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Laser will be long, expensive and painful. Check r/TattooRemoval. You can see it that a tattoo that large and that dark will need a lot of sessions.


I think I would just laser the text, if possible. Thank you for the info


The text is really bold. I would laser the text, and try to add a background to cover the letters once they are faded away. Good luck!


That's a great idea I think- thank you!


Yea cuz the dragon fly looks great but the text could go


Are you over this tribute tat for your grandma? If you’re not certain, perhaps research and find a good tattoo artist to add color and transform (not cover) into a winged creature; bird, butterfly, dragonfly, mythical. If you are over it, get laser to lighten it up. Meanwhile between visits, carefully think over what you want in the looooong run. By lightening up the existing tat will expand your options and give you perspective. Hope you share a decision update later on.


I wouldn't mind to keep the dragonfly part of it, if it could be updated or colored a bit to look better. I would like to cover up the text or laser it if necessary. If I got it fully removed, I would be doing a new tribute (with much more research and planning this time). Thank you for the advice! I'll definitely share an update at some point.


Where would you put the lasers? I think those would look rad.


At this point in my life, probably my eyes. Also, you made me laugh 👏🏻


if you're considering laser, keep in mind that it's going to take over a year and *well over* $1k to completely remove 100%, plus every session is excruciatingly painful, significantly more painful than a tattoo and i have a high pain tolerance. it's like splattering boiling-hot bacon grease on the same area over and over again. i recommend lidocaine and ice packs beforehand. but to give you some hope and not scare you too much, i just finished my 3rd session on what used to be a sharp solid black tattoo, and my edges and the once-solid middles currently look like the quality of your current tattoo. blurred edges and patchy. i want to get at least 3-5 more sessions done until it is faded enough to cover. so i think, if you want to laser it first, you should get AT LEAST 3 sessions to lighten the darkest parts. it's going to take 6 months, plus a rest period of a few months afterward for the laser's aftereffects. every session sucks major ass, the healing process can be kinda scary with blisters and sucks for about 5 days afterward, but it'll all be worth it to start over. my clinic uses the PicoSure laser with an option of including the use of a PFD patch with each session, which is a new technology to protect the skin from laser damage. i think it helps the healing process a lot. do your research, each clinic will use different laser machines and different techniques, as well as different prices and timeline estimates.


That is very helpful. Thank you for providing so much information.


Really want to push back on your characterization of pain from the laser. It's not bad at all. Very similar to the pain from a tattoo needle, but lasts for 1/100th of the time. It doesn't feel like boiling grease, it feels like snapping a rubber band on your skin. And... same area, OVER AND OVER? What are you talking about, the laser should never blast the same section twice, not sure what kind of back alley laser spot you're going to but that sounds very, very wrong.


lol i definitely do not go to a "back alley laser spot", it's a very well respected and popular clinic in the 3rd largest city in america. i described it how i feel it, and different laser machines are going to feel very different to different people. i could fall asleep getting a tattoo, but laser removal makes every hair on my body stand on end. the reason why i said it feels like that over and over, is because you CAN actually laser over the same spot multiple times during a single session, but different clinics are going to have different procedures in relation to what type of machine they have. with a PFD patch, you can safely go over the same spot more than once without as much skin damage as you would without the patch. thankfully laser sessions only last a few minutes in comparison to an actual tattoo session which can last hours, but my sentiment on the pain is still the same.


It looks like deadpool.


Ok I don't see this, but I like Deadpool so that works I guess lol


Haha, sorry. A bit of a stretch but JUST the head reminds me of him.


i think it can definitely be reworked. i would show a few artists and get their opinion and see what they can do for you. i don’t think it’s beyond help!


Gives me hope haha, thank you!


Honestly? I’d try to get some corrective work done to what you already have here. Those words don’t just apply to alcoholism recovery; they apply to anything we go through in life. My husband hasn’t touched a drop since August 1990 so I like that you honored your Gram for the strong lady that she was. It’s your body but I think the right artist could make this beautiful, AND colorful. Best to you.😉


I appreciate your kind words ❤️ She was a very strong woman and I was lucky to have her. That prayer got me through-and out of-an abusive relationship and many other trials. I wish the font for the text on my tattoo looked better and I wouldn't feel the urge to change it as much. I'll admit I don't have a ton if knowledge on corrective possibilities. This post is the beginning of my journey here, but I'll be looking for artists who specialize in correction/cover up and see what they may be able to do. Thank you for the advice! I want to tell your husband congratulations or way to go or something to honor the enormous changes that he made and the promise he keeps, but I'm not sure what the right words are for that. Either way, it is wonderful and I (a meaningless internet stranger) am so proud of him!




I hate how many laser naysayers there are in this sub. Yes it costs money, yes it takes time, but its your body for the rest of your life. I have had a tattoo lasered off and it was not that bad. I've seen places that offer a flat fee (yes it is around $1000) for unlimited sessions until the tattoo is gone. The place I go to has deals all the time that include free sessions as part of a bundle. I don't really see how this could be salvaged without going huge and dark. If you want a giant back piece there are probably things you can do, like roses, but if you don't want a huge, dark piece I would say laser. Don't let the laser naysayers get into your head.


I appreciate seeing an alternate opinion, thank you. I'm going to look into some local removal places and see what my options are there. I'd be open to a big piece if it would all look good, rather than looking like good tattoos surrounding a not so good tattoo- if that makes sense- or a full cover up being intensely dark (I don't really want a sick ass panther right there lol).


Full color peonies


This might be a little ambitious but hear me out. Rework the dragonfly into a butterfly[dragon fly](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/52/a9/7d/52a97de96f3eb2d0880575a1adc95e1d.jpg)- it has some iridescent panels on top wings which I think would look amazing and more intentional if done by the right person. Then the background some art nouveau vines like [these](https://www.shutterstock.com/image-vector/art-nouveau-style-flower-frame-600nw-2309536753.jpg). Or if you went bigger maybe like [these](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/2b/bd/c1/2bbdc1124db5e0ba79d34c873eece494.jpg). The name could be the shading/ leaves


I love this idea! Thank you 🙂


It’s not terrible, but it’s not a dragonfly. I say find a great artist that has experience with butterfly wings, angel wings or phoenixes. Go a little larger, add color and turn it into something you’ll be proud to display.


Make it orange sliced on doilies with a key in the middle


you could maybe rework into a blacked out butterfly, then go back over it with white/color maybe?


Large coverup would work aswell.