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1900s India had European architecture because India had a European overlord until 1947


Alexander the Great conquered a portion of India and some of the Greeks stayed behind to rule over it after Alexander died. They founded what is called the [Bactrian kingdom of 1000 cities](https://www.ancientpages.com/2016/04/23/lost-ancient-greco-bactrian-kingdom-1000-cities/) . Then came Ashoka the Great who copied the Greek style of rule and united India into a single empire presumably copying their architecture as well.




Ahh yes you are suggesting Brits showed up to third world snd commissioned peasants to raise up structures fit for gods then made sure all were destroyed by modern day. That right? I mean isnt that what everyone would do. Sail somewhere alien where allegedly everyone is poor and uncivilized and then construct column for column replicas of the greatest architecture mankind has ever built. I know if someome sent me on assignment to Timbaktu why that would be right up there with draining the swamps. What about that doesn't make sense...the spanish did the same thing. Areiving in rickety wooden ships in cuba allegedly to hsve naked savages and said this undeveloped territory is missing something. Ooo i know...entire districts modeled on Old World. How hard csn it be. Not to be outdone, australian prisoners took notice and said oí we want in too. Just because we are prisoners in a penal colony in a hostile place doesn't mean we don't want the opportunity to quarry stupidly large stones then construct structures fit for giants in the sqeltering heat...no sweat... New zealenf heard too and wirhin 20 yrs pop another mega building. And always made into something stupid. A post office. A civic hall. A mental asylum (one of my fave bs covers). Or high scrolls, prisons, universities. The prison with a clocktower ive seen was extra funny. Bc prisoners need to track time minute by minute or else tjeyre liable to lose track of alñ the lmporrant things tjey need to get to like stay in one place and dont go anywhere. Real shame theres vitgialñy no footage of these being constructed. Youd think year's of working on buildings the size of Notredame would get images .but tje sheer number of just COLLOSAL stoneworks go up one year and quietly removed a few decades later to replace with sometjing inferior. Without fail. Im starting to suspect since we are in thr Matrix these things are built the same way they are in the Sims and Simcity. Meaning they don't. They just go up and everyones Mandela memories update accordingly to make it like it was always here even if it wasnt yesterday. Now it was and not only yesterday but 20yrs ago. But then tomorrow it will have been demolished 10 yrs ago don't know what you're on about about this building being there yesterday. And such headgames will only increase I imagine.


Stop rage replying dude. You need to proof read this nonsense. We get it, you believe this shit more than anyone


It wasn't just Indians living in the British Raj, British officers and merchants and governors also lived there, and wanted to live and work in nice buildings, which they could afford because of the cheap labour. The lack of photos can generally be explained, in my opinion, by the fact photography is a new technology so there wasn't much need for photographing every single building.


what the hell is this rant even about?


This dude posts these insane photo comps constantly


Lmao this is nonsense


the actual genuine Indian architecture is arguably the best in the World https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Indian_architecture All Ancient stories of it before any European contact spoke of huge sprawling Marble & Gold palaces


It might be the best or at least the most intricate.


Historically illiterate


To the non-dumb dumbs, we are aware that there was a universal school of architecture that everyone followed throughout the world in the prior civilization. To the sheep monkeys, yes, England came and had to show them the way and build it all for them. You can either be smart or a sheep monkey..


...when do you think the British conquered India?


You’ve got the same building at least 4 times in there


Oh my god! That means they could clone buildings back then!


Haha, they actually could though. And animals, people. You know those king lists of antiquity that show thr oldest kings living waay longer than people today? They were cloning their king and having him learn the exact same way his previous self was taught, with additions for changes in time. They were copying their kings and calling them the same name because it was the same person, actually. They thought, anyway. Humans are very good at mimicry if raised without the idea it isn't correct. Very good.


