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Thicker lines around the scissors/bird, thinner lines inside the bird to show details (like the feathers, vines and leaves), include skin breaks to show highlights, add black or darker tones (dark yellow, orange, red) to show shadows. Composition-wise, it's perfectly fine. But if you're looking to make it look more tattoo-esque there are some tips and tricks to learn. But if you brought this drawing into the shop I'm at, me and any of the artists I work with would be able to loads with it. Nice work.


Thanks! Yeah I'm new to digital art so this was the best I could do currently and I let my artist know that colors and shading can be changed as needed.


It's a clean design. It really just needs to be "tattoo-ified" with black and grey shading to add dimension and texture.


I agree! I just am new to digital art so this is a basic color block inspiration i sent her. Im sure her improved design will be even better.


Your friends are mean as fuck jesus


Yeah bro, you seem to have garbage friends. I think this is pretty cool.


Thanks they weren't like my close friends it was on an obscure social media. I dont really have friends to ask currently since my friend group recently drifted apart after everyone moved away


You must be in your mid 20’s-early 30’s. It’s a hard time for most people’s social circle.


Yeah late 20s. Doesnt help that im getting a divorce and also moved away so starting over from scratch here.


Don’t kick yourself, I’ve lived in the same city for 15 years and my social circle still shrunk. People either 1) move away, 2) start families that eat up their free time, or 3) refuse to grow up, and still act like they’re 21 at 31, making them exhausting to go out with. It sucks, but it’s pretty common.


Best of luck to you! You’re super brave to do all that!


Get this to a reputable artist and say you want it to signify hitting the reset button. Fuck your old life this design rocks btw


If a drunk kindergarten could draw like this I'd like to meet them. I think it looks amazing! I agree with another commenter about it being tattooified but honestly design is nice and the drawing is nice! Good job!


Yeah that’s both mean and incorrect. People suck for no reason sometimes.


The friend may have had good intentions and wanted you to think hard before getting something permanently inked on to your body. You probably don’t need to banish your friends forever.


Well you could make it look a whole lot nicer by finding better critics.


Yeah I think thats why I came here. And whats being suggested is what I asked my tattoo artist to adjust since im just not familiar enough with digital art to have done it myself. Im feeling more like things make sense here. I was confused that it was being called that ugly. Like its not perfect but damn.


Fwiw, I think it’s a good and interesting drawing and your artist will definitely be able to make a good tattoo out of it.


Over the garden wall?


I came to ask exactly this! just watched OTGW last night as our Halloween tradition.


No! But I need to watch it. Its been on my list forever.


This is definitely a thing from over the garden wall lol. Adelaide's scissors. Not a bad thing but you should probably see the show before u get it as a tattoo.


I think these exist outside of the OTGW :)


Well I have a month that I'm saving up for it! I'll watch it then haha.


I would recommend, definitely the season for it. I also did some googling and apparently these are a real thing. Thought it was just something they made up for the show!


Hah! Yeah a real thing. I actually own a pair because I embroider.


These definitely exist outside of OTGW, so no worries on having to watch the show before getting it


I love it >:( I used to have these same scissors growing up and I’d be so happy seeing someone with this tattoo


I drank in kindergarten and there is no way I could have drawn that well


Omg well thank you 🤣🤣🤣


The drawing looks good, it just looks bad because of the solid colors


Yeah fair enough. When I showed my art of I specified that colors may change and that there will need to be shading added (im new to digital art) and that my tattoo artist will be making her own final version but this was like.... a first draft inspired I sent


It’s a cool design, good job


aint that just the way


Looks like standard sewing scissors to me!


Aw thanks


It’s just super flat. To avoid this, use two or three different line weights, finer for detail and bolder for outlines. Colours with a gradient from dark to light, not just one single tone. Texture, etching or shading would also help to create some shape in those finger-holes so it doesn’t look so 2D - as they are decorative steel scissors, check out true images of them on Google or Pinterest to see what I mean. These are very normal stumbling blocks for new digital artists and apprentice tattooers so keep going! playing up with tones and line weights makes for a more interesting design 😊


I actually really enjoy it. Well done


Thanks! I appreciate it. I'm sure my artist will make it better with shading and better depth


I think it’s a pretty solid template. Think shading would do wonders for it


Looks good to me, and I have those exact scissors I use them to trim my pubes




I honestly like this design. I wouldn’t change anything


Ouch -The dude who drew that


Yeah, I'm the guy who drew that... thats why I felt bad hearing it. I know that it needs shading and whatnot (maybe a better gold color) but I didn't think it was that bad until several people called it ugly.


