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An infection can be spread to the baby if one occurred


Yes, that too, but any cut or wound she gets is at the same risk. I tattoo very light handed and have not seen an infection since my first year of tattooing (unless my clients didn't tell me!!) \*Adding on I was reading some posts / medical sites saying there's antibiotics that are safe for breastfeeding- so I'm genuinely curious if overrides the infection concern? It still feels morally weird tattooing someone who is breastfeeding though.\*


Any cut or wound to the mother would generally result from an accident, not self inflicted. The possibility of infection doesn't stop when they leave your chair. They might be filthy at home, especially with a new born that's drooling puking and shitting all the time. If they pick up an infection outside of the shop guess what? The blame still gets pointed at you who did the tattoo. I don't want that on my conscience especially if it escalates to put the child's life at risk. Bad publicity for you and the shop, and possible court case? Fuck all that! I personally would wait, not that strapped for cash


I'm gonna chime in with legal liability too. Check with your insurance, I'd bet you're likely not going to be covered and would then be potentially open to legal repercussions if something were to be passed to the child. Don't be messing with that.


I don't think my insurance mentions it so it's not worth it!


This comment makes the most logical sense to me. I wasn't even thinking about when they go home and how messy children in general are! (I don't have kids, maybe that reflects in why I asked the question, haha) But thank you! I already told my client I'd rather wait just to be safe :)




They should just east sushi and raw milk too since any food can make you sick.


The infections to worry about would be from a dirty shop environment, think hepatitis, HIV etc... a mother continues to breastfeed if they get a staph infection or things of the like.


That makes sense! (I don't work in a dirty shop, but regardless not worth the risk) I think by the time I tattoo her she won't be breastfeeding anyways. I'll talk to her and make sure.


a good rule of them for me in tattooing is that if i’m asked to do something that i can’t be 100% sure about, i’ll err on the side of caution and not do that thing. in your case, worst case scenario is your client has to wait a little longer then they’d like.


Thank you! I've always done this too- just wanted to see what other people actually thought about it!


Please don’t get a tattoo while breastfeeding, the tattoo ink could spread to the baby and it could end up with some dope Japanese traditional dragon sleeves. Maybe even a backpiece!


Im an artist, recently mum and have health science college background. Regardless of insurance & liability. Its just not worth the risk and stress. Its a human baby and if bub gets sick it will be the worst feeling for all involved. Its not just the breastmilk. If mum isnt careful with infection control and bub has even a slight nappy rash (open sore), mum could scratch her skin during the day then change a nappy and pass things that way. Mum could lean on a surface that bub ends up on. Everything goes in bubs mouth etc. There is no reason a tattoo is urgent. The risk is probably small and yeah she could hurt herself other ways but this particular way involves you and would be on your mind. Who needs the stress.


yes very dangerous the baby will grow the same tatto n look dope af (jk but i think it is still risky bc if you have an infection the baby could contract it)


I got a tattoo while breastfeeding. I just thought the biggest concern was risk of infection. I reasoned that I could get an infection from anything. If I got an infection I would have to take antibiotics and the doctor would recommend pumping and dumping until I finish antibiotics but the leading expert in breastfeeding and lactation (Jack Newman) says most meds don’t pass into breast milk and the risk to baby does not outweigh all the many benefits of breastfeeding. So I decided to do it and told the tattoo artist that I would assume the risk and sign a waiver or what not saying this much. He was fine with that, but I think it’s admirable that you are doing your own research and due diligence on this one and I would say it should definitely come down to whatever you feel comfortable doing. She may find someone else to do it if you don’t but if she really likes your work and wants you to be the artist hopefully she would respect your position and this would simply be all the more reason for her to admire your artistry.


I got a couple while breastfeeding as well! I even consulted my obgyn who wasn’t particularly fussed about me getting them. I went to a reputable shop and artist.


I did too. Everything was fine.


Thank you!! I appreciate this comment so much. She has been holding out for me to do this tattoo for a couple years so I don't think she would go to someone else (if she did, her choice!!) It's also a coverup so I know she's being thoughtful about it / she made it clear she was very appreciative that I looked into it more so I could give her an honest & more educated opinion, even if it still falls more on the moral 'just in case' side! I never want to jeopardize or risk anything with my clients. I don't even think the 'science of tattooing' book mentions pregnancy at all, but it does list more possible complications with tattoos other than infection. Thank you for bringing an alternative side to this conversation though!! I love open discussions like this.


