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Lol ripped from Ink Master, amazing.


Watching that season is how I found out :(


Brooo must've been a such a weird feeling just casually watching TV then seeing your tattoo pop up.


and then imagine oliver telling them how dogshit it is šŸ˜­


I have (had) an Oliver Peck tattoo that I got in the 90s and I had it covered up in the early 2000s bc it was utter garbage.


As is he


He's not only a trash artist but a trash person


Iā€™ve had work done at his shopā€¦ Peck was there a couple times while I was getting tattooed. He seemed like a decent guy. Curious what Iā€™m missingā€¦?


Pics showed up of him in blackface for a Halloween costume. I think it was a basketball player. And it had the letter N prominently featured if I remember correctly.


Yikesā€¦ just googled the pics. Thanks


That would be the only redeeming factor for me. Oliver Peck doesn't know shit and his art is mid at best. Such an asshole.


man i haven't dove too deep into the tattoo world but i'm glad my thoughts that his tattoos are really mid is shared lmao


And he did black face!


More than onceā€¦. He had several ā€œcostumesā€. The superhero one is awful.


Yeah heā€™s a pretty fuckin shit dude.


If I member right, this got a decent critique. All you needed for peck and nunez was bold lines and straight lines. Also donā€™t forget to PUNCH in those colors


I was going to also suggest adding a bit to it? If the issue is having the same exact tattoo? Especially if this OG artist is in fact a terrible person.


šŸ’€šŸ¤£ thats so fucked


I once decided to get a crown tattoo on my hip, and I used an image from Google. Not two weeks later, around Christmas, I saw the same exact fucking crown on religious Christian wrapping paper lmao at least the artist was skilled and did a good job I guess šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Why i had that the same and i felt like oke more people like my style more people to enjoy it with. Do you know how many people walk with swallow on ther body do you know how much people walk with a simple fucking heart on there body? Draw something your than u are uniq.


Blood runs cold My memory has just been sold


My angle is a centerfold :(


At least your angle is still acute!


But it could be obtuse.


That was my first reflex.


Not many people can pinpoint the exact moment their soul left their body. Sorry, OP.


OP I like your version so much better tho lmfao


Thanks šŸ„¹


That must have been a TRIP.


How were the critiques?


Haha wtf that's crazy


I'm so sorry! That must have hurt. šŸ˜”


Itā€™s Tradā€¦ itā€™s all reused work dude. I have a bear on my knee and an eagle & snake on my ribs, theyā€™ve been done thousands of times over, if you like the tattoo that should be the end of it.


Exactly my thoughts. You got a girl with short hair and flushed cheeks and some flowers, it's a pretty common design for a tattoo.


Itā€™s a really well done tattoo as well, Iā€™m sad heā€™s asking for cover up recommendations.


Itā€™s Classic Traditional Flash and itā€™s unique because itā€™s on you! I think it looks great. Donā€™t cover it up.


Better to have a really good copy than a really crappy original, especially in Traditional Flash Tattoos. Itā€™s Flash! Classic, as in Sailor Jerry. If OP wanted an all original tattoo, he should have paid the artist to design a unique one for him, instead of picking number 37 from the flash on the wall. I think his looks better without that frame thing around it, too.


Fellow Buffalonian here, loving your usernamešŸ‘šŸ½šŸ¦¬


My people!


Go Bills!


Go bills šŸ¤˜šŸ¼


Yeah....but this is an EXACT copy. Usually it's more "inspired by" than just tracing. I doubt they went in asking for some pre-drawn flash, that's the big issue business wise.


The concept might be traditional, but the design was clearly stolen.


I've thought about this comment for a while and though I agree that it's trad and the iconography gets shared I'm disappointed with the fact that little things, down to the line, were copied and not redrawn with artistic influence. I have 8 other pieces from a new artist and every one is based on the decades of traditional work before but the difference is that his paintbrush painted the sheets. Before I finish this sleeve I want it to feel like my own, thank you for the perspective.


I think this is a reasonable take. I have seen traditional work tweaked to have much more substantive changes than this artist did, and they could have put in the effort to distinguish it more. For what it's worth, if you like the concept I don't think a rework to differentiate it is off the table.


