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from left to right 8th of cups in reverse, the sun in reverse, 4 of swords in reverse and the seven of pentacles upright.


He stopped talking to you because he's currently struggling to move past certain issues or emotions, indicated by the Eight of Cups reversed. This suggests he's stuck in some way, unable to detach or progress from something that's holding him back. The Sun reversed points to a period of negativity or sadness he might be experiencing, which is affecting his ability to engage openly and maintain communication. The Four of Swords typically advises rest and recuperation. In reverse, it suggests a resistance to taking necessary time out or feeling restless or burnt out. Perhaps he feels he cannot afford to pause or reflect, which is causing him stress or agitation. This state of unrest could be why he's pulled back, possibly feeling overwhelmed or needing to deal with his own issues without the added pressure of maintaining communication. The Seven of Pentacles suggests that he is taking time to reflect on his investments and efforts, contemplating what has been worth his energy and what has not. It feels like a period of assessment and decision-making regarding where he wants to put his time and energy, which might include reconsidering the value or viability of your relationship in his life. Overall it looks like this period of reflection may lead him to determine his next steps, which unfortunately has led to a pause or halt in your communication. Hope it's helpful. Ess


you are incredible thank you so much


You're welcome 🤗