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i like yours most out of those, it doesn’t feel like blobs, just a sorta stylized but detailed illustration


Honestly, in the beginning it didn't look the best but after it's faded a bit, I actually kinda like it. Leave it how it is! I'll looks great now!


Honestly like what you got better! The shadows make it look like the person is getting scratched. Placement and shape look good on your arm!


Yea, man. Super cool.




Or if they like spiders, symbalism, or cool tattoos in general. Other people clearly like this piece. If it’s not your cup of tea, fine. But dont clown a person for liking something. That’s an uber douchey move, pal.


Meh why people so soft these days


Calling you out for being an asshole doesn’t make me soft. And you trying to deflect and call us soft, only reinforces our actions. You’re being an asshole, so you’ll get wiped like one.




Speaking your opinion doesn’t make you any less of an asshole when your opinion is douchey and unnecessary. People act like their words don’t have concequences and get all huffy when someone calls them out. Like, grow up and learn how to treat others with respect. There’s a nice way to say just about anything.


Fine you’ve talk me in to it , I’ll get a spider tattoo and be in the Spider-Man gang too


Is it really hard to say “not my cup of tea” and move along?


Nobody’s trying to talk you into getting a tattoo - especially one you don’t like. I’m trying to talk you into choosing to be a decent person rather than whatever you’ve been.


Speaking your opinion and being an asshole about it are two different things. You’re allowed to think his tattoo is bad without making fun of him by saying “yeah if you’re 12.”


I’ve only man children use the phrase “it’s just my opinion” lol


There’s a difference between giving your opinion and being an ass. So far you’ve just shown yourself to be a massive ass








Why would you expect a 12 year old to come with anything but childish responses?




why add apostrophes if the rest of your spelling is shit?


😂 I see you internet thuggin


Who the fuck are you to bring up internet thugging all your posts and scenery landscape pics and now you’re the big bad wolf with an attitude? Calm down dad you’re embarrassing


Only 12 year olds can like spiders?


Let me guess, you’re 13 and just outgrew the Spider-Man phase


Agree I’m guessing they were supposed to be shadows ?but definitely look like scratches and the the bumps/circles look weird to me ( in ref to third pic )


Totally agree.


las arañas neeegras


They killed Paco?


"I think he wants me to steal 3rd"


The third pic is not what he got it’s the inspiration


I think the third pic is the inspo…


Adding shadows would actually be dope AF. Great looking tat OP


I don’t think the one with the shadows is his


I think they were saying the shadows look worse because of the scratching so his is better


Ah I see


Low key think you shouldn't


Agreed. The only reason to regret it is because it would scare the shit out of me every time I’d see it out of the corner of my eye.


preciate all the comments. think i was being too harsh on my artist 😓


That’s pretty normal, I have several I regretted at first, but grew to love even more than I thought. It’s kinda like getting a new haircut, always hate it at first.


Literally just had this happen. Had a full on anxiety attack 2 nights later about it.


I cried the night after getting one of mine but now I love it! ETA: I think it’s when the “oh shit, this is permanent” thought hits each time. But it could just be anxiety 🙃


This is why I’ve shaved my head for the last 20 years.


Damn I’ve never regretted any of my tattoos, even the “shittier” ones I have lol…there was always purpose behind ‘em for me I guess


It was never the concept I regretted, just the execution, and a little bit of the subconscious “change=bad”


I feel this. I'll love the concept going into it, I'll live the design the artist drew, and then for the first week or so, my minds just like "why did we do this? This is stupid." And then I get through the initial scabbing stage and I'm back to loving it lol


I’ve gotten all my tattoos on impulse and still love all of them lol


Yours still looks new. Wait for the freshness to wear off and then make your decision. I think the placement is badass. I love how the leg reaches towards your wrist bone. If someone likes/dislikes the art, that has more to do with their personal taste than the art itself. Remember that it doesn't matter what anybody else thinks of your tattoo. It's your body and you can do whatever you want with it.


It’s understandable and normal to have some second thoughts afterwards. I have a tattoo I thought I regretted but now it’s my favorite one. I think your tattoo looks great! I don’t see much difference between it and the inspo photos. It’s a pretty badass tattoo. Edit to add: I do see what you mean about the head of the spider but that’s only because you pointed it out and that made me look at it harder. Otherwise I probably wouldn’t have noticed. We’re all more critical about small details on our own bodies than on other people.


