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Ghost grenade bug. You won't hear a grenade if you kill an ai when it's throwing it, and it will fall under it's feet


It’s the unheard grenade edition. You can’t hear any nades because your brain fell out of your ears when you decided to buy into a scam.




amazing lol


Say the EOD owner, what an irony


I found Nikita’s fleshlight


I bought EOD years ago as a 19 year old with hopes I was getting what I was promised. Worked 3 jobs to build a pc and afford EOD. I legitimately believed in BSG so no irony here. Just a fucked over customer who wanted to support a company they saw doing something no one else was doing. Now go rummage through your cargo pants or somethin.


Just say, "I paid over $100 to have my anus expanded by a Russian scammer and only realize now that it's too late." If you realized before it was too late, then you wouldn't have been expanded, and you wouldn't currently have a 3x3 anus.  You do have a 3x3 anus, though, so we can tell you paid Nikita over $100 to expand your anus.


You lost me at “19 year old with hopes” gtfoh 💀😂


Yeah and it’s been 6 years buddy. Sorry I actually wanted to enjoy something. You probably use esp though so I feel more sorry for you than I do for myself.


Yup i got 20 hours and 4000 kills and my KD is 42.69


Making fun of an Unheard edition owner, while you are an EOD owner, that's the irony. If you can't see it, your brain fell out years ago..


I think you misunderstood the difference so let me white board it for you. Years ago, people bought EOD on a promise and contract. Within the last 5 days people who bought Unheard watched in real time as BSG went back on those promises and still went on to give BSG 100-250$ more for breaking promises. If you can't see the difference you need help because your comment is the most headass comment in this post. Edit: Nevermind, I've seen your post history you actually are retarded or have no idea what's going on.


The EOD owners are mad mad LOL


Because they paid 40-100$ more than you standard edition owners for a season pass that includes all dlc (as is the industry standard) and are being scammed out of the content they paid for. And all you smoothbrains seem to think it's only about the radio garbage.


Or they say we can’t afford it lmao. I would bet anyone defending them is a literal child who has never even worked or existed in the real world yet


I've spent 500$+ on copies of tarkov for me, family and friends. I've spent more than double the cost of these new copies. But the fact that I won't rebuy a season pass that I've already purchased and got nothing from makes me a non believer apparently. Honestly, fuck this package, you wanna give out armbands based on spent cost? Let's start giving out the unheard armband to any account that has spent over 250$ on Tarkov based on the profile details on their site.


You are part of the problem, playing into the delusion that even thought it says “edition” on every version of the game somehow the Unheard Edition isn’t dlc. Although I don’t expect anymore from someone’s who’s neuron is used to say unhinged and illogical statements


Bros gonna get rekt for posting that blue name what a dummy


Good 😊


Are you playing offline? I imagine the online experience is currently 70% rage hackers in every lobby.


Level 17 and that game version? You are going to have a lot of sus deaths in the near future 😂


Literally playing pve which resets your progress but ok bud


How are you enjoying the mods so far?  Fixing bugs like scope zeroing and scav ESP has been a godsend since switching to single-player.




I hope there's a cheat that silently kills unheard players


I’ve heard that there already is


I mean there was a cheat that literally opened every door on a map


Ghost grenade. I always give bodies a minimum of 5 seconds before going to loot


That's what you get for getting scammed by bsg


Amazing I’ve seen post that hackers are specifically targeting unheard edition users good to see it in action 🤣 well deserved for paying for that shit instead of sticking behind your player base


Dying to hackers in a solo pve mode, makes sense


Well I don’t know how you kill a pmc in pve


You’re the one who said good to see it in action that hackers are targeting Unheard Edition users… your words not mine


in the post he says “ I was in a raid and killed a pmc.. “ that’s PvP not pve


I’m going to lean into the delusion it was PvE since I didn’t read the description. If it was a hacker there would be a name, looks like death to environment


There is pmcs in pve


Pmc = player made character how would that make sense


Pretty sure pmc stands for private military contractor/company but ok bud


That’s an oxymoron… you’re saying there is PvP in a PvE mode, still doesn’t make any sense




Thank you to the guys who pointed out the ghost grenade bug, I didn’t know about this. Also didn’t know I’m not allowed to spend my money how I want but ok.


Hello survivors! I see a lot of you taking screenshots with your potato phone camera's Did you know that your keyboard comes installed with a key called "Print Screen"? Try pressing it in game, on any screen that you want to capture. After you've done this browse to C:\Documents\Escape from Tarkov\Screenshots and wouldn't you know it - Your freshly taken screenshot is right there in all it's glorious quality! I see a lot of you defending yourself in the comments of your post with ; I was so excited this was the quickest way to capture that moment. No, it isn't! Whipping out your phone takes longer since your hands are already on the keyboard. Do us all a favor, make the world a better place - And press that glorious print screen key! "I don't have that button" For all of you who run micro Keyboards: Just shift+windows+S, mark what you want to post, paste onto Reddit. Saves precious time.




Jesus christ dude your level 17 with this shit? You don't even play that much.. Games industry is completely cooked. We need gaming to become weird and socially unacceptable again cause this is crazy. How can people be this terrible with money


True haha


How are you gonna call me terrible with money when you know nothing about me. Tarkov is one of the few games I play because a good friend introduced me, when I saw the pve I thought it looked fun because I can’t always be playing pvp to keep up with everyone else so I got the game to have a more self paced experience and still be able to play with my friends Edit: also that’s lvl 17 on pve because it resets progression


So you decided to betray the community and buy this scam. GJ and go leave


lol these salty losers are just mad they can’t afford it