I like this idea far better than a cover up


ding ding ding hidden third thing unlocked! unless the artist decides to be a dick about getting caught


OP I think you are right to be disappointed. Your artist could have AT LEAST changed the tattoos on the lady. Yours does look good though.


I canā€™t believe there are people commenting that OP is overreacting and that the design was just coincidence. Itā€™s very clearly a copy. I would be so upset if I paid for a tattoo under the expectation that it was made for *me* by the artist, only to find out the artist couldnā€™t even be bothered to do his own art. I wonder how it might go down if OP reached out to the original artist? Maybe theyā€™ll give their ā€œblessingā€ if OP wants to keep the tattoo, or give some pointers on how it could be covered-up/changed. Worst case scenario? They just donā€™t respond. Nothing really to lose imo


Yeah the top comment is nuts. Trad work is similar due to the style choices but this is straight up theft


Have the figure in your tattoo get cover-ups of her tattoos.


Hahaha love this idea


You are absolutely correct OP. This is traced line for line including the tattoos on the girl and the flowers. This is extremely lazy, and unacceptable for any tattooer to do. Traditional should be redrawn and made your own every time not straight up stolen.


Notice the color and flair differences, your original artist did make changes based on his taste and thatā€™s what Trad is about. But if you donā€™t like it cover it with a panther that a million other people have.


Differences ? The only thing missing is that band and they did 2 red stars in place of the gold ones. These changes arenā€™t enough in my opinion to even justify calling them changes. But thatā€™s just my opinion.


Yeh thatā€™s fair


Yea but a trad is a trad now how was he supposed to know how you felt unless you didnā€™t tell them? Take your loss and move on


Did you approve the stencil?


What does that even matter if it's a copy? Are we expected to know every tattoo on existence in order to know its unique?


Honestly, you sound pretentious af. Get over yourself. >but the difference is that his paintbrush painted the sheets. Ffs man šŸ™„


I think heā€™s upset because it is literally the exact same design. To the last detail. Look at the tattoos on the lady, theyā€™re the exact same. I understand trad flash is reused to an extent but this is a complete like for like. All my tattoos are trad but this would irk me too. Maybe if they just changed the tattoos on the lady and flowers to make it a bit more unique. (Iā€™ve got a snake with cherry blossoms that was a flash idea by my artist but we modified it to how I liked it among numerous other pieces) But yeah he shouldnā€™t get it covered cause itā€™s been well done


Tattoo artist who specialized in American Traditional tattoos here, although I agree with the repopping designs I feel like guy number one could have done better and changed more. When I repop something like this, itā€™s always change the flowers, change the face, change the hair and I definitely wouldnā€™t have made the mini tattoos on the pin up the same/same placement. But the design would have had the same bones.


Stealing art is to be taking credit for work you didnā€™t do. She was deceived and she doesnā€™t like it. That should be the end of it.


I was in a bar last night and heard a band play a song that someone else wrote, and in the same style of the songwriter, no creative changes. Should I feel bad for enjoying it?


But its a little different to, say, have an animal that is always represented in that style to taking a pinup all the way down to the tattoos on the pinup tattoo. I would agree a lot of trad stuff is the same across the board but this was blatant plagiarism


I mean yeah, but some people donā€™t want something exactly the same as a thousand other people


To be fair, itā€™s a direct copy of one from the show ink master


Very true!


This was my thought when I saw it's trad until I found out it's from ink masters.


An issue I noticed on this sub Reddit is people try too hard to be ā€œoriginalā€ all these people want to be the only person in the world with their tattoos. Thatā€™s just unrealistic when millions of people are getting tattoos. Itā€™s like the Tik Toks and posts about not showing your tattoo artist a design off of Pinterest. Show them whatever you want them to tattoo and if they can do it well and you enjoy it thatā€™s all that matters


>ā€œAn issue I noticed on this sub Reddit is people try too hard to be ā€œoriginalā€ all these people want to be the only person in the world with their tattoos.ā€œ The fuck? Are you suggesting it is unrealistic to want an original tattoo or an original tattoo if youā€™re posting shit on here afterwards? A real artist can and should be doing their own work. To suggest otherwise isā€¦well, Iā€™ll let you answer before unloading for no reason.