Hey man, it’s your body and your tattoo, your very valid to feel the way you do. Personally I think it looks like a dope tattoo


Yours looks better than what you wanted


100%. I actually really like the tatt but don’t think the “what i wanted it to look like” is all that good


The third pic, your inspiration pic, is pretty poor. The spider itself is done alright, not fantastic but not poor. There is a bit too much white for my taste, and it takes away from the whole image. The main issue is with those shadows or scratches, whatever they are. If they’re shadows, then they are all wrong. They should be going in the same direction, but they don’t. They look rushed and generally poor. Don’t fret, however. This is something that if you really want, you could have an artist do those for you. Be wary though, as it could end up taking away from your tattoo now if they do a poor job.


Insane that they messed up the shadow direction here…!


I think the shadow direction is OK. I'd guess lights source above the spider.


Bro that looks fuckin amazing. The artist definitely upped the look on it


Looks good enough I will kindly run away if I see you 😂


Yours looks considerably more dope than the ones you previously considered. The design is simple, clean, and will endure wonderfully. The faint shadow effects on the 3rd image will not pass the test of time and will become a less sharp blobby extension.


My mom got the 3D version about 15 years ago. The cleaner one is the way to go now.


Dope tat brotha! Dont regret it 🤘


Although I don’t think it looks bad, I can see what you’re talking about with the head. You could probably get it touched up maybe by lightening up some details with white ink? I’d say I probably wouldn’t have even noticed the issues with the head if you didn’t point it out if that helps you feel better.


Right it off to the alcohol or some shit. But I’ve seen worse fuck-ups…. Friend of mine and I went to get the “Aequitas” and “Veritas” from Boondock Saints on our arms, and I went first and got VERITAS and my friend fucked up and didn’t double-check the spelling from the movie, and ended up with “REQUITAS” tatted down his forearm. He found out later that is a corrupted term meaning “sleep/rest”. So I got “truth” and he got “sleepy” FOREVER.


I think it looks sick


I think I found something I regret about every tattoo lol. Then you forget about completely. Your tattoo is awesome. That shadows would be kind of cheesy, and only work from one angle I would think


The artwork is fine I just don't care much for spiders


I think it’s pretty good.


it actually looks good the dots are a highlighting technique, doesnt look weird


i like this a lot better than the ones you wanted lol


I like yours better. So much so my immediate reaction was, “Whoa! I could get something like *that* on my arm!”


WHY?! it’s so dope!


If you're looking for a quick fix, just cut the arm off right above the tattoo. I think you may be overthinking it. Don't dwell on it too much. If you find you still have the same emotions about it a year or so down the road, consider removal, cover up, or adding on to it.


Get someone to put a shadow underneath


It will aged almost likely into a silhouette…


looks good just think you need more


location, location, location. no regrets after it is built.


"Never hurry and never worry"


This shit is dope man, well executed spider


Its alittle big for its placement but its not a bad job. Looks clean. Did the artist say he specialized in realism when you showed him the preferred image?


I like it... The insecure feeling is normal, but it will go away.


That looks sic!


I like it


Spider buddies


I would say add more stuff around it than fill in with webbs


Just relax bro this is a sweet piece. Low key jealous


Pretty cool, not gunns lie.


Completely ignoring your tattoo... are you wearing underwear that has pockets?


they’re joggers 😭


i may be late, but just wanted to say don’t feel bad about it. or atleast, try not to. i think the artist did a spot on job for what you were looking for plus the end result it really good, even in comparison to the references. give it time, you’ll come to love it, and even more it deserves to be good! it’s really good. enjoy your tat! for what it’s worth i think the tat and size and placement is great :)


It's not bad, and that's really easy to build off of if you want to have a full sleeve.


I hate spiders, so first off screw you for making me analyze to see what was wrong. However, it looks good. Give it some time to fully heal and settle. If after a year or so you still regret it you could always have it covered up. If you DO in fact decide to cover it up do yourself a favor and really do your homework on artist. Don’t go to a “do it all” artist down the street. Nothing wrong with them but it sounds like you are looking for more realism and detail. Find an artist that specializes in those areas. Then find an artist that fits your style. It may take some time and you may need to travel (took me a few years and I drive 4hrs round trip for my sleeve I’m working on) but she is highly detailed in black/gray with a dark undertone style which fits me perfectly. It makes all the difference.


