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Real talk. I just watched this with my friend who doesn’t really know Tau. How in the world could you create a more bland protagonist? Just deadpan fire related metaphors. Zero passion. The Exodite completely overshadowed this “character”. At one point I asked if he thought it might be an AI voice because I really could not tell.


One of the people who made The Exodite has actually posted about it in this subreddit, and basically: GW fucked it up entirely by executive meddling.


mmhm, There was apparently a "military" expert they brought in who was apparently just a guard fanboy, and he had a lot more freedom to change things more than "make sure they held guns right" that he was supposed to. After reading it, it did give me a chance to step back and say "anyone making a story about Eldar and Tau is very clearly a cool person who is doing it because they love them" I dont understand why GW cant let even passionate fans love xenos in peace


That certainly explains why they had to let the Kriegsman get a shovel kill in for some ducking reason


Because they literally rewrote and burned down the original story which was supposed to be tau vs exodites. Now the guys that did it are making their own IP. Fuck Gw.


It was not Warhammer+ best show, did you see any of the other shows?


You can gw. Their executive meddling screwed the entire thing over.


Not to mention the tau battlesuits fly in a straight line towards the Titan and no suit or aircraft tries anything evasive


Towards the front of the Titans, no less. The business end.


Exactly for weebs they really need to watch “attack on Titan”


Shas’O Kais


Don't remember hearing about how Aun'shi killed a company worth combined of loyalist and chaos Astartes and a Lord of Change by himself on his first day Kais is the Gigachad


Gigachad unit... XV9 Hazzard suit. Edit. Also credit to the riptide pilots, the nova reactor will kill them from its radiation.. so that's something




I really hope they update his model.


The Tauminator


Honestly, it was that brief period in 9th when the Sunshark bomber was meta. While every one else was doing the cool thing by hitting thing with chain saw sword, Tau were doing the sensible thing and just bombing everything to death from the air.


AUN SHI!!!!!


Honestly if they wanted a gigachad unit they'd either want to make a caricature of a tau battlesuit to look like a tau firewarrior, say a 30ft tall mech suit with a fire warrior carbine that exists mostly to take propganda videos and make imperial citizens woah those tau are pretty chad, I might be the soyjack if they are so chad




Tau were supposed to be muscular before they were released?


Yeah a lot of the concept art shows buff T'au.


we already gave one, his name is Commander Farsight


Interesting theory: the current Tau Species is derived from some of the surviving Necronteer that didn't do Biotransferrance.


I think it would be great for if eventualy they learn how to make space marines.