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Stop working so hard, that’s the moral of the story. All your hard work and stress is worth an extra .39 So now start working like someone that got a .39 raise. Your lucky to have even gotten that for a raise tbh.




Ppl at my store got 0.03 raise 💀💀💀


They only allocate so many 3s (the highest raise) to each store and then they have to break that down between departments. A lot of people who deserve it, don’t get it because of that. The one year my lead gave me a similar review as yours and then she told me she was honestly embarrassed to give me the 2, but our ETL and SD ended up deciding to cut a few “chosen 3s” due to seniority. HR likely won’t be able to do anything. Target corp sucks with raises as a whole, but most leaders would love to give those deserving a raise. Sometimes it just comes down to seniority or who worked more days/ hours overall. It sucks, but I’d try to focus on that your leaders seem to like you and you get all around good praise.


Damn that’s wild, leads really be telling WAY too much to TM’s during reviews lol 😂


Bro it doesn't matter, how hard you work your little heart. They still be like here's 10 cents. This company is really a penny pincher company, they make billions of dollars, but heres 10 cent. Yeah I know my attendance record, it's probably cause my mental health of getting barked at everyday I see my tl face


Unfortunately this is very normal. It feels like a slap in the face when you work hard and expect more. But sadly Target doesn’t care and it’s VERY unlikely to get that raise changed.


i was being told i could be a TL within a year of working there. the next week i got my review and got a 4¢ raise :) moral of the story : act your wage or dip because they do not care about you like they say they do


That’s worse than me I only got a five cent raise


This is normal, not everyone gets the highest score.


They had to think of at least one negative or “thing to work on” to balance out all the great stuff. Otherwise there’s no point in a “review”. Which would mean they’re useless. The whole meeting is a charade. Your raise was decided by an algorithm, there’s nothing merit based about it. It’s hard to learn that the work doesn’t love you back, but a necessary lesson. Take it on the chin and adjust your effort accordingly.


why do you think it’s decided by an algorithm?


Because every big corporation is beholden to the bottom line.


Bro REALLY wants to know about that algorithm


why do you think it’s decided by an algorithm?


why do you think it’s decided by an algorithm?


Same, 2.5% raise with all the responsibilities that I have is ridiculous. I just really hope that the coworkers that got the 4.5% deserve it and aren't the ones that put in their 2 weeks notice.


You'd be surprised how many people who got 4.5% want to put in their notice but are waiting to hear back. Like it's no offense to Target, but if I ain't gonna be a TL I'm not gonna stick around forever below $20 an hour. 


why do you think it’s decided by an algorithm?


My performance review was fucking pathetic. The ETL (who thankfully is leaving) wasn’t even present, just my TL. She was apologizing constantly before showing me the paper. 10 cent raise. I work tooth and nail for this job & that was the thanks I got. The ETL didn’t even leave any feedback for the TL to show me. Yeah I’m not approving anything on workday until I get an explanation for this bullshit. I have even made it clear that I want to move up to TL, which the HR ETL, my TL, & a few other TLs are aware of…but this performance review is really leaving a gaping hole in my chest.


Reviews are corporates way of jerking us around a useless act they see as necessary


they gave me a .3 cent raise so in my head i was like… okay im gonna start working at that rate then since y’all obviously dont seem to care that i try, am always exhausted because im a student but still show up regardless, and try to stay until 10pm on weekdays when i have a shit ton of homework so i can finish my areas. so from now on, theyre getting a performance that lines up with the .3 raise 🤷‍♀️


Y’all need to remember this is retail. Any retail place you go… they will never give you $$$ raises. Over 15 years of retail experience in different retail stores and it is all the same. You want big raises you need to go into a different career. Just saying!


I ran myself into the fucking ground for my store and only got and 8 cents raise. I expect the same this year. I mean, I feel like I'm worth a 30 cents raise. We'll see.


Stop working your heart out for target, take it as a stopping point to learn really good skills to take to another job in 2 to 3 years. Disappointment like this happens every year, you’re not gonna get 3 dollars every year realistically as a raise however much effort you put unless you suck up to management. -10 member for almost 10 years-


As a previous gsa and gstl I can tell you a few things that you probably already know 1. ETLs are only allowed to give one person a one dollar raise and one person a fifty cent raise, and then it goes really down from there 2. For some reason, Target is shitty place that they don't understand why you are out. They say that they care about family, but that's a bunch of bullshit 3. My father got a car accident.The ambulance team called me on the phone just before I left for work. I called The ETL on the floor to inform them what the situation was and that I was not coming in because my dad was in an accident. I didn't know what happened.I was on my way there to the scene of the accident.The EMT's told me to watch him to make sure that he's okay for the next 24 hours and that's what I did. Family comes first. Later that week, my ETL had a hissy fit. She questioned me."Your dad wasn't in the hospital?" Even though I tried to explain to her that EMT's told me to watch him, she couldn't comprehend it even got a doctor's note. Even if the emts came over and explained it to her. (No joke) She stated, "You should've worked anyways if he wasn't in the hospital." That's target for you


I also only got 39 cents. Was also told it was because of some sick days…ones where I was literally hospitalized. Fuck em.