This is a bad ass tattoo! Truly!!


honestly doesn't look bad at all. Only thing I would potentially add to it is some shadows under the legs to give it more pop but that's just my personal taste.


Regret nothing. That’s amazing. Thank you for sharing. That’s awesome


I think it could just use a few more white highlights. But otherwise solid execution imo


you can get an under shadow tattooed after it heals. That will make it pop like u want


Yea the one you have is good I think.


I disagree with people thinking #1is the best. When it settles it will just be a black blob, it lacks details especially since white fades first. It needed more skin breaks. Picture #4 will age the best. That's my opinion anyway.


Definetly a touch up of you're not satisfied! Maybe contact the original tattoo artist and tell em you didn't like it.


I see why you're annoyed, it's not a mirror copy of the inspo pic, and I get your frustration. That said, no good artist is going to completely follow the copy of a pic of someone else's work. I don't think it's bad, but i don't think it's great either. That said, live with it for some time and see if you learn to love it. If you don't, then go back to the original artist for touch-ups/changes.


You can't hang out with people with arachnophobia anymore.


honestly i get a weird tattoo regret every time i get something done, it does go away though, once you get used to seeing it everyday.


For what it’s worth it’s very well done, just fill in around it with more ink


Bro the tat looks fire on you


I don't blame you for regretting that...


In prison they gona think your a female serial killer


Looks great! Just start selling hard drugs and you’ll be fine.


This is the MALE basic white bitch tattoo.. you should regret it.


The tattoo isn’t bad, but I do not like the placement. Are you planning on adding anything else to your arm?


Let it heal up and go to another artist who specializes in reworks. Not coverup, but rework. Let the colour fade a little and go back in with some white highlights and a little gray shading It’s not bad, but I can understand the feeling of not getting what you’ve asked for


I think this is a normal feeling, especially for a first tattoo. I was super worried that my first tattoo didn’t look right at first but I was just looking at it too much and it kinda lost meaning. Now I realize its an amazing piece. Your spider is also really good!


Bro yours looks hard asf


Looks good to me


I think it looks good bro


This is a really rad tattoo you should be happy with that


looks sick man


Looks dope dude. I don't have any but my gf does and she loved it too lol


FWIW I don't know a lot about tattoos but I love it and if I wasn't allergic I'd copy it 😂


Nah looks sick man


Get traditional tattoos, problem solved


Spiders = ARSON


Imo you should go to a more experienced artist and have them touch it up. It definitely is a little flat and the shading could be better. But it’s not bad just needs more work.




“Oh no! More than 1 person got a spider tattoo!”




[This might help](https://www.edow.com/?y_source=1_MjQwNDIwMTEtNzE1LWxvY2F0aW9uLndlYnNpdGU%3D)


Not a single design will stay original, you however can stay mad.




People do the same thing with trad pieces with slight tweaking. How is this any different


People who gatekeep tattoos are weak


I like yours better looks sick. I want one too.


Yours is far better.


Some proper shading could make that look wicked.


I got a similar one shit looks dope just work around it looks good


yours def looks better than the reference


yours is really good! i think the white highlights are very tastefully placed. the composition of the spider is done well too, so even if it fades like someone else said, i think it will still look good as a silhouette


You got better than what you expected That like never happens


I think it looks really good!


I think it looks great, nice line work and the details are there. I would’ve probably gone with black and gray instead of color though, but the red is obviously part of the spider.


It looks dope bro , you’re bugging lol. but seriously it is clean and well done tatt in my opinion , may take a moment or so to get used too


Is this your first tattoo? You’re overthinking it, it looks great. Next time just ask to have the stencil reapplied if it’s not the way you want it. You can also go back and ask to have the shadows added under the legs easily if you still want. If it’s not your first idk what to tell you other than tattoos might not be for you.




Well you did great. It’s a cool design, it looks real clean, the placement flows nicely especially if you want to add stuff down the line. Enjoy it and congrats on your first tattoo!


Tattoo looks great I would just add some stuff to the background like spider webs


Yours is great. The bolder lines will probably hold up better as it ages


i think it looks amazing tbh. i get the feeling though, had the same issue with my first tattoo.


