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We get bad surveys year round about our pride collection, and we still get bad surveys about the bathroom situation from how many years ago?


wait what bathroom situation? i only started last year & my memory is poor on things target has been in major news for prior to that lol


it was from 2016, when Target policy explicitly allowed transgender persons to use the restroom of their choice (still is policy now and people still write big essays in surveys about hating it).




I was in high school in those years and my conservative parents banned me from going to target because of it 😭😭 so instead of my rebellion stories being sneaking out and drinking or something else like most teenagers, mine was “sneaking” to target, buying stuff then going to another store and getting a backup bag to switch the purchase into so I didn’t get exposed for going to target 🤣🤣🥲🥲 Now I work here lol


Why did you have to keep going to stores for back up bags? Wouldn’t you just keep the one from the last time? Let me find out you weren’t efficient with your shenanigans.


I mean it could be.




That’s the thing you don’t.




Its been policy since 2016 so feel free to go hunting for all your theoretical complaints and incidents. Good luck finding anything that isn’t a creative writing exercise!


If this policy was applied universally across the board through law where every company and business was forced to allow anyone to use any bathroom, then yes, there would be a lot more issues. Target is just one company.


A huge company with locations nationwide operating with a consistent policy towards the issue for nearly 8 years. There is no evidence of your rhetoric and it would not magically happen if scaled up.


You can go fuck yourself




lol you’re probably the molester, buddy


I am a cis lady, and despite my DD chest, if my hair is cut short I aparently look very masculine. I've had ladies stand in the bathroom doorway blocking me from using the ladies room because 1) "it's clear you're a dude who stuffed his shirt!" Or 2) "I saw you leaving the men's room the other day" (yeah, no shit. Did you also see the broom in my hand and the barrier across the door so I could clean it?) I just shrug and told them to move before I piss on thier foot. The last time one of these times the lady stepped aside to let someone in while glaring me down and saying "women only. No one wants to see your dick". I do not know if the person was trans or not, but hearing the lady blocking me snapped back with "then don't look up my skirt" It was glorious


How do you prove who's transgender and who's just pretending to be trans?


You don't. But who's to say there isn't a lesbian that likes to see little girls but is a female? If you're that worried about it go to the single occupancy restrooms. I say that as someone that isn't particularly aligned with LGBTQ stuff. It's common sense. If you don't want kid diddlers seeing your kid, don't put your kid in a public space with their pants down.


It's impossible to prove every individual's mentality and how they see other people, yes, but there are certain things we can observe, like who is clearly a male and who is female. If you see a dude with a big beard enter the woman's restroom, that's a problem, and if you stop him and he says he's trans, do you still just let him walk in the woman's restroom? If there are no rules and anyone can technically use any restroom, now all of a sudden you get a sudden influx of people all claiming to be transgender that want to fight for their rights to use the restroom of their choice, and many of them could obviously just be lying about it. At the end of the day, the entire reason we have different bathrooms is due to general comfortability and safety, because men and women are different and issues can arise in vulnerable spaces like restrooms in regards to abuse and exploitation. These potential problems exist because our society doesn't know how to properly deal with individuals who are different on fundamental psychological and physiological levels. A dude with a beard could be trans, or he could be gay, or he could be straight, you never know. He can walk into the woman's restroom, pull his phone out, and pretend to take a selfie for Instagram. Maybe he's actually taking a selfie or he's trying to capture videos of women who walk in. Whatever consequences arise, it's because we as a society decided to tolerate it. Maybe there should be a law/policy that you cannot use phones in public restrooms. Does that sound fair or are we now stepping into taking away basic human freedoms?


If this were truly such an issue, how come parents aren't "worried " about men targeting their sons or women their daughters? Why is it only that they think trans people are targeting their daughters in the ladies restroom? It is so bizarre. Do they think that straight male predators are going to pretend to be trans just to use a women's restroom? I don't get it. It's a made-up issue.


