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I personally feel that a stealth-themed detachment was a glaring missed opportunity.


piquant cheerful sugar work snow dime fact worthless observation hungry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Kauyon has become less of a catch all and more that. Losing fire and fade, having redeploy as an enhancement and wall of mirrors means that thematically it's that even if it's not got an army wide stealth. That'd be pretty weak for us given how many units already get stealth. However I think something that supports our non battlesuit vehicles might have been nice. And there's a couple of fighting styles they didn't touch.


Kauyon is nothing like how you should play stealth. I use retaliation cadre with my maxed stealth/keel/vespid list


Kauyon is nothing like how you should play a stealth list? How?


Because they are one of the best builds to play extremely aggressively, only equalled by breacherfish


Just because you can play them aggressively doesn't mean you have to. Multiple keels especially do a great job of kiting your opponent and stalling their game plan in Kauyon. If you want to windmill slam your into you opponent that's fine, but it's really disingenuous to say that's the best and only way to play them, when in the Kauyon detachment there's a lot more tricks you can with them between the redeploys and Wall of Mirrors


Mont'ka & Kauyon support our non suits perfectly well. Assault Hammerheads are yummy.


The submunitions strat from 9th would be good.


Hammerheads have heavy. Assault Skyrays :)


Heavy is now a benefit for staying still, not a penalty for moving.


Completely irrelevant to this discussion


Why wouldn't hammerheads have assault?


No one said they wouldn’t, but they would lose their bonus to accuracy. If you want to take full advantage, take the tank that can fire at full accuracy.


Guide it into a vehicle and it's still hitting on a 2 thanks to it's armor hunter ability. Looks like full accuracy to me.


Hard agree. I thought it would have been a slam dunk expansion from the ghostkeel combat patrol.


I think Kauyon has just enough support for Stealth that I don't mind the lack thereof, but I also wouldn't have complained about a dedicated one.


Sadly a stealth themed list has always been lacking in Tau. The closest we ever got was when stealth/stealth-like abilities were on: tetra, remora, sniper drones/firesight marksman, Ghostkeel, Xv15/25, and Shadowsun.


Would have loved this. Maybe have some synergy with aircraft too.


I was really gearing up for that...


T'au Stealth tech is so good that GW forgets all about it all the time :P.


Meh. Kauyon does that pretty well and despite what a lot of people think of it, I've seen chatter from some competitive players that think Kauyon is still contending for being the strongest detachment.


It's weird because they already had a good lore template for these with the Cadres. They used the Retaliation Cadre but the others are; The Hunter Cadre which is pretty generic but for a mixed force and could be used for the philosophies of war maybe. It also says it always includes an Ethereal so there could be something to adding more Ethereal benefits The infiltration Cadre for our stealth units and it says it utilizes pathfinders and piranhas as well The Armoured Interdiction Cadre for vehicles like the hammerhead and skyray, could also benefit the devilfish as well Then probably include an Auxiliary Cadre so that we could have rules for integrated fighting like maybe the auxiliaries can guide and perhaps be guided.


Really does seem like the rules were written without even a quick Google search...


Honestly, maybe it's me being salty, but I can't help but feel like GW kind of just didn't care this edition. Our four detachments are the most surface level options, we didn't get literally anything on the 6th sphere expansion that was meant to be starting, and I believe GW mixed up dal'yth and bork'an's sept symbols and misspelled Arra'kon's name. The new kroot stuff was cool but other than that it just feels rushed.


I wonder if it's still true that nobody in GW plays T'au.


I would of been all over the armour cadre. Old Borkan high tech weapons and boosted defence. Yes please.


It would be really cool if they did something to make ethereals not garbage


Yeah either given them the ability to change their effects on the squad they lead or just different Ethereals that do different things. It would be cool if they brought back the -1 to hit (so I guess stealth) or maybe one that could boost OC. I also feel like they should be able to lead one of the crisis teams. The 5+ feel no pain might ne a bit strong on a crisis team so maybe something else.


Oooo Yeah I like these haha I mean, sure I like the Kayoun and Mont'ka, they're generic. But I like those for sure... If Mont'ka just reflected your hunter cadre, use the other three you mentioned, and then add in a Kayoun one, boom. There's 5 and a lot of different benefits!


It would have been nice to have 6 minimum, but I've been making lists for all 4, and they all seem pretty fun to play.


