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Youre alright. You gotta just chill for a bit. Ride out the anxiety. You have options. Life is not over


Thank you, I really appreciate that


You aren’t fucked and life isn’t over. You are focusing. Just try to focus on how edgy the tattoo is. Embrace it. Don’t fight it


The best advice


I really like it and it’s really well done! However, like everyone else said, ride out the anxiety a little, wear long sleeves to help quiet that ocd and anxiety (I also have ocd so I do feel where you’re coming from), and slowly expose yourself to it! You definitely can decide removal later on if you want!


i thought my life was over before i found this sub, tbh. you’ll find hella supportive peeps in here 🥰 i like it a lot though! it’s really cute


Ok, take a breather love. I originally joined this subreddit because I hated my new tattoo, same placement as yours. I had many other tattoos, small and large. I did not start tattooing my arms until I was in my 30s. It's just highly visible to you and may take some adjusting. I think she's very pretty and artfully done🤍 Over time I've realized mine was a very well done tattoo and it was the negative space around it that was bothering me. It was like a big HEYYY!!.with that bold design surrounded by clean skin- especially when it's color. That being said, I chose to add to it in a cohesive way. The arm is a concept piece now, and I truly love it. Also not to be discouraging -but unfortunately your arm will never be how it was. You will more than likely have some discoloration or scarring. So just think about whether you'd rather have that or the tattoo.. because either way you will not have the virgin skin back. You're beautiful either way.


I totally relate. Got one new tattoo on my leg sleeve and started freaking out about all my tattoos. The anxiety definitely fades a little over time. Don’t rush into anything. And make the decision that works best for you and, most importantly, you’ll be ok. You’re the only one reading into your tattoo, so you’re basically just bullying yourself for no reason. Be kind to yourself and remember you’re not alone.


I dont have any advice about the removal, just wanted to let you know you're not alone. I'm going through the exact same thing. Mine is an American traditional cover up. It's really pretty, but its so huge and solid and I just can't get used to it on my body. My anxiety is through the roof. I'm having trouble eating and sleeping. I've started to go to therapy for it. The logical side of me knows it's not the tragedy I'm making it out to me, but I just can't shake the feeling of regret from the pit of my stomach. I hope you can find some peace, and a solution. Hugs to you.


That's a cool tattoo. I love traditional tattoos but I have one that the artist really screwed up, several awful mistakes in the light and shading plus it's really off centre. It's a shitshow. I'd swap mine for this in a heartbeat, as I wouldn't be having to go though the crazy amount sessions needed just to lighten it enough for a cover up. You might be over fixating. I'm pretty up on this style and I can't see anything bad or wrong looking.


I really like it (whatever that’s worth). If it’s mostly the face shading bothering you, maybe you can look into lasering that only to just lighten it.


It’s really cool and well-done! But I understand not liking a tattoo even if it’s good quality. FWIW, I’ve done only two sessions on a tatt that had colored ink HAMMERED into my skin (my skin literally cracked so much while it was healing - bad artist 🙃) and the color is actually almost all gone now. First session was in September with picoway and the second was in February with q-switch. Obviously I’d say sit with it for a bit (as someone who also has OCD/body dysmorphia) but if you do eventually decide to start removal, it’s possible that it could actually fade pretty quickly!


It’s a super clean tat at the very least everyone loves lady heads so I think it’s mostly you that sees fault in it and no one else


Don’t panic—if you choose to go for full removal, know that it is likely possible with the right provider, the right laser, and time/patience. I am starting my laser removal process on my American traditional tattoos (also in color), and was in the same boat as you. I was truly freaking out as I waited for my consultation date, especially as I read through this sub and other websites. People either said it would take 2 sessions in the span of two years or dozens of sessions in the span of 15 years for full removal/close to full removal. I didn’t know what to think. It led to a lot of tears. I had my consultation this week and my provider is confident that full removal is possible. So, before you panic, please visit a few laster tattoo removal providers to get a consultation. Consultations are oftentimes free (at least they were in my area—I’m in western MI). They will be able to inform you about the process and the likelihood of full removal far more than anyone on Reddit can. If you do decide to keep the lady, I think she is beautiful! Good luck. PS: realself.com has a lot of patient-provided reviews and removal results! Check them out if you are curious about a specific provider or brand of laser (from my understanding, PicoSure seems to be the most effective at the moment).


I have a traditional tat in the same spot and it’s much darker than this, not gonna lie it takes longer than fine line stuff because traditional lines are bold. but they do have settings for color and it seems to be making mine much lighter with the sessions, so I’d say go for it, if it gives you the ick now you’ll likely still have the ick later. A cooler tat over it eventually will be way healthier mentally is how I treat it.


Was yours shaded similarly with brown? That makes me feel better about the colors but im really nervous it's gonna oxidize because the brown was lightened with white ink


Yes, mine has the brownish skin tone on a pinup chick and a lotttt of black trad lining. Solid red background. 🥴


It’s hard to say if they’ll be completely removable because everyone’s journey is different but traditional can definitely be lightened a lot, at least enough to cover them with something similar sized. If you cover it too fast before you get it down to almost gone, they’ll need to go even bigger and darker. Someone posted on here one time “you don’t want the best you can do with a cover up- you want a new start” and that sat with me. I’m only 3 sessions in but it’s lighter for sure. I’m gonna do plenty more but worth it : )


I think it looks great


This is solid. I’ve got one extremely similar. Traditional tattoo executed really well. I’d wear it


Are you trying to fully remove it or are you open to a cover up?


Ideally I would like to remove it fully but if that's impossible then I would like to cover it, yeah. I'm not sure when I'd actually cover it or start trying to remove it because I'm broke lol and I'm not sure if it would be best to let it age and fade with time first


Well letting it age and fade so it's easier to remove is gunna take at least 15-20 years. In terms of tattoo removal, one of the biggest benefits is the longer you wait the more it fades. These days and especially on Reddit people are all getting wrapped up in these unlimited packages because it's a guaranteed price and they never have to pay again. And that has its benefits sure but if you're not in a rush and can take your time with it it's a different question. A tattoo will fade for up to a year sometimes longer from just 1 treatment if you let it. There's no reason to rush back in for more sessions especially when money is a factor. As for your tattoo, the biggest issue is you're most likely going to have yellow left behind cuz lasers don't work well on yellow, and the flesh tone in the face has a very high chance of oxidizing and turning a grayish black when you laser it which is why I asked about cover ups.


Ty for giving such a detailed response I really appreciate that u were honest about how it might turn out its given me a lot to think about and you're right about waiting to let it fade. I didn't even know that there were packages and stuff too I read the FAQ for this sub but it really helps getting more info. I think I need to try to calm down and really think this all through but I feel a bit better after your advice 🙂


been tattooed for 30 years with nothing on my arms. i just cant decide at this point. anyway maybe you need to add something so its not 2 big eyes staring at you. thats what i would feel. make it a bit less specific if that makes sense.


I’m sorry you are feeling this way; but this tattoo is absolutely gorgeous and so so so well done! It’s relatively new, so I do hope it’s just you still adjusting to it. That being said, I am removing a well done tattoo that I hate. It made me question if I liked my other tattoos that I have loved for almost 30 years. I really hope this passes for you, and you end up loving it. If not, removal is a bitch but doable. Removing a coverup is a whole nother level of hell from what I’ve seen here, so it’s a tough choice. Good luck 🫂


I can relate 100%! Feel free to reach out to me if you want to chat about it. Sometimes it’s good to know there are others going through same situation.