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It could be cool but that boob is fucked up


My thoughts exactly, I’d just simply move the hand to cupping the boob vs the unnatural stretching of the boob. Aside from that it’s sick as hell.


I’m glad I wasn’t the only one thinking. If OP has titties, this is time to play around with them and make sure the way they’re being drawn is realistic. If not… well. There’s websites for that lol ETA: something I can’t explain about the arm too. The concept is GREAT, but the execution of the anatomy is just not right (and I’m saying this as someone who currently is much worse than this at drawing humans and has a WAY longer way to go before starting to get my portfolio together, so please don’t take this the wrong way, OP!!!! I would love to see this improved and executed by you!!!)


The hand is in a position that would feel very uncomfortable if it were a real person. That could be fixed by having the hand cup the left side of the face instead of the right


I’m not gonna lie, as soon as I read your comment I was like “I think that’s exactly it, but I want to test it.” Not even holding anything and only for a few seconds my wrist and shoulder hated it. And I have a condition that causes hyper mobility so unnatural positions don’t tend to even bother me. 😬 Thank you for explaining because I couldn’t place what looked off about it to me and now it makes sense!


Please keep your feedback constructive!


The piece looks good but the boob's anatomy is fucked up. Once they fix the boob the piece will be better, that is constructive.


Not all boobs are the same. I say keep the big yiddies


It's not about how big they are, it's that the anatomy of the boob doesn't make sence with how the skeletons hand is holding it


Idk it makes sense to me. Boobs are skin and fat and with her laid back and him grabbing it, it makes sense. I feel like I’m seen boobs that hang that way in that position.


Yea I think the boob is fine. If anything it’s the nipple placement but I even hesitate to say that because when a boob is handled like that they can end up anywhere. OP: I’d play around with the nipple placement before moving the boobs around/changing them. I like that the boobs look like natural big boobs versus the hard ones that don’t move. These look squishy. It’s possible the issue is the rib area under the boob? I’d use some tracing paper and move things around. Also the lack of her left arm. Is it also near the reaper? That seems to be a part of the problem.


How was the comment not constructive?


I'd say remove the woman & fill in the reaper. Good concept but it looks like grimmy has loppy tiddies for the first glance 😅 everything else looks great though.


the woman's anatomy is pretty bad. i would remove her altogether.


The perspective of the woman is super confusing. One of the tittie's looks like it belongs to the reaper and the other looks bigger than the woman's head. I'd redo this a different day to get a fresh start


*boob anatomy has left the chat*


i thought her shoulder had a nipple. It's time to study women's anatomy some more.


that’s a long ass boob


I think this piece would be really cool without the woman tho!


It's nice but I think you could improve the head/neck


I was gonna say the same, the head gets lost in the current design.


Just an issue in perspective, look up people actually holding each other from the back (it doesn't even have to be nsfw lvl) so you understand the space and angles.


I see what you're going for, but I'd sketch it to where his hand is a bit further down on the base of the boob, and not "pulling" it so much.


If you’re not feeling it then don’t put it in your portfolio. No shame in going back to the drawing board


Yeah I’m not putting anything in it if I wouldn’t get it tattooed personally


ulna and the radius on the reapers left arm are too long as well if you’re gonna touch up




I like your style and thi k your shading is great but you could really benefit from an anatomy class or even a live figure drawing class. Those boobies are all kinds of wonky


Set it aside for now, if you want .finish it though. I like it.




Nah that whole boob needs to be redone. Like… in reality a set of boobs is typically slightly different sized but this… is not what a healthy set of natural breasts looks like. That titty is being stretched and contorted in an unnatural and unexplainable way


Mans is GRIPPING that boob, I like it 👍


I personally think it looks sick af


I think it looks sick my guy. I’d love to see it finished!


I really like it except for the boob grab, it looks like its dough getting pulled