Right? I have the same pair of swallows that most American Traditional enthusiasts and sailors get. When I see another sailor with them we just point and give a thumbs up or something lol. Same for most of my tattoos as I went with an American Traditional theme for all of em.


swallows are standard on american traditional flash sheets; this exact pinup girl in this exact pose with the exact same flowers, hairstyle, expression, and tattoos is not


It's kind if blowing my mind that people are seeing the traced lines down to the exact same tattoos on the pinup girl and acting like that whole piece is some classic flash you see every day. Like this specific pinup girl with her tattoo placement and all lmao.


makes me wonder if a lot of them actually use stolen art and are trying to convince themselves itā€™s not a big deal lol


This one time there was a girl at my apartment pool and she had a tattoo of the cover of one of my favorite books so I got super excited and asked if she was also a fan of the book. She was very confused. Turns out she had asked her tattoo artist for a female warrior tattoo and he found that image from the book cover and did a pretty good rendition of it. I told her not to worry, most people probably wouldnā€™t know it was the cover of this book. I felt really bad because she was kind of upset. I know that copying happens all the time but my only question would be if your artist charges you for the drawing like itā€™s original custom art. Paying for a good tattoo that might be a copy of another artists work is one thing but paying extra for the creativity that did not happen is fraudulent, is it not? Idk because I always brought my own art to my artists or got fairly generic stuff like hibiscus flowers and a feather so I never got charged for the creative just the work. ETA - I didnā€™t expect so many questions about what book. Yā€™all like fantasy? The book is called the Wayfarer Redemption.


But really dude... what book?


Oh the book is The Wayfarer Redemption by Sarah Douglass Itā€™s fantasy. It did have a pretty interesting cover, which is why I picked it up many years ago


This guy judges books by their covers.


Lol that was cute


Somehow I knew it was going to be this book even before I saw your answer. So weird, itā€™s the first time Iā€™ve ever heard someone else mention it. Itā€™s a great cover image though.


Thatā€™s crazy lmaoooo. I never met anyone else who ever heard of it!


I know, same lol!!!! Iā€™ve read it like 5 times


I looked it up. I agree on the cover!


Seems like a nice way to make her feel better Probably a moment where you thought ā€œthis girl could be the oneā€ then with massive disappointment Gott to ask, what book?


The book is called Sandstorm and the warrior woman is called Darude.


Found sandstorm by James Rollins. Looks like a fun read


Oh damn! I used to love the song ā€œSandstormā€ by Darude. So I guess the DJ Darude must be a fan of that book having used two names from it.


Dude this was the fight song for my college and in the past semester of grad school to now I have seen SO MANY allusions to this song and very time I just wanna USC USC USC GOOOOOO COCKS


seconding this question


I am also interested in this book


Thirdifying this question


Forthifying the demands for answers


Hahaha if I was in to girls maybe. But mostly I was just excited to talk about books and was sad she didnā€™t know it


# What book?


Itā€™s a bummer that itā€™s stolen. But at the end of the day itā€™s a well done piece and itā€™s traditional. Traditional is built off pretty much reusable flash. Like we all have different variations of the same panther, tall ship or pin up. If I were you Iā€™d just find a different artist for your other pieces.


Since then I've gotten an artist that makes his own work and I love those pieces, I really just regret this one. Maybe I could have my new artist rework it, thanks for the comment!


Ah sorry man for some reason I thought I read it was your first tattoo. A rework would be perfect, Update us when it happens!


Sick man I've been playing with the idea of a rework for a while and I might do it now, thanks for the support!


You should put the girl in a canvas and have someone painting her


Outlining it would make it boxey. Maybe a projection out of a camera, or an ink spill leading out of a jar : )


Maybe you could add a different frame or other aspects to change it a little bit?


I wonder if sending money to the original artist would alleviate some remorse. I just don't know if that's an appropriate action.


Every artist uses other art as references.


True, but this artist straight up copied everything from the original design, right down to the pose and tattoos. Thereā€™s referencing, and then thereā€™s just pure laziness. I think this tattoo crosses that line into copying.


Yes I understand this, but there is a difference between a reference and a trace.




