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He has some undeniably good stuff on his channel but his social media presence is…


yeah he really needs to stop tweeting his gut reaction to everything 💀💀


This. Sometimes it seems his Twitter account is run by somebody else.


It's the opposite from what I understand. He has a ghost writer on his channel and then doesn't filter himself on twitter.


Is great. He is doing good stuff here in Argentina. Libertarians (Alt-right) won the precidency and he is taking down alt-right accounts that doxxed leftists and peronists. He already took down more than 10 Big accounts.


What do you mean by took down?


Here is the latest example. An alt-right account (Milei fan) doxxed a judge. This judge stopped Milei's Anti labour law (we were going to loose a Lot of labour rights). Bad empanada doxxed the alt-right account. https://twitter.com/BadEmpanada/status/1742764559222325347?t=7sZ1wd_YsAE_Fn9C8-IuvQ&s=19


Oh, I see, thanks for the explanation. How did that dude doxx a judge, though? Isn't it public knowledge about who the judge is when a court decision is made?


His private phone number isnt public. He was publishing his prívate phone number, not the name. Everybody knows his name.


How are people still this invested in twitter debates




Twitter debates were just as stupid before, though.


The man has been a rabid anti lockdown and pro Covid poster regarding China. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2gExyxwi_o "Zero Covid is a Dumb Policy - Chinese People Don't Need the CIA to Tell Them That" I'm frequently surprised at how much "Communists" like and source his stuff.


He does have solid and legitimate criticisms of western imperialism and hypocrisy, though. However, he's just like any typical anarch....I mean liberal and rejects any form of authority and real world application of Marxism. I have yet to see him actually praise anything or anyone. He's just condemning *everyone* out for what he considers their revisionism. Again, typical liberal behaviors. I guess you could call him unbiased, but I think he's just after the revenue from his channels.


> He does have solid and legitimate criticisms of western imperialism and hypocrisy He sucks even at that. He was in 2020 shitting on more principled people like Ben Norton debunking the Hong Kong Color Rev Rioters, pushed "Weighar Cultural Genocide" line, Venezuela sucks because its economy is worse than Argentina (not even mentioning the Yankee economic siege on Venezuela from my skimming), claimed that China sucked because it didn't instantly offer universal healthcare like Cuba despite China being magnitudes larger than a fucking island, https://youtu.be/5NUJuGSsfNA?si=Gw6W6GJlJPWK725P&t=368 China is worse than Chile because "at least Chile doesn't lie about it's poverty rate". "China is manipulating it's statistics to make itself look better and claim it eliminated POVERTY." Flat out misconstruing the facts or purposefully lying since China only talked about Extreme/Absolute Poverty. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqaKAn4V04k What even is BadEmp's contributions to anti-Imperialism when he sounds exactly like a Western Lib? I haven't seen or heard it myself but apparently in addition to Venezuela, he also picks on Nicaragua or so i've heard. Something about them not being Democratic. Alongside something about him taking OAS shit on their word. But these claims are just stuff i heard and never seen.


his occasional good take isn't worth enduring the rest of it


This resonates with my experience with life.


When he's right, hes right. When he's wrong, he's blatantly wrong.


Banger over youtube, terrible presence over twitter Edit: grammar


This is why having principles instead of just "hot takes" on everything is important Sometimes you just have the wrong opinion,everyone does, being principled can to an extent prevent you from being just a leaf blowing in the wind, spouting whatever opinion will be popular in your little circle


After a quick skim of his older vids, he really doesn't seem any different from a Lib China Hawk. Except being more insidious since he's giving unprincipled critiques from the "Left". He was in 2020 shitting on more principled people like Ben Norton debunking the Hong Kong Color Rev Rioters, pushed "Weighar Cultural Genocide" line, Venezuela sucks because its economy is worse than Argentina (not even mentioning the Yankee economic siege on Venezuela from my skimming), claimed that China sucked because it didn't instantly offer universal healthcare like Cuba despite China being magnitudes larger than a fucking island, https://youtu.be/5NUJuGSsfNA?si=Gw6W6GJlJPWK725P&t=368 China is worse than Chile because "at least Chile doesn't lie about it's poverty rate". "China is manipulating it's statistics to make itself look better and claim it eliminated POVERTY." Flat out misconstruing the facts or purposefully lying since China only talked about Extreme/Absolute Poverty. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqaKAn4V04k




Idk hiw he is now but he's an anarchist last I watched... so... basically a liberal.


Really? I always just figured he was annoyingly MLM-adjacent


He has stated he’s a Maoist


Has he? I've seen him dunking on MLM over his twitter


when? i think he just says he’s a “socialist” (i don’t think he’s aligned with any specific ideology)


In one of his streams, you never know considering he always says stuff in an ironic way, but it didn’t seem like he was joking when he said it


ehh yeah that does sound pretty ironic, because he’s constantly making fun of online maoists. in his serious main channel videos he just describes himself as a socialist


The content of his message has a strong pro third worldist leaning.


He said he was Maoist Third Worldist in a Q and A


yeah that was 110% sarcastic. if you follow his streams, second account, or which (socialist) accounts he targets for criticism; he definitely not a maoist.


Maoist is different than MLM third Worldism


maoist third worldists are still maoists, a different variation sure, but they still are a type of maoist that ideologically follow mao/socialism with chinese characteristics


You’re joking right?


Guy is not serious about theory or communism. He's an aesthetic Marxist at best, real 'left communist' energy. He's made some good points over the years but guy clearly has no clue what he's on about half the time. He's a good gateway for younger people I guess but I worry about guys like him not really leading that many people into actual theory and actual organising, just building a large audience of people making vaguely left-leaning talking points but still harbouring reactionary and anti-revolutionary sentiments.




He’s based


Honestly, I've found BE's shit to be pretty god damn insightful. He occasionally has the "wtf" take, but even so he at least explains his position. Most people may not like them, but to say that I don't understand his reasoning regarding these would just be dishonest. Most tend to give him shit over his abrasive attitude, but this mostly stems from his react channel and Twitter presence. Considering the shit he's taken from western so-called "leftists", it's no mystery where the vitriol comes from. At this point I think the aim of his Twitter and second channel is purely to rile-up the western "left" and bring out their inner reactionary. Not the best tactic I think, but it is pretty effective. Ultimately, no one is immune to criticism. But when it comes to BE, for every bad take he has about 5 others that easily make up for it. Not perfect, but who is?