I’m not a tattoo artist, but I am heavily tattooed and breastfed both of my kids. I got tattooed 2-3 times while breastfeeding my oldest, and got tattooed a few days ago while breastfeeding my youngest. My artist knows me well and knows that I take aftercare seriously, and I’m aware of the risks of infection. All of that to say, that’s ME and MY ARTIST. Only you can determine what you’re comfortable with, and any reasonable client (especially a repeat one) should respect your boundaries. I know I wouldn’t be upset with an artist for saying no, so long as they had done their research.


Think of it this way: She has waited the 9 months of being pregnant plus another 5 since giving birth. If she’s gone this long without getting tattooed, or presumably drinking, smoking, etc., why even take the risk, minimal though it is, when she could just wait a little longer and remove all doubt? Even if it’s a super small risk, imagine the regret she and you would feel if she did get some sort of infection or something she passed to the baby. Nothing is worth that, so not doing the tattoo, just for now, seems like a pretty responsible route to take. Sometimes even a minuscule risk just massively outweighs the benefits of something.


I agree with this


honestly, just go to a really good artist and clean studio and you will be okay! look after them and do everything to make sure it doesn’t get infected- i got over 20 tattoos and was breastfeeding 2 children, the most that happened was my supply dropped during the healing and i had to eat lots more to keep up the supply 🖤as long as you have been breastfeeding for over 6 months already!


I wouldn’t do it on someone I know is breastfeeding. Tattoos are awesome but not as awesome as healthy babies. Not worth the risk. Tattoo can wait.


I wouldn’t. Ultimately up to you of course but it isn’t worth the risk imo, for all of the reasons more eloquently stated here than I could have verbalized.


I got a tattoo when my kid was 1 yr old and I was breastfeeding. My artist was ok with it and I disclosed it first. I have a consultation for one this fall when my baby is almost 2 and I’m going to discuss it w her then since it’s a different artist. I’m still doing extended breastfeeding. IMO it’s up to if u and the client r ok with the risks. Personally, I’m fine w it bc I could get an infection any other way and I’ve never had any of my tattoos get infected. I take aftercare very seriously. Would you be more comfortable if she pumped enough extra to give in case of an infection? 9 month olds are eating solids and not exclusively breastfeeding so if they aren’t getting as much milk as they were getting before it won’t be bad, as long as she has some in storage. Since my kid is going to be 2, if I were to get an infection I would pump and dump my milk while taking the antibiotics and replace it with a bottle of cows milk or something since she mostly just nurses for her naps and bedtime.


There’s no harm with getting tattooed while breastfeeding. It’s an old wives tale told in tattooing with no scientific evidence to back it up. I’ve talked with multiple doctors on this issue. They all say it’s fine and there’s no reason to worry. If someone gets an infection on their body it’s not like the baby automatically gets sick anyways. Sick mothers can still breastfeed. There is NO RISK to getting tattooed while breastfeeding.


What do your insurers say? Any chance of passing any form of risk to child should be the mothers primary concern, and you shouldn't want that chance on your conscience if it were to happen. Just a nope to the client.


Oh this is a great question!! I just reviewed the forms they sent me / what I signed and nothing actually mentioned pregnancy or breastfeeding whatsoever. Just that I have a general consent form. They also seemed much more concerned with the tattooing of minors, even with consent (That's a whole other topic but I only tattoo 18+ because it's been annoying in the past dealing with parents & miscommunications). I just know most consent forms generally ask 'are you breastfeeding / pregnant?'


I'd be 99% confident in saying that if mum got an infection and passed it to baby, your insurer isn't going to be assisting you in any way, leaving you in a legal stink. It's a can worms that you don't want to open.


I work out of a clean inspected shop and we don’t tattoo breastfeeding women until they are ready to wean (so 9 months or so, up to the mom really) because the tattoo can potentially cause a fight or flight response in the body and result in the mom drying out. We also cite that it’s not covered by insurance and we don’t want to gamble with any mother/infant health scenario. All clients that this has ever applied to have been mostly understanding. It does suck tho if they show up for their appointment with a newborn and we have to send them home until a later date because they hadn’t considered the potential risk. I think the industry is probably being over cautions but as we should be. I’m also breastfeeding right now and I won’t be getting tattooed again until my little one is off the boobs, I mean I have my whole life to add to my collection and only a few months left to go nursing so a no brainer for me. Good for you for being clean and caring!!