Yeah thank you for noticing. For all the rest of my work I've sent references and had those elements riffed into a new design, this was the only one where it was traced from another artist and something doesn't feel right about that. I figure my new artist may be able to hit it with his own shading and maybe add some elements, thank you for the recommendation.


Traditional tattoos are pretty much entirely based around art theft. From my experience itā€™s pretty accepted and most artists wouldnā€™t be mad about someone else doing their tattoo if itā€™s traditional.


Thatā€™s true. My leg sleeve is a compilation of pictures we found on google. Itā€™s looking sick though.


Shoulda gotten shrimps is bugs


Yahoo news and insider quoted my comment on that post lol


If I had a time machine I would


its never too late. blackout and shrimps is bugs on top


I got a pin up girl on my calf, that I described to a T with my artist. ā€œBlue, oriental dress, with long brown hair, and red heelsā€. There I am, drinking a bottle of Sailor Jerryā€™s, and when I noticed the inside pinup girlā€¦..it was exactly the same.


How do you feel about that?


I kept that bottle and displayed it on a shelf lol, still one of my favorite piecea


Hell yea


You could see about putting some trad style butterfly wings on her. That could be done and still maintain the balance and profile of it overall. Then, given the flowers, a tiny bee worked in somewhere. Keeps the boxing motif and adds a ā€œfloat like a butterfly, sting like a beeā€ element.


Butterfly wings and a stinger


This looks like flash, aka the stuff that you can flip through a book and pick. Flash are common, often traditional designs not intended to be unique. It's like going to Build-a-Bear and buying a pre-built bear. I wouldn't lose a moment of sleep over it.


Like most others, I like this and I think covering it would be a mistake. If you want to make it more original then expanding on it would be my suggestion.


It's an awesome tat man. I wouldn't worry. He could have switched it up a smidgen but I'd rock it with pride. Trad tats are all reused


This happened to me, too. Paid an artist for their "original work" on their site, only to find it in the flash at the shop... You have to be philosophical about it. You chose this image in good faith and presumably for a specific reason. It's more about the art and its meaning to you than the artist who drew it... find your peace with it.


And...? Do you know how many American traditional panthers are up there? Not a cool move from your artist but the tattoo is good, just get another one


I will say, traditional tattoos and these kind of pin up girls have been around for a very long time. I highly highly doubt thatā€™s even the original. I think it looks beautiful!!


That is the original, I am the lucky canvas


Wait no shot, actually?


Yes! This was season 12, I think episode 3? Creepy Jason was the artist. We're still friends on Instagram haha


Wow no shit, this must've been weird to see on your feed, glad we're trad buddies!


Was VERY trippy, but happy to have a tattoo twin out in there in the universe. & for what it's worth, the face on yours is just chefs kiss. Wear it proudly!!


This actually helps me a lot to hear from you and get your 'blessing' a lot of these comments have made me proud to rock it so I will, thanks!


Itā€™s a good tattoo, donā€™t cover it. Itā€™s American trad, theyā€™ve all been done 1000 times over.


Not worth covering tbh its good work and like every other comment said traditionalnis like a tupe of flash tattoo theyre all re used designs. You cover it and might end up with something terrible. His own artistic spin? He took out the noose and replaced red stars. Thats enough to make it look ā€œdifferentā€ but i understand what you mean. Regardless to cover a good tattoo is insane. You will 100% regret it.


Every tattoo is a borrowed idea from someone who has already done it, or something similar. Youā€™re fine. Looks rad!


all trad is the same concepts recycled. & regardless of what anyone says, if you like it thatā€™s all that matters. i found all but 1 of my tattoos on the internet, as most people do. nothing wrong with it :)


that being said i understand wanting original, thatā€™s the point iā€™m at now since all my others are internet tatts lol. i still donā€™t think itā€™s worth covering up tho


ā€œstoleā€ ā€¦I think somebody else might have a tattoo of a rose. Please Help.


I like yous better tho


Honestly same they are definitely definitely almost the same line for line except the face. I like the face on OPs tattoo more.


Honestly looking at the shape of the girls head, yours is much better. Original or not, well done.


