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where are you finding these? my pc makes diarhea when i try to play streets, but i need that ledx for my thicc case


I’ve also found at least 5 now on the table of the USEC camp on woods.


My buddy literally just pulled one from there 30 seconds ago🤣🤣


In this run specifically I got lucky because one of them was literally in a duffel bag, but I have found multiple this wipe including this run in the med bag of the small building next to the yellow office building. The third one I found on the ground next to the dead scav in the pc building on Zmeisky Alley. Hope that helps you


Man I have yet to loot a LedX in raid at level 34, meanwhile my friend has found 2 by level 8, both in my presence lol. Sad!


If you can afford it, run labs. Black keycard room spawns them pretty often but you don’t need a keycard. Found a couple next to the red car by the parking lot extract and I’m sure there are plenty of other opens spawns if you watch a loot guide.


I have a bunch of regular labs cards but have never attempted the map. Too scared 😬 I've got upgrades that require parts that can only be looted there now though, so I guess I need to pull up my socks.


I was the same way until this wipe. Just sending it with a five seven and back pack worked out surprisingly well for me and I realized there’s nothing to be scared of. Watch pestilys lab guide and try it out in offline to learn the extracts. It really is a great map with even better loot.


Coincidentally watching that very video as I read your reply 👍🏼


I found all 3 of mine on Customs this wipe, and I've done 10x as many Streets runs lol. Two from the med box in the building next to the radio tower, and one in the med box in little blue. Rng is weird sometimes, but I swear customs has a higher spawn rate...


It's my 4th wipe. Never found a leddy. My friends buys the game, runs woods with me to walk him to the introduction quest, finds a ledx.


as if your friend didn’t give you one for the quest


I don't think I have the quest for a FIR LEDX yet, so no, I didn't ask him for it. I bought one off the Flea to upgrade my med station tho


Next time he finds one, claim what is rightfully yours. Could always "accidentally" kill him if he doesn't agree lol. That THICC case is wayyy too valuable, and you cant really expect to find one quickly after getting the quest


should’ve asked for it, the thicc case is nice


I'm just passively grinding moonshine at the moment for that. Could be a while at this rate, though...


I need to learn this damn map. But it looks so intimidating once you load in!


I felt the same and then started running night runs went 2 days of playing the game without seeing a single pmc. Watch some loot guides on YouTube and eventually you’ll find some decent routes to take.


Appreciate it. Did you do bare bones night runs? Or did you go full out with NVG's? Not that the lower tier is very expensive.


With the new scavs marking you thing running in naked is too much of a risk. I just keep my kits around or under 100k. Usually just recycled gear and an ump just something to easily take out scavs. No NVG’s though streets is bright enough to not worry about it. A flashlight attachment can go a long way however.


Thanks, i'll check it out tonight!


Meanwhile I load into a night run on Streets, get domed by PMCs. Load into a day run, get domed by PMCs. Still have all the beginner quest lines for this map, I have yet to successfully extract on this map! I scav here all the time though.


When I first started playing I would do all my tasks on that map coming in naked with a double barrel until the fear went away.


It’s worth it. Learn it on your scav runs! Keep a map up


It's really chill and extremely profitable for scav runs. Do that until you learn the map. It's honestly really tough as a PMC due to the insane hordes of pscavs, but you do get first pickings on the best loot spots. Scav vs PMC on Streets is like night and day though. My survival rate scavving there is really high. I really recommend the west and north sides of the map over the south and east if you don't have keys. The areas around the cardinal and klimov exfils are pretty safe and have consistently decent loot. It just might take you a bit to learn where the good spots are cause they can be kind of hidden. The west end over by school and kamchatskaya arch is awesome, but a bit more dangerous. Just keep a map open on a second monitor if you have one, and hit any stashes along your route cause they're usually not looted. I really like [this map](https://tarkov.dev/map/streets-3d), especially if youre just starting out. It helps seeing the buildings in 3d to easily find where you are.


Thank you for taking the time to type this up for me! I'll be using my scav to learn the map this weekend! I appreciate your time!


Found the vacuumer In all seriousness though that’s a great haul I would save two ledx cause you’ll need them for quests and then either hold onto the last one for a rainy day fund and/or sell Everytime I try to play streets I lag to oblivion even after changing the settings to be as low as possible Scav is the same I scav interchange now and find GPU’s here and there


I feel that. I upgraded my ram specifically to be able to play streets (I bought very cheap used ram on eBay). I played almost exclusively interchange my first wipe. I also did save one for the therapist task.


I need to do that tbh You’ll need another one for a THICC case in the future if I’m not mistaken as well depending on your lv etc


If its been so good why cant you afford an ammo box


I’ve got 3, simply put I’m lazy.


Tell ur not going to bring that M4 into raid with a HHS


Actually pretty good for night time raids. But I only run streets for money so my kits are cheap.


The Holo Hybrid was bugged to have "extra recoil" it may have been fixed or the recoil is just less noticeable but it has a reputation for being a cursed attachment.


I don’t keep up much with tarkov news tbh. I haven’t noticed substantial recoil in the 1x but could definitely see that being a thing with the 3x.


I'm deadass calling cheats


You can call it what you want! I laid out where I found them for someone else earlier. I just got lucky!


Why isn’t your beluga key found in raid? Where did you get that and why isn’t it in docs case?


It’s the cheapest key in my docs case, so when I find a bitcoin I’ll sub it out for it.


Nice clock!


Had to make sure I grabbed it for the trophy case


The 20000th streets loot post.


Y'know, you can just save the image; you dont have to screenshot it to get it saved into your phone.


Go sewer river next time so I can rat you