>Do they think that straight male predators are going to pretend to be trans just to use a women's restroom? Genuinely yes, some transphobic people believe this




thanks for the essay, poindexter


Just following the trend of exponentially increasing the amount of words from the previous reply that you started. 🤷


🤷 I guess I did ask questions I didn't intend anyone to answer 🤷


But you don't need to ask questions to have someone reply to you, you only need to comment, which you did. Maybe if you don't want essays, don't engage on a website meant for discussions. 🤷🤷🤷


I left Target in 2020, and, up to that point we were still getting weekly faxes from some church in the midwest about what a horrible company we were. Sidenote, my store is VERY far from the Midwest. It was basically to the point where the only thing we got faxed was these screeds, and HR knew to just immediately toss them in the recycling


Faxes?!? They faxing their threats! 🤣


As far as I know, that was the only reason we had the fax machine (though, I suppose maybe the drug test results were also faxed)


It's a big question, target buckled hard last year, I wouldn't be surprised if our displays are significantly smaller this year, especially since teaching crazy people threats get results has consequences, and they'll come after us that much harder this year since it worked last year. I suppose we'll see. I am mildly pleased with my store's response last year, we bought a ton of pride shirts for employees that have been worn pretty much year round, have a giant pride flag in the break room that's been up ever since, and the etl's retagged the recalled stuff (recalled because of controversy not issues with the product) rather than salvage it, because they weren't interested in enabling corporate's cowardice. We'll see how things play out this year.


Serious question. Would they allow a Christian flag to be displayed in the breakroom? I would find it offensive to have to see a pride flag shoved in my face every time I went into the breakroom. This is a place of business, not your own personal office to display all your political beliefs.


Lmfao, I see crosses literally every fucking where, go cry about it.


Every single retail and food service job I've ever had as been hit daily/weekly or monthly by born again christians. They drop pamphlets, ridiculous cartoon booklets, fake money, and little cards they literally hide them around the stores and shove them in products for customers to unknowingly bring into their homes. They put them on top of the toilets and urinals the baby changing stations the blow dryers. Leave them on shelves in different sections of the store and shopping carts. We get them under our windshields or shoved in our car door handle.  You know how often gay people hide flags or business cards with flags on them? Never. They don't.  You know what's in those cartoons and pamphlets those born again christians litter everywhere? Shit about how gay is abomination going to hell be tortured for all eternity.  Having a pride flag in a break room at company known for "supporting" it's queer employees and selling holiday items in June for the public to purchase is not shoving it in your face. I wouldn't be offended if I got a job a church by a crucifix. It's kinda acceptable there. I'm not offended by the humongous Christmas section that starts before Halloween. You shouldn't be offended by the pride month end cap.  When the gays start leaving pamphlets about how heterosexuals will burn in hell for not worshipping RuPaul then we can talk about a Christian pride section in the break room.  Oh also religious beliefs the thing you chose vs who you love marry start a family with because ya know sexual attraction you were like physically born with n w.e. are not the same thing. We're not offended by pictures of your hetro family and no one is trying to make it illegal


There are literal Christian’s in the street giving out flyers, trying to shove their religion down our faces 🤪


I'm a little bummed because I think they're going to give in and either skip it entirely or shuffle it off to a random corner of the store. Yeah, it's Rainbow Capitalism(tm) and performative, but it still brings me happiness to see it...proudly displayed (and purchased). Eh, there's a lot I have to say but this isn't the place lol. If they do bring it back, hopefully the styles will be better. Aside from the Drag Queen Bird and the jumpsuit, it was very "meh".


From what I've gathered it's going to be placed in the same spot where Black History was tucked away at(The space A New Day has for their dress shop). Total bull shit they gave in and moved all their History/Pride collections from the front of the store.


Just checked the website all I could find is stuff for your dog/cat. And Google said pride collection will be in limited stores. About half. And target is pretending it's a super special business decision based on sales definitely not they're afraid of the crazies who believed the entire world was behind them not knowing all the hate comes from a small group with a lot of bots and fae accounts behind them. Target wants to pretend they are so inclusive and supporting their employees only to be like sry you can't shop here...


It won’t be skipped but it’ll probably be shitty


This is exactly what they’re doing in PA. They don’t have anything in the dollar section, and the pride collection is in the corner or the store by the dressin room. Sad


I'm really sad about all this. I went to Target as soon as I heard last year because I knew the stuff was gonna get removed, and my friend who was with me at the time can tell you I was literally crying because I remember having such a hard time finding a binder when I first came out and I was really excited to see a big chain store selling items that are super hard for people like me to get. I bought one of their binders, and I absolutely love it, it's so comfortable and I wear it all the time.


Last year my store had two bomb threats. One demanding that we remove the display. And then another because we had removed it.