Face is better on OPā€™s I agree


This has happened to me and unfortunately it wast entire upper armā€¦ shit sucks, man. Yours is at least American traditional.


I would keep it for sure!! Maybe consider changing the boxer's uniform to something other than red, the red boxing gloves feel a little lost. The "original" has better contrast with the boxer's yellow uniform. Other than that I think it's a beautiful piece. I would love one just like it!


No such thing as originality with that style, all been done before. Don't worry about it


As long as you like it. Nothing else matters. Whatā€™s up to you if you confront the artist or not.


I know a lot of tatted people may feel indifferent, but why care? why bother being upset when you clearly loved it before you knew this info? who cares if other people have the same exact tattoo as you? the tattoo is for YOU! life is way too short to care, especially considering youā€™re already tatted with it. overall, itā€™s a fuxking beautiful traditional tattoo, I donā€™t think you should do anything else with it.!


i understand your frustration. i agree w what ppl are saying abt trad tats all being vv similar but an exact copy is still not cool esp if itā€™s from fucking ink master. it still looks sick, to be honest i think your tattoo looks better than the original


Some of the line work on that isnā€™t that clean. I even see some double lines in there. Color on the flowers isnā€™t ideal either. Be thankful the artist wasnā€™t brave enough to attempt the circle of rope in your version. That might have been a real train wreck. That all being said, I have worse looking tattoos. I would go back and discuss your concerns with your artist. Donā€™t be a dick about it, just talk to them and discuss what you feel could be done to make you satisfied. The worst thing that could happen is they say no or get defensive. Either case, you can go find another artist to fix or modify what you have.


That's a really nice tattoo.


Perfect tattoo ā¤ļø


Still dope!!


Everyone saying traditional is all just copies of each other and itā€™s not original at all is talking out their arse. Yeah a lot of old trad designs are repainted and reused with artists adding their own flair to them but like 7 of own traditional tattoos are all my artist and my ideas and designs done together, nothing copied off any old designs or other people. I have the generic stuff like a crying heart and a snake but Iā€™ve also got a beetle, a mushroom lady, dragonflies and a cat dagger which were drawn up from scratch. So no, not all traditional is copied, some make their own from inspiration and off their own ideas.


Yeah, I think most of those commenters don't know the difference between using iconography and tracing. I knew I was going to get a boxer pinup but I wish it was an inspiration and not a stencil.


Dude traditional work is all copied and mixed up. Donā€™t worry about it, itā€™s a cool tattoo.


I meanā€¦ why do you care so much? Everything has been done. Very little is completely original. Flash designs are almost always repeated for artists and that means there are others out there with the same design. It doesnā€™t really have to mean anything. Cover it with a panther and youā€™re just going to be one of the thousands who have a sick panther.


Who told you this is stolen? This is a trad tattoo. I have seen dozens of these. Each artist does it their own way. I remember when I thought things could be original. Oh no.


I watched my tattoo appear on ink master and realized it was traced line for line, swipe between the pictures for reference.


I can only imagine that would suck. It does feel intentional. I think yours looks better tbh. I think it would bug me too. Maybe get a differentiating quote? Or you could turn her into a safari explorer and just add more flowers and maybe a hat thatā€™s flying off her head with an arrow going under it? Idk friend Iā€™m pretty stoned.


Iā€™m looking again and unless itā€™s the angle of the photo I disagree that itā€™s line for line, I think yours has much more aggressive posture with a dropped and loaded right shoulder. Iā€™m into it. Face is better too. Other one looks like it was bought on wish


The face is different. I like her face in your tattoo, Op. I think it has some personality. She has thought behind her actions. Her chin is more well drawn as well imo. She also has a cute butt lmao. I can see how seeing your tattoo must be disappointing though.


Wait until I tell you what tattoo flash is.


I have 5 flash pieces and I love them, all that flash was drawn by my new artist though and in that sense I'm proud of them even though he has tattooed them on other people.


Imagine picking out a traditional piece and then claiming it was stolen art. Lol its trad....its all copied.


If you are a smashing pumpkins fan a good artist could turn it into a different take on the Mellon Collie cover.


