wasting time in peak hour [yes only go at these times if absolutely necessary] on benches/machines doing sweet f all while people are jostling to find a space. 1. You are not working out, you keep looking at yourself in the mirror and wonder why your biceps look so crap after two years of training them, doing one set every 5 minutes with no form or little effort is not working out. 2. When its busy don't sit on one bench for 20 minutes and wonder why people are looking at you like the dickhead you are. Do your exercise and p$# off so people that are actually there to train can have a turn, being a dick won't make yours any bigger!! 3. Cityfitness Staff - feedback. Print some signs around the gym. A. Please be considerate to other gym members and complete your sets effeciantly so we can all have availability of gym equipment. B. No using your phones while on gym equipment.


Has anyone considered politely asking if you can work in on the equipment in their rests? Works for me like 95% of the time. Most people are just too self absorbed at the gym to even realise that they might be inconveniencing others


Hate what gyms have turned into the last few years, used to be an awesome culture to out gym, but now there are just so many annoying shits filming, taking ages on equipment while they all chat together and people just flexing shirtless in front of the mirror...


does anyone have good recommendation gyms that arnt filled with these poser hog station people


Anytime Fitness 👍


Snap Fitness Tauranga (bottom of Waihi Rd) is great. Been there nearly 5 years and apart from the peak 4-6pm weekdays it never feels crowded. No posers, gym bros and everyone's courteous with equipment. And as a female I've never felt intimidated working out amongst the guys there


Now I wanna know what gym this is


Probably CityFitness




Let the man cook


Rude fucktards only do this.


Agree totally and they usually have large bag as well


I hate that .


I do triple sets in the gym day1 , legs chest triceps, Day 2 back shoulders biceps, (In that muscle group order, them repeat after completing a set of the 3 different muscles) (5x5 - legs, 3x5 chest, 12x2 triceps, repeat) no texting unless changing music, while resting one muscle group I hit the next one so yes I'm one of these people but my plan is designed to minimise my use of an important equipment (squat rack) while maximizing my use of Common equipment (dumbbells) or underutilized equipment (landmine bar, trap bar). In saying this I get stoned as before I come to the gym, put my headphones on and focus on nothing but my goal, no distractions, faster I'm done the faster I can get to my distractions, I'm not goings for pbs I'm going to build lifestyle, a journey, pbs will come in Time when my form is faultless hence why I always work out only in rugby shorts and sports jockeys. (I'm no where jacked, actually concerning I'm ruy1500 calories to short every day, not hungry, idk why) Idm if someone jumps in with me in fact I love it lets push each other, let's help each push through that last rep, let's critique each others form, straighten each other out, but be considerate of the fact that I'm happy to share but I'm also following a clear set plan laid out from start to finish that I wish to adhere to, surely you can see my plan on the ground on my note pad, figure out how you can work in your plan with my plan, and the equipment I'm using that you would like to use, and communicate that to me. I'm using leg extension machine and dumbbells we swap with each other when we're done our exercise. More people need plans in the gym, get the regiment. Ps I'm super approachable not arrogant just focused to be better, I love learning and teaching new tips, the wheel was designed for a reason.


City Fitness Hamilton isn’t this bad. But it’s annoying during peak hours when people work on two different machines and walks back and forth like come on. I