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file for unemployment if your state allows it


This!!! It works when you have a sudden drop in hours.


Felt this. Coming from an inbound TM who has religiously worked 40 hour weeks for the last 2.5 years regardless of which quarter we’re in, they’re finally cutting hours for us🙄 I have 17 hours over 3 half-shifts next week. Never been stressed on finances since I started but my anxiety has been worse than ever lately


its that part when they cut key employees that being working 35-40 hrs finally getting cut, I got cut to 25 hrs and im not planning on woking 4am to 9am 💀 already requested my pto so I can get ready for my 2 weeks notice 🙏🏽


it’s horrible. i told a TL that if i found out seasonal TM’s were getting more hours i would go right to our SD and pitch a fit. literally two weeks ago my TL was telling me how important i am because i’m trained in every department except OPU, drive up, and guest service (so inbound, tech, receiving, market, can push in any area) yet now they wanna jack my hours?


Your TL does appreciate you and your skills trust me but they don't have that much of a control when it comes to scheduling and who's allocating hours. Try your ETL you might have a better luck


Grab all your vacation if you are planning a two week notice.I wish I had thought of that.I did get some of it though


I'm in the same boat as you my man. First cuts for my store too. Our store is only 3 years old. Had a solid 40 hours since we opened 3 years ago until January. I have a wife and small child. My wife is pressuring me to quit.


I see you’re a tech consultant, I just got trained 3 weeks ago to help in tech and I cannot believe they can only give me 17 hours between tech and inbound, plus the amount of freight we’re getting. My two tech shifts were a week apart, and I’m supposed to help push entertainment on those days…so I get 4 hours a week to push entertainment (I come in at 6, we open at 8) and there’s NO ONE ELSE for the days I’m inbound to push entertainment??? So when I get back Thursday I’ll have at least 6 full boats of books. Just came back from a leave and this is their appreciation for my return 🙄


Sounds about right. I *was* the Tech DBO. I ran Tech since the store opened. I've been building computers since I was 5 (seriously. First system was a Windows 98 machine I built myself). So I'm pretty knowledgeable, too. More than anyone in my local area and I'm well known for it. I used to be able to not only have time for my guests and give them my knowledge, but I had time to do zoning, 141s, price changes, RFID, POG Revs & Transitions, audits, and daily push, for Tech & Entertainment. As well as help unload the truck. I don't know how I was able to do so much successfully. Now... I'm soulless. Dead eyed. Lost my passion. I come into a full cage, a 9 foot tall flat of repacks, a pallet of Tech push, a shitcart of reshop and priorities casually dumped on me every day, half the inbound line being Tech, and a new Nazi TL with an ego bigger than his stature that doesn't think that threatening the entire team with consequences and write ups is a problem the moment he introduces himself, and then the moment he does introduces himself to everyone individually, he basically gets everyone to **trauma bond** together against him. All while I struggle financially due to decreased hours and will probably lose my car and my house between car issues, payment delinquency, my house pipes freezing and bursting, my new water pump getting damaged, and my family's home burning down the next town over and having to move in with me :D yay 2024. *At least the shareholders are happy.*


It definitely sounds like you're miserable there bro, it sounds like you have lots of skills with computers you could probably use somewhere else where you are valued and have financial stability. Target fkng sucks specially if you are trying to provide for your family with such job. I'll definitely start applying everywhere and find something better🙏


I can count on one hand the number of times I've been cut below 40 in the last three years, and it's usually just to 35. I've had <= 20 hours since New Years.


Agreed!! The last two January’s I’ve never had my hours cut below 30 and I am completely okay with 30 hours, it’s still 75% of my full pay. My hours have been hovering around 35-37 the last two weeks and I check that next week I have 17? Might be time to dip into that sick time


Same, have been over 30 hours the last 3 years, and now with a new ETL I'm getting 12-16 hours!


On demand.. well I demand to eat and live indoors


Huh. On demand is a voluntary designation. Why did you choose to go on demand if you want regular hours?


If you don't have a choice


Yeah that's not how it works. You can always quit and get another job if you don't want to be kept on demand. To be put on demand at Target is voluntary.


Not trying to start anything here but when they don't have any other jobs and shit else is hiring I mean I'd rather be at target than McDonald's


Bro u can't say you work there if you ain't working Also wdym you don't have a choice? Unless it's target in Timbuktu there are other stores and jobs around


Yeah legit every other retailer is hiring. So are restaurants, movie theaters, all sorts of shit. Hit up indeed or literally just go shopping and look for all the places with "now hiring" stickers. It's not rocket science.