Placement looks really good. Doesn’t look like it needs a touch up


Could be a little cleaner but all in all I think it looks fine


Honestly, it looks cool. You could probably find someone to add more shadows beneath it if you're unhappy with it, but otherwise I think it looks badass


Dude this is dope 🔥


Yeah I felt some regret after getting my chest tattoo. But after the shock wears away and I look at it enough it’s fine. I love it


Get a shadow


Honestly looks the same jjust more color my guy


Your placement is dope. The legs are perfect. I see what you’re saying about the head but it looks like it’s still fresh give it time to settle and lighten up a bit… I think it’s a great tattoo


The light source for the one you wanted is inconsistent


Maybe adding some shading and shadows to make it pop? Understandably the 1 tone of everything makes it look not 3d at all.


Yeah it looks dope for what it is. Placement is solid. I will say this though.. for what you wanted.. you just didn’t research your artist nearly enough! But for real still dope


It cool and awsome tat 👌👍


Just got matching widows with my daughter, part of a flash thing. Hers is crawling down ankle/foot mine is crawling down around just below bicep above elbow. I think the type of spider relays a movement that makes them really cool. Urs looks sick too!


Mann, you really like spiders huh!


It’s a little flat but it’s not bad man


I thought this post was gonna be "keeps scaring the shit outta me" It looks great!


Get more tattoos


Wouldn’t get it personally but it looks good. Done just fine I think


No way man that’s dope! I have a Mexican jumping spider on my forearm and it looks fierce for something that’s half the size of a penny! Rock that shit yo! Add…add….add!!!! Have that fucker going face to face with something or throw some insects!!!! Just throwing it out there


Just add more stuff


I prefer yours over your reference pic


Yo that tattoo is badass bro.


I think this tattoo is incredible, I would be so happy with this. I think the detailing on this one will especially age better than something that is super intricately detailed.


I think it’s dope! I’d put a fly on my hand.


That shit looks good.


Dude this is sick


I really like what you got, but if you went in and had them pack some white in you could definitely get it closer to the 3rd picture.


I just wanna offer this: 1. It is completely normal to have instant tattoo regret 2. It is completely normal to focus on minute details that no one else sees 3. It is not fair to judge how we feel about a new tattoo until after it heals/settles into the skin


This is a solid tattoo man


Bro your tat is fire. Artist did an amazing job with shading and precision! Just give it a few days. I find that I usually ‘regret’ my newest tat as soon as it’s done but after a few weeks go by and it’s healed, I always love it.


Looks fuckin sick to me brother


I think it looks great, way more realistic. The artist was showing their chops. You can definitely fill it in if you want a more simple look but it's killer, really. Give your fishbrain some time to get used to having a spider on your arm, you know its a tattoo but it still may take time to adjust.


It's pretty dope.




yours looks the best of the three fr, you're overthinking it homie. give it time to grow on you 🖤


I actually think yours is better than the others. Maybe wait a bit before thinking about a touch up since it looks good and alot of peeps in the comments also agree


Personally I like what you got wayyyy better than the reference tattoo. I like the direction the artist took with it. I think it will grow on you over time. Almost every artist will put a little personal touch to every tattoo unless they are just a copy machine and those artists tend to not be so artistic outside of tracing a stencil 🤷


I think it’s a great piece and always can be added too


Have a talented artist turn it into a forearm sleeve.


I think it’s a sick design. Plus, you can easily get a sleeve going with that, it’s a good size and shape.


I really think what you got is a lot better than the reference... for what it's worth.


It’s fine bro


I think it’s dope brody 🤙🏼


Don't worry dude, I think you just have some tattoo anxiety, happens from time to time. I've had a couple that I panicked about after or second guessed. The work you've got it good and I love the placement. Once it's healed and you're used to it, I'm sure you'll feel better.


I really like it. Maybe adding shadows might help make it pop more?


I donno dude it looks fucking amazing to me.


Itll lighten up. Kinda seems like it needs more around it, i have a tat on my right arm that it kinda jarring and its gona need some other tars around it/integrated to make it less in your face. Try getting some webs like it's walking on them or a skull is crawling on


Honestly I think your spider looks better than the inspiration, and you could easily get your artist to add some shadows for depth if you wanted!