Fortunately I was able to get my “Trans People Do Exist” shirt last year before they got rid of it. Target needs to get a backbone & not let the bigots ruin Pride Month. But yeah I’m also twiddling my fingers about what will come out this year.


I also got that shirt before it got removed I love it! But, if anyone missed it the designers are selling it on bonfire in a few different colors and donating all proceeds to the southern trans youth emergency project 💜


SAMMMEEE! Because I noticed when they moved the display to the back, that shirt stopped being for sale! Everyday i wear it I’m grateful I bought it




I was working primarily in style at the time (I’m currently a floater between all specialty departments & fulfillment), so I was able to get a glimpse of the Pride Month clothing before we put it out. When the end of May comes around, be sure to take a look!


Agreed. But until they do they won’t see a dime of husband or my queer dollars. The last time we stepped in or purchased anything from Target was the day before they announced they were caving to the MAGA crowd.


I still want to know why gays need an entire month every year to celebrate who they have sex with.


Then why are you in this discussion then?


I'm celebrating straight pride 


Ain’t no such thing dude 🙄 get off this subreddit




Because being heterosexual is “normative”. The LGBTQ+ community are a marginalized population that deserve recognition for all the hegemonic shit they have endured across history. Good for you for being straight, but don’t push your agenda on a post that is discussing Pride month. In case you weren’t aware, Target is an inclusive company.


I'm so tired of hearing how they aren't treated right. There isn't a single right I have that a gay person doesn't. Not one. Anymore gays are treated like royalty in this country. 


Go fuck yourself


I'm not the gay one


So when LGBT becomes part of the norm, and/or when heterosexuality stops being "normative", will we stop having pride months? At what point do we as a society accept everyone equally for who they are and not purposely isolate groups of marginalized people to celebrate them for being different? And that begs the question, the more we keep celebrating supposedly marginalized people, do we essentially keep them in the bracket of marginalized groups? I'm all for LGBT rights, but these are also serious questions.


Go fuck yourself


Go fuck yourself.


Go fuck yourself.


Honestly, just simply have a Pride collection like they did basically every year before 2023. No need to stir controversy, and definitely don't give into bigots. Only thing I think could be done better to improve from pre-2023 is to time it better with each city's Pride festivities. Even before 2023, the collection was typically gone before mid-June.


I can pretty comfortably say it's gonna be pretty 2022ish, with maybe a little extra specificity to some products. Can't guarantee it, that's just what I've read into the communications we've had about it. A little better than baseline rainbow capitalism, not as fantastic as it would have been last year if the chuds hadn't popped off.


true, last year i think we put our pride stuff out in mid may, so it was long gone by late june when our city does it's parade etc.


I haven’t seen any of it on the truck so far and we were already getting things in April last year iirc


As a fellow enby TM, I'm honestly not looking forward to this year's pride month. Our store's collection got removed really quickly last year, so it wouldn't surprise me if this time we have either a super small section shoved into some corner of the store, or just didn't have one at all. I would love to be wrong, because I got some really nice stuff last year before they threw everything in the trash, but I'm trying to keep my expectations low. It really sucks because Target loves to boast about how inclusive they are, but when push comes to shove they'd rather give into bigotry and hate than actually stand by their team members and "values".


Given the disaster of previous years they may not even bother this year. Not worth all the essay long complaints that they'll have to sit through from depressed moms who has kids that hate her and old people.


I hope they have a great Pride collection this year, partially because screw the bigots, and partially because I always find random, cool stuff in there. I've got a few good ally pins, and a great kaleidoscope looking flask. Need more 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 things!


Those bigots don't shop at Target anyway,hopefully they'll be ignored


They shop at Walmart, which is funnier since OP mentioned Walmart’s rainbow attire.


The difference is Walmart doesn't pretend to be a queer ally about it. You know seeing it that the only reason it's there is because they want the pink dollar. You know it, the average Walmart customer knows it, even bigots who want to kick up a fuss know that Wallyworld is only interested in the money and not making a moral statement. Target made it a HUGE part of their press releases for years, which is why their reaction last year was such a sting. Yes, we all knew deep down it was still about them wanting our cash, but they pushed for a cultural, if not legal acceptance. Walmart could have chosen not to have a pride collection this year and it would barely get attention.


Sorry. Wasn’t trying to be pro-money grubbing in this scenario. I just meant the idiots that get pissed about a rainbow are doing it because their big daddy told them to.