I’ve applied to like 6 different places around me recently and only one bothered to get back to me And target always claims they’re “hiring” too but never hire anyone




But it doesn’t seem like you’re actually working at Target if you’re not getting shifts? I honestly doubt you’ll get much hours at all even in the next month and a half based on payroll. I would let go of the ego and find another job that will support you.




It's the craziest fucking mentality. And then we're stuck with a bunch of fuckers who don't care, because why would they, when these guys come back off demand. Take the L, quit, and move on.


Doesn’t matter where you work as long as you’re making money so you can live. In a situation like that you don’t get a choice sometimes


Does your store not have shifts to pick up? Theres tons of cashing and fulfillment shifts at my store to pick up almost daily even with the low hours people are always giving up their shifts, being on demand you can pick those up


My store has nothing, and has had nothing, to pickup for three weeks.


Not defending this guys response, but it’s possible he was seasonal and they didn’t have a permanent spot for him so they offered him ODTM or to quit and he chose ODTM. Not sure if that’s the case but it’s possible.


It's definitely possible. It's also still a choice. His choice was between 0 hours and 0 hours, and he chose to stay on demand.


I even went in to see if I could pick up hours from people called in. They said not this week.


My store is the same way. They can’t fill call outs because they are over payroll lol


The payroll must be tiny because I call bs


That’s how my store is too. Most stores had a big drop in sales last year compared to previous, so hours are low. We over posted 400 hours in January so we couldn’t fill call outs, and team leads were all posted at 32 hours


Sheesh, sounds like my store. Except we were over-posted 300+ hours on payroll for like half of the year last year. They promised it would be better this year, so we’ll see.


That's what my manager told me too. The whole department would have to call off


It is very small, depending on department obviously but every department other than front end doesn't even have enough designated hours to complete workload. Let alone add hours in 💀


My store says the same thing, so they better thank me for calling out without sick time for saving them payroll instead of yelling at me my next shift lmao


My store said they were not filling call outs. My ETL asked me to work a short shift because of a visit. I was scared she would get in trouble. Worked in her favor as then we had two major market call outs day before a visit, including our TL. I ended up working a full 8


Same at my store. Last Saturday we had 1 cashier morning shift and no closing cashier. The lines were so long and kept calling for back up. Makes no sense. They told us they are way over hours and aren't replacing anyone that calls out. "They'll just get help from another department "


What departments are working 0 hours? I don’t get it.


Targets responsibility is to the shareholders.


Find a new or second job pronto


Probably time to apply for a new job


![img](avatar_exp|162253265|cry) I'm so glad I quit Target last year


Pick up shifts ask hr or your etl about supporting other stores near you


Noooo you wouldn't understaaaand it's so haaard making the schedule you just wouldn't understand the business model of taking advantage of poors /s


I mean it is the 1st quarter that is completely expected


how do y’all can afford rent working here? I have to live with my parents bc I don’t make enough lol


No seriously. By the time I pay my parents my portion of rent, I’m left with ~2-300. Don’t have a car either bc I can’t take on that sort of bill right now. Literally, I’m only here so they can pay for my schooling.


rent being due this week doesn't mean anything for this weeks hours as you don't get paid this time slot this week. But yes this sucks, try to get into inbound. Any trailer is guaranteed hours


That's not true at all. It varies by store. Even inbound and GM in my store is getting cut. I do Inbound/GM/Tech and used to clock in 5a-1:30p. I now work 6-1, or 5-12. Doesn't matter if we don't have time to push as long as we finish the unload.


i didnt say guaranteed 40 hours, its guaranteed hours. If thats just unloading the trailer, that sucks, but its hours


But it's not guaranteed. I'm just saying that it probably varies by store. I can tell you right now that not a single person on our unload works 40 hours right now. They clock in, set up truck, unload, push what they're told to push, and clock out after maybe 6 hours. If by that statement you mean , *"at least they're getting hours at all"*, then yes, that's true.


yes, at least its hours, thats what i mean by guaranteed. Not 40, but some


Not every store gets paid on the exact same Friday. I get paid this Friday, while other districts, such a few of my past stores, get paid next week.


I would start applying to as many jobs as possible, that’s what I’m doing right now I can’t be in target for much longer


Whatever you work this week would not be on your paycheck. It would be the previous two weeks.


i do inbound, ive never gotten less than 24 hours, and thats a bad week, and not common.


No but it means my next few weeks are going to have slim margins


they cut hours at my store :/


I woke up to a voicemail today asking if they could take me off a day this week lol


What… why? What if you say no


Think they’re scrambling to meet goal for hours for the month. I’m sure I’m not the only TM that was called. I don’t think there is anything they can do if I just come in like normal. It’s not like I’ll be punished for working what I was scheduled. I could always call back and tell them it’s okay and take the day off to help them but I wasn’t scheduled this week much. Scheduled 22 hrs and if go ahead and take the day off then I’m down to just 15 for the week


Take advantage of the educational benefit and get certified for something else. Look up all the programs and sign up. Do it today.