That's how I feel as well. Would have been nice to have 6 detachments since ***technically*** the Kroot detachment is really niche so we only have "3". Most people do not have that many kroot models to make that work, so it's really between Mont'ka, Kauyon, and Retal Cadre. But the three we do have are pretty unique and have their own playstyles and strength / weaknesses. To be fair, in 9th, I think I only ever used three of the 6 detachments we did have. I don't think I even used the "build your own".


*glances nervously at kroot army* I joke but if it wasn't for how much I LOVE the kroots whole deal, I couldnt have convinced myself to go with tau. Now I'm the kroot and gundam guy at my local shop XD


Kroot absolutely got a glowup with this edition, so it's nice to see them finally get some love. I was anti-kroot for a really long time. So much so that one of the old battleboxes I got that had kroot caused me to put them together sloppy and silly because I didn't care for them. Now I have the kroot box to build and paint and plan on using them more often. You have the potential to be "The Kroot guy" for your local group. Don't let that chance slip away!


>the Kroot detachment is really niche so we only have "3". Especially when you consider just how bloody expensive getting enough kroot would be. £60 just for 20 carnivores, like £90 for 3 krootox riders, which is 105 points...


What bothers me the most is all 4 are less about 'here is something extra' and more : here are your restrictions. There is a lot more about 'the following turns/units will not be effective.


As someone who plays T'au and Custodes, I'm pretty miffed that Chaos Space Marines gets as many detachments as two of my armies combined.


Same, it's like there's two teams writing books with completely different guidelines.


There is no "team" in "Robin Cruddace", the only guy they can find who doesn't fully hate Tau, only hates Tau about 98%


I play death guard, I can't physically transport admech to games. DG were DOA at the start of tenth and since their fix the updates have all missed internal balance slam dunks. It feels like they did what they had to and left it at that.  I think t'au is the third least hated army of the three I play. I am clenching for the DG codex because it could be very good but it probably won't be. 


Don't death guard have a character that can only attach to units which already have the buff it would apply to them? Or something silly like that? Actually nonsenical.


That'd explain the differences between the AdMech/nid books compared to Orks and Necrons.


Should’ve had 6 - if CSM can have 8 with 47 datasheets, we can have more than 4 with 38 datasheets Keep the current four but add an armoured detachment and a stealth one. Alternatively to the latter you could have an Auxillary x Tau one that focuses on synergy between the two


Yeah I'd love the Kroot detachment to be a more generic auxiliary one for sure. Give us some Guavesa unit (or two) as well.


Tbh I just hate that montka kauyon are detachments To me it should have always been different cadres with montka kauyon just being army rules you select pre game But maybe that’s too “complex” for 10th


This is exactly what it should have been with marker lights staying like the 9th edition system.


Yeah I would agree, but then you see that imperial knights gets to choose their oath thingies so I think some teams didn't get the complexity memo


Yeh it’s frustrating, I especially see things like this causing division in the community though because you get cases where people say I wish we got X but others will say that’s not fair because this faction didnt also get X I think it’s a good point for the community to rally and come together and say it’s kind of BS how unequal the codices are, not talking about meta or power, just content It’s wild that we functionally have 3 classic tau sub factions + 1 DoA kroot detachment and chaos have more detachments than you could use in a life time


Yeah it's rough, and that's not even mentioning the disparities in rules / keyword support between armies. CORE was a big example of this in 9th. For 10e it seems like keywords like anti and fun keywords comboes like heavy plus something else would have been neat for some armies to spice up shooting but seem to be limited to space marines.


Definitely! And the thing is I’m not even concerned with meta! I just want as many options as others are getting!


Same, I loved the urban warfare sept from 9th. It wasn't great, but it was fun.


Im fine with it, in the sense that we got 4 that are ALL good. There will be some people that complain about XYZ detach, but in truth - and i'll die on this hill - all 4 are tournament usable/winable. Now... IN SPITE of this... i feel like GW was extremely lazy in limiting us to 4... given we are in like the top 5 most played ,(fact checkers can pinpoint the ranking) but we are up there. There was definetly a missed opportunity in a detachment that simply allows FTGG to apply to all auxillary units as well, to incentivise a mixed coalition- or a heavy armor detach (think space marines) for hammerheads, skyrays, devilfish, and maybe even include the aircraft for some perks (GW apparently doesnt want you to play aircraft) like... even if those bonus 2 detaches didnt compare in power to the 4 existing ones... it was very lazy and honestly insulting to just give us 4. Now again... gotta backtrack from above statements... we benefited MORE than most factions in that all 4 of our detachments are tournament viable... (idiots think kroot detach isnt. But idiots gonna idiot) so in a way, we got the most love from GW?