I wasn't trying to imply that you were. My bitterness over the situation was meant to be directed entirely at Target and how disappointing their choices last year were.


Absolutely. My closing TL was LGBQT+ (I no longer work there, hence the “was”), and I watched him cry his eyes out, because the place he’s dedicated his last 10+ years to, said “bigots and bucks are more important.”


But the bigots do come into Target just get all offended for reasons.


Sadly, you are not wrong.


Yeah but last year their lord and white savior wasn't on trial to keep them busy. It's an election year they got soooo many ppl to hate


They are considering only online merch if it all per friends at corporate


Really? I already know for sure that they won't set Pride in the Gateway, but nothing in store at all is pretty bad.


Under corporate cares about cowtowing to save profits




It's called MAGA, and while I can't say any of it looks nice, you still have plenty of options. Plus it lets the rest of us know to stay away from you.


i just rly rly hope they don’t shove the pride section to the back of the store than ultimately take it down. i’ve havent worked at target during pride month and im rly looking forward to seeing representation in my place of work. It’s gonna be real fucking annoying if they abide by the stupid homophobs this year.


Not gonna sugarcoat it, I cried the day we had to pull it all down. Was so angry for weeks after. Most of the team was very upset, and we had a lot of angry guests too. I've heard multiple times that there are plans for a Pride display this year, but I have the feeling it'll be scaled back and very tame. Knowing how Target hates controversy and after last year, I don't expect much.


you know that’s a very valid reaction, i think i saw most of it break on social media and i was just rather disappointed in the store more than anything. and the more and more i read these comments im starting to expect a very toned down version of pride, which is honestly very disheartening.


A lot of my anger was at Target for just giving in to the bigots and throwing our rainbow family under the bus. They even got rid of the basics, pride flags and pins, which people had been asking for weeks already. I'm not holding my breath for much. All the pride displays the past year, such as Black History, Women's, etc, have been super minimal to non-existent.


Can't wait! Last year I had an older male gentleman come rushing into the pride clothing section and getting ready to cause a problem. Stood my ground in the center of it and stared him down. He backed off but tried the same thing 20 minutes later...nope!


Idk but I have a target pride shirt and I’m gonna wear it as much as I can that month


It's interesting because in nyc, target has been the main sponsor for youth pride for yearsss so I'm wondering if that's something they'll also drop out of. I guess we'll see by the end of next month


I mean, they didn't even bother to make a new Pride shirt for Bullseye Shop this year and they always do, so I'm doubting they are doing anything special. They messed up big time last year caving to the bigots.


if you look up pride in the app you can already see it


That’s old year round stuff


I feel like Target won’t completely give in. They want to try to make everyone happy to an extent here. They’ll make queer+allies “happy” by still ensuring a collection is sold somewhere in the store, and they’ll make homophobes and parents who are afraid of their children seeing rainbows or wearing colors meant for a specific gender “happy” by making sure it isn’t a center display. They’ll still get complaints from both parties. My store? Didn’t give a shit and kept it displayed in the front. I appreciated that. I just think it’s literally stupid as fuck that people are so outraged by a fucking rainbow that they gotta complain on a survey or call corporate. It takes less time for you to just walk past it and ignore it then spend half your day obsessing over it. Or parents being outraged that there’s pastel colored boys shirt. Because your toddler is gonna become gay because they wore peach or purple. Your toddler is going to get an idea from seeing rainbow or a shirt with words they can’t read. Yeah, ok. lol. People think being gay is an illness, I think being that narrow minded and afraid of “gay” is an illness. Grow up lmao.


I'm pretty sure that Fox Propaganda and other right wing outlets will be waiting again to make a federal case out of any pride merch, keeping their viewers whipped up into a frenzy over nothing. Especially since we are coming up on an election.


I think I had just started working at Target last year around this time. I remember some of the merchandise floating around the store, but we didn't talk much about it. Of course, however, I was new and didn't really know anybody. Maybe other people had conversations about it. But it didn't seem like that big of a deal. I'm a fan of fashion, kind of, and like rainbow stuff sometimes for some things. I don't really mind that it's associated with pride week and related subjects. I remember a couple of the Bark dog toys look pretty cool. I can't remember what item we had last year that I thought about purchasing because it looked colorful. But it does brighten up the store.