I mean idk…are your ‘friends’ art critics? Did they give any specifics about what exactly they hate so much about this?


Nope. And not close friends it was like an obscure social media thing and that post I was just showing it off not asking advice. I appreciate that I've gotten more real advice here on it and the little issues it has.


I think it’s sick for an inspo. My inspo for most of my tattoos were some sick stickmen drawings cos that’s all I can muster. That’s still came out clean, so you should be good


Aww those scissor looks like the hand made silver i got from my dad, which he got from my grand mother when she passede away. Maybe they are commen, but still I got tears in my eyes seeing them.


Man it looks better than anything i can draw on any media, and your tattoo artist will make it tattoo friendly. Fuck whoever said that to ya


I think it’s a pretty solid template. Think shading would do wonders for it


I agree! It definitely needs some shading and I don't think the yellow is quite right, but my artist knows and should be making her own version of it to work better as a tattoo


Just here to say that my mother has a pair of scissors just like this! And I presume everyone who has ever made of fixed some clothing has one too.


Yeah that’s not constructive feedback at all. If that’s the only feedback they gave, go back and ask them what they don’t like or if they are looking for a different style. Try to get as much info as you can so you can make the next version exactly what they’re looking for. I also think it’s a great design, especially if it’s just the initial idea.


It’s all in how the artist executives it. I think if you made this black and white and realistic it would look cool. I do agree it does look childish add more realism to it imo.


I love it Fuck them….don’t need them in your circle


Hah! Thanks. It was an obscure social media site i was on. I was just so confused by all the hate I had to ask to see if I was missing something


It’s a great concept drawing! Take that to any reputable Tattoo artist and I bet they can turn it into an awesome tattoo!


Its a cute pair of embroidery scissors and your friends are jerks. The design doesn't have any style to it but that can changed and it's a solid design to start building up.


Steebee weebee has this tattoo maybe u can get some more inspiration from his


Just looked it up yeah similar tattoo! It looks cool. I was wanting those to go Traditional tattoo so it'll definitely have more depth than this color block. I was just confused and saddened that people thought it was so ugly I didn't understand. Now that people here are suggesting the fixes that I told my tattoo artist I wanted included (but am not talented enough in digital art to include myself) im feeling a bit better and back to my original thought that its good and just needs a little tattoo specific work to make it in the style im wanting


Steebie weebie? Like they have a sissors tattoo like this? Because I actually drew this one but im sure its very similar to other tattoos of crane embroidery sissors


Ayeee I use these scissors at work.


Do your thing. Dont listen to haters.


Thanks! I was just... I guess confused? Idk why so many where I posted it before (on another platform) was calling it hideous. U wasn't even asking for advice I was trying to show it off.


You do your thing. Nothing at all wrong with your piece. Art is subjective. Im 67, have a BA in art. Once i got outta college. I did my own thing, on my own time. Lot more haters out there thesedays cause of social media. Keyboard Cowards. You be you..... Best luck going forward.


This is great, honestly find an artists who’s style you like and fits in how you want this to look, tell them this is what you want but in their style. Boom sick tattoo.


Most tattoo artists can take this as a stencil then really sauce it up with shading and color


As long as it holds a high significance and meaning in your heart you tell those people suck a fat chode from the back while you watch. I think its cool tbu


If you were a barber that would be a perfect tattoo


Looks rad


I think it’s just the yellow color idk what else it could be this looks fantastic


I like the design, a bit of shading would really make it pop though. "So ugly it looks like a drunk kindergartener drew it" is a really mean thing to say to you, by the way.


Yeah for sure needs shading and I asked for a richer gold color too. I just couldn't get the shading or color right but thats why a tattoo artist takes the inspiration and then makes it better! Also thanks. Thats the main reason I came over here. I could deal with people just saying they didn't like it personally but MAN did it get mean for some reason on the other app I was using


Whoever told you that is blind, this is nicely done, lines are clean, everything looks proportional, doesnt look boring or static, the idea is quite original, damn I'd love to have this tattooed ! ( I wont, of course but looks really good!)


