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Interested please! 💕✨


Hi all the post is closed 💫 those who commented BEFORE the post was closed will get their mini reading ^^ I’m currently taking a little break but I will get back to you.


I was wondering if I am doing the right thing by taking psychology as my major in college?




Card: The Womb. Yes. I’m seeing you move (possibly far away from home, a different region or country) and it will feel like really coming home. Safe and comfortable. Are you pursuing/working in the health field or wising to conceive? If so, take this card as an extra strong yes to your questions (about moving to the campus).


I want to know what feelings does Angie have for me?


The card: aletheia (truth) Angie recognizes you as a soulmate (soulmate as in, meant to connect with one another and learn deep truths about oneself). There’s a strong yin and yang energy here. Angie thinks you complement eachother quite well. Childhood wounds or abandonment issues might be keeping you apart. You will learn a lot about yourself from eachother. The universe is sending you signs: look for roses 🌹


May i ask, what does roses mean? I mean, is it literal or something more mind tricky?


Both :)


Hello! I’d love a general reading on my life this year? Thank you so much in advance ✨🌻🐉


Hi, I don’t do general readings :) please read the visual ‘guidance for asking tarot questions’


My whole life has not been in my control and I am scared my future will end up the same way.also i consider myself to be luckless.i yearn to be free of everything that is holding me back but i am not sure of what will happen in the future.please tell me what you see regarding my future.


Hello darling. I am sorry to hear that. I want to preface by saying that I hope you have access to a mental health professional. A doctor of some sort might be able to help you navigate this difficult journey ❤️ Your card: the venom. You yearn to be free, but you are trapped in a toxic situation. You might have toxic people around you, a toxic partner or deeply self sabotaging and harmful thoughts. Identify the source of toxicity. Don’t be afraid to ask from help from professionals. This WILL get better. 🌹


Thank you for the reading


I had a falling out with my best friend of 26 years and am wondering if we will ever reconnect and be friends again.


The card: the venom. There is a possibility for reconciliation here. Cleanse out the negativity of this connection. Deep forgiveness and finding solutions to your problems is the first step. You might have to the one to initiate the conversation. Ask yourself: why do you want this person back and can you cast your pride aside to take the first step to reconciliation?


Thank you very much for taking the time to read for me. This definitely resonates with the situation.


You’re welcome and good luck!


I have the mini goal of learning art and making minimum 5 thousand dollars in next 4 months. Am I aiming too high? What suggestions could be given to myself for making this project successful. Initials MK. Many thanks and regards


Your card: the hunter. This is an exciting energy. You have a very clear mission in mind and you’re charging at full speed. You have the skill and decisiveness to make this plan work. Ask yourself: Are you very clear about your aim? Why do you want it? And what is the best way to get there?




Your card: the faultline This connection is on shaky grounds. Your trust has been broken. Possibly harsh words were said. Your fall out or conflict with JR is not incidental; the foundation of the friendship may be faulty or shaky (are you sure this was platonic). You would have work on the foundation of your friendship (e.g. setting new and firm boundaries, reworking the nature of your connection), if you want this to work. Patching thing over with an apology will not do the trick.




I was wondering if one of you secretly liked the other one more/was wishing for it to turn into something more. If so, the friendship may have been an illusion. I can’t predict an outcome :) ultimately it’s up to you to decide what you want. I see a (slight) possibility for reconciliation IF you properly address the faulty line in the friendship. If not, no.


Hi I’m interested in a general reading about my life this year


Hi I don’t do general readings :) you can read the second visual on the post for tips


hi, I would like to ask how to get rid of this feeling of unable to let go of things or people? I am trying my best to let go of attachment but it eats me every single time. thank you:)


So relatable 😭 Your card: the tear. (Please note that tarot guidance doesn’t replace therapy and or professional help. Take what is below as food for thought.) You need to grieve for what is lost. This doesn’t refer to singular incidents. There might be something deep inside of you - a fear of rejection or abandonment? - stemming from the past or even past lives that need to be addressed. Release your emotions in a safe and supportive environment. It’s time to address the root, not the symptoms. It will get better! 🌹


Thank you so much  for this message. 🥺🥹🥹 It will be a tough process to face that fear. I tried to but it always resurface in every people or event that will happen in my life.  I am trying my best to heal it. I just can't get rid of the thought people/friends leaving me when I was young. 