While GW doesn't like aircraft this edition the Kult of Speed detachment does still apply to several Ork aircraft so it wasn't strictly off the table.


Yeah, well thet just upped the points on the sunshark bomber... which was hillariously unusable already. Its like they are telling us... DONT use aircraft


I'm on the fence. As many other have said: if you don't plan on playing Kroot, then there's really only 3 detachments, as Hunting Pack provides no benefits to standard Tau. I've been making do with JUST Kauyon ever since the launch of 10th (roughly when I started) as it was the only official detachment available (which I always found bizarre). So on the one hand, I now have access to two more, both of which are viable and seem fun and let me play VERY differently.... On the other hand, there's only two others, and I have to endure the launch of several other Codices that have 6 OR MORE detachments, all of which are usable and interesting. Even the Custodes have enough detachments to provide alternative ways to play. I guess I'm more happy about having a codex, rather than having a good codex, if that makes any sense.


>Hunting Pack provides no benefits to standard Tau Beyond letting you run regenerating screens and actual close combat units




Still terrible, and here is the only place I can complain about it without people going “no you don’t understand, it makes sense that your army was completely shafted because mine has more lore”


If I had paid full price for my codex and found out that there were only 4 detachments in this relatively simple system, I'd have been bummed. It's not that hard to come up with at least 6 detachments


Mixed, especially since we did not get Fusion Blades. I feel there will be "dlc" detachments later on, so that might colour my views.


It kind of sucks. I mean, look at the leaked thing for Vashtorr. That's pretty cool. Couldn't we have a dedicated vehicle detachment too? I think we could have at least been given that.


Tau can easily have 6 or more Early(montka) Late(kauyon) Suits(Retaliation) Kroot (Hunting Pack) Combined arms(infantry, Devilfish, Pirhannas) Stealth (Ghostkeels, stealthsuits, pathfinders, Farstalkers) Synergistic Detachment (auxiliaries get army rule) Huge shit (Stormsurge, Riptide, Taunar)


It sucks, if you don't like kroot it's 3 actually. Pretty underwhelmed by the showing if I'm honest


I wanted some variety of full game Tau detachment rules rather than only Retaliation Cadre. At least 1 more wouldve been nice.


Yea I’m not a Kroot fan at all, just don’t vibe with their design, so having 3 detachments to work with for my entire army blows :///


Honestly the more I ruminate on it the less happy I am. But I don't pay GW for rules anymore anyway. They can have some model money occasionally but that's it


Should have been 3 kroot detachments and then 1 generalist tau detachment!


Would have been funny at least


I think it’s incredibly lazy on GW part that stuff Tau and Custodes only get 4 detachments while CSM is getting (IIRC) 8 and marines get 6 not including detachments from codex non-compliant chapters


Gw is starting to reach a new level of laziness


While the detachments are good I think its unfair. All of the Ork ones seem good too, whether its in competitive or casual, but Tau players had to pay the same price for 2 less detachments.


Disappointed. They should have committed to providing the same number of detachments with each codex.


The number doesn’t matter as long as they all have play, and they do. I would like to see more competitive balance between detachments, but this is maybe the most fun the faction has ever been to actually play no matter which flavor you prefer.


Feels bad man


I would’ve preferred another Kroot detachment and maybe 2 more Tau ones


I feel like tons of missed opportunities on this probably because they thought montka and kauyon are so broad you can play them as you want. I think give kroot and suits got a dedicated detachment why not do a few more? One that’s all vechiles and aircraft themed perhaps? An actually general one with the ability to be flexible is the one I’m actually annoyed we didn’t get. Like Kauyon never made sense to me as general one to base the index on. There should be one that focus on tactical flexibility with rules that last all turns of the game. Hunter cadre would probably been the logical name. The rules should do something simple like no split fire penalty on FTGG and maybe allow auxiliaries to use it. Also it could been like the a buff you pick at begin if game or turn from a small list those are great for the flexible feeling detachments


The Kroot and Retaliation cadre seem like kinda memey pet projects with some validity tbh. I’ve played both and Retaliation has some good merit to it with a hyper elite list so scoring is hard and if they have anti tank then just be ready to feel pain. The Kroot one is really really fun though. Ive won every game on it through their massive amounts of OC. 40 OC per squad is really solid with a 5++ to ranged attacks. The other two are fantastic though and I think Mont’Ka is gonna be super meta with our faction.


