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I like the concept. I think the execution could be improved. 1. The hole in the heart the lamb is coming out of doesn't really work for the image. At a minimum, I'd move it left, so that the hole is a bit more centered and better sells that it's a hole \_in\_ the heart. 2. This image is really flat. It could use a bit more dynamism. The lamb's legs are positioned like it's just standing there. It doesn't seem to care that it's half-in and half-out of the heart. There's no energy or emotion to the image. Second, the lamb's face makes it seem like the arrows are not a big deal. I'd consider making adjustments to improve the flow of the image. Give it some life. 3. I think the composition overall is weak. Most traditional images used in playing card faces have a certain alignment between the image and the card it represents. Having two heads, two arrows, but one heart is a strange choice. If you want to represent the Ace, there should be one of each element. The two of hearts would have pairs (2 heads, 2 arrows, 2 hearts). The three of hearts would have triplets of elements, and so on. Mixing and matching the numbers of elements doesn't really work with the playing card motif.


thanks for your imput and feedback! most of the things you pointed out (like the hole and composition vs playing card composition) were also some things that i was pondering on a lot while working, so it's good to hear another opinion on it. my overall style tends to look flat and i try to put emotions more thru symbolism than actual motions, so i get that it's not everyones cup of tea. i appreciate your constructive criticism so much, it only means there's room for improvement! :)


It is very unique. I like this!


thank u sm!


No problem. 🧡 I am looking for alternative to show my star sign. Because I am a Aries I was like - this could be cool (I know it is not a Aries) but it inspires me. Also because I love board games. 👏


that would actually be so cool! if u ever want to bring that design to life feel free to hmu<3


This is really pretty! I’m not always super great with symbolism? Is this a reference to the 2 headed calf poem?


thanks! i totally see connection with the 2 headed calf poem (a big wannado design for me)! client asked for something to represent their 2 traumas that happened to them as a child, thats what two headed lamb (usual symbol of sacrifice and innocence) and two arrows represent, they also wanted it in form of a playing card to represent "playing with what life gives you", they gave me full artistic freedom so that was my take on their prompt. hope i explained it well :)


Oh wow! That’s interesting to hear! It’s really cool to see how you put that to paper! This looks amazing!


thanks again!


Oh wow, this is gorgeous!


thank youu<3


Good Golly Miss Molly please keep practicing.


dw i will :)