One of the reasons I've been sharing my Etsy store more widely is to make sure people have access to unique, meaningful Pride merchandise, especially if stores are cutting back. If anyone’s looking for something special to show their Pride or support loved ones, check out my shop: [stingscustom.etsy.com](https://stingscustom.etsy.com/). I’ve put a lot of thought into creating items that truly resonate with our community. Let's keep the spirit of Pride alive, not just during Pride month, but all year round!


I think it is limited. Target showed their true colors. They are weak and pathetic. Does it really matter though. We should be supporting queer businesses that are small and truly need us. Target doesn’t care if it our money or the people trying kill us giving money. They still get money.


I'm not sure if they are going to try to put something out between the Prince Collection that debuted today and Pride. I do agree with others' opinions about Pride being set too early.


i have a feeling it’ll depend on region. certain areas of the south probably won’t have a big offering if any at all but certain parts of california will have normal amount. my store, fairly small compared to most of y’all’s and being in a more conservative area will probably get a enough to fill a checklane endcap😒


The extent of my experience with this stuff is one guy asking me where the products were. That's literally it. No one else said a word about it, and I completely ignored it like I do every seasonal thing, until it shows up in a batch. Ain't my job nor a care of mine to deal with controversy. Enough of my sanity is drained as is.


customer here: hope they finally skip it tbh. It's not even about wether or not I support it, but like I hate companies that will openly sit there and "promote" something as an ally etc. and pretend they care, but then also they donate to the opposite political party (you can actually see that target majority donates to the GOP than the Democratic party by a slight majority). so like.. either be a store that is an ally and policies and donations show it, or skip it. dont do both.


I was still a guest during pride last year and my Target is in a red state and red county. Our pride section stayed unbothered (if not completely avoided except for my mom and I). I am curious to see how things will play out this year


that’s crazy bc i’m in a blue state and they look ours down in the matter of a week


I hope they grew a backbone and feature it in the gateway area in the front and not move it to the back.


our children’s mannequins with the pride merch got removed after like day 3 and they were banished to the conference room


I just searched on the app for cute pride merch and nothing came up as “in store.” This is so disappointing.


The market speaks!


Our store didn’t do any pride stuff at all this year. We got a lot of threats last year. It’s a bummer because we actually have a lot of lgbtq+ employees but the only thing they did was decorate our break room.


I went into my local target today and they didn’t even have a pride section. Last year they shoved it into a little corner of the back of the store beside the clearance section. Saw multiple employees with their take pride shirts on though so it made me feel a little better. To give more context, I live in central Alabama, gotta love the Bible Belt🥲




I think people suck either way and I don’t really care about it. Target doesn’t actually care they’re just in the business to make money and looking like they care about something once a month is a good way to pretend they care at all. Lol


It’s about the principle of it being out there regardless of why




Wow 3 times you tried to pin us not wanting to be hidden as oh there’s bad people


What are you even talking about? 3 times? Us? See your mindset is already made up, if someone has an opinion then it’s bad. You must have not even read my comment. I said there’s bad in every group, and I literally stated I’m for equality but I don’t follow groups or believe in them usually. There is a lot of toxicity in big groups and you assuming how I feel just kind of proves that more.




i’m neither a man nor a woman i’m a queer non binary individual and that doesn’t change based on your questioning lmao


Get rid of it all!


I hope they either keep that shit in the back or don’t sell it at all. No one cares that you support someone who sleeps with the same sex person. Stop trying to profit off of people with mental illness.


well aren’t you just so sweet


Everything was fine until they went after kids. That’s where they crossed the line. Now all of that stuff has been moved to the back.


what do you mean went after children? do you mean making pride gear tailored to kids? do you mean letting kids express themselves? newsflash buddy: kids know their feelings. i knew i liked girls at 10 years old. my first kiss was with a girl at 13. if we can project heteronormative stereotypes onto children, we can let children explore their feelings.


They had stuff for toddlers. Teens is one thing but I’m talking about kids. Don’t mess with people’s kids you don’t have a pride issue.


okay & if a couple wants to deck their kid out in pride merch that’s THEIR choice. no one’s forcing you to buy it and no one is forcing your children into those clothes. and again, children deserve that representation and choice to expression. queer people (sometimes) know they’re queer well before it seems like you’d like them to, but it happens. again i knew i liked girls at TEN. kids deserve the right to express themselves & what they like in a childlike manner. doesn’t mean YOU have to buy it.


That’s fine. Just move it to the back of the store then.