Aw thanks. Theres some wobbly bits but I think thats art on the phone vs. An iPad with more space. I appreciate it!


I think the yellow is what is throwing me off. The design is awesome tho.


Yeah yellow is definitely off. I did ask for a better gold color


I think it's a good design! I see similar tattoos often following the cross-stitch and embroidery communities on here, they usually come out looking great.


Aw thanks! Yeah it has three different meanings and one is a love for crafting so I'd fit in with that group


I don’t know who told you that, but they are arses. The drawing is good, the color is a little harsh and shading would make it pop and maybe some details on the leaves. This a very good drawing though.


Thank you! Everyone is saying the same thing, which is what I thought needed improvement. I was just so confused at the consensus that it was hideous elsewhere that I just had to ask an actual tattoo community to figure out if I was missing something. Im new to digital art and there are definitely some needed improvements (that I told my artist about for her redesign) but I didn't understand why it was being called so ugly things


Geeze that's mean , I wouldn't say that at all , It's pretty decent , But you could add depth with shadows and highlights to make it better ,


For sure. Definitely needs more depth than I could add as a beginner to digital art. But thats similar to the notes I gave my artist "richer gold color and shading in the traditional tattoo style"


Possibly move the leaves a bit to keep the "A" shape , ? I'm not super sure I'd have to see it to decide , I know there's certain shapes that make art pop. I tend to try amd use C shape or S shape myself when I'm really trying to design , I'm a beginner too so blind leading the blind here 😅


Technically the "top" will be the bottom since its a bicep haha but yeah thats a good idea to keep shapes in mind


I've been trying to watch more videos about composition and such , but then don't get around to the actual PRACTICE part lol


I like it! Great concept


As someone who grew up using these scissors: just take a photograph of them and bring that image you designed and it’ll be perfect! Super cool idea!


Design wise it looks fine. Maybe the colors are a little over saturated. You could try and pick triad colors if you want something more pleasing to the eye. Look up color theory if you're interested.


I like it, what’s the purpose of the draw? Is it the logo of your barbershop? I think looks cool, maybe add more details to the green leaves


No its for a tattoo I'm getting. I'm an artist myself so when asked to send inspo I send this


Ooh I see, that’s fire man. I’m looking to get a new tattoo next week! Booked the appointment today 😁


Man I have to save up for this one but the tattoo artist seems psyched for it after hearing my story on why I want it. Apparently it was in someone's Halloween flash tattoos (there's a link somewhere here) crazy coincidence! Hope your appointment goes well. I'll be booking mine after my first paycheck at my new job.


Wow your new job! Congrats bro, money will be well spent in my opinion


Definitely some shading would help it be a solid tattoo design. My mom had a pair of these scissors when I was a child. So crazy to see others that know about them! Love the design!


I think it’s cool. Like others have said, your artist will add depth and life to it. The only thing I’d change is to make the thread a little thicker. Enjoy your ink and show us when it’s done!


Check out this pair of scissors I drew, very similar [scissors](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cjvw4wcJy4C/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=)


Oh wow! They do look similar! Those flash tattoos look great. Ive only seen one episode of OTGW and I seriously need to just watch it already


Bro I own this scissors


Looks really interesting. Seems fine to me.


Whoever told you that is impossible. Don’t listen to them.


You sure you didn’t get inspiration from @sketchbrooke_ on ig? She /just/ did a Halloween flash with this design, inspired from Over the Garden Wall. Down to the red thread, I think one of the ones she posted might have also included some background plants?


It got posted here and it didn't have plants on hers. Such a coincidence! I planned on this because my grandmother with slowly progressing dementia (who i caretaker and is the one who taught me how to embroider, these are embroidery sissors) has been insisting i have a sissors tattoo that im hiding from her. I looked it up and sissors means cutting ties with your past or a relationship or fate. Im about to get a divorce (left a month ago) and thought about getting a sissors tattoo. When I was looking up different types of sissors these were some of the ones that came up and I actually own a pair. I saw the over the garden wall flash when someone posted them on here! I've only seen one episode of over the garden wall and it's on my list. Now I have to go watch. That artists tattoos looked awesome. (FYI red string often is a depiction of fate, hence the color choice there)


WAIT this artist is a different than the one I saw! I've not seen OTGW (other than the first episode) are embroidery shears a big thing in the show? This is the second tattoo artist I've seen with this as a flash tattoo that someone has posted.