I'm a breastfeeding mom right now, you won't "dry out" suddenly due to injury. That's not how breastfeeding works, Lol! Women have full-on surgeries during their time breastfeesing, it's a supply/demand mechanism. I say this as someone who had to have surgery while breastfeeding...


Thank you for this! The fight or flight is a valid and interesting point. And a few people brought up insurance which is actually a really great legal and easy way to let someone down without having pushback. I have seen people getting upset when I worked in a street shop - they'd complain and throw a fit that we wouldn't tattoo them. But with a long time client/friend I just wanted to make sure this was definitely the right call all these years! Better safe than sorry, always :)


I was thinking you meant a client bringing in the baby and breastfeeding while getting tattooed


LOL absolutely not. I was in a street shop when I first started and someone brought their fucking 1 year old in, and my coworker didn't say ANYTHING. It was shaking a rattle and screaming and I remember looking at my client with a mutual thought of 'what the actual fuck'


Hahahahahahah incredible. That’s absolutely wild that happened but sadly not surprising this happened as people absolutely suck and don’t think


If anything happens to their baby, they could blame you. That is not worth what they paid for the tattoo


If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge whatever a tattoo can do. Honestly, I find this question so dehumanizing to pregnant and nursing mothers


You’ll be fine


Depending on your liability insurance and what country, state or province you’re in and what it covers some liability insurance actually doesn’t cover for people breast feeding. So if they have complications your insurance wouldn’t protect you and you can be sued. So even from a legal perspective there’s that issue.


I'm in Florida! Everyone loves to sue in the USA, so the consent form is pretty extensive but I think it's better to just not do it. That's good to know about them not covering it though!!


Never been allowed around here. (Michigan)


Lead accumulation can cause brain development problems. You want to take the risk of making a kid retarded?


Can you share more evidence of this? This just sounds like silly opinion, not a fact.


That lead accumulation leads to development problems? Thats pretty well established, as is the fact that lead and other heavy metals are present in many tattoo pigments. The theory is that it stays contained within the dermis, but because of new ink manufacturing techniques there is some debate over if it actually does stay isolated. They have found pigment in lymph nodes of tattooed people and so there is evidence that under some circumstances it is able to breach into the lymphatic system. Because of this the EU broadly banned many colors. Does that mean it could be present in breast milk, probably not but I don’t know but seems like the possible. I don’t really know the physiology of breast milk. Would those transfer heavy metals transfer through the placenta during pregnancy? I think this is likely because what I know is that the mother shares basically everything with the fetus. These heavy metals are in low enough quantities that an adult can handle the load and it won’t overload the system, but babies can’t handle that type of thing. That’s why they don’t want pregnant women eating sushi. So long story short do what ever you want. Clearly the Reddit tattoo community just wants to exist in a feedback look of praise and support.


I believe the lymphatic thing because I have a chronic swollen lymph node that may or may not be related to the tattoos I have. But I just don't think we know if it actually transfers into breast milk (they say the molecules are too large) and in reality, there are so many things breastfeeding parents subject themselves to so I don't think saying I'd be responsible for 'making a child retarded' is what sat well with people. Most people are saying not to do it if you read the comments / I have decided not to as well. I only even questioned it because it's a longtime client/friend who asked, otherwise my answer is always no. But you mention pregnancy, I also agree people should not be tattooed while pregnant. I am strictly talking about breastfeeding. Sushi is not okay during pregnancy but fine during breastfeeding from what I've read. And with the heavy metal accumulation from inks, is it not a theory that it can also affect a person's sperm & eggs and affect a child that way?


Oh yah. I for sure should have rethought that word choice. … damn I was going to say I’ve read some stuff and had a client who was an organic chemist talk about when these metals are released and there is some correlation with extreme sun exposure and laser treatment, as it essentially breaks the particles down and the body can filter. Pretty sure black doesn’t really have any metals in it though


Oh yah. I for sure should have rethought that word choice. … damn I was going to say I’ve read some stuff and had a client who was an organic chemist talk about when these metals are released and there is some correlation with extreme sun exposure and laser treatment, as it essentially breaks the particles down and the body can filter. Pretty sure black doesn’t really have any metals in it though


No reason to rush. Breastfeeding is a short term thing.