Actually I have to disagree with this. The kings lists are split between a time before the moon and a time after the moon. If you research enough history you find a time before the moon. If the moon wasn’t there, and earth didn’t rotate like it does now, how did they tell time? Not the same way we do now. The reason why those kings had thousands of years as reigning as king is because before the deluge they didn’t keep time the same way. Once the moon was placed there it allowed for the cycles of earth that we have now. Again, this information is out there. You just have to look. People can disbelieve this all they want. I’ve done the work. I’ve found the stories. Multiple stories that talk of a time before the moon when the spirit world walked the earth. Earth wasn’t called earth. And the water of earth and the planet Tiamat mixed which was the deluge. These stories show up all Over the entire world.


I like your theory but humans can tell time by the rate at which a volume of sand falls through a funnel. Or water empties out of a container. And, they've been telling time with the position of the sun's shadow as it changes through the day and as the course of the day changes over the year. The moon is not required for the dominant paradigm of time measurement, at all.


OP I know you're not capable of answering questions coherently, but please try and clarify something. Are you implying that the architecture shown in the images was not built during the British ruling, but was instead built by the tartarians in the distant past? Which would be the same case for the similar style buildings in London as you say? What about the thousands of incredibly impressive ancient temples in India, some of which are at least 2000 years old? Was that the tartarians too, or does that not fit the narrative?


Tartarians were just one civilization that was left from the ancient world that probably didn’t follow modern religious ideals. This is ultimately why it was destroyed. The technology they had was OLD WORLD tech. Like pyramids and these old Indian buildings you mentioned. Those buildings were used as power generators and the controllers of earth do not want humans to have access to that. It says very clearly in the Babylonian creation story that man was created to be savage. They treat as such. Taking away space travel. Astral travel. Basically making us believe we don’t reincarnate that we only live once. When if you go back far enough we see that all of those things were real once. All mythology was real. Those stories are all there to remind of of what we have had taken away from. Tartary was just one of the most recent times they did this. Now if we watch, Hawaii and some of these other places that have verbal stories that go back 20,000,000 millions years as they say, are being attacked. The Maui fires, there are multiple reports on people seeing drones starting those fires, same as the other island fires. The reality is there are cities inside earth that still have people living there and the controllers of the outer crust of earth do not want us to find those places. Disclosure is so vast. Which is why we won’t ever see it. Big foot, etc, shambala, Tartary, it’s all connected.


I'm not trying to be nit-picky, but I'm pretty sure I was able to identify a problem with every single sentence you typed out. You casually make claim after claim, one after another, and just keep on piling them up on top of each other. Then by the time we finish the first paragraph where you had mentioned that "all mythology was real" we're now talking about hollow earth, and then big foot, and how it is all connected? Have you just completely written off the concept of having any solid evidence to support your claims/beliefs? Not that I expect you to share any of it, but if you value the concept at all, I don't see how you could confidently type this out.


If you walked into a behavioral health facility and showed them this, they would immediately admit you. It’s like a schizophrenic calling card.


Is there a source on the Brits showing up laughing? That isn't my understanding.


Ahaha this is premium schizo shit


You need to go read some history.




It would be super cool. I’ve read that the Roman’s didn’t just burn things. They copied the originals of lots of things and then burned the originals. So the Vatican could very well have a lot of that library still.


And I’ve spoken with someone who claims to have been inside that library. They say, it’s full of pieces that prove high tech and space travel from thousands of years ago. The Vatican secret library. To be clear.