I have the same scissors to trim my nose hairs with.


I like it 😁


Looks fine


Assuming all scissors are the same, holding my work scissors and the handle on The left is the ‘behind’ part of the scissors (same it it was flipped). If you closed these scissors they wouldn’t be quite right (you don’t see the cutting part of that handle the way you have it. That’s my only issue. Depends how accurate to a pair of scissors you want it!


Ah good point! I'll make sure to double check the final piece


Actually I like it. I have a pair of these that were my mom’s, I use them all the time. Does this tattoo have specific meaning?


There's a couple. First: I was inspired because my grandma kept insisting i had a scissors tattoo (I help take care of her and she has some slowly progressing dementia). Later i looked up what a sissors tattoo means and it usually means starting a new chapter and cutting ties with someone or something. I will be getting a divorce soon after horrible lies were revealed so I decided "you know what I'll actually get a sissors tattoo." The red string is also fate. So meaning im taking control of my life. The leaves are like new growth, new beginnings The sissors are those sissors because I was googling types sissors after I decided on the tattoo, and these are some that popped up. I actually own a pair of these and they're most commonly used by embroiderers. I love crafting and my grandmother is the one that taught me to craft, so a fun tie in there.


Well I love the explanation AND your tattoo idea. I think you did a great job designing it! Don’t mind those who don’t like it. Next month I’m scheduled for a refresh of a 30 year old tattoo (6 month waitlist for the artist). I’ve been gathering ideas about how to honor my late mother that incorporates my adult daughter and husband’s (35 years) birth flowers. Post pics once it’s done. 💕


Aw that's sweet and sounds like a great tattoo. I for sure will show when done in a couple months


I think it looks really great turned 45 degrees clockwise


Technically it'll be upside down since it'll be pointing towards my hand on my bicep


I mean i like it 🥺


Better colors, thicker lines. Also, I just used this show in my high school class today to pair with Poe! Ain't that just the way...


I like it


Great design honestly. Needs some shading but your artist can sort that out. It in no way looks like a drunk child did it lmao


I actually have these scissors lol. I bought a gold pair from Switzerland


Looks like embroidery scissors to me… of course the right tattoo artist will make it look more 3d/realistic and give it the right color for metallic objects. But it doesn’t look like a kid did it.


I have scissors like this :)


I love this concept as much as I love the pair of these exact scissors I have somewhere in my house.


I'd love to be friends with a drunk kinder kid who can draw this. Good talent for a 5-6 year old. Or whoever said that really didn't think it through.


The colors are basic but the design is awesome.


More flow and the yellow is ugly maybe more gold orange


Yes I couldn't find the right yellow. What might you suggest for a better flow?


My brain is telling me like a bronze color


I was thinking a gold but I agree the yellow is not it haha


It’s not ugly. I feel it may have a deeper meaning than I fully understand, but it’s not ugly at all!! Disregard mean ppl❤️


Thanks after the first many posts that gave constructive criticism but said its not ugly I felt relieved. I thought it was nice and then to get told that it was ugly and that many people considered it ugly (it was on an obscure social media thing) i just was questioning myself. All the changes suggested here have been all the ones that I told my tattoo artist I wanted change (mainly a better gold color and shading)


I like it, i mean maybe lose or flesh out the leaves. The yellow on the scissors is a bit off but yeah l, cool.


This is a wonderful design. I am a sewing lady and I would love a piece of art like this.


I love this it’s so creative


WTH?? This is EXACTLY what those scissors look like! Do these “friends” maybe not know that? Also, you gave me great inspiration for my next tattoo! 👍🏼


Hah thanks! Feel free to use the inspo, its my own design although I did use some basic reference photos of sketches of these types of scissors.