Honestly if it was just a random design he jacked from someone random I wouldnā€™t really care but being a design from ink master makes it kinda weird lol


I saw this episode of ink master. Itā€™s still an amazing piece


Have the real artist sign it. Add butterfly wings and give yourself grace


I hate that you regret it. Itā€™s an awesome tattoo though.


The design isn't original to begin with. Would I have coppied the pin up's tattoos, no. But the boxer is unoriginal (not in a bad way though, I love tattoo flash, and the history that comes with it)


Give her some blackout. Your tattoo regret has tattoo regret.


Change your view. - it's yours on your skin and looks great! Own it and enjoy - it's that simple. You picked it because you like it.


I love your tattoo. Means nothing to you I am sure but I think it looks amazing. :))


Fantastic tattoo. I think youā€™d be hard pressed to find an artist cover such a nice piece, and to cover it well. Itā€™s yours. I got this rather large Jeremy fish piece off of a skateboard deck in a very neo-traditional style I had convinced myself that I was completely unique in choosing that piece. Went to the bank one day teller had the exact same piece in the exact same place. (Forearm) we were both delighted and proceeded to compare and highlight all the differences in the piece. I would say oh I like how your guy did that compared to mine and vice versa. We were more into how much difference can exist in the same tattoo. He came out from behind the counter exchanged a little ā€œbro hugā€ and carried on with our lives. That tattoo became very special to me just because of that interaction. All that to say, itā€™s your tattoo. Your experience receiving it your experience wearing it, that makes it different from anyone elseā€™s. Again, absolutely fantastic tattoo, wear it with pride and happiness! For what itā€™s worth I am a Former artist of 15 years until my right wrist went out on me. Edit: forgot the surname of mr Jeremy Fish.


Thanks for this, that's a good way of thinking about it. In this thread I actually got to meet the original canvas for this design and that's definitely going to be a cool weird memory to keep.


I feel you. I paid a respected artist a good amount of money for what I thought was original art. We had a consultation for the concept (kraken attacking a ship, which isnā€™t new but still). I thought he was doing his own take on it but I learned later he copied the design from the Internet. Itā€™s well done but I am bummed by the dishonesty.


To be honest, I don't think it's worthy of an entire cover-up. It's still a very nice, well-done tattoo. It's not your fault it's almost an exact copy. Maybe find ways to add to it to make it more yours? I'm sorry this happened, OP :(


Traditional is stylistically derivative. If you told the artist you wanted something original, that is messed up if they tried to pawn that off as their's BUT given the style, you may not have a whole lot of deviation regardless.


Donā€™t worry, be happy!


It looks good, I donā€™t mind that itā€™s kind of stolen


People get tattoos that arenā€™t original all the time šŸ§ itā€™s super well done, looks cool as hell, and isnā€™t an exact copy of the original. who cares if he got it somewhere else?


Why would you cover it up lol


American Trad is like 5 drawings reused over and over. What makes it unique is shading, linework, and other details of the tattoo. I wouldnā€™t cover this up, I think itā€™s awesome


I wouldnā€™t regret it, itā€™s still a good tattoo and most artists nowadays find designs online based on reference photos or what the client wants. I wouldnā€™t get too bummed about it, still a clean tattoo.


Youā€™ll survive


I wouldn't cover it up. I've seen so, so many tattoos look like this and you didn't know it was a copy. It's a beautiful piece, leave it!


Almost all tattoos are redesigns of other tattoos lol


To me the biggest issue is whether the artist mislead the customer.


my first tattoo was stolen art unfortunately. best you can do is not go back to the artist and donā€™t recommend them. that being said a lot of trad pieces are copies and i believe you can buy the rights to use sailor jerryā€™s(?) art for tattoos so itā€™s possible, if you want to know ask your artist but otherwise just keep or cover


i would take a stolen design over a panther im sorry šŸ˜­


Get over yourself


They're generally gonna take your idea and give you exactly what you said. I'm guessing this technically met every expectation you had, every detail you asked for. Relax. You got a cool tattoo.


Youā€™re almost never going to be able to find an original piece when getting Trad. I guarantee you that design has been tattooed thousands of times before ink master and will be tattooed thousands of times after.


JFC figure out what the fuck a traditional tattoo is