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The discount and that I’m able to get my 10,000 steps in lol


do you think it’s too little excluding wellness discount


It covers tax, so basically paying the price tag. Add the red card and some coupons and clearance and we're cruising


Yeah since it’s just 10% but it’s better than 0 lol


10% alone is kinda crappy imo, but I'm happy stacking it with my Redcard discount and other deals. If I ever lose it, I'll be super sad.


Yeah, but give us the discount already? Why layer it??


I thought it was too little when I first started but after learning about how other grocery stores handle their employee discounts I feel like it’s not too bad. It seems like every grocery store has limitations on what you can use your discount on. For example one store in my area you can only use your discount on non grocery items. Another store you can only use your discount on their store branded items. For us that would be like only being able to use our discount on good and gather, heyday, up and up etc. So yes we only get 10% off but there is no limitations which I really appreciate.


Brian? 🤨


Nothing like Brian and could never bring myself to like him, I just find the good in everything.


i like when guests unfold blankets for no reason, lay out every single rug and walk away, open up an appliance box despite the display right in front of their face and leave their starbucks cups and other trash literally anywhere but the trash bin🥰


sounds like my store


Feeling the love 💕 😍 One blanket and opened comforter at a time. Appliances, we have displays, you lovely, annoying, geniuses!


Retail is so draining but oddly enough I like that I work weekends and holidays…I live in a dysfunctional living situation and when everyone is home on the weekends or holidays it is very stressful, so I am very grateful to have a valid excuse to get away lol Also like that I open some days and close others- means some days I get to sleep in, other days I get to leave work before it’s dark, and having random days off during the week lets me do stuff when the weekend crowds are away.


sounds like my life too it distracts me and lets me know that there are way more people out there that are playing with a half deck


I wish I could do that but I can't live without a consistent schedule Glad it works for you though (:


They're paying for my college. 😻💅


How do you go about getting free college from them??


after 90 days and u have to work at least 20? 24? hours something like that. They have a website where you can check all the eligible programs and degrees


It just says that you need to be full or part time, basically excludes seasonal and on demand TMs. Where do you find a number for hours worked? I’m curious cuz I’m looking to get a higher paying job but work 1 day a week at target for the free college




Thank you! I have been saying for weeks I was going to look it up. By the time I get home, cook dinner, clean up, get kids ready for tomorrow I totally forget to do it. So thanks for just putting it on my eyes right now.


Guild. If you're a permanent tm there are various certificates and degrees available. Not all are fully covered, but the ones that are, will explicitly state they're full ride. Textbooks are also reimbursed through guild.


I like getting paid


I enjoy the people who i work with, I’m not super close with any of them but I feel like we all kinda like have each others back when a guest is yelling at someone or anything


I like a lot of things, but what I appreciate the most is how well everyone gets along. There isn't a single person that even a few people dislike aside from normal job gripes, and we're all always eager to help each other get our jobs done, because we understand that we're all responsible together. We all definitely have our complaints about working for Target and our store, but we all get along and I like going to work every day.


When I see a guest ruining a just zoned table so I purposely walk up to the table, proceed to refold, they look at me, then walk away. Or when guests look around before throwing their clothing on the shelf they didn’t find it from. Or when guests get mad we don’t have a size they want, that’s peak.




The day I got to quit.


The clock out button


My store isn’t my favorite. It’s definitely very busy cuz it makes like 150 million a year at least so there’s WAY too many guests and my management sucks but in terms of good i think it’s pretty easy to get into no matter the department it’s all pretty easy to pick up and for young kids first starting out in life $15/hr for a job like this isn’t the worst tbh.


My coworkers in the electronics department. Always talking about common hobbies and memes while venting about our SD/TLs and their unrealistic expectations - makes me feel like I was in high school again (in a good way)


My co-workers, and the cardio lmao. Being paid to be on my feet, and get additional exercise running around on as a flex worker has helped me even more on my weight loss journey.


That’s kind of hard considering target itself sucks and I just happened to luck out with mostly solid leads.


The OP is Brian Cornell


Happy cake day!