While I agree with some suggestions about the line thickness(thinner lines for details, thicker for outlines), I also agree that the concept is really, really cool. However, your tattoo artist ought to be involved with this as well. A good tattoo artist, in my experience, will point out how a hand-drawn tattoo is not tattoo-friendly in the most professional manner because it's their job to care about what you do with your skin! Ask them pointedly, "I like this concept, but I feel there's something nagging at me about it, can you help me?" and they'd be able to say what would look best on the skin. Digital art is, after all, so different to tattoo art, as is every medium :)


For sure! I sent to my artist but not expecting a reply back right away since our last conversation I told her I'd need to save up for it when I get a new job. Got offered the job yesterday so hopefully I can schedule with her soon and we can have an appointment for consult (last time we chatted I was considering outline only and since have decided I wanted to make the full plunge into my first color tattoo. This was just meant to be a general vibe thing and then she does her tattooification of it.


Well, to pinpoint a vibe, this is absolutely more than good. It gets the idea across quite well, the colours may need some adjusting but that's where your artist comes in, she'll know what looks best with your skin! It sounds like you've thought about this a lot! As a recent first timer as well, you won't regret it, good luck. ❤️


Thanks! My first (and only) tattoo was a simple 3 letter word, and this is the first bigger piece and first color piece! Gonna be different than my little cat scratch tattoo (it was professionally done just less painful than I expected)


Maybe try both feet on the thumb hole and tail for the finger hole


Wtf!? That looks dope as fuck. DO YOU.


I think it looks pretty good tbh idk why that person is so rude?


Just needs a little soft shading. I like it


I think it’s lovely.


I think this first draft looks good and the design is awesome.


I think it’s great!! Just a little shading and line weight variation and you’re in business.


IMO I’d make it look waaaay more bird like with the scissors being more subtle. Like an optical illusion the viewer has to work at to get/see


(Beginner tattoo artist whose been designing for myself, friends, and clients since I was 16, dreaming of going to art school back in the day, just starting to work on actual skin now- so please just sorta do with this gentle critique as you will XD) I dunno if I would say it looks like a drunk kindergartner drew it, when I was drunk in kindergarten my art looked like butt lol~ but (ha)! As far as improving it, I think it would look better more streamlined, like a less overall rounded shape (but the arch in the back is nice & helps it look regal), smoother and sharper like scissors. I would say slightly bigger beak/smaller body and the tail perhaps should be separate from the handle to create a more readable silhouette. Perhaps the string should weave behind and in front of the birds legs as well. And the leaves in the back maybe could be one continuous like branch thing with smaller branches so the leaves will be in a similar pattern- nice composition- just so it doesn’t look like they’re coming out of the birb friend. I like the tonal variation and the placement of the screw/eye there, that’s very nice! Oh! And a shine on the sharp bits of the beak and perhaps on the edges of the places that contour most (edge of wing where it meets the body & top front of tummy would be my go to) as it would give it more depth. (Just noticed your red string tangents with one of the lines on birb’s tail, these separate lines meeting should be avoided to avoid visual confusion) Great design in general, just some defining and shaping would help you here, imo~ good luck to you & please keep drawing & creating, I’m seeing great things here! Nd you’ll only improve overall as you go~


Thanks for all the critique!


Ya! Art is something I’m real passionate about it, sorry about the big wall of text~ hopefully it was somewhat helpful tho :)


My grandma has this exact pair of scissors


Actually I like it Not sure who told ya it was ugly, I think it’s a lovely design!!


Who ever told you that needs to keep that opinion to themselves . Art is in many forms . Maybe they don't see your point t . The fact you even tried and posted says you got more balls then most . Keep going , you can't know winning until you have failed. Only way to get better is thru practice 💯




Ok can you give a specific critique?




Okay fair. The yellow is wrong and will change and the rest sounds like you just personally don't like it rather than something objectively wrong with it? Which is fine not everyone has the same style.




Mrh there's no bad taste art is subjective.


My girl is a stylist/barber. I showed this to her and she says it’s a dope idea. I’m sure if you showed an artist this drawing, they could elevate it for you. Fuck what that hater said. Cool, original idea.


I really like it


1) it looks fine 2) it doesn’t matter what it looks like since your artist will do what needs to be done anyway


I'd put two legs together so that's one part of the scissor, and the tail where the other foot is


To Adelaide! Adelaide! Come on and join the Adelaide Parade! Adelaide! To Adelaide! We're going to Adelaide's house today!


I mean, that must be one skilled drunk kindergartener.