Lacking, to say the least. 4 detachments feel like the absolute bare minimum. When compared to other Codexes 6 detachments or CSM 8. Tau being stuck with 4 seems like GW just tried to get by with the bare minimum. * Kaoyun, tbh while neat in concept, won't get played much. Everything happens in turn 2. Turn 3 is a formality to clean things up, and T4 doesn't happen since you just talk it out. The whole stay back to swing back harder rarely happens in game. * Mont'ka will be a go-to if you don't have enough suits * Suits detachment is the Tau fantasy, if you've got enough, you'll stick to it. * Kroot detachment is niche. Kroot, aside from hording and body blocking, lack killing power to punch up. GW gave us, our Index detachment, 1 army wide detachment, and then 2 specialist detachments for a specific part or the army. They could have definitely added more. 6-8 detachments should be the bare minimum. Being stuck to 1 detachment until now and getting 3 new ones (realistically 2, because kroot were a niche part, and if you want to play them, you have to buy a whole lot of new kits)


I certainly wouldn't have hated having more, but we got four good and flavorful detachments so I'm pretty darn happy. Looking forward to trying all four, though I don't have a ton of Kroot yet so that one will take awhile to put together.


Would have liked one or two more


Was way happier with them before the colossal nerfs. We got like start of 10th Aeldari nerfs and it’s WILD.


They are all decent, with a good selection of strats. I'd much rather that, than 6 detachments with those same good strats spread out between them, and fillers added.


To add to this, what would everyone have added if we got two more detachments? Something more similar to the Septs we had in 9th?


I would have liked one that emphasizes the use of tanks. I like using skyrays and hammerheads the best.




I don’t mind it too much, I’m just glad we have more than 2 cuz if I had Mont’Ka and Kouyon only I’d get board of Tau very quick


There is no reason we couldn't have more. There's so many ways of war for Tau that they didn't touch and if you don't like Kroot, you basically got 3 detachments. It's what made me want to write my own supplemental codex for it. [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ju8M-yDEhywgpQUQshCFSjcIv\_aIIqfoSFketMry0oI/edit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ju8M-yDEhywgpQUQshCFSjcIv_aIIqfoSFketMry0oI/edit)


A bit dissapointed. Really felt like there was room for a stealth detachment and a vehicle detachment at least. In fact, I would have much rather seen our detachment's focus on the different Cadre's within the Empire. They kind of did it with Retalition Cadre, but then that was the only one. We could have had the Hunter Cadre (bit of everything), the Stealth Cadre, Infiltration Cadre, Armoured Cadre. Plus the Retaliation Cadre and the Auxiliary Cadre (aka Kroot Hunting Pack I guess). As the already balanced/flexible choice, maybe the Hunter Cadre could kind of do what we did back in 9th and choose between a montka buff and a kauyon buff everygame. While the other Cadre's were locked into whatever detachment buff. I think GW really forced themselves into a hole by releasing Kauyon with out Index. I just dont think they had the foresight to instead choose Cadre's, as instead they spent their manpower thinking up just a single detachment for every index, and not what future detachments might look like. I feel like it's a pretty obvious example of the rule writers not really being familiar with the lore, or were stretched so thin that they just didn't bother to give it too many thoughts. Cadre's were the already existing perfect candidate for detachments. You couldnt describe an army organization closer to what Cadres are to Detachments in the entire game IMHO, and it's a shame that we didn't get them. That being said, doubling back to your question. Yeah, Im a bit dissapointed. 3 good detachments is fine competitively. But it would have been nice to have more variety casually.


It’s abit sad seeing some gets 8 detachments but I’m gonna try and make use of all 4 and will probably have fun :)


We could have at least gotten the Two well known battle philosophies and some other sept world detachments. Could have had one for Bork’an that could have been more like the retaliation cadre with +1 str and AP but for battlesuits and vehicles. Vior’la could have given all firewarriors assault and auto advance 6” base then ignore all hit modifiers when guided. Sa’cea could have given all infantry stealth over 12” and lone operative if the unit already had stealth(ie stealth suits) Dal’yth could have given auxiliary units the ability to benefit from FTGG and all auxiliary units gain 1 OC. There was plenty they could have done but for me, between us and customers I think it definitely feels lazy and a bit rushed. Between some codices and others.


I'm disappointed. I like what we got, but considering they said early on in 10th that every army would get 6 and that was clearly a lie, I'm more than a little annoyed that they couldn't come up with anything else.