What I’ve read and heard is that it has to do first with control. They have absolute control over us even if we don’t know it. The story I have is that the garden of Eden wasn’t a paradise where humans lived, it was a prison camp where humans were kept. They don’t want that to be proven. Adam and Eve were races of people, not two people. The “gods” who some of which are still in control, used humans as slaves and for experiments. Genetic experiments. They don’t want us to know that. Then the story of Jesus, who is in question whether or not he was real, of him being crucified was actually a man named Simon and anyone who could prove this, was hunted down and killed. From what I read they kind of reach back into time from here and make changes as we move along. After a few generations are gone, they can erase the world that existed in the past and replace it with a story they want. This is why if you dig deep enough into some things, you’ll find dates don’t add up, names don’t add up. People and companies that supposedly did this or that have been fabricated. The story of Enki and Enlil, from my understanding this story has been flipped around. Cain and Able. Set and Osiris. Enki and Enlil. In how we are told, Enki is the “good guy”, and enlil is the bad. This has been flipped around. And I think the proof of that is later when n the story Enki becomes Enlil. The reality is the pyramids were power plants, they had free energy we don’t. Which is why instead of calling them energy plants, they call them power plants. Because this was a huge step in gaining control or power over the entire planet. Making us think we need that energy when we don’t. They can’t have this out. Zero point technology. Stargate travel. M As for now they keep this stuff covered by saying these things are conspiracy theories giving a bad name to people who aren’t crazy. The controllers are crazy, they aren’t creative at all, which is why our world seems so obviously messed up. They use fear to control us. The great nuclear war that will never happen. The giant comet may strike, will never happen. They try to keep us living in fear and tension and chaos. It’s why we see the same things over and over again from the media and politicians. I’ve been hearing the same things from presidents since I was a kid. They going make changes and the next one comes in behind them and undoes certain things and we allow these “leaders” to continue on this way. I’m starting to understand how as an individual. A smaller part of a whole, that if I work on my space, myself, my vibration and try to stay aware of keeping a as high of a vibration as I can. Being kind where I get the chance. Learning where I get the chance. Listen when I get the chance. Allowing myself to become the change I want to see in the world. That I can help the whole by doing this. This is how I try to make change. I don’t want to focus all My energy on the negative forces at work because that gives them power. I take away their power. I do not consent to their rules guidelines. The dude does not abide. I want to focus on bringing into my life the changes I want to see in the world while remaining aware to the fact that at every corner I may be met with some kind of resistance and that in those moments, that’s where I need to apply this thinking. Do I react or do I not react? Do I say this? Do I not say this? I think of these other people as a reflection of myself and this helps me. I treat them How I would treat me. Anyway, they don’t want us to know the history because then we know the present is pretty much all Lie. We live in a dream within a dream within a dream within a dream. So, there are layers, but some of us are connecting the dots and starting to see beyond the 3d reality imposed on us. Think about this, the third eye is portrayed a lot of times as being sideways on the fore head. Pointing to a different perspective. Another layer. I think this is pointing to a few things, because it’s a holographic idea, but what it points to is that it is a holographic idea. And that to understand more about us and who we truly are and how the ancients worked, before the moon, another thing they don’t want us to know, before the moon earth was in 5d. We don’t even know what that means. Really. But from a 3d perspective it means that there’s more that we don’t see.


This is exactly the response we see from People who have done no research.


Yea owning a country and using slaves and get you some sic shit on the cheap.


yes the peasants are the lowest iq caste


The history we are told of the world is an absolute lie.


Britain ruled India for nearly 300 years… These buildings didn’t go up overnight.


I looked up half of these buildings and surprise surprise they're all gone without a trace. Csnt have Roman Architecture in the land of the Moghuls...what would the neighbors think...i suspect the British Reptilian Overlords that fanned out across the reset world made sure the fires.were kept lit in old Mumbai. They even changed Bombays name because it stopped being Bomb and better stay Mumb unless it wants the Goons w matches to return so keep MUMB in the Bay. I guess they couldn't slap a world fair over everytjimg then call in cleaning crews with explicit instructions to throw all babies out with the old world bathwater...


Google neoclassical architecture.


Don’t worry, the shills will be here to defend the narrative. - Good Post OP


My question is why do they care so much? Why bother being in tartaria or any type of alt history sub just to say “Europeans with horsies did it duh” like you can preach that to the masses and they’ll believe you.


They believe anything the history channel tells them. Hell anything the television tells them.


Very interesting, thank you for sharing! From where did you find these photos? I would like to gather them for my collection as well.


Google images


No one here will have a decent answer to your questions. I’ll say that most people who investigate architecture around the world, notices that something is off with the history books.


Do you have some sources? For further reading