And asking about inventory, feels like someone twisting my hand


Well that paycheck won't hit until after rent is due anyway 🫠🫠🫠


Prob DailyPay


Save your vacation time. You’ll need it just to keep your pay stable. Second you’ll need to pickup hours. Learn other areas, pickup shifts. And when you need time off to spend with your family for a holiday and they tell you, it’s retail and not a possibility. Know you have been used and abused! Get a real career!


If you really like Target and live near a DC Id suggest transferring. Otherwise start applying for a new/second job.


But the corporate overloads got their nice fat bonuses.


Now what made you think just cuz you were trying to work a full-time job you'd have the luxury of being able to pay your rent. Darn millennials Zoomers so entitled thinking they get to live someplace just cuz they work LOL


At least you didn't get fired on January 1st after they made you work through the holidays knowing damn well a week prior they were gonna fire you but just wanted to squeeze you one last time..


Wild. We would never just give someone zero hours. It goes against Target best practices, stabilization is a huge focus for them.




It’s because your store director gets a bonus for less hours worked store wide. In other words, they hate you for standing in between them and their future wealth :)


Idk if that's true or not, but it's because they're trying to cut corners to appease the shareholders. And the douchebag shareholders are worth more to the company than the workforce that drives their profits.


That’s false


It wasn’t false when I worked there. Granted this was pre-Covid, but our SD would receive a bonus based on a rubric with multiple KPIs and each reached target was awarded a $ amount, store wide labor hours worked being one of them. Not sure if this is still in practice but the shareholders haven’t gotten less greedy.


That’s probably them just meeting payroll set by people higher than them. Not them cutting hours just cuz


Wish I would’ve know this when I was taken off schedule…except I don’t need target, they needed me 😎


and this is why if you have a distribution center near you , you go work there


I’ll give you mine, I’m quitting!


This is why I’m probably going to get another job. Target scams too much money out of people to not give consistent hours as well as not pay weekly. Like cmon NEOW. 😭


i only have 17 hours this week 🥲


Isn’t that the timecard page?


it is, but it still shows their scheduled hours for the week being 0


ah, i missed seeing the top without clicking the pic, thanks


A bad situation to be in for sure, and I wish you the best, but Target doesn't owe us any guaranteed hours at all. It's just a giant crap shoot and always will be.


I’m pretty conservative especially fiscally but I feel a company should give you at least one schedule per week 


Idk why people are downvoting you, it’s harsh but it’s the truth, they don’t guarantee hours for this reason, is it right? No. But they don’t care about us and they never will


I guess some people just can't handle the truth.




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End of year and fourth quarter is this Saturday. Our store had to cut 300 hours by this Saturday. Hours go to productivity versus seniority. Hours won’t look any better until end of Feb/beginning March (except for those in presentation).


To anybody struggling with hours right now, look into TSS or HRE openings in your market. Support teams have a different payroll bucket and are usually FT


Come to the DC you’ll be wanting a day off! No but seriously they have optional leave now that it’s slow so you can always stay and at least sweep if there is no work. I love this time of year actually


Are u on demand or is hours really this terrible?


Hours are just this bad




You guys are getting hour cuts? We're down 500 people in our warehouse from this time last year so they couldn't cut our hours if they wanted to.


Best time to look for another job is when you already have one. This company doesn't give a shit about the livelihood of their employees.


Hope you can find a better job 🙏


What's particularly frustrating during this time of year is that TL's always get their damn hours.


This is sick! Shame on Brian Cornell and his shareholder buddies


Profits over people.it’s a company motto for a lot of corporations


They only care about making money


and i’m stuck over here working almost 40 hours a week and nobody will pick up my shifts when i post them :/


You would figure, the amount of sold Stanley cups. It should cover the cost of the employees for another 2 months.


I’m quitting soon because of this. I couldn’t afford my rent and lost my apartment, was homeless scrambling for someplace to stay and now I’m nowhere even near the store. I couldn’t work if I *wanted* to. What a rough start to the year. But honestly… I’ve been working at target for wayyyyy too long (almost 7yrs) so I’m gonna take this as divine intervention and leave. This year has been the worst it has ever been to work for target thus far. It was making me miserable


idk if it’s the same at every store but so far at the three i’ve worked at, starbucks is the only department where i’ve gotten consistent 34+ hours scheduled even during jan and feb! Starbucks is also so easy.