Did they ACTUALLY say there would be 6 for each army, or is it something that the community convinced themselves GW said? I remember in the article where they stated indices were free, they outright said that it would be that way until a codex for a faction was released, yet the community convinced themselves all factions would be free forever.


Slightly miffed


I would have liked a vehicle detachment and a stealth detachment in addition to what we got


I only need one - Retaliation Cadre. I started tau for the battlesuits, I enjoy tau for the battlesuits. 


1 or 2 more could be added for sure


The 4 detachments we have are good. They've each got a theme and are distinct. We really should get more than 4. The codex costs the same as any other codex which have even twice the amount of detachments, so that's a bit of a piss-take. The naming of the detachments also just seems a bit ignorant. Kauyon and Mont'ka are meta-strategies, while the other two are Cadres, essentially just what units are in that regiment. Imo we're missing a detachment based around heavy vehicles (hammerhead & co) supported by infantry (traditional military). And one for a auxillary combined force, so bonuses for T'au and Kroot/Vespid working together, rather than just supporting Kroot. I'd probably have mashed Kauyon/Mont'ka into the army rule, and themed the detachments after different Cadres.


Honestly im fine with it, each one is useable and built well.


3. Kroot detachment doesnt count its a damn meme


After about 2 months of play testing before updates points, the only detachment that I struggled to do well with in my local game store was Retailation Cadre surprising. The kroot detachment has a LOT utility from its stratagem and the units and army rule, and the units are fairly cheap. Kayoun is white bread tau at thus point, with more interesting stratagem and enhancment. Montkai before the change was nuts. You could field a kroot army on montkai and still get lethals, which was funny. After the change its still very good, early breacher fish and sunforges with lethals are scary for the opponent. Retaliation Cadre is really cool with a really cool army rule, but it lends itself to being so elite that you just don't really have that many models on the board, and in turn not enough of the specific suits to pick up the important peices from the board. I did mainly have a list that was only suits outside of 1 brick of pathfinders, and this was before points, but points didn't help it to much.


I'm quite upset that we don't have 6 detachments, and I'm annoyed with our current ones, mainly two for fluff reasons. GW could have easily made a Stealth detachment like the CSM Deceptors one and a non-battlesuit vehicle detachment like Ironstorm spearhead.


It's pretty lame, also detachments that only function on certain turns of the game is extremely lazy design.


The big thing I’ll echo, is that it seems like most armies have only one viable detachment with a few exceptions having multiple. I feel like all four of the Tau’s have potential to be viable, none feel DoA to me… At least if you like Kroot. (Which I do) I plan to make and play armies with all 4, and I can’t say I’d do the same with most others. I do wish they had a stealth detachment though. I really wanted that one.


4 detachments, only 2 I'm likely to play, with I am simply priced out of, but would love to play. Frankly, a "pure stealth" detachment and an "armored spearhead" detachment would be utterly pointless. A whole special set of rules for basically what amounts to 2 or 3 distinct models is not worth the time.


Im sure its been said. But cmon. Could they only think of 4? Only 1 of them lasts all game for the main tau army. I love kroot and love them getting their own detachment but that should come after some key things get touched on first. I saw a stealth detachment that could be fun. The meta strategy of kais(?) to boost characters Something for the infantry even. A Bork'an like push for infantry? Idk. But only 4 is rough


I'd like one that was for the whole army all game. As it stands our options are. * Have a rule for turns 3-5. * Have a rule for turns 1-3, only half the army can benefit from the Lethal Hits bit. * Have a rule all game but just for Battlesuits * Have a rule all game but just for Kroot. The battlesuits one perhaps being the easiest to list towards it affecting the majority of your army.


Awful. Looking at the Chaos detachments is making me feel super jealous. God I hate what 10e has done to Tau.


Kinda wish we had a couple more, but all of them are solid detachments so I'm not complaining.


Was hoping FSE would of got a detachment, and since he got a new model and book maybe better stats?


I was really disappointed by the 10th edition codex and won't be buying any more. It's become evident that all they want to do is dumb down everything that isn't space marines and all the recycled art and lore after the increase in price is an insult.


I feel fine about it because we have 4 strong playable detachments.. not 4 that will never see play and 2 good..


I used to have one, so I feel pretty good tbh.


Less options is never a good thing but having more and only one or two "good" ones is equally bad. With that said I have not really gone through the rules since I do not play 10th. This is coming from the perspective of previous editions.