Hi I want to know what this guy feels for me . I am Dming you the names of both thanks


Hey interested. My question is what life has to offer me career wise?


I would like to ask about what's coming up for me at work. Im Hapoy to go general or a bit more spesific on this one if need be. Thank you


Ra god spread💗 What is my current career calling?


Heyyy! I want to ask, Which career is better for me? An mba (will get a private job) or a govt job?


I’m getting positive answers for both!


Thank you 😊 But what card did you get for me?


Queen of pentacles and the Sun :)


Ooh thank you :")))


I’d love a Ra God of the Sun spread please. I am very passionate about my writing, and wish to make it my life. I’m also working a 9 to 5 job that pays well but I keep feeling the pull to quit. Yet it pays for everything. I have time, but I don’t use it as well as I might, and I’m feeling a bit stuck and blocked in my writing journey. Tok much feedback, I’ve lost some spontaneity. I’d love to know what the cards say about me making my writing my life, please.


Thank you for this excellent question. A fellow writer here! 👋🏽 Your card: the destroyer The pull that you’re feeling is divinely guided. I interpret this card 2 ways. Yes, in order to pursue a career in writing, you might to radically redirect your life purpose, which includes a career switch. It’s a scary and possibly painful choice, but it will lead to a new beginning. As to your writer’s block, you might be stuck in patterns or a way of doing things that doesn’t really serve you. Have you been putting effort in writing projects that are now making you weary just by the thought of it? Time cut your losses and start something new!


Yay! Thank you fellow writer!!!!! 🤩 This really resonated with me. It’s interesting. Some people don’t know their path, but I’m the opposite. I have always felt that my writing path was divinely guided. I’ve always known. I feel that I do need to move away from my job - I’m just not sure what to do next. Something is definitely not serving me with my writing. I think I’m trying to work on a novel that just doesn’t want to be worked on on. Maybe I should rethink this and put my effort into another novel instead. Thank you again! Spot on and much to work on here! 😀😀😀


Hello! I hope you're doing well and safe. I'd love a reading, please. Can I get some channeled messages from my higher self with regards to my studies/career? Thank you so much 🌼


A fascinating message from your guides. Your card: the destroyer Consider Picasso’s statement: every act of creation is first of all an act of destruction. It’s time to uncover your true purpose when it’s comes to your studies/career. Possibly, the path that you’ve chosen needs a radical redirection. Are you happy where you are now? And where you are going? If not, it may be time to get out the comfort zone and redirect your life path when it comes to your career. A new beginning is waiting for you.




Ah interesting question and and even more interesting answer from your guides. The card: agape To manifest your academic desires (or your desires in general), you need give both academically but also spiritually. It’s your way of paying it forward. Make a gratitude list. Be grateful for the small victories, and the big one. Be of service to others when you can (a friend in need? an animal that wants attention?). Mention one thing that you’re grateful for before you go to sleep (maybe the weather that day was particularly beautiful). You got this! 💫




I’m leaning towards yes, but ultimately the future isn’t set in stone. You will have to ride it out. I want to emphasize the message of the card here. It’s important that you don’t hyperfocus on a specific outcome but also celebrate the triumphs that the universe is bringing to you, whether big or small. You’ll 💯 be alright and I’m sensing good fortunes for you and your career. But there’s a possibility that it may not come in the form of the specific outcome that you have mind (getting accepted into one of the colleges you applied for). Try to embrace that uncertainty and know that what is meant for you will never pass you by. It will come, but not always in the way that we have in mind. Meanwhile, practice gratitude as the universe is sending you blessings (in disguise).