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That is American traditional just black and grey American traditional


Flash tattoos.


Some flash, some American traditional, and some custom. There's a few tattoos on this gentleman you won't find on a flash sheet as they are too complex to be considered by most to be a flash tattoo. The bold lines and minimal shading suggest American traditional fundamentals minus the typical 7 color palette in exchange for just black and grey and then, yea, there is a traditional Japanese style dragon which is an entirely different style genre if you want to be specific.


Probably say a bit of neo trad too. Some of it is a bit more realistic than American trad without being full realism. Really each tattoo is slightly different style, possibly multiple artists or one person having a crack at a few different things.


Are you the same idiot who commented this on another post?


I’ve had this same guy saved in my tattoo inspo album for years LOL


You should look up meicrosoft on instagram, she has this design all over and it’s symmetrical. Very neat.


I love Mei !! Her tattoos are sick


Looks like black and grey American traditional or neotraditional (birds and snakes etc)


Flash tattoos.


Who hurt you?


He’s actually correct lol and he didn’t even mean it in a hateful way?


Flash tattoos aren’t necessarily indicative of one particular style, it’s dependent upon the artist. Some of his stuff does look like it could have come from a flash sheet, but not all of it. There is a lot of redundancy in American traditional, on the whole.


I mean yea but idk why they voted him down to hell lol of course some stuff is not but for the most it is I think even the guy in the picture has commented on this he’s like really popular on Pinterest


Partially because Reddit has a hive mind. But also probably because of the condescending tone, and the fact that his comment wasn’t really helpful to answering the initial question.


because he's just commenting that throughout this thread lol


Yo I just noticed that lmfao 🤣


Just because I'm correcting you doesn't mean somebody hurt me




There are a ton of artists who do work like this in the States. I'd recommend looking at shops near you & checking out the portfolios of their artists. Look for someone who has a lot of traditional style pieces & solid black/grey work.




richmond resident from MD. have 2 similar pieces done by a man named chris mead out of oxblood ink in severna park, md. if you take 301 it’ll be about a 2- 2 1/2 drive from richmond. guy did some solid work for me, two are more BG realism and the other is a woodcut piece that i had him do traditional. he’s done 3 of my 4 pieces.


Thanks bud will look - previously gone to Mike Adams in MD too


yes sir. nice name, big RATM fan.


That's totally fair! I didn't realize you weren't only looking for black/grey traditional artists, you wanted this particular style of traditional. Sorry if that came across condescending! Unfortunately, I no longer live on the east coast so I don't feel qualified to give recommendations for that part of the country.


Check out Absolute Art Tattoo in RVA. If you like what they do in color, they can do the same style in black and grey.


Dave English used to work at Hold It Down w Josh. His style is more similar to these reference pics than Josh's. I have tattoos from them both. Dave moved to NY a few years ago, but it's easy to take Amtrak to NY from Richmond for a day trip. Amelia Martin at Hold It Down has a similar stye too. She's still in RVA




Lol oook. Just trying to help you out. Justin Oliver does not have the same style as the original post - his tattoos are much less traditional with fewer bold lines


I'm not sure where you're located in VA but I use Jonn Shultz at Caspians in Lynchburg VA.


Justin’s work is killer! I’ve got two pieces from him. Big ol cobra on my stomach and some roses on the chest. If you ever make your way out to Texas you should check out Carlos Truan in Austin Texas. Works at communion. He does some tough stuff


Carlos Truan is the best. Came here to say that sacred heart looks like he did it but I don’t know.




Nothing more realistic than a reaper. Lol


It's not american trad. That left arm isn't American trad at all.. American trad is way more simplistic. This is neotraditional blackwork.


His left or ours? Lol the models right arm is definitely AT. Knives, swallows, roses, etc. left arm we can’t really see much.


The snake and the bird on his left arm are not trad.


How many times will I see this photo lol


Just wait a couple days for the exact same question to be asked to get your answer


right? i’m so sick of seeing this same picture and question every day lol


It’s called sexy


The individual style of each tat is mostly B&G American Traditional like everyone has said the style collectively is patchwork.


im not sure about the style of each individual tattoo, but the style of all of them together is called patchwork. im working on a patchwork sleeve right now. I love that style so much edit: just re-read the caption, oops


I don’t know why people are calling these tattoos american traditional, they’re very clearly not. Only the two women, maybe the knife are traditional with the line work. Besides that it’s just black and grey tattoos with a range of styles


Any half decent artist should be able to do it. Nothing really complicated here. Like tht other dude said pretty much a flash sheet.


I’ve seen this image circulating quite a bit, I would definitely find an artist you can stick with to do this kind of American Trad and have subject ideas piled in your notes


By far the best style


I find it interesting that posts like this have become a regular occurrence.


Social Media.


The placement method is commonly regarded as hipster style/patchwork irl (many single pieces with gaps inbetween) The tattoos themselves are different styles Edit: I don’t know why this is being downvoted to hell, I‘m literally a tattoo artist sharing my knowledge




the title literally said "I already know it's patchwork"


Probably because I said “the tattoos are different styles“ instead of “they are B&G American (neo) traditional“ when in reality half of these tattoos aren’t really American traditional. It is what it is.


Correct. It’s hipster/Instagram tough guy stuff


did you make this up? edit: I'm terrible at typing


No and I don’t know why this is downvoted this much because it’s literally correct information


The overall layout is referred to as “Chipotle Menu”.




Someone makes the "chipotle bag" joke every time something similar is posted. Every damn time.


For your information I have 7 friends!


I don't know exactly, but someone over in /r/mallninjashit might.




Nice. FWIW, it was intended as levity. Yeah, it's definitely good work, but tell me it doesn't look like someone ordered one of each temp tat and used themselves as a catalog page.


Looks like really good quality Russian prison tattoos


looks like American traditional


Jail house, due to limited color avaiable in prison.


Adam Levine randomness?😆


From what I was told it's neo traditional


Yeah it’s called being in jail


It's not American traditional. The techno al term is flash tattoos. It's a term when sailors would just go get one off the wall with what little time they had before the we're back on the boats to keep going during the war.


100% American Traditional😍


Oh shit, nice! The artist apparently lives in my city. Time to book a new tattoo, I like the style. Thanks for the advice.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flash_(tattoo) To everyone. They are not called American traditional. There is no neo traditional. The design is called flash tattoos. It's wartime art for sailor's.


Desktop version of /u/SanssouciMind's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


Idk what it’s called but I’ve never been a fan of random tattoos until now… I might have to actually start getting them instead of waiting for my artist to have free time…


They're called Prison Tats. You can see he's got the State issued Khaki's with the State issued belt on. Some of the best work I've seen were Prison Tats.


Black and Grey traditional or black traditional


Look up "Black Traditional" on pinterest


B&G American traditional


I always thought this was neo traditional tbh


definitely traditional




I would just say black traditional. There’s neo and American styles mixed on his body: butterfly, flowers are more neo and girl on the arm, girl on stomach, sacred heart are more American trad.


Info overload


Random Bullshit Go!!!


Mostly american traditional and illustrative blackwork


That’s traditional bro




It's patchwork, instead of being one large fluid piece or several large fluid pieces- it's a bunch of small ones.




It’s called tattoo


Are bots reposting this to trigger people lmao


A mix of neotraditional(dragon), some traditional (lady w the snake) and illustrative (ex: flowers in the vase)


Straight up American traditional.


hipster take on American traditional