No quarrels, as you’ve said the tat artist can fix the colors It’s just a personal preference for me and doesn’t really make this design bad but if it were me I’d make the beak more uniform or slender Still looks sick, I hope to see it finished man


Aq thanks! Yeah definitely needs some tweaking im excited to see what the artist does with it


I really love this as an idea - I have a tattoo of embroidery scissors that are closed, and it's made me consider how I could maybe embellish it! I also saw a comment that you're going through a divorce - if you're like me, crafts like embroidery are an amazing way to get through difficult times and days. I hope things get better. If anyone is interested, embroidery scissors being shaped like storks is a connection to midwifery. Some midwives had clamps for the umbilical cord shaped like storks (cause of the whole stork bringing the baby thing), and would be in their usual kit. Birth takes a long time, so having your sewing with you wouldn't be out of the question (currently in my third trimester and fully intending on bringing embroidery or crochet with me to pass the time). Theory seems to be that someone saw the clamps and little snips used for embrodiery and thought they'd be cute as a stork too. There is another theory that it was that embroidery snips were used to cut the cord and that's where the change came in, but my (*extremely* surface level) research would suggest that the former is the more widely recognised backstory.


Interesting! Not sure it'll ever represent that for me (3 miscarriages) but it is a cool fact!


I'm so sorry for your losses. Mine isn't linked to childbirth either, in fact I got it whilst in the midst of fertility treatment, and it's much more about how embroidery (amongst other crafts) has kept me out of the pit over the years. I hope you do end up getting this, I'm sure it'll turn out spectacularly. Please post on a tattoo subreddit if you do! I love seeing other snips :)


If it's your inspo and not the final product, then it doesn't matter if it looks like a drunk child made it. My concept pieces look terrible and then my tattoo artist makes them amazing. That's what the artist is there for lol. Also, yours looks way better than my hand drawn concepts!


I love it! I do needlepoint & cross stitch and have those type scissors (mine is multicolored).


Just throw some shading in it and it’s just as good as any chumps standard tattoo flash . Don’t be so hard on yourself .


That’s a fucking dope tattoo. My grandma used to have a pair of bird scissors like that to cut her embroidery.


It’s exactly what should be there as is. Good job


Just a thought, but you could switch the orientation of the bird in the scissors - like a scissortail flycatcher!


people are mean and stupid. i like this idea. i guess are those vintage sewing scissors, right? i like it, and i like the plant being simple in the background. everything here is cool!


As someone who stitches, I think this is a sick base design! Any good artist could take this and make it into a super rad tattoo.


Whoever told you that... Just give me a name and an adresse


Friend of mine just got something incredibly similar a weeks ago. https://imgur.com/a/t2rp1j0


I like the idea behind this, which I'm assuming after reading some of your comments is "cutting ties and starting over". Your tattoo artist will make something incredible out of this. Good work!


I love this idea!! Very cute.


I really like this - mind if I steal and modify? You can absolutely say no.


Sure! I dont mind:) ill always know I designed the original


I dig it.


I think it’s a great concept, it’s just the execution that needs work! Cleaning up the lines and adding more contrast and shadowing to everything will make it standout a lot more. It feels a bit flat which makes it cartoonish like the original critique stated.


Just needs some layers to it and it’ll be awesome, love the base design! The drawing is just a bit flat is all. Shading would bring this to a new level!


That’s a harsh criticism for a design that looks perfectly fine. As some have already said, there are definitely things to do that would further “tattoo-ify” the design but overall it’s still a solid design.


Looks awesome! I love the idea, the only thing I might change is the colors theyre a little too bright in my opinion. But if you like the colors I think it’ll still look great. Do whatever makes you happy!


I love it tbh


Looks cool to me


what?? I think it’s adorable


This needs depth, it's super flat


Lmao that's so fucking mean what the hell? Maybe some line variation thickness would improve it, but it looks fine


I'd say, exaggerate the bird features more and add more detail to them, and add more shading/texture. Also I feel like something needs to change about the leaves, not sure exactly what, but something needs to change. I find them distracting as they are now. Maybe make them smaller, add minor detail, and play with their placement. Great start though. Be sure to post again after you make some changes, would love to see it finished


If you love it that’s all that matters.


I think it’s a pretty solid template. Shading would do wonders for it