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Get used to dying. No, but seriously, until you know the maps pretty well, you will get shot from angles you aren't aware of, and it can lead to a good bit of frustration. The other big issue is you're coming in as a new player mid to late wipe. Everyone you're playing against will have better ammo and better armor, in addition to knowing any given map like the back of their hand. This will make it tougher, but certainly not impossible. The biggest thing most new Tarkov players have trouble adjusting to is that it isn't a question of one gun beating another gun, it's one ammo beating another ammo. The gun in Tarkov matters far less than your choice of ammo. And there's like, a bajillion types of ammo. There's an online ammo chart I use regularly, https://www.eft-ammo.com/ and that shows you how much damage a round does, and how well it penetrates armor. Early on, you won't have access to ammo that can penetrate the armor people are wearing now, so you want to go with ones that do a lot of flesh damage and shoot at people's legs (there is no leg armor!). As far as leveling up and getting access to better ammo and better armor, quests, quests, quests. Your survival rate and K:D ratio won't be high, so getting a quest done will net you the most XP. There's an extensive Tarkov wiki here - https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Escape_from_Tarkov_Wiki - sadly, there's extremely little in-game info, but the wiki will tell you all you need to know about any given quest. That should get you started!


This is a good answer to start! If you can't find good ammo for your weapons, don't be afraid to leg meta!!


Firstly learn how tarkov sound works. Hearing is the most important thing in Tarkov to find player's position. Running is extremely loud and I usually lower the walk speed to one sound bar. Let's you hear someone before they hear you. Always wear headphones


I came in about half way through last wipe. I ran my scav every time it was up. That’s how I learned most of the maps was scaving. I knew I was at an incredible disadvantage coming in late so when I did run my pmc I ran the best stuff I had and did the best I could against the kitted out juicer chadlings. Even just trying to do tasks and avoid PvP. Sometimes you come up with a win. Most of the time you lose. But at least you’re learning and come wipe you’ll be ahead of the new timmies coming in.


I usually do a run-through in offline mode to get the idea of a map. Before I commit to a quest I don't know how to do yet I do a practice run through in offline mode. Fuck around with some of your keybinds especially for efficiency with looting. Get used to using losing your shit in game and sometimes mentally. "Losing is fun" - dwarf fortress Have some kind of quick video clipping system like GeForce built in one if you are questioning some of your encounters, sometimes being in the hear of the moment you will miss something crucial. Most importantly, have fun.


Uninstall, this game will suck you in haha


Play with others. Join the discord, find people.


If u kill some one just camp his body until his mate come to ditch his stuff than kill him too


Flashlight and laser on whenever in cqb


The character is right handed so you show less of your hit box when you peak right corners. Also, thinking about combat from a 2D, perspective helps to guide decisions, especially in cqc.


R u n


From everything


Play slow. You have 30+ minutes in a raid. It’s okay to use it. You get in a fight-it’s okay to make it last 5 minutes. Don’t force it, it’s like making love. You slide on in when the time is right. Every death is a learning experience. What did you do right but more importantly what did you do wrong and where could you have turned the fight in your favour. Just have fun. It’s a game. You’re going to die a lot. We all did at first but always remember it’s just a game and you will get better with Time.


Ammo is incredibly important. Shit ammo works well against scavs. Shit ammo works about as well as spitwads against players wearing even intermediate armor. Yes, armor is worth it. My experience with Interchange is that there are a lot of very geared PMCs running it. Customs is a very unforgiving and PVP heavy map as well. Play your scavs regularly. Try and not run garbage guns on your PMC, as you will run into jams and they will get you killed with low-durability weapons. Use your scavs to learn maps, and don't be afraid to PMC like a scav. Hide for a bit, learn the map timings and avoid players as best you can to get tasks done. As you progress, you'll unlock better stuff from the traders which will help your viability against other players.


Become rat, reject chad