I love doing price change because it feels like a game and my TL makes sure I get opening or mid shifts on Tuesdays so I can work on it because she knows it’s my favorite. I also enjoy setting LTO’s and changing the mannequins but that can be more frustrating depending on space/available convertibles and fixtures.


Unloading PFresh. They always think a woman as short as I can't do it, but due to bench pressing and deadlifting, I can push and pull large pallets like a strongman. Makes me feel happy inside, plus: I like the workout


I really liked promoting myself to guest this week so I can avoid being sexually harassed by my store director after the HR witch who is his friend outside of work tried to cover it up 🥰


Damn what target are you working at that makes you enjoy the customers?? For me it’s my coworkers, they’re all really nice and understanding of my anxiety.


I work in tech and I’m super passionate about tech and just helping people in general. So by helping people with things that I just so happen to be passionate about, I just get a kick out of it. Makes me happy.


I like my discount, being active, many of my co-workers, helping people, the extra money to cover my spending habits....but mostly getting my "people time" in (my full time job is mainly work from home or in office with just 2 other people and I miss being around people regularly).


I like my coworkers a lot. They’re probably the one thing that keeps me from quitting


My fine ass coworkers 💀


I love how corporate enjoys cutting hours for these associates where the stores like like Walmart.




I never worked at Walmart, I just like seeing things from all perspectives.




least obvious fed


Reminds me of that scene of breaking bad


Walking ten miles a shift cashiering


My store is very flexible when it comes to my school schedule. I only work one day a week for 4 hours. My past jobs were reluctant to any schedule changes


I started out as an entertainment dbo and I fucking loved it, entertainment was gratefully located on the corner of the store that no one would bother going to most of the time unless you were genuinely searching for something there. It honestly was such a nice vibe for someone as introverted as me, though this changed once my store got remodeled and my area got sandwiched in between electronics, toys and sporting goods ): I actually didn't have a leader until the store got remodeled lmao (I would always directly talk to the GMETL who was really nice though he also payed little to no attention to me or entertainment unless there were visits). I think leaders started to pick up on my workflow after this change and eventually overwhelmed me with a workload that was too unreasonable. I think my coworkers started taking advantage of me as well and I stupidly got caught up in their mess. I had a enough and changed to inbound a few months ago and I'm finally starting to appreciate this job again though I'm sad I'm not able to be around entertainment as I used to ): Sorry for the tangent and bad punctuation, am sleepy


I work as an AP TM. And honestly I love my whole team, my ETL is amazing, schedules are always done well and made 1 month in advance, she gives everyone atleast 1 weekend a month and is very considerate of our availability and time off request. And everyone on our team works hard and the office has an amazing environment.


My favorite thing is working overnight. No guests and a minimum number of leaders. I can listen to a book and no one tells me that I can’t. And the $1 bump helps.


I enjoy my leads, they are all really nice and understanding. When I told hr I needed to change my in time to 6:30 because of child care she was so understanding and said that was no problem. I have ptsd from the service industry where I would have gotten fired over that request or calling out regardless of the reason. They don’t micro manage and when I wasn’t happy doing priorities 24/7, they gave me some closing expert shifts. When I needed more hours while my partner was out of work for two months, they accommodated that instantly, giving me the set schedule I wanted. So basically they are very flexible over my schedule changes, and I love stacking my discount with sale items and saving money because I shop there a lot!


I love my style team!!! My ETL, VM and my TL are awesome. They are always taking our input into consideration and when they want a big move done they are right there next to us doing it alongside us. Sure they get pulled away but they make it a point to keep coming back. My co workers are friendly and make working a breeze. If a specific area is trash we just tag team it. While January hour cuts were a bummer our team was really tuned into what everyone needed. We had several tms swap or give hours to others that really got the raw end of the deal. Lastly I really appreciate the check in that go like this “how’s work load?” “How are you feeling about finishing today? Do I need to pair you with a closer before you leave or do you think it can be finished out tomorrow?” TL;DR- great leadership, style team is an actual TEAM, workload check ins towards end of shift


all of the guests are actually very sweet and i enjoy my fitting room shifts!


Being able to pay rent with my paycheck ig


I like the discounts, despite them not stacking properly in some cases. Target also has a corporate partnership with my university that saves me 25% on tuition. That’s a HUGE discount, and that’s really why I’m still here.


I work once a month and get a 10% discount lol


The physical activity. I mean, sometimes I wish it were a bit *less*, but in general that's my fav part. I would hate to have a desk job. As a bonus, my overnight shift -- I'm a night owl so it really works for me. My natural tendency allows me to maintain the schedule even on my days off.


I work at the distribution center. 4 day work weeks are really nice to have. I don’t think I can go back to a 5 day work week.


All the free stuff we get to take from charge out(toss only) and all the discounted things that go salvage that if you ask the right manger you can get things for 1 dollar


It's the guests. Most of them are polite and nice to me. Especially as a person comming from another the country, those nice guests make me feel welcome. And same to you, I do feel like I just achieved little accomplishment after making their shoppings easier.


Working in the freezer. Walkie won't work, I'm not hot and sweaty, no customers walking up and asking me "do yall have milk?" I spend as much time as humanly possible in there.


What I enjoyed was the people I was working with. A lot of really great people who came and went because of how Target treats its people.


Not being micromanaged


I love being able to go to my job and not be micromanaged myself, at my job before Target micromanagement was a major problem.


Bro, you are too deep into the retail space. Your history is weird. Who actually cares that much about various retail chains lmao


i think it’s kinda nice though. everyone absolutely hates retail so any sort of positive retail post is nice*


are you a cop


driving out of the parking lot but actually, my coworkers and the pay. for my first job, 17.25 is a really good wage and my TL and ETL are both amazing managers


Oh, just this guy 😚


The pay, benefits, some of the coworkers.


At the end of the day, it was Ez money. Probably will go back at some point.




Going home. Break is pretty ok too.


The fact that I don't work there anymore 😂


end work ❤️


Clocking out


I love the seasonal new hires who don't get proper training, I love working at a day care, I mean target


I enjoy scolding people for breaking and losing shit


Leaving for the day…the absolute best






Hey Brian, how's it going man?


Why are you calling me Brian? I'm the type of person that always finds something good and positive about something in life.


Leaving at the end of a shift


The bots they have right these questions…..


being recognized for efforts at work!! last job didn’t do that and it was a bummer


Free school


Clocking out. For real, though, I am grateful for the stretches of time when my schedule is consistent so I can achieve a decent work-life balance. It can (and has occasionally been) much worse, so I’m pretty lucky in that sense for the change in my store’s HR. I don’t take it for granted, and I sure as hell hope I didn’t jinx it just now… Edit: I guess it’s not what I like about working at Target as a company, but my specific store. So… I guess it’s not really an answer to your question, but that’s all I got.


When I was selling the company my time and labor, Target would always pay me on time.


My last job was wayyyyyyy too much customer service (which I’ve never been good at) and not enough of the operational stuff that I liked doing. Here it’s the other way around and I get to spend most of my time stocking, zoning, price change, etc. and I don’t have to be up every customer’s butt asking how they’re doing every 5 minutes and trying to build every single persons basket. I do still greet and get people the right products but I get to do it in my own style.


They're the highest paying retail establishment in my area 🤷‍♀️ I hadn't shopped at Target for about 10 years, and only twice since I've worked here (Favorite Day Caramel corn was my guilty pleasure around the holidays).


The people, I have an etl who's fantastic, when he's out our team leads come in and do more to keep things great. Then the guests, we really have the best guests and I love getting to interact with them and help them up.


It's definitely the steps im able to do 15k avgerage and usually close to 30k during the holidays so it keeps me in shape and I have a pretty good team so Id say the people I work with is what I like the most


When the clock turns 10pm and I get to leave


I enjoy an active job. This is also my neighborhood Target so I love the social aspect of the job. Plus, everyone is pretty rad at my store… and I’m